"Daddy, bye." early in the morning, Ke Hezhe got up, had breakfast and personally sent Xiaodan, Xiaoyu, diemeng and glory to the kindergarten. Xiaodan didn't forget to wave his little hand at him when he entered the gate.

Ke Hezhe smiled back and blew a silent kiss. They all said that his daughter was a sweet little cotton padded jacket. Xiaodan was not bad at all. He really liked this daughter. Maybe it was because he hadn't brought Xiaodan since childhood. Looking at Xiaodan, he always felt some debt, so he always wanted to make up for it on Xiaoyu, "bye."

Xiaodan took the lead. Xiaoyu, diemeng and glory also said goodbye to Ke Hezhe one by one, which made all the children who had just arrived look at it.

One of the little boys left his mouth and disdained to go to Xiaoyu. "Ke Xiaoyu, your mother is a murderer. Your mother was arrested in the police station. Hum, you have such a scum mother. You're no better than yourself. I tell you, you can't rob my favorite Siqi. Siqi is mine."

Ke Hezhe just wanted to drive away. As a result, what he saw was this scene. He couldn't help but be stunned. He only knew that Gu Yaner went in and brought him a lot of worry, but he didn't expect that even the children in the kindergarten knew about it, and even ridiculed Xiaoyu about it. What's wrong with such a young child?

Ke Hezhe immediately dropped his hand on the handle of the car and was about to get off to help Xiaoyu out. He wanted to tell the little boy that his Yan'er was not a murderer. His Yan'er was a good mother for her wife and the best mother in the world.

No, the door just opened a gap. Before he got off, Xiaoyu straightened up his chest, "Li Dazhuang, I tell you, my mother is not a murderer. There are other murderers. The police wronged my mother. One day, the police uncle will return my mother innocent. In addition, you slander my mother like this. I can sue you for slander and personal injury. The amount of compensation will be judged by the court. When the court comes to you to pay the fine, don't cry 。”

The child said what the child said. The little boy's face turned slightly red when he heard it. He put his two small hands on his hips and said righteously: "I don't slander. Your mother is a murderer. It's no use denying it. This is a fact."

"Well, do you dare to bet with me?"

"What do you bet? I don't bet on Siqi. Siqi is mine."

Xiaoyu shook his head. "I don't want her. I don't want her if I lose or win."

"Who do you want?"

Xiaoyu tilted his head and looked at diemeng. The corners of his lips curved with a slight smile, "this is confidential."

"OK, just bet." the little boy grinned when Xiaoyu said he didn't like Siqi.

"If I win, you have to apologize to me. If I lose, I'll leave this kindergarten."

"Hey, hey, you'd better lose, so Siqi doesn't have to secretly like to leave you. Say it, what's the bet?"

Xiaoyu rolled his eyes. It turned out that Siqi was' secretly in love 'with him, so Li Dazhuang didn't like him. Can you blame him? He didn't even touch Siqi's little hand and didn't mean anything.

And he can't stop the little girls from liking him. He can't like him one by one. He likes only one person all the time.


Just when Ke Hezhe thought Xiaoyu would play some intelligence game, the child made such a violent and eye-catching bet.

"Just fight. You think I'm afraid of you. If you lose, stand a yard and get out of here." Li Dazhuang's arrogance seems as if he will win. After all, he is half a head higher than Xiaoyu.

"Come on, let's give you three moves and punch." Xiaoyu calmly stood in place. Although he was not very tall, his small body stood in a standing posture, just standing gave people a little man's domineering.

"That's what you said, Ke Xiaoyu. You can't go back on your word." Li Dazhuang wished Xiaoyu would make such a choice, and heaven would help him.

Xiaoyu shook his head. "I don't have the word repentance in Ke Xiaoyu's dictionary."

"Start." Li Dazhuang didn't wait for the end of Xiaoyu's voice to dissipate. He waved his small fist and hit Xiaoyu. He didn't say it quickly, and it was a sudden attack, which surprised Ke Hezhe sitting quietly in the car, "Xiaoyu..."

"Daddy..." Xiaodan found that he hadn't left yet. "Daddy, they bullied us." the little girl was much more angry than Xiaoyu. Her face was bulging and red.

"How long has it been?" Ke Hezhe touched Xiaodan's head as he watched his son fight with Li Dazhuang over there.

Xiaodan lowered his head and stopped talking.

"Come on, tell Daddy." he always thought the children didn't know. After all, when Gu Yaner was taken away, he deliberately asked Wu Yanran to take the children away. He just didn't want them to see the scene, but he didn't think that they knew everything and didn't know who sent it to the kindergarten. Now it seems that the children in the kindergarten all know.

Xiaofan continued to bow his head, "the next day to see grandma off."

Ke Hezhe's brain roared. It turned out that it spread so quickly, but he clearly did a good job in protection. Gu Yaner was sent in without even being reported by the media, but now

It seems that someone did it on purpose.

It seems that he is right to send the children today. Otherwise, he will never know the grievances suffered by the children in the kindergarten.

At this time, he looked up and felt sorry for the two children. Over there, Xiaoyu was still fighting with Li Dazhuang. A teacher came here after knowing the news. Ke Hezhe gave up the past treatment. They were all children. Anyway, Li Dazhuang was a child of the same age as Xiaoyu. If he had been educated, he would have been partial to his son, but this time, his son was not wrong, A son is to protect his mother's dignity. A man should be neither arrogant nor impetuous, can afford to put it down, and can take it at the critical moment.

Let the teacher deal with it. If the teacher is unfair, he is coming forward. In short, he must give his son justice.

Looking at Xiaoyu, he didn't suffer at all. He was well dressed. On the contrary, the buttons of Li Dazhuang's coat were torn and his hair was messy. At this time, he was embarrassed.

"Stop, stop." the teacher opened Xiaoyu and Li Dazhuang.

Li Dazhuang breathed heavily, "Ke Xiaoyu, wait, I want to win you, I must win you."

"Did you win? You lost and I punched you a few times. But you didn't hit me. You won't admit it if you lose. You're a coward."

"You... I didn't lose." so many children watched and Li Dazhuang refused to admit defeat. Otherwise, he would lose face and lose his home. Siqi knew he wouldn't like him. He couldn't beat Ke Xiaoyu. How did he break Siqi's pass?

"Shut up, Li Dazhuang and Ke Xiaoyu, you two go to the office with me." the teacher took Xiaoyu and Li Dazhuang by the hand and led them towards the office.

Later, glory and diemeng also followed up. Xiaodan immediately turned around, "Daddy, I'll go with Xiaoyu. Bye." he didn't ask Ke Hezhe for help, nor did he feel that his parents were fighting for power. The two children completely depended on their own strength to solve everything. Although his daddy was always on the scene and didn't leave.

Ke Hezhe thought a little and was ready to leave. This was a war between children. Since they were all children, what was his participation as an adult?

However, as soon as Ke hezechai started the car, a woman rushed in at the gate of the kindergarten, "Teacher an, stop. Why should you take my son to the office? Why should you criticize my strong? My strong is a good child. If it's wrong, it's Ke Xiaoyu. I heard from other children that the child's mother is a shameless murderer. What good child the murderer's son can be must be a scum."

"What are you talking about? Aunt, you're talking nonsense." this time, before Xiaoyu made a sound, Xiaodan rushed over, "you can't insult my mother, no, I can't let you say that about my mother." Xiaodan looked up at Li Dazhuang's mother, but she was much shorter than Li Dazhuang's mother. In addition, Li Dazhuang's mother looked like a shrew with her hands on her hips, as if she was going to hit someone the next second. People couldn't help worrying about Xiaodan.

"I'll tell you what happened to your mother? I'll see what you can do to me. Smelly girl, you dare to challenge my mother at a young age. You're impatient, aren't you?"

"Big strong mother, you are an adult. It's normal for children to quarrel. Isn't it bad for you to participate as an adult?" teacher an can't see it. There is no such parent. It's a little immoral to put all the responsibilities on other children without asking.

"Teacher an, I also want to help you share your worries. Otherwise, I heard that some children always bully children because of their good family background. Such children really shouldn't be admitted to kindergarten."

Over there, Xiaoyu smiled coldly, "this aunt, Li Dazhuang came to me first, and he spoke unkindly to me first. He spoke first. I think it's very difficult for parents to teach such a son. It takes a lot of malice to teach. Such parents are the real scum."

"Ha ha..."

"Ha ha..."

Around, some children who could understand laughed.

Li Dazhuang's mother reacted for a long time. Xiaoyu was curving and scolding her, "you, who do you say is vicious and scum?"

"Aunt understands by herself, Mr. an, let's go." Xiaoyu glanced at Li Dazhuang's mother disdainfully. This is the real scum. He doesn't intend to pay attention to it anymore. He calls it true with scum. Isn't that also an adult scum.

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