The early morning sun gently brushed her body through the window screen. Gu Yaner lazily opened her eyes. In a trance, she found something wrong and sat up. Why didn't she sleep in her bedroom but in the guest room?

Consciousness came back quietly. The scenes that happened last night jumped in front of her. The last thing I remember in my memory is that Ke Hezhe blew her hair again, talked to her from time to time, and then she fell asleep?

Anyway, her memory began to fragment when she blew her hair.

I must have fallen asleep. I don't remember.

Then he took her to this room?

Yes, otherwise, she always sleeps in the bedroom next door. I really don't understand why he brought her here and felt her body. Fortunately, she is still wearing pajamas and doesn't feel uncomfortable. The man should have done nothing bad to her. When I think about it, my ears are hot and my heart beats.

After calculating the time, Dianfu should not have got up yet. Therefore, she didn't know that she slept in this guest room. She hurried out of bed and was about to lay the sheets. Only then did she find that there was a slight depression on the pillow on her side and on the bed. Her tentacles touched it, as if there was a residual temperature of a man's body temperature on it, She can even imagine the picture of Ke Hezhe sleeping on it. God, did he sleep with her?

But when did he leave? She didn't know at all. It was definitely not the door. Was it the window?

Just a little annoyed, when he said he would leave without leaving a word for her, he suddenly picked up a note under his pillow and lay there quietly, letting her pick it up conditionally.

Long feifeng's handwriting, just like himself, just looks at it and gives people a feeling of rapid heartbeat.

"Fu will also leave these two days. At that time, I will send someone to pick you up to the hospital to check the amnesia. Be good and obedient. You can check it yourself. However, the doctor you find is definitely not the most authoritative. If you can't cure the amnesia, it's easy to attract the attention of Xi Zhengnan and Fu Yi. If they find that they obstruct you in every way, it's more troublesome. Wait for me."

No more.

There are not many words, but there are many.

The signature on the back was more beautiful. She dropped her fingertips and brushed the words "Ke Hezhe". She remembered the pictures he appeared last night and the scenes that happened later. A little sweetness flashed in her heart. Were they really close?

But what about Chen Xue?

Thinking of this, Gu Yaner was in a bad mood.

Out of the guest room, the villa is really quiet. It's always like this when xizhengnan is away. It's really cold and clear. She suddenly looks forward to the picture of her three babies. There are three more at once. The villa will be very lively and lively.

It was only around six o'clock. She was used to getting up early and taking a lunch break for an hour or two at noon.

Back to her bedroom, everything was the same as before she fell asleep yesterday, without any change.

When he took off his pajamas and changed his clothes, he remembered how he had been looked at by Ke Hezhe, and his heart jumped wildly.

Out of the villa, she habitually sat on the swing. The air in the morning was fresh as if it could drip water. She breathed comfortably. Recalling that when Ke Hezhe suddenly appeared that day, it was the same morning. He looked like vicissitudes, but she had not found the opportunity to ask him what happened that night?

How did he get his clothes wrinkled?

And a beard on the chin?

"Sister Yan, you woke up so early today." Fu also found it with a yawn and said hello when she saw her.

Sister Sheng Yan used to listen very normal and didn't feel anything, but now on reflection, according to the relationship between Fu Yi and Xi Zhengnan, Fu should call her wife.

But Fu has always called her sister Yan.

"I went to the square dance last night. Maybe I danced for a long time. I slept soundly when I came back. I slept until dawn. It's really comfortable. It seems that I will often move in the future." she looked at it with a smile. The swing swings gently, which is very comfortable.

"Sir took you?" Fuyi's eyes brightened. "I've never heard of Sir going to the square dance."

"Well, due south, take me to the park. When I see someone dancing again, I jump with him. Ha ha, I can't have vigorous exercise. It's good to dance square dance."

"That's good." Fu also looked at Gu Yaner and thought she was really happy. She was pregnant with Ke Hezhe's child, but Xi Zhengnan was so kind to Gu Yaner.

This is really lucky for a woman.

To cook breakfast, Gu Yaner ate a lot. Dancing last night consumed all her calories, so she needed breakfast to add new calories.

After eating, they went out for a walk. They walked out of the garden side by side. People on the road walked to the property management office in twos and threes.

At the right moment, two men came out with a super large speaker in their hands, "this is..." Gu Yaner was stunned. Such a large speaker could not be placed in the room. It should be placed in the open air. What should be done in the open air?

At a glance, she thought of the speakers to be used in square dance, but it's a little impossible.

Where does she like square dance as soon as she likes it? Square dance will be organized in the community.

What a coincidence.

No, the property manager smiled and said, "this is sponsored by a company. It is said that there are too few cultural and entertainment activities in our community, so he sponsored this speaker, more than 100000 yuan. Don't go. Listen to the sound effect and feel whether it's really good."

Gu Yan'er said, "this stereo is more than 100000?" the sponsors are so rich.

"Well, the delivery man said, local tyrant."

"Do you know who sponsored it?" Gu Yaner was curious. She didn't know why. She thought it could only be done by two people, either Xi Zhengnan or Ke Hezhe.

"People don't say, I asked several times, and I thought about asking people to sponsor something else, such as fitness equipment, but I don't know who it is, so I can't help it."

The speaker was carried to an open space not far from the property management office, and there was a stereo. The electrician had pulled the power, turned on and turned on the switch.

The music suddenly flowed out like a spring. The sound effect was really good, much better than that in the park last night.

It's more than 100000. It's not bad.

The music is also prepared long ago. It is all cheerful music of square dance.

The notice board was also posted quickly. It said that the time for square dancing was from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., two hours a day. It was very good, and she was not as tired as she was last night. She liked this arrangement very much. The only thing she felt inappropriate was the time of the evening. It started a little early at 7:30. If Xi Zhengnan came back, At that point, they must have not finished their meal. "Can you change the evening to eight to nine?" at eight o'clock, they must have finished their meal.

"At this time, many people's opinions have been solicited. The minority obeys the majority. Let's go at this time."

Gu Yan'er can't object to what others say.

The minority obeys the majority, and many people can't make do with her alone.

"Do you want to sign up, madam?"

"Uh huh, I'll report." Gu Yan'er smiled slightly and didn't worry about the time. It's a big deal. When Xi Zhengnan came back in the evening, she would like to dance later.

It's nothing to jump more or less. It's not a job, it's not work. She can do whatever she wants.

If you want to open it, you won't tangle.

Suddenly I felt that even life was better.

After breakfast in the morning, I came out to dance the square dance. After lunch at noon, I took a nap and danced the square dance again in the evening. Life has been enriched. It's beautiful to think about it.

"Sister Yan, guess if it was sponsored by her husband?" Gu Yaner thought that Gu Yaner was elated in the morning and talked about the square dance last night. Now someone has organized it, and Fu naturally guessed the organizer on Xi Zhengnan.

"It should be." Gu Yaner also decided that she should be xizhengnan. After all, Ke Hezhe didn't see her dancing square dance last night, and she didn't seem to mention it with Ke Hezhe. She couldn't remember what she said and did last night, but the greatest possibility is xizhengnan.

"Mr. is very kind to his wife, sister Yan. You are so happy." Fu also looks at Gu Yan'er with envy, but there are waves of sadness in her heart. Xi Zhengnan is so infatuated with Gu Yan'er. The more she likes to wash Zhengnan, such infatuated men can hardly be found these days.

The man she likes is really right, and her eyes are also good.

Unfortunately, Xi Zhengnan only likes Gu Yaner.

This makes her only wish to wash Zhengnan.

To love a person is not necessarily to possess him and have him. His happiness and happiness are also what she wants. Even more important than her own happiness, just because she loves him.

"Yes, Zhengnan is really good to me."

"Sister Yan, go back and call Mr. quickly. He must be surprised and happy at that time." Fu also reminded Gu Yan'er that Gu Yan'er seldom called him except that she sent lunch to Xi Zhengnan. Although Xi Zhengnan never said anything, she could feel Xi Zhengnan's loneliness.

"Oh, OK, call when you go back." Gu Yaner thought of the more than 100000 stereo. She didn't want to thank him for adding something to her, but it was his intention that moved her. If she hadn't been in her heart, Xi Zhengnan wouldn't have arranged everything she liked in one night.

Two people were about to leave when another car came over. When they passed by, Gu Yaner frowned when she saw the sign of the stereo on it. "Fuyi, go and have a look with the past." such a large speaker should also be used outdoors, but there is already a set in the community.

PS: accidentally, she was broadcast live by her son and daughter 'human creation project! San gengqiang pushed the book "evil daddy is hard to serve" written by Jiyou quietly. Don't miss the beauty who makes a Book shortage. Astringency guarantees good-looking!

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