"OK." there are too many cars on the road, and there are three children on the bus, so Ke Hezhe must focus on driving.

Gu Yaner casually took Ke Hezhe's mobile phone. When her fingertips were on the screen, her heart beat wildly, closed her eyes, and then opened it, the content of the short message had jumped in front of her, "head, when you checked the people here, it should have nothing to do with when. Other possibilities are under investigation."

Er, the text message is nothing, but there is still no news. Gu Yaner pursed her lips. "He Zhe, Zhang Zhu said it has nothing to do with when people are. In fact, you can try to check..." Gu Yaner stopped here and asked Ke Hezhe to check his mother. It's a little strange. I'm afraid he won't either.

"Rong Qingya? I've checked it and I'm still reviewing it. If it were her, Fu Zhuang a wouldn't give Rong's family half a point." Ke Hezhe looked straight ahead, but his insistence on maintaining Gu Yaner didn't diminish at all.

Gu Yaner gently put down Ke Hezhe's mobile phone and felt thoughtful at the bottom of her heart.

If it hadn't been for the old man's birthday today, she would have gone looking for someone herself.

Mom, there must be nothing wrong.

When the car drove to the seaside, the strong smell of the sea came to my face. The car stopped and the children got off the car happily. In addition to her and Ke Hezhe, as well as Wu Yanran and Ke hechen, others didn't know anything about murongqing. Even Ke Qingyu didn't know. There were many people. The old man didn't think so much when he was immersed in the celebration of his birthday, Ke Qingyu just wanted his old father to have a big birthday, and he didn't have time to think about murongqing. He believed what his children said. After more than 20 years of isolation, his view of life became simple.

Simplicity is the most beautiful. At least, you don't have to worry about sadness.

Gu Yaner was always restless, especially when she saw Peng Qing turning around the old man with Ke Qingyu. Fortunately, she still had children, otherwise she would definitely collapse.

Four big children are playing crazy on the beach. The old people are sitting in a wheelchair watching the children, or playing with the sand happily, or running to the beach to tread the waves. The joy of chasing the waves infects everyone's heart. Happy, if you can, everyone should be happy.

But Gu Yaner couldn't be happy.

Murongqing still has no news.

The sun is setting, and the night is slowly opening the prelude to the night. It's getting dark.

Adults and children got on the yacht one after another. Gu Yaner thought it was a rented yacht. When she got on it, she knew that it was a brand-new yacht. It turned out that Ke Hezhe specially bought it for the old man's birthday.

Big pen.

You know, such a big luxury yacht is absolutely valuable.

The dinner is about to begin. The old man's birthday banquet is a family banquet, and no outsiders are invited to attend. This is also the old man's meaning. It's just like to be harmonious and round. When people are old, what they want is such a feeling and atmosphere of home.

It was a little cold at the seaside at night. Gu Yaner was adding clothes for Xiaoyu. Ke Qingyu came over and shocked her, "Dad..."

"Is something wrong with your mother?" Ke Qingyu asked directly without giving her time to think. Even if the response was slow, he guessed that something must have happened. After all, Murong Qing can't buy something all day. It's just shopping. In fact, she can buy it for others. Where must she be.

"I......" Gu Yaner was slightly confused when facing Ke Qingyu's problem. At a loss, she turned her eyes to Ke Hezhe. I really hope Ke Hezhe had news of his mother at this time, but Ke Hezhe, who was taking care of the children, didn't find the situation on her side.

"Yan'er, just tell me what happened. You don't have to look at he Zhe." Ke Qingyu's eyes are getting deeper and deeper. He guessed five or six points from Gu Yan'er's response. He is not stupid or slow. He has been isolated from the world for more than 20 years. Although Xing Ruzhen is insidious, he always thinks too much of human nature.

"My mother, she should be back soon." Gu Yaner had to say it hard.

Then, I didn't know if God was responding to her answer. Her mobile phone rang. Gu Yaner's conditioned reflex was also subconscious, so she picked it up. When she saw that it was murongqing's number, she excitedly opened the text message.

"Yan'er, the cell phone is out of power. I can't get in touch with you until I change a new cell phone. I ordered an antique a few days ago to give it to the old man as a gift. I don't want to get it until now, but I'm short of cash. The other party only wants cash. Can you send it to me now? If I can't get it today, it's meaningless to give it to the old man at other times It's too late. "

Gu Yan'er finished reading in a hurry. People were relieved and surprised to give Xiaoyu to Ke Qingyu. "Dad, take care of Xiaoyu for me. I'll pick up my mother. She'll be back soon."

"Oh, good, good." Ke Qingyu's face also burst into a smile. It's good if Murong Qing can come back. The old man's birthday banquet will begin soon. There will be fireworks and performances later. Every small family will perform. Therefore, everyone is looking forward to it. Ke Qingyu is no exception. He is still waiting to sing a birthday song with Murong Qing to celebrate the old man's birthday.

The yacht was very lively. Gu Yaner got off the yacht with her bag.

Ke Hezhe's car key is in her hand. As long as she pays the cash, she brings her mother back. She looks at the distance. It doesn't take more than an hour to go back and forth. She should be in time for the old man's dinner.

The car drove fast and shuttled through the lights and shadows. Gu Yaner was more relaxed at this moment. As long as her mother was safe, however, only mobile phone text messages were not enough to reassure her. As soon as Gu Yaner got on the car, she picked up her mobile phone and called her mother. She was very nervous when she waited for the mobile phone to be picked up. Fortunately, Murong Qing answered quickly, "Yan'er, are you out?"

"Let's go." hearing her mother's voice, Gu Yaner's nose was sour. She had to suffer as much as she had to wait all day. She'd better ask her mother when she saw her mother. It's unclear on the phone.

here we are.

Looking at the address her mother said, she slightly frowned. This location is not in the downtown area of T City, nor does it seem to be a place to sell antiques. But when she thought of her mother's phone, she walked into the store without thinking. Just at the moment before entering the store, she touched the content in her handbag. It was a gun.

That's from kehezhe.

Because of when, the Bureau specially equipped Ke Hezhe with a gun, and he was naturally the first wife. Naturally, he secretly gave it to Gu Yaner.

She came in a hurry. She didn't think about anything when she came. She just wanted to take her mother back. However, she has always been cautious. She must have a heart of harm and a heart of prevention.

At night, the antique shop was very busy. Buyers and sellers were bargaining. Gu Yaner entered the door and soon found Murong Qing in a corner. When she saw Murong Qing, she was completely relaxed and relieved.

Her mother's expression was very relaxed. She was really looking for antiques. Although she had some doubts about where her mother had gone all day, she would forget all her doubts when she saw such a mother. She would ask her mother when she got home.

"Mom..." Gu Yan'er shouted.

Murongqing heard the voice and turned his head. "Yan'er, come here quickly. This is it. I think the old man must like it."

Gu Yaner walked over and the clerk warmly welcomed her. "This jade is old. This lady has a good eye, but now she can..."

"Yes, yes." murongqing excitedly pulled Gu Yaner, "you pay."

"666666 yuan." the clerk took the POS machine. Gu Yaner glanced at the numbers on the POS machine. In fact, it was very expensive, and the jade was true or false. She really didn't understand, but she looked at the way her mother liked it very much. In addition, it was a birthday gift for her mother to honor the old man. In fact, it was not much, but it was just a fraction of Ke Hezhe's yacht. Moreover, It seems that her man is not bad for money now. She spends money for her man, regardless of him, buy.

So Gu Yaner pressed the password and bought the jade directly. Murong Qing took the jade and looked left and right. Her happy expression infected Gu Yaner. It's better for her mother to be happy, which is more important than anything.

"Mom, I've been waiting in this store all day?"

"No, I followed the clerk to their head office, saw a lot of jade, and finally picked this one."

"Head office?" Gu Yaner got into the car, first fastened the seat belt for murongqing, and then herself. After fastening the seat belt, she started the car and rushed to the beach.

"Yes, there's another head office in this antique shop, but it's not in T city. I saw the photos and thought they were very good. I went to see them, and then took them back to T city with the people in the store over there."

Gu Yan'er nodded. No wonder she didn't see anyone all day. She was going to pick up jade. She still had doubts in her heart, but she pressed the pressure. First, she drove attentively. She had smelled the smell of the sea and was about to arrive.

As long as it arrives, the whole day's suffering is really nothing.

In front is a viaduct along the sea, with high columns extending to the seabed. In the distance and near, there are neon night scenes in the sea. It's so beautiful.

It's coming. It's really coming. Gu Yaner casually asked, "Mom, why didn't you call home so far? Dad is worried about you." she, Wu Yanran and her two son-in-law are very worried.

"Yes, my cell phone ran out of power and I was picking up jade, so I asked the store to call for me. The waitress said that she had called several times." Murong Qing said with a smile.

Gu Yaner's heart jumped fiercely, and then she just felt that there was something wrong. Subconsciously, she dialed Ke Hezhe with Bluetooth.

"Gu Yaner, where are you and murongqing?" I didn't want to. It was Peng Qing instead of Ke Hezhe who answered the phone.

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