Detention house.

Gu Yaner lay quietly on the narrow one meter two single bed board. She had maintained this position for at least two hours.

If her eyes didn't move from time to time, you would think she was asleep.

Gu Yaner really wants to sleep.

At this time, she has never wanted to sleep like this.

But she can't sleep.

It has been a new day since I came in yesterday evening.

She could not see the blue sky outside, but she could feel the meaning of the wisps of light.

It's been a long time since dawn.

It's just that her world is too dark.

"Gu Yaner, Mr. Ke Hezhe wants to see her." I don't know how many times this is. Gu Yaner is used to listening. Every time, the female prison guard informs her that Ke Hezhe wants to see her.

She didn't say a word. She was really annoyed. She said that she hadn't seen Ke Hezhe several times, but the female prison guard had to report it every time.

"Gu Yaner, I'd like to ask you a question. Mr. Ke Hezhe asked." the female prison guard continued.

She still didn't move, her eyes closed gently, but the more dark the world was, the more clear all the voices around her came.

"Open the door, I want to see her." this time, it was Ke Hezhe's voice. He came in person.

That voice, so familiar and so kind, provoked her to sit up. When she looked at the door with only a small opening, she suddenly felt that her reaction was too strong.

What if I see you?

I still want to stay here after seeing her.

Peng Qing and Rong Qingya are still at large.

He didn't do what he agreed to do for her.

She slowly lay down and resumed her previous posture. It was at this time that Gu Yaner found that her whole body was numb and painful. Her whole body was like a star flashing. She felt like scratching her heart and liver.

But as long as she thought of the man standing outside, Gu Yaner was as if she didn't feel it. She was still silent and still motionless.

"Open the door, open the door quickly."

Ke Hezhe's roaring voice came over like this. He was really capable. Even if she refused to see him, he could come in. Sure enough, he was a person who had contact with the police, that is, he could get a privilege that ordinary people can't get.

In my ears, the sound of the key string sounded. It should be the keys of many single rooms. That's why it sounded so loud.

If she doesn't stop it, Ke Hezhen will really come in.

But she and he really have nothing to say.

What can be said, when she was taken to the police car in the cemetery, she had said and done everything.

Fingertips, vaguely still the temperature when she stroked his cheek, and her eyes became damp, but she still had no other choice.

"No, if he dares to come in, I'll kill him directly on the wall." her voice was not high or low, but it sounded like an explosion in Ke Hezhe's ear, which broke his whole heart in an instant.

"Yan'er, don't mess around." he was anxious and disordered. He had never been disordered before. His Yan'er never treated him like this. It was her mother who really annoyed her.

The female prison guard also panicked. It is said that the suspect in custody is very important, that is, Mr. Ke's wife. By allowing Mr. Ke to enter here at will, she will know his status as a dignitary and special. Looking at his worry about the women in the single room, the female prison guard will know that there must be no accident to the people and women in the room, otherwise she will be overwhelmed.

Therefore, Gu Yaner said a word. She didn't dare to open the door until she found the key. Instead, she quietly looked at Ke Hezhe and waited for his instructions. If he insisted on opening the door, the accident of the woman inside had nothing to do with her.

"Yan'er, can I see you? Just one side."

Listening to Ke Hezhe's anxious and worried voice, Gu Yaner raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. When she came to this field, she really didn't want to, but there was no way. She couldn't be with the son of a woman who killed her own mother. That's impossible.

After taking a deep breath, she whispered, "you go." these three words are full of too much meaning. She doesn't want to see him or can't see him.

This is their lives from now on.

Ke Hezhe was stunned first.

Gu Yaner's tone of these three words was too calm, but the calm proved a message that she really didn't want to see him.

He stood still in front of the door and couldn't accept the reality for a moment.

But soon she understood what she meant. She didn't want to see the son of the woman who killed her mother herself.

After sipping his lips, he put down all his impatience and asked in a low voice, "then tell me, are you okay now?"

"Good, good." only in this way can she feel guilty about her mother's death and make her feel better.

"But they say you haven't eaten since last night."

"I'm not hungry." it turned out that he knew everything that had happened to her since she came in.

"Eat if you're not hungry. The children are waiting for you to go out."

Speaking of the children, Gu Yaner was shocked. "Tomorrow, a lawyer will contact you." she had already explained before. If she hadn't gone out two days after she came in, Xi Zhengnan would find a lawyer to give him the agreement she had drawn up.

"What do you mean? I don't want a divorce." Ke Hezhe's quick witted and immediately understood what she was going to do. He didn't allow it.

"Come and talk to me after you read the agreement, okay? I'm tired and tired. I want to take a lunch break."

Ke Hezhe stood like a statue for a long time, but there was no voice from the woman in the single room. Did she complain about him?

Turning around, Ke Hezhe walked out of the detention center like a walking corpse, got on the car, stepped on the accelerator and started the car. He didn't even know where his destination was going.

He just wants to see her.

But she didn't see him.

Driving aimlessly, I unknowingly drove out of the urban area of T city. Unknowingly, the desolation in front of me fell into my eyes.

Everything in front of him was familiar and strange. He looked at it vaguely. It took him a long time to react. He actually brought the car here, where he thought Gu Yaner was the place where Wu Yanran raped her.

What happened a few years ago is vivid now.

That day, he was a beast.

Seeing this, he hated himself more and more.

At that time, Gu Yaner forbeared. Even after he tortured her, she gave birth to a pair of children, Xiaoyu and Xiaodan, his two favorite babies.

But now she didn't even want to see him.

However, so far, he has not found any valuable clues about the cause of murongqing's death.

I can't wait any longer. Gu Yaner has only been in for a day, and he can't help it.

Or, let's find a way to release Gu Yaner first.

As for murongqing's death, he will find a way later.

Although I still want to give myself some opportunities, it's really hard to wait for them.

And he really didn't want Gu Yaner to suffer in it.

Thinking of this, he touched his mobile phone and dialed Wu Chu's mobile phone number as soon as he pressed his fingertip.

"Ke Hezhe, what's the line?" Wu Chu asked as soon as he got through there. Obviously, it was no less than half of his urgency.

Ke Hezhe's Adam's apple surged for a moment. Then he said in a deep voice, "I don't wait. I'll ask her to come out immediately. As for other people's things, I'll talk about them later."

"Er, is murongqing someone else? She is Gu Yaner's mother. She died so miserably. How can she do without solving the case? You can live in your heart. If you don't solve murongqing's case, I can't get through it. No." Wu Chu also yelled, trying to wake him up across the phone.

"However, Yan'er hasn't eaten anything in it." as long as he thinks of this, he can't stand it, not to mention something he doesn't know.

"Oh, you want to do nothing for her? Isn't Gu Yan'er a disaster for her? You're harming her."

"I... I..." Ke Hezhe couldn't go on. It seemed that he was wrong in everything he did.

"Calm down first, and then we'll think of a all-round plan and find a way to find out everything."

"It's not good for her to be inside. How can you calm me down?"

"Do you think our people will embarrass her? Her food is a small stove opened by the cooking class. It's the level of four dishes and one soup, and the meat and vegetable mix is balanced. It's more powerful than my director. What else do you want me to do?"

"..." Ke Hezhe kept silent. He believed it, but such an unfettered place, no matter how good the food was, was not a place for normal people to stay.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Wu Chu continued, "you're a man. Find a way to calm down yourself." "bang", Wu Chu hung up directly.

Ke Hezhe listened to the blind sound in his mobile phone and slammed it to the ground.

Fortunately, there is grass in front of me.

He's really out of breath.

The forest in the view is full of golden sunshine, scattered among the leaves to form a little bit of broken gold, which is particularly beautiful.

Looking here, he thought of what he had done to Gu Yan'er before. For a long time, his mood finally recovered calm.

In order to solve murongqing's case, he put up with it. As long as it is solved, he will keep the clouds open and see the moon.

He picked up his cell phone again, took another look at the woods in front of him, turned around, Ke Hezhe got into the car and drove back to the city.

Thinking of that day a few years ago, he returned in a rage, and today, at least now, he has calmed down a lot.

The car drove slowly. He didn't even know how he would survive the day when he went back.

At this time, the mobile phone rang quietly, both in the silent car and in the mountains in the suburbs.

Ke Hezhe picked it up at random and said, "it's his man, but he has received it too many times these days. Every time he receives it, it's irrelevant. He hasn't heard it for a long time. He even thinks it's OK to listen or not listen.

"President, I think there is something wrong with washing Zhengnan today."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Ke Hezhe slightly raised his eyebrows. The news was a little new.

"He went to see Rong Qingya."

PS: he spoiled her to the bone, sent her a luxury car to her villa, and took him to sleep with him... He strongly recommends the free article "Uncle Gao Leng, please let go" written by Hao Jiyou quietly. It's free. It's free. It's free. It's free. Say important things three times. Beauties must support yo, Moda!

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