In fact, the stairs of the hospital are more like a kind of decoration. Most of the people in and out took the elevator. When they pushed the door in, the whole staircase only gave Gu Yaner a gloomy feeling and walked two steps. Gu Yaner stepped empty with one foot and grabbed the handrail with one hand conditioned reflex. Naturally, the sound of her feet falling to the ground was heavier, "pa", and the voice control light was on.

Gu Yaner wants to die.

If Ke Hezhe catches up with her, as soon as he sees that the light to the tenth floor is on, he will not go to the twelfth floor. Then with his feet, he will catch up with her in seconds.

no way.

She doesn't want to see him yet.

It was inconvenient for her to see him in all cases.

After all, his team is Peng Qing's side, not her side.

At the moment of lightning flint, Gu Yaner quickly made a decision. She bent over and took off her shoes and carried them in her hand. Then she turned back to the eleventh floor barefoot and walked to the twelfth floor after a few steps. She originally wanted to lead him to the twelfth floor. Now she can only lead him to the eleventh floor with a voice controlled light.

It's a little risky, but she has only one choice.

Barefoot and holding the handrail, Gu Yaner carefully didn't make a sound anymore.

From the 11th floor to the 12th floor, as soon as I turned the corner between the two floors, there was a low, almost inaudible sound of the staircase door being pushed open behind me.

He's coming.

Sure enough, he came.

Gu Yan'er stood still. If he chased to the 12th floor at this time, even if she tried hard to climb the stairs now, it would not be faster than his long legs. If he really caught up, she would recognize it.

For a moment, Gu Yaner felt as if her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

"Bang... Bang... Bang..." the beating sound flustered her. Even if she wanted to take a step, it was impossible.

Having known Ke Hezhe for such a long time, she remembered that this moment was the time when she was most afraid to see him, except that she met him for the first time on the road after he raped her.

It's also this moment. It's funny. Obviously, the two couples are in love, but how can they come to this day?

Blame her?

No wonder.

Blame him?

It doesn't seem strange.

As long as you think about it, your heart will be sour.

The voice control light went dark.

The corridor was silent.

Kohozhe did not appear in the dim field of vision.

The dark light woke her up. It was time for her to go and leave his world.

However, at the moment of starting, Gu Yaner turned around and didn't go to the 12th floor or the 10th floor. Instead, she ran to the 11th floor barefoot, pushed the door directly and walked back to the corridor she had passed before.

Then he put on his shoes and walked briskly to the elevator.

Where you come from, where you leave.

Hiding in the most corner of the elevator, Gu Yaner lowered her cerebellum bag melon. All the figures flashed in her mind like a horse lamp. He sat by the bed and lowered his head to carefully cut the apple. It looked very gentle. The picture was very warm, but it became a kind of irony in her eyes.

Only because the woman he worked for killed her mother. Now, he blames her for murdering Rong Qingya.

The elevator, one floor down, soon reached the first floor.

When the elevator door opened, most of the people in the elevator came out. Someone scanned the elevator. Gu Yaner kept hanging her head and leaned slightly lazily against the elevator wall. She had absolutely no such power before. This posture was not dignified at all. On the contrary, she felt a little sloppy. She deliberately, She doesn't know what the man outside the elevator means?

But what if Ke Hezhe sent here to catch her?

When the elevator stopped on the negative floor, Gu Yaner ran out as soon as the door opened.

When I saw the car washing due south, I felt the warmth of spring in an instant.

The car left.

The humble van started before Gu Yaner ran over. It was fast. In the twinkling of an eye, it came in front of Gu Yaner. The door had been opened and "get on." Xi Zhengnan hurried her. His sight fell on the falling number on the elevator. He had good eyesight. At this time, another elevator also went from the first floor to the negative floor.

Gu Yan'er got into the car as soon as she tilted her body. She didn't wait for the door to be closed or for her to fasten her seat belt. Xi Zhengnan had stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the exit.

Gu Yaner slammed the door, fastened her seat belt and looked at the rearview mirror.

The elevator door opened.

Ke Hezhe's tall and straight figure appeared in the field of vision. He chased it so fast. Unfortunately, she had got into the car and left.

Ke Hezhe, don't blame her. She hasn't thought of how to deal with it.

She is wanted everywhere. She hasn't seen Rong Qingya yet. If she can't find her mother again, she won't let go of that woman and Peng Qing.

Yes, not one.

Hate it.

The speed of the van slowed down at this time and drove slowly to the exit. Gu Yaner knew that Xi Zhengnan didn't want Ke Hezhe to doubt, but from the speed at which Ke Hezhe caught up, he would doubt as long as it was a car going to the exit at this time.

He had never dreamed that she would return to the eleventh floor and take the elevator down.

That's the quickest way.

When the sun rises, the world is clear. Gu Yaner takes off her sunglasses and looks out of the window. On such a sunny day, her mood can't be bright anyway.

"Where's Rong Qingya?" it was at this moment that she remembered Rong Qingya. She only knew that Rong Qingya was not dead, but she was unconscious for three days and nights because she choked the sea. Rong Qingya should also choke the sea. Even if her people went to the sea to save her in time, the bridge was so high that it took time for the ship to drive. It's a miracle that she can live now.

"She is in Rong's own private hospital. No one is allowed to visit. Even doctors and nurses are confidential. However, as far as I know, it doesn't matter."

Therefore, Rong Qingya is still in the hospital to show others, but also to give others an illusion, so as to aggravate her "sin" of Gu Yaner.

And more able to live up to her jealous wife's name.

Gu Yaner smiled gently and turned her head to see Xi Xianan. He must have investigated everything related to that day during her coma for three days. Therefore, even Rong Qingya is clear about her mother's situation. He must know that it must be hard to say when he thought of this. However, if her mother is really gone, She needs to know sooner or later, "tell me where my mother is."

She used affirmative rather than interrogative sentences.

Xi Zhengnan, who was driving, was slightly stunned. Then he turned his head and looked at Gu Yaner. He just turned to the front of the car. He was driving, "Yan'er, there's really no news from your mother, but there's more or less bad luck. You also have a mental preparation."

She had it for a long time. She saw her mother fall into the sea with her own eyes. "Don't coax me, you tell me, I'll accept it anyway." the worst result was the moment her mother fell into the sea.

The pain of that moment pierced her heart. Even after that night, she can still feel it.

It hurts.

Xizheng took a sip of water from the water cup on one side in the south, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

After turning a corner, the car slowly stopped at the roadside. Gu Yaner was stunned and asked him what he wanted to do. She suddenly remembered Ke Hezhe, "do you want to change a car?" so even if Ke Hezhe caught up, she couldn't find her.

Yes, there is no monitoring near this location. Xizhengnan should have been explored long ago.

"Go shopping, and then take you to a place."

"Shopping?" Gu Yaner was stunned again. At this time, she was really not in the mood to go shopping.

"Oh, go through that mall, get on the bus, and you can go back."

It turned out that Gu Yaner skimmed her lips and followed him to the mall. The mall was large and was doing exhibitions, so the traffic was also large. She followed him to prevent being dispersed by the crowd. She wanted to get on the bus and leave quickly, but she was not in a hurry to wash Zhengnan. "Do you want to buy some clothes?"

She remembered that she had a hard home now, so she really didn't have any clothes. Even the aunt clothes she was wearing were provided by Zhengnan, "OK." it's just that she has no money to spend his money.

She said she was buying clothes, but she was really not in the mood. She chose two sets and asked the salesperson to wrap them without trying.

Wash the south face dark, "try it, or it's not appropriate. Isn't it a waste?"

"It doesn't matter. I always wear this size."


"Yes." Gu Yaner answered without thinking.

"But you are thin. Are you sure this size is OK?"

She looked down to see how much she could lose in three days, up to one or two kilograms. However, feeling her body, her small waist seemed to have recovered before she was pregnant with Xiaoyu. In fact, the previous size was occasionally too large when she wore it. After hesitation, Gu Yaner took her clothes and walked into the fitting room.

At such a moment, she suddenly remembered that when she first entered the work of Ke family, Ke Hexi took her to try on her dress, and then she accidentally ran into Ke Hezhe's good news in the fitting room. At this time, she remembered that those things that seemed to have happened not long ago were still in sight, but they already had Xiaoyu, and it was sad to think of Xiaoyu, If she and Ke Hezhe can't be together because of Peng Qing, what about Xiaoyu?

She really can't bear such a small child.

For a moment, I stood there with my clothes and even forgot to try on my clothes.

"Yan'er..." the door of the fitting room was knocked, and Xi Zhengnan's voice was gentle outside the door, with a little worry.

"Oh, I'll change it right away." Gu Yaner woke up and hurriedly tried on her clothes. As soon as the door opened, she saw xizhengnan standing outside and met his eyes. Gu Yaner jumped in her heart, "what's up?" the eyes were too hot and made her very uncomfortable, but at this moment, she couldn't escape.

PS: "uncle, it doesn't mean we're fake couples, so we don't have to hold hands. We can't kiss... We can't..." Shui qingmo can't go on. He strongly recommends haojiyou's new book, uncle Gao Leng, please let go. Beauties must support you. Love you, meimoda!

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