Gu Yaner's clear eyes directly avoided the woman in front of her. Without looking at her, she strode over her and walked towards the elevator.

"Gu Yaner, what are you pulling? As long as I don't let go, you and Ke Hezhe will never have real happiness." ignored Rong Qingya stretched out her hand to catch Gu Yaner's arm.

Gu Yan'er dodged with a flash of her body, and then said coldly: "call the police."

Immediately, a bodyguard stopped Rong Qingya. Although Gu Yaner went to work alone, no matter where she went, Ke Hezhe sent a car to follow and protect her. "Miss Rong, please don't disturb my wife."

"Your wife? What kind of shit is she? She has nothing to do with he zhe for half a dime."

Gu Yan'er smiled and turned around lightly, "Oh, is Miss Rong related to he zhe?"

"Yes, we have a relationship, a great relationship."

Gu Yaner was not in a hurry. Originally, she thought that women like a pile of shit didn't pay attention to it, but Huizi thought that the woman was too unruly, "really? Please show evidence, miss. What's your relationship? Husband and wife? Lover? Friend? Or business partner."

"You can't control it."

"He Zhe and I are husband and wife. If you say you have a relationship with him, I can sue you for libel."

"How dare you sue me? He Zhe and I are husband and wife, lovers and partners. You can't control them."

Gu Yaner almost threw up. How narcissistic is it? Narcissism is disgusting. However, it's not worth getting angry with such a woman. Therefore, she is not angry at all, "Well, since you have so many relationships with he Zhe, can you get your marriage certificate to prove that you are husband and wife? Can you get evidence that you live with him as a lover or have a relationship with him? Also, tell me, what cooperation projects do you have with he zhe?" if there is no cooperation project, how can you become a partner? Rong Qingya can make things out of nothing.

"I... i... i... the company under my name was founded by him before."

"Ha ha ha." Gu Yaner smiled and went on with Rong Qingya. She thought she would reinterpret the word IQ. Does she have IQ or not?

"What are you laughing at?"

Gu Yaner ignored her and turned to the bodyguard behind her and said, "don't let her follow or enter the company." Rong Qingya would rather not see her again all her life if she could.

"Gu Yaner, you will regret that you robbed my man. I will make you regret. I will make your life worse than death and make you regret what you did to me today..." Behind her, Rong Qingya has been roaring and even trying to catch up with Gu Yaner's theory with Gu Yaner. Fortunately, she was stopped by the bodyguard. She knew that she would be bad for Gu Yaner. How could Ke Hezhe allow Gu Yaner to have an accident at this time? Absolutely not.

Gu Yaner was busy again. With yesterday's experience, she did very fast that day. It took only four or five hours to sort out all the work accumulated according to human service trade. She left the rest to the Department Manager. She packed up her things and went back. She didn't have to work nine to five. She had two small things to take care of.

Besides, Ke Hexi doesn't pay her.

The Ke family is busy. Although the overall planning has been handed over to the planning company by Ke Hezhe, the old and young people in the family are quietly studying how to make the old man happy that day, and they have to study it behind the old man's back when he is away. Ke Qingyu means that the old and young people all show programs in small families. This is strong for children, and Gu Yaner is not It's urgent. She gave it to Xiaodan and Xiaoyu took care of everything.

The children's program was later handed over to the kindergarten teacher. As for her and Ke Hezhe, they were going to have a birthday song. Well, that's the plan.

Seeing that the old man's birthday is getting closer and closer, Peng Qing comes to the ancestral house more and more times. Gu Yaner always has a lukewarm attitude towards Peng Qing. Fortunately, Peng Qing doesn't bother her every time. She is also happy and comfortable. She occasionally goes to the florist to take care of some things and takes care of Xiaoyu and Jing Xu more often.

As for Ke Hezhe, he is so busy at work every day that Gu Yaner often doesn't see him. She often goes out early and comes back late. When he comes back, he leaves and she is still sleeping.

Gu Yaner doesn't bother him. After all, Ke Hexi hasn't come back for a while. He is very busy, busy with Ke's work and other things.

She doesn't know anything else. It's said that Fu Zhuang a has acquired 30% of the shares in the secondary city. If he doesn't have strong funds, he can't afford to play. It's really a rich man. Gu Yaner laments that he doesn't care about his investment anymore. She really doesn't understand that.

She doesn't care. Peng Qing has never asked. This is very strange. It's very abnormal to see the relationship between Peng Qing and the Rong family. Peng Qing won't watch the Rong family fall, and it's because of Ke Hezhe.

However, Peng Qing never stopped Ke Hezhe from buying Rong's shares.

That afternoon, all the people in the ancestral home, old and young, except the four older ones who went to the kindergarten, took a nap. Xiaoyu and Jingxu slept side by side on the bed and slept soundly. Gu Yaner thought of several Puppet Toys drying in the garden and washed them early in the morning. The meeting was almost dry. She turned and walked downstairs, but she didn't expect to meet just after she came out of the glass door Peng Qing came in. Xu often came recently. She actually had the key to her ancestral house and came in directly.

Gu Yaner didn't think of this. She thought Peng Qing was an elder and her husband's mother after all. Therefore, although she never spoke these days, she nodded at Peng Qing, and then walked towards the clothes hanger not far away. The light in the garden was particularly good, so she hung the puppet after washing in the washing machine in the morning.

It's Xiaodan diemeng and the puppets loved by Xiaoyu. They will be cleaned because they like it and left for the children to continue playing.

"Oh, it's Gu Yaner. At least I'm your mother-in-law and your husband's mother. Don't you even say hello when you meet?"

Gu Yaner just paused slightly and continued to walk forward. She didn't want to pay attention to a woman with three wrong views like Peng Qing. She couldn't reason with such a woman at all.

"Gu Yaner, you robbed my son. You will be sent by heaven sooner or later. Wait."

Such ugly words came out of her mother-in-law's mouth. When she heard them with her own ears, Gu Yaner had only one feeling for a moment. Peng Qing was intentional. When someone was there, she was as kind as another person, but when there were only two of them, all her true faces were exposed.

Gu Yaner takes a deep breath and then takes a deep breath. She can't be fooled. It's not worth getting angry with Peng Qing. She can't beat or scold Peng Qing. If she scolds, it's definitely her who looks wrong. After all, she is a junior. After all, Peng Qing is Ke Hezhe's mother.

Seeing Gu Yaner walk to the puppets and start to pick up the puppets, Peng Qing is annoyed, "Gu Yaner, you are shameless. Do you think you can succeed if you occupy my son? I tell you, how did you occupy it, I will let you return it. I will make you regret it. He Zhe is Qingya, mine and never yours."

Gu Yaner's hand slightly stagnated, then closed her eyes and continued to pick the puppets. Only a few small puppets were picked in three or two. Before turning around, she subconsciously swept to the lawn in the garden. Sure enough, her shadow and Peng Qing's shadow stretched on the green lawn a few steps away. Peng Qing still stood there waiting for her.

Isn't that enough?

Gu Yaner shook her head and walked to the glass door with the puppet in her arms. She didn't respond. Peng Qing was not afraid of Peng Qing, but felt that when one was barking at you, would you also shout back?

However, her indifference made Peng Qing lose face. The whole person was bad. Seeing Gu Yaner coming, she also welcomed her and shook her hand to hit Gu Yaner, "bang", but her hand was only half waved and Gu Yaner stopped her. "Ms. Peng, there are surveillance videos everywhere in the ancestral house. If you are not afraid of being found by your son, you can call." Every time she went out, Ke Hezhe's people protected her until she returned to her ancestral home. Otherwise, if she was outside, someone would have stopped her at this time.

Ke Hezhe never thought of it. In fact, she was even more unsafe in her ancestral home, because he put Peng Qing in. Peng Qing was like a bomb that could detonate at any time. It was dangerous at any time.

"You... You..." Peng Qing pushed Gu Yaner's arm. Seeing that she couldn't open it, she had to put down her arm, "hum, wait and see." then she angrily entered the living room.

Gu Yaner looked at her back and walked in slowly for a long time. She just wanted to be as far away from Peng Qing as possible. If the old man wasn't going to have a birthday soon, she really wanted to move away from her ancestral house immediately. Although her small home was small, it was comfortable and warm.

It's better where you can't see Peng Qing.

All afternoon, Gu Yaner didn't go downstairs. She watched Xiaoyu and Jing Xu. She had two babies. That's enough.

It's true that Ke Hezhi and Bo Jiu haven't come back for several days. Do you really want to wait for the day before the old man's birthday, as Ke Hezhe said?

Gu Yaner was a little upset. She teased this and that for a while. She was holding Jing Xu's small face. Her mobile phone rang. When she saw that it was Ke Hezhe's, she picked it up, "Hezhe, what's up?"

"Mom is downstairs. She said she hasn't seen Xiaoyu all day. Just hold her down and let her have a look."

"No." Leng drank, and Gu Yaner hung up immediately. She was crazy to see Peng Qing, but she didn't see her.

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