"Mom, Yan'er found a recording in her car when she fell into the sea. You used my mobile phone to talk to her mother. Mom, you're so confused. That recording can prove that Yan'er's mother was moved to tianxinhu after falling into the sea, and it can also prove that you and Rong Qingya calculated Yan'er and her mother. Mom, you turn yourself in, otherwise, your son can't protect you." I can't stand the torture, He couldn't stand the distrust of Gu Yaner when she left. Ke Hezhe directly asked Peng Qing.

Some things are most afraid of sudden attack. As soon as he gets through Peng Qing's phone, he directly asks him. If he doesn't even give Peng Qing time to consider and find someone to discuss, he will have unexpected gains.

Ke Hezhe didn't expect that Peng Qing was not alone at this time. She was with Rong Qingya, so naturally someone helped Peng Qing..

At the other end of the phone, there was a silence for two or three seconds, and then Peng Qing spoke, "He Zhe, what are you talking about? I answered the phone for you, but it was also called by Murong Qing. I don't know where she called me. I don't know whether she died in the sea or drowned in Tianxin lake. I didn't tell her anything, but asked her to come to the yacht earlier to celebrate the old man's birthday. In addition, I didn't say much. I didn't do anything wrong. Why should I turn myself in?" Peng Qing spoke slowly and carefully while looking at Rong Qingya. Rong Qingya was nodding at her. As soon as Ke Hezhe's finished, Rong Qingya shook her head. Gu Yaner had a tachograph in her car, but she had already picked it up and destroyed it. Anyway, if you really want to check it, it would fall into the sea and disappear.

Even things are missing. Where is it possible for Ke Hezhe to hear the call records in the dash cam? Therefore, Rong Qingya directly hinted that she would not agree.

Ke Hezhe was slightly stunned. It seems that his sudden attack didn't get the truth from Peng Qing. He couldn't help being annoyed that he was too anxious. However, as long as he thought of Gu Yaner's lonely back when she left, he couldn't help feeling distressed. He said that he had already said it. For this reason, he had to start investigating from other places, "Mom, I know it through a recording watch in Yan'er's hand. I gave it to her. Don't think I don't know if you and Rong Qingya destroyed the dash cam." then he hung up his cell phone directly.

Over there, Peng Qing immediately panicked, "Qingya, what should I do? What can I do? I really talked to that bitch murongqing on the phone and said something I shouldn't say. Am I going to turn myself in?"

Rong Qingya frowned and pondered: "Aunt Peng, don't worry. At least Ke Hezhe is your son. At present, Gu Yaner should be all right, and he zhe has also seen him. But Gu Yaner is now a wanted criminal of the police. He zhe threatens you with the watch in Gu Yaner's hand. As long as you tell the police this, he is a suspect of adultery, shielding the suspect. I think the watch is made out of nothing. I think back, I She fell into the water with her. Her wrist was bare. There was no watch on either wrist. He was lying to you. "

"Are you sure?" Peng qingruo thought. It was reasonable to say that her son would not deceive her, but she deceived her son, because she told murongqing everything that should be said or not. If there was a recording, she would never get rid of it.

"Aunt Peng, what are you afraid of? I'm afraid if you're afraid. I brought Gu Yaner and murongqing into the sea. You didn't touch them with half your fingers. You just said a few words threatening them. That can't be called a crime? At most, it's a threat. What can you do even if you threaten murongqing? It's not a big crime. At most, you should be arrested and detained for a few days, no more than half a day It was released in a month. What's the matter? Compared with murongqing's death, you made a lot of money. Before she died, you were also dignified. It was revenge that she had occupied uncle Ke for more than 20 years. "Rong Qingya analyzed it slowly for Peng Qing.

Peng Qing listened to her carefully and nodded, "what Rong girl said is right. I was almost cheated by my son. That's it. I don't admit it. See if he zhe still protects Gu Yaner."

"Yes." Rong Qingya agreed. Then she reached out and took her cell phone. She called out. As soon as she got through there, she said, "send me some capable people to follow Ke Hezhe. He has seen Gu Yaner."

"Impossible." the other side immediately rejected.

"Then tell me where Ke Hezhe is now?" Rong Qingya continued to ask. Through Ke Hezhe's words, she has determined that Ke Hezhe has met Gu Yaner, but her bucket's men have not only no news of Gu Yaner, but also lost Ke Hezhe who has been following.

"This......" the other party suddenly concluded.

"I knew all of you were losers. In broad daylight, you didn't even stay with anyone. Are you all free? Let me catch you again. The reward will be halved. Rong Qingya never raises idle people who eat idle food and don't do anything." then she hung up angrily.

"Don't be angry, girl. Even if he zhe meets that cheap woman, you're not afraid. Anyway, you said she didn't have what he zhe said. What she said is not true. Don't be afraid. Didn't you say that the soldiers will block the water and the earth will be flooded? As long as our mother is one, we will be able to drive Gu Yaner away from he Zhe. Then you will be my direct line A daughter-in-law. "

"Aunt Peng, you are very kind to me." Rong Qingya's eyes gently leaned against Peng Qing's body. "I have you treat me like this. No matter how many grievances I suffer from he Zhe, I'm worth it and recognize it."

"That doesn't change?" Peng Qing said angrily.

"I......" Rong Qingya hesitated a little. She didn't want to change her mouth. She wanted to change it too much, but she had to be a little reserved. Otherwise, she would have no face.

"Call Mom, I've occupied the position of that woman's daughter-in-law earlier. I must drive Gu Yaner out of the door of our Ke family." Peng Qing's face shows a ferocious smile. She has killed murongqing. Another Gu Yaner is nothing. One is the same as both. I really didn't expect Gu Yaner to be so lucky this time. I don't know who saved her.

"Mom..." Rong Qingya opened her mouth and called out after all. Her little face was full of joy. She had calculated for a long time. This time, she must take Gu Yaner away from Ke Hezhe, and then change her to always accompany Ke Hezhe.

Also, she must get Gu Yaner in, so that she can dominate Ke Hezhe once and for all. Thinking of this, she was very happy. She hired so many lawyers and determined how to deal with all the possible consequences before taking action. She didn't believe her. However, Gu Yaner, who is now passive, is not so easy to bully, She endured again and again before. She was waiting for this moment to make a comeback.

Peng Qing hugged Rong Qingya, and the two women began to fantasize about the beauty of living with Ke Hezhe in the future.

On the other side, Gu Yaner walked out of the farmhouse restaurant slowly. In the open space outside, xizhengnan was leaning on the car body with a long cigarette in her hand. At this time, the smoke was misting around him. He leaned there quietly. The smoke was moving, but the people were motionless. The picture of a static movement reminded her of the clean, clear and beautiful smoke curling up.

Seeing Xi Zhengnan, he was a little sorry. He didn't know what Ke Hezhe threatened him to bring her to see Ke Hezhe, but it was not a good thing after all. She didn't go there, but stood silently waiting for him to pass after he smoked.

The time of half a cigarette was really short. The man leaning on the car gave her a lonely feeling and made her more and more sorry.

Finally, he finished smoking, the smoke dispersed, and his tall body turned slightly. He just saw her coming out of the restaurant. "Come out?" he looked at her and looked behind her. He didn't see Ke Hezhe. He was stunned, "this is..."

Gu Yaner just started and walked slowly towards xizhengnan. She didn't hesitate at every step. She knew that she didn't have the fate of being a boyfriend and girlfriend with him, but she had the fate of being an ordinary friend. If he hadn't sent someone to follow her all the time, she would have been in another world like her mother. What would husband want if she had such a friend?

She even felt that she would have no regrets in her life if she could have such a friend.

When she arrived, she gently stopped in front of him, stepped away and looked at his surprised expression. "Why? Don't you want me to live in your apartment? Otherwise, I'll pay you the rent?"

Xi Zhengnan smiled and smiled like flowers. Although he was a man, the smile was still dazzling, which depressed her. She just wanted to continue to live in his apartment. He was happy like this. She really shouldn't give him any hope, otherwise, she can't give him anything in the future. All she brought him was pain.

Yes, no matter where she and Ke Hezhe go in the future, her choice will not change, that is, Xiaodan, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu. She also has children. Children are the flesh that fell off her, the continuation of her life and the dependence of her life, "Zhengnan, call Fu Yi to live with me. I have to enlighten the girl. In fact, you two are really a good match. He Zhe is a blind cat and meets a dead mouse. Any nurse you hire will match you like this. This is also your fate. Cherish it when you meet it, otherwise you will regret that day."

Xi Zhengnan's bright eyes immediately darkened, "OK, I'll try my best." he will try to find another partner in life, but whether he can meet someone who really likes it or not is another matter. He never wants to hurt his heart, so he doesn't hurt himself.

At least, his heart is still full of Gu Yan'er. He doesn't want to wrongly accept other women. No one can.

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