The dew was still on the purple roses, and the faint fragrance of flowers was floating in the Lamborghini carriage. From then on, he would walk with her every morning and every sunset.

However, shortly after the car left the villa, the mobile phone rang. Seeing that it was Ke Hexi's number, Ke Hezhe's eyebrow jumped involuntarily, he had a hunch that as long as it was Ke Hexi, there must be no good. After all, it was Ke Hexi's phone the day before that made him not take Gu Yaner home. At this time, it was still uncomfortable to think of it.

Thinking of this, Ke Hezhe directly ignored Ke Hezhi's phone calls. They were all men. They could solve their own women's problems. No one could help. Therefore, it was useless for Ke Hezhi to call him.

However, he didn't answer, but Ke Hexi kept calling and hung up automatically. After three or four times, Ke Hezhe frowned deeper.

There must be something urgent. Otherwise, Ke Hexi's character won't call him again and again. In the end, he picked it up, "second brother, what's the matter?"

Ke Hexi didn't have time to talk to him about why he took so long to answer the phone. He hurriedly said, "tell your people to block all the traffic arteries in the airport terminal station that can leave T city immediately." when he woke up in the morning, he opened his eyes and found that Bo wine was gone. Ke Hexi didn't even have time to investigate how Bo wine left. It's important to call first to block her route to leave T city, Although it's not clear when she left, it's only time to make up for it. I hope it's not too late.

"Bo Jiu left?" Ke Hezhe was stunned. Didn't Bo Jiu just finish the operation? Left before he recovered? This woman is dead, too?


"When did you leave?"

"I don't know. I found her missing."

"All right, you go and find it. Tell me immediately after you find it. I'll send someone to find it first. If you have a specific time, it's best. It will be faster and more efficient to trace it according to that time point."

"I see." Ke Hexi hung up directly. He knew that Ke Hezhe knew a lot of people in this regard. Now he can plug a gap when he can leave with thin wine. At this meeting, he still didn't understand why her sudden change came. He still had a big head.

However, now is not the time to think about that. It is most important to find the thin wine first.

After hanging up the phone, Ke Hezhe directly parked his car on the roadside. First, he contacted all the people who could help Ke Hezi find Bo Jiu. Bo Jiu was a small thing for him, but it was a big thing for Ke Hezi. After leaving Bo Jiu, Ke Hezi could hardly meet a woman who could be good to Jing Xu and match Ke Hezi like Bo Jiu.

There are many famous ladies in T City, but those ladies can make vases, and women can only be men. They can only find fresh playthings occasionally. They can't live at home.

Moreover, Ke Hexi has long changed from Playboy money to affectionate money. Therefore, he'd better help Ke Hexi get back the thin wine. Otherwise, Jing Xu must have something to do in the future, so he must give it to him or Yan'er.

But he and Gu Yaner don't have time to worry about other people's affairs now. He just wants to start from scratch with Gu Yaner. If there is an extra super bright light bulb, Jing Xu, the result

Finally, it was half an hour after the phone call. Look at the time, it was already more than seven o'clock. It must be late to rush to the suburbs and come back to work at this time, but as soon as he gritted his teeth, he would be late. It's a big deal that his glorious image as president should not be. It's important to chase his wife.

As soon as the accelerator was given, Ke Hezhe drove to the suburbs again. They all said that returning home was like an arrow. He was like an arrow to go.

Finally, the time came. It was nearly eight o'clock, half an hour worse than he expected. However, he was satisfied to be here.

He got out of the car and went straight to the villa. Now he can go in and out in a big way. He doesn't have to hide. He's afraid that this person will see it. This feeling is really good.

Although his daughter-in-law hasn't arrived yet, he just likes to be so aboveboard. As long as he works hard, his daughter-in-law will arrive sooner or later.

Gu Yaner should have finished breakfast. At this time, she was sitting under the sun umbrella in the garden reading. She sat there quietly and picturesquely, which stunned Ke Hezhe for a moment. The picture was really beautiful.

For a long time, he didn't wake up until the mobile phone rang. He looked down and saw that he was not an important person, so he hung up directly. Then he walked to Gu Yaner with a purple rose in his hand. He didn't want her to look at it, "he zhe? Don't you have to go to work?"

"Come and see you, and then go to work right away." a whole bunch of purple roses was handed to Gu Yaner. He looked at her with burning eyes. He saw her only yesterday, but now, he still felt like he hadn't seen her for a long time.

"This......" Gu Yan'er hesitated for a moment and looked at the purple rose in his hand. It was neither received nor not received. You know, roses can't be sent or received casually. This represents love. It can have different meanings from other flowers.

"What's the matter?" seeing that she didn't answer, Ke Hezhe was nervous.

Gu Yaner shook her head, then looked down at her stomach, "Ke Hezhe, I'm pregnant with a child. I can't pick up the flower casually."

"Ah..." Ke Hezhe smiled. "OK, if you don't pick me up, I'll put it in this garden. Wait until the garden master comes to collect it and throw it away. Anyway, whether you pick it up or not, from today on, I'll have a bunch of roses every day. Gu Yaner will swear not to be a man if you don't catch you."

Er, Gu Yaner stares at him. Does anyone chase women like this? He was so overbearing and not romantic at all. As soon as he reached out, he took the roses in his hand, then got up and went to a decorative dustbin integrated with the garden not far away, and directly threw the whole bunch of purple roses in, "OK, you can go now."

"Yan'er, you..." Ke Hezhe immediately felt frustrated. Gu Yan'er was too cruel. Then a large bunch of roses with dew are absolutely fresh and beautiful.

Gu Yaner turned and clapped her hands, "Ke Hezhe, didn't you give it to me?"

"Yes... Yes."

"Since I was given it, I has the final say where I put flowers, right?"

Ke Hezhe was speechless. Anyway, she just recognized that the president had a new spring. Otherwise, it was impossible for her to order a bunch of purple roses every day. Can she send them casually?

I just don't know what woman came into the president's eyes, so that the president even left his former wife aside and sent flowers to this woman every day.

This woman, great!!

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