The silent fall was like her heart, heavy and burning.

"He Zhe, you are bad." the woman gasped and said coyly.

"If you don't like it, I'll go out." the cold and arrogant male voice came again, which made Gu Yaner's heart tremble again.

"He Zhe, don't you? Sit down and I want to kiss you."

Gu Yaner's hands are getting weaker and weaker. This is in the fitting room, not in Ke Hezhe's bedroom or office, but women actually work hard to get Ke Hezhe's reading, and even want to blow... What do you want to blow.

She can't listen any more. If she wants to leave, she must leave immediately.

Her eyes fell inadvertently. She found that the evening dress in her hand had fallen to the ground.

Bend over and pick it up in her hand. She quickly puts it on her body. When trying on clothes, she should look like trying on clothes. She should be fast. As long as she walks out of the fitting room before Ke Hezhe and the woman, she may avoid meeting Ke Hezhe directly.

Put it on, but she couldn't pull the long zipper on her back.

It's urgent, but the more urgent it is, the more it can't be pulled.

Outside the door, suddenly came Ke Hexi's voice, "Gu Yaner, how are you? It's been so long that there's no sound at all?"

Listening to Ke Hexi's voice, it seems that he is really a little worried about her, but Gu Yan'er knows that he did it on purpose.

Wake up and look at the hole. At this time, she even suspects that the hole is Ke Hexi's masterpiece.

She didn't dare to speak. She was afraid that Ke Hezhe would hear her voice. Therefore, she zipped desperately. As long as she pulled it well and went out, Ke Hezhi couldn't embarrass her.

But she still can't pull it.

"Gu Yaner, what's the matter with you? Make a noise. Don't let me worry about you, or I'll go in?" originally, Ke Hexi didn't want Gu Yaner to meet Ke Hezhe today, but it was such a coincidence. Ke Hezhe changed his car with him because he was going to attend a wedding. When he came to pick up the car, Ke Hezhe's girlfriend saw Chanel, So I got out of the car and pulled Ke Hezhe in to buy an evening dress for tomorrow's press conference.

Everything is God's will, so he will take this opportunity to let the answer come out, and save him one night's suffering and waiting.

Ke Hexi is threatening her. He wants her to speak.

As long as he speaks, Ke Hezhe in the next room may find her.

Frowning, she knew that she must leave quickly now, otherwise she could not escape Ke Hezhe.


"Ah..." as if she had lost her voice, and then there was a "plop" sound. She fell on the floor of the fitting room.

With her low cry, the woman's low curse voice came from the next room, "he Zhe, where... Where's the voice?" the woman was so involved that she didn't think it was the voice from the person next door.

Gu Yaner's heart seemed to jump out of her throat.

"What a disappointment, ah Wan. The fitting room is not closed at all." Ke Hezhe said with a little annoyance.

"He Zhe, you mean... You mean, we were..."

"Baby, get dressed quickly, let's go." Ke Hezhe seemed to pat the woman on the back, and then there was a rustling sound of dressing in the next room.

At the same time, Ke Hexi also shouted anxiously outside, "Gu Yaner, what's the matter with you? Did you fall?"

"Yes, I sprained my ankle."

"Come on, open the door, open the door." Ke Hexi roared, with a little worry in his voice.

Listening to Ke Hexi's voice, Gu Yaner immediately thought of a way to avoid Ke Hezhe, but it requires Ke Hexi's help

When the door opened, Ke Hexi rushed in with an arrow. Maybe even he didn't know his panic at the moment. Women to him were always just ornaments of life. Therefore, he thought he just wanted to get the body of the woman in the fitting room.

He didn't think of anything else.

"Gu Yan'er, how are you?" Ke Hexi squatted beside Gu Yan'er. He looked at her ankle covered by her hand with concern.

"Pain, good pain." Gu Yan'er whispered, but she felt guilty. Her ankle didn't hurt at all. What really hurt was her heart.

In my ears, or in the next room, the rustle of men and women wearing clothes is so harsh, so painful and trembling.

Ke Hexi leaned over and lifted her body with both hands, "Gu Yaner, I'll take you to the hospital."

"No... no, just take me back to the company to have a rest." she said she didn't go to the hospital. When she got to the hospital, she helped me with everything.

"No, it's hard to recover from a bone injury. Go to the hospital, good." a very gentle male voice. Ke Hexi's eyes at this moment are less cunning and more concerned, and there is a tenderness that he doesn't even know.

"It's okay. My bones are brittle. I've been like this since I was a child. Just go to the drugstore to buy me a bottle of bone setting water, wipe it, and rest for an hour or so." she doesn't want to pretend to be hurt like a puppet. That's sad, but an hour or two is tolerable.

"OK, I'll take you back." Ke Hexi held her and walked to the door of the fitting room. Behind her, a waitress had put the clothes she had taken off into a bag. Ke Hexi hooked the bag with his fingers and moved to Chanel's shop door, but he only took one step, and the door of the fitting room next to Gu Yaner opened.

The heart beat. Gu Yaner smelled Ke Hezhe's breath. He still had the fragrance of his favorite cologne.

Light, but it puzzles people's soul.

The little hand nervously grabbed Ke Hexi's corner. Suddenly, she thought that the zipper of her evening dress had not been pulled up. Her naked back said in Ke Hexi's arms: "president, the zipper has not been pulled up."

When Gu Yaner said this, Ke Hexi felt that his hand was touching the skin on her back and frowned. He hurried to the waiter: "zip up Miss Gu's evening dress."

"Yes." a waitress immediately came up and carefully pulled the chain for Gu Yan'er.

"Second brother, is this the new female employee of your company?" Gu Yaner thought Ke Hezhe would leave, but he didn't, but stood down and looked at Ke Hezhi and her in Ke Hezhi's arms.

The little face that had been crooked in kehexi's arms was only buried deeper.

She has to play.

She couldn't see Ke Hezhe directly. She just listened to his voice, which made her flustered.

"So what?" Ke Hexi looked at Ke Hezhe provocatively, with an expression of "Gu Yaner is his".

"It's so thin. I'm not interested. Ah Wan, wrap up the evening dress. Let's go."

I wish I wasn't interested, or I'd scare her.

Gu Yaner silently continued to lean against Ke Hezhi's arms. The zipper of the evening dress had been pulled. Ke Hezhi started, hugged her and left. When she crossed Ke Hezhe, Gu Yaner felt Ke Hezhe's breath again, but beside him was a woman named ah Wan.

Listening to the heartbeat, Gu Yaner slowly closed her eyes. She just wanted to escape everything about Ke Hezhe like an ostrich.

If you can forget, she would rather her memory be blank from now on, then there would be no beating heart at the moment.

The heartbeat, one by one, shook her heart.


Why can cogacher always make her flustered and confused.


Recalling the scenes in the forest, her body shook even more.


Boundless pain seems to be yesterday.

Xiaodan, Xiaoyu, she will never allow Ke Hezhe to take them away.

Those are her two treasures.

"Gu Yaner, is it painful?" Ke Hexi had already forgotten all about her and Ke Hezhe. Her ankle was hurt. This is the thing that affects his heart most now.

"Fine," she whispered, biting her lips.

Her voice was ethereal as if in a dream, which made Ke Hexi's heart move slightly.

"He Zhe is right. You are so thin. You don't have much meat all over. You even hold my hand." Ke Hexi said casually, but let Gu Yaner 'Chuchi' smile. This guy, in addition to his black belly and Huaxin, his humor is not annoying.

"Hold your hand? Then let me down. I can do it myself." she is very 'able', and her ankle is not hurt at all.

This is just a temporary play in an extraordinary period.

"No." put her bag with her clothes on the back seat, Ke Hexi said overbearing.

In that way, he has some similarities with Ke Hezhe.

It's no wonder it's a brother.

Ke Hexi closed the door for her and watched her bite the corners of her lips. I don't know why, it made him feel familiar.

But in a flash, the feeling disappeared.

Gu Yaner sat quietly in the car, but inadvertently tilted her head. In her eyes, Ke Hezhe and ah Wan walked out of Chanel together. Ah Wan's hand was the bag of the evening dress she chose.

A man and a woman, in fact, are a good match.

She should bless them both.

Just, why doesn't he take heart to marry a wife? He can't help changing his girlfriend, which always makes people worry about him.

Ke Hexi rolled down the window, "he Zhe, you can't let scalpers do what you promised me." today, although Gu Kaier hasn't seen any flaws, Ke Hexi still doesn't give up. Tomorrow, he will try again.

"Well, I see. Go quickly. Don't let your dish wait too cold." Ke Hezhe's eyes stabbed Gu Yaner, and her body shrank.

In fact, the only open window is Ke Hexi's side.

In fact, across the brown glass, Ke Hezhe couldn't see who she was.

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