"I'll see my brother in a minute." Ke Hezhen lovingly picked up Xiaoyu and liked the child too much.

"Brother, brother..." Xiaoyu recognized the 'brother' in Gu Yaner's big belly, and Ke Hezhe had to put Xiaoyu down again.

Out of the elevator, Ke Jingxu's ward is in the senior VIP ward in the innermost corridor.

Knock on the door gently. When the door opens, Gu Yaner looks in and doesn't see Ke Hexi at all. When she is confused, a soft "aunt" wakes Gu Yaner. It turns out that Jing Xu came to open the door himself.

I really want to pick up this baby. It's so cute.

But she just bent over and was stopped by Ke Hezhe. "OK, I don't hold Xiaoyu and let them play." there are only nurses in the corridor. There are no outsiders. There is no thin wine. I'm not afraid of anything to say.

The two freshmen and freshmen went in. Ke Hexi and aunt Zheng were inside. Xiaoyu and Jingxu immediately became one. Although they walked unsteadily, they were as happy as they wanted to be together. They soon went crazy and regarded the adults in the ward as if they were gone.

Several people sat on the sofa and chairs respectively. Gu Yaner whispered, "haven't you heard from me yet?"

"No." Ke Hexi's look suddenly darkened. Until now, he can't understand what he did wrong and why Bo Jiu left him. When she comes back, he must ask carefully.

Gu Yan'er pondered, "did the old man and your father call?"

"Yes." it's true. Jingxu's news is so big. Mr. Ke and Ke Qingyu naturally know it. When they know it, they must call to ask. Who doesn't worry about their little grandson.

"What did you say?"

"I said it was just a skin injury. It's no big deal."

"Ke Hexi, this is your fault. If the old man doesn't come, it means that Jing Xu's injury is no big problem. Since it's no big problem, will bo Jiu still worry?"

Ke Hexi suddenly woke up from Gu Yaner's words and even ignored Gu Yaner's address to him. She used to call him He Xi, but now she actually added a 'Ke' surname, but Ke Hezhe listened very well, "OK, I'll call the old man to come tomorrow."

"Let's do it now. I promise that as long as you come now, thin wine will appear without tomorrow. You'd better pay more attention."

Ke Hexi nodded, "monitor for 24 hours. As soon as Bo wine appears, someone will notify me." monitoring has been installed in all corners, imports and exports of the hospital, but Bo wine hasn't appeared yet. Ke Hexi is really worried.

"Yes, didn't you say that Bo Jiu likes Jing Xu best, then she will appear." just as she likes Xiaoyu, she wants to be with Xiaoyu all the time. If Xiaoyu has something to do, she won't be willing to leave.

"OK, I'll pay attention."

After sitting for half an hour, even doctors and nurses symbolically went in and out twice. If they only looked outside the ward, they really couldn't see that Jing Xu was all right. Gu Yaner was relieved. Thinking that Xiaodan and Xiaoyu had finished school, Ke Hezhe should go home.

However, Xiaoyu and Jingxu, who are having a good time, can't be pulled away.

Xiaoyu is about the same age as Jingxu, and both of them are just talking and walking. In particular, there is a "common language". Seeing that the two of them have a good time, Gu Yaner frowns and can't delay like this. Xiaoyu is just a time to quarrel and make trouble. If you stay for a long time, someone will doubt that Jingxu is all right. Therefore, Gu Yaner makes a look, Ke Hezhe forcibly picked up Xiaoyu and said, "Hezhe, you take Xiaoyu home first, and I'll stay." only in this way did it seem solemn and serious, and it seemed that Jing Xu's injury was really serious.

"No, I can't bring three children alone." Ke Hezhe protested. Gu Yaner didn't say she wanted to stay when she came. Suddenly she didn't go. He was uncomfortable.

Gu Yaner looked down at her big belly, "Ke Hezhe, are you jealous?"

"No." although he was really jealous, Ke Hezhe didn't admit it.

"If not, take Xiaoyu back. I promise I'll go home as soon as the thin wine appears tonight."

"Well, what if thin wine doesn't appear?"

"I'll go home if she doesn't come. Don't worry." it seems that men should coax, or they can play rogue like Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner is really speechless. She really wants to stay and cheat with a torch and thin wine.

Of course, if the old man comes, the fire will be the most prosperous.

Listen, she definitely promised him. Ke Hezhe put it away. He can't help staying in the hospital. Moreover, the longer Xiaoyu stays in the hospital, the easier it is to be suspicious. Such a young child has been staying in Jingxu's ward. Any normal person will doubt that she is playing with Jingxu again.

Besides, Gu Yaner is not alone with Ke Hexi. There are more Jing Xu and aunt Zheng who takes care of Jing Xu. If he wants to be uncomfortable again, it will be too much.

Ke Hexi's heart is full of thin wine now, and she is no longer Gu Yaner.

Ke Hezhe left with Xiaoyu in his arms. Gu Yaner chatted with Ke Hexi and aunt Zheng leisurely. From time to time, she glanced at Jing Xu playing with toys. Jing Xu was a little taller than Xiaoyu, but she was thinner than Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner couldn't help feeling distressed by her thin appearance. "How thin is Jing Xu?" she had seen Jing Xu before and was more fleshy than now.

"Maybe it's because Bo Jiu is not here. He doesn't eat well."

"Mom... Mom..." hearing Ke Hexi talking about Bo wine, Jing Xu put down his toys and looked at the adults. His little mouth also subconsciously shouted his mother. It seems that he regarded Bo wine as his own mother.

Gu Yaner's heart hurts more.

Although I don't remember the scene with Bo Jiu and Jing Xu in the past, I feel a natural love and worry about Jing Xu. Ke Hezhe said she took Jing Xu. Maybe that's the reason.

Although she seems to be unfamiliar with Ke Hezhe's family, sitting together is unspeakably kind. She doesn't dislike being with the Ke family.

More than an hour later, Ke Hengnan came with Ke Qingyu.

Ke Hengnan and Ke Qingyu are in their twenties, but looking at Ke Qingyu's energy and spirit, Ke Hengnan pushes the door and sees Gu Yaner. Ke Qingyu is stunned, "Yan'er..."

Gu Yan'er, who had just said hello to Ke Hengnan, paused. Calling Ke Hengnan was very simple. It was represented by the old man, but calling Ke Qing was a little troublesome.

The old man's name was occupied by Ke Hengnan. She couldn't call Ke Qingyu old man again, but it was wrong to call her father. After all, she and Ke Hezhe had divorced, but she was worried that Ke Qingyu was uncomfortable. Finally, Gu Yaner didn't call anything, just a polite greeting, "hello."

"Yan'er, do you blame Peng Qing for killing your mother?" she didn't call her name. Ke Qingyu burst into tears and shook her hand. His old face became more haggard. Murong Qing's death hit him very hard. He even thought about death overnight, but he couldn't bear to leave the old man alone, After all, he has been missing in the old man's world for more than 20 years. If he can't leave, it's unfair to the old man.

Gu Yaner was stunned. At this time, she had understood that Ke Hezhe's mother had something to do with her mother's death. What flashed in her mind was that she divorced Ke Hezhe. Was it because of Peng Qing?

Otherwise, Ke Hezhe is kind to her. Judging from their previous photos, they must be very loving.

She couldn't see the old man's injury, "father, it's not."

Just a 'father', he 'explained everything clearly'. Ke Qingyu really smiled, "if you and he zhe are okay, if they are okay, then I'm relieved."

"Yan'er, I won't go to see grandpa when I come back. Your father misses you every day and often talks to me about your young couple." Ke Hengnan looks at his son. His heart hurts. He is such a son. Now he has lost murongqing. He doesn't want his son to be filial to him, but wants him to persuade and coax his son to open up every day. It's obviously the opposite.

Gu Yan'er was ashamed. She didn't remember anything, but she didn't dare to say that. She just smiled and said, "I remember. I'll go back often in the future."

"That's good. Your father doesn't have to think about the news every day. He thought he zhe was really going to marry the Chen girl. Fortunately, he called to publicize the wedding company, otherwise my old man really believed it."

Gu Yan'er smiled in her heart. Although Ke Hezhe's deceptive skills are not superb, he has really cheated the old man. Even if he is doing publicity for the wedding company, it's not necessary for him to wear his wedding clothes in person.

However, this meeting can not reveal the bottom of Ke Hezhe. It is not only to save face for Ke Hezhe, but also to reassure the old man and Ke Qingyu.

Mingming is divorced, but she has to plan for Ke Hezhe. She's very tired.

"Old man, we'll be fine." Gu Yaner replied ambiguously. She didn't say divorce or that she didn't remarry at all. It's right not to mention it.

"Are you pregnant again?" the old man still stared at Gu Yaner. When he came in, Ke Hexi said that Jing Xu was no big deal. He was hospitalized for observation for a few days. In addition, Jing Xu looked lively. The two old people immediately put down Jing Xu. They all paid attention to Gu Yaner, not for anything else, but for her big stomach.

"HMM." Gu Yan'er was a little embarrassed. She had three babies and was pregnant again, just like a pig.

"It doesn't take long to calculate." the old man looked at Jing Xu and knew that Gu Yaner hadn't been pregnant for a long time, because Jing Xu was about the same age as Xiao Yu.

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