The rain wet the window. Gu Yaner leaned against the back of the chair with Xiaoyu in her arms. She quietly looked at the street scene outside the window, which couldn't stand falling. It was a sad smell.

For a long time, she looked back at Xiaoyu in her arms. She hadn't seen the little guy for a few days, but the little guy still kissed her, leaned in her arms, and looked at her with big eyes flickering. No matter how long she was separated, the little guy knew her mother.

Looking at Xiaoyu, she felt an unspeakable feeling in the bottom of her heart. She bowed down and kissed her forehead. "Xiaoyu is good. Do you miss your mother?"

Don't want to, Xiaoyu seems to understand, "Yi Yi ah hum twice." Gu Yan'er bows down and kisses the little thing on the forehead. It's warm in her heart. She still has children. That's good.

The rain outside the window was getting heavier and heavier. The car was parked in the parking lot of the cemetery. When the door opened, someone greeted it with an umbrella. She looked at the people who came down from other cars. They all had such considerate service of holding umbrellas.

Is it kehezhe's arrangement?

She knew that his mother's funeral was arranged by Ke Hezhe from beginning to end.

Holding Xiaoyu tightly in her arms, for fear of being caught in the rain, she walked with the crowd to the cemetery that Ke Qingyu had long selected. Suddenly, behind her came a familiar magic sound that she would never forget in her life, "why is this umbrella so small? Can't it rain all over me? Really." yes, this complaint is a magic sound. As soon as she heard it, her ears buzzed.

Gu Yaner suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at Peng Qing who was coming with an umbrella. She was dressed in a gray suit, and the color seemed very low-key. However, she knew that Peng Qing's low-key was pretended, because Peng Qing outside the dark suit had a thick makeup on her face, even her mouth red was painted bright red, and on her hand holding the handbag, At a glance, you can see bright roses on your fingernails. They are very small but exquisite. The woman is from head to toe. Except that her clothes are in line with this scene, everything else is not in line with it.

Unexpectedly, Peng Qing and Rong Qingya worked together to kill their mother, but she dared to appear at her mother's funeral. How arrogant is this.

"Yan Ran..." she whispered and stopped Wu Yan Ran, who was still moving forward.

"Sister?" Wu Yanran turned her head and didn't understand why she called people. After all, at this time, there was no other sound except the sound of rain and footsteps. All the people were in extreme sadness and kept silent. Even several children didn't quarrel and were obedient. They all knew that grandma had gone and would never come back. They were sending grandma to another world, I just hope there is no danger, no murder, only happiness in the other world.

Murongqing's funeral does not allow media interviews, nor does she invite any outsiders. All the participants are the old and young of the Ke family. In Ke Qing's words, she is not quiet. Let her leave quietly. This is also the life she yearns for most when she is alive.

So a woman who only likes a quiet life, she usually has only one wish, that is, to accompany Ke Qingyu, but now, it is an extravagant hope.

Gu Yaner hurried two steps and directly sent Xiaoyu into Wu Yanran's arms, "help me hold it."

"OK, sister, you're going..." before Wu Yanran finished, Gu Yaner turned around and walked back with the umbrella in the hands of the cemetery staff who had held the umbrella. When Wu Yanran saw Peng Qing, she understood what Gu Yaner was going to do, "sister..."

"Stop." Gu Yaner quickly walked to Peng Qing and looked coldly at the woman she wanted to strangle all at once. She really has the face to kill her mother herself. Now she still has the courage to attend her mother's funeral. How shameless it is.

"Yan'er, where's he zhe? Why don't you see he Zhe." Peng Qing smiled and looked at her gently. Her tone and voice were the same soft, as if they were close to her.

Gu Yan'er didn't seem to hear her. She said coldly, "get out, get out." her voice seemed a little excited in the last two words. Can she not be excited? The woman who killed her mother actually came, but she couldn't do anything to Peng Qing. She was really useless. The sense of powerlessness grabbed her in the heart for a while.

"Yan'er, I'll send sister Cheng off. What's your attitude? Is there a daughter-in-law like you who is not sensible and polite?" Peng Qing's face was slightly angry at this time. It seemed that Gu Yan'er's questioning her like this was treacherous.

"Ha ha, Ms. Peng thinks I'm your daughter-in-law now?" Gu Yaner stares at Peng Qing coldly. If her eyes can kill, Peng Qing must have countless blood holes now.

"Aren't you?"

"Don't you need to confirm it? He Zhe and I can confirm each other. Now, please leave here." her voice is getting higher and higher. Behind her, the Ke family with their back to her have heard the voice. Most of them turned their heads. Naturally, Ke Qingyu also turned around. When he saw Peng Qing, his eyebrows wrinkled and his face was colder.

"Qingyu, come and have a look. Yan'er doesn't allow me to give my sister a ride, but how hard my sister's life is. Why can't one more person give her a rest?" Peng Qing pretended to yell in the direction of Ke Qingyu.

Gu Yaner sneered. She felt that if Peng Qing dared to recognize the world as the second cheeky, no one would dare to recognize the first. Obviously, she killed her mother. She would pretend to care more about her mother than anyone else. If she hadn't heard it clearly in the car at that time, she even felt that she had wronged her. "I told you to leave, did you hear?"

She roared. On the day of her mother's funeral, she just wanted everything to go smoothly. After all, there was an auspicious time. Yes, there should also be an auspicious time for burial, so that she could be buried in peace. About her mother, no matter whether others wanted to say she was superstitious or not, she would rather believe it. As long as her mother walked well all the way.

"I leave? Why should I leave? I don't?" Peng Qingyi's eyes brightened when she saw Ke Qingyu. The purpose of her coming was obvious. She came for Ke Qingyu.

This is not only in front of people, but also her mother's funeral ceremony. When she saw Peng Qing, Gu Yaner thought it would be good to send her mother away quietly today. After all, her mother likes to be quiet and wants to persuade Peng Qing to go away, and her liquidation of Peng Qing is not on this day. It can be any day after that, but she didn't expect Peng Qing to be so shameless, It's too much to want to quote Ke Qing's words at my mother's funeral.

It's a shame.

"Pa", Gu Yaner raised her hand and slapped Peng Qing in the face. She endured the silence her mother liked. She couldn't bear to let Peng Qing be so wild in front of her mother. It was disgusting to hook Ke Qing's language so recklessly. Therefore, she not only slapped her hard, but even used 10% of her strength to finish the slap, Even she felt her hand hurt.

"Ah... Ah..." Peng Qing exclaimed, "you madman, you dare to beat my mother-in-law."

"Pa", Gu Yaner slapped again, "it's you." she roared and felt that her two slaps were late. Suddenly, Peng Qing's faces were slapped on both sides. The two five finger mountains were swollen from bright red to quickly. It was only a few seconds. Peng Qing's face had changed and changed, "help, kill, kill."

Gu Yaner shouted to her as if she hadn't heard it. Then, it seemed that the wind was too strong. She didn't hold the umbrella at once, and the umbrella in her hand flew to Peng Qing's face. Then, she was anxious to grab the umbrella, and there was another sound of "bang"

"Mommy, be careful." Xiaoyu has rushed over and watched Gu Yaner fall. He doesn't allow such a thing to be found. Therefore, his small hand timely grabbed Gu Yaner's hand and made her stand firm. However, Peng Qing is not so lucky. She fell in the mud.

This is not the point. The point is that her head just hit a tombstone on one side, "ah... Ah..." it seems that she can only shout like this, but it is very annoying.

Ke Qingyu frowned and frowned. He turned and said a few words to the bodyguard behind him. The man nodded, picked up his mobile phone and dialed out.

Soon, two female staff members came. When Peng Qing stood up with her hands over the back of her head and wanted to scold Gu Yaner, one of the two female staff members pulled Peng Qing's arm, "come with us."

"Why? If I don't go, I won't go. I'm here to attend the funeral. Let go of me." Peng Qing struggled and refused to go even if she died.

"Mom, grandma, she..." Xiaoyu was a little confused. He protected his mother for the first time. However, it seemed that his mother and grandma were arguing. The child didn't understand what was going on.

Gu Yaner gently shook Xiaoyu's hand, "don't be afraid, it's none of your business." she didn't want the children to know the bad things Peng Qing did. The world is ugly enough. Don't write down that kind of invisible dirt on the hearts of children who are as clean as a piece of white paper.

She won't.

Her babies, she wants them to grow up happily and go to hell, which is also her mother's next.

"Let go of me, let go of me, you lawless people. Believe it or not, I'll sue you." Peng Qing continued to struggle.

"Stop her mouth." Ke Qingyu roared and couldn't bear it any more. If it weren't for old Ke's repeated instructions that he couldn't be impulsive, if he did it, it wouldn't be Gu Yaner's two slaps. He strangled her directly, and then he could send Mu Rongqing a journey.

No, he left with murongqing. Thinking of this, he was looking forward to it.

PS: cool? Do you want to continue? If you want to, all the relatives will support the "free" article "Uncle Gao Leng, when women will be more surprised from time to time, meimoda!!

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