"He Zhe, what's the matter?" Gu Yaner was directly frightened by Ke Hezhe's reaction and frowned and asked him.

Seeing Gu Yaner's eyes, Ke Hezhe felt hurt.

He is a man.

He hasn't seen any big storms. He just lost his temper in front of Gu Yaner.

Whispered a reply and then hung up the phone. At this time, the expression was clear.

The sky is falling and someone is holding it.

Even if he did it himself, he didn't make it.

Xing Ruzhen disguised as a psychosis and hid so deeply that she could be defeated in her own hands, as well as Wu Hongda. Therefore, nothing can be difficult to live with him.

Ke Hezhe smiled and said to Gu Yan'er, "Yan'er, don't worry. It's just a slip of your hand. It's all right."

"It's all right?" Gu Yaner didn't believe it at all.

"It's not that there's nothing wrong. There's a small situation in the company. I have to rush to deal with it, but..."

"It would be better if Mrs. Wu accompanied me to the hospital. No, I can call Yanran, so you can deal with the company's affairs. I'm an adult. I can take care of myself. You go." Gu Yaner was eager for Ke Hezhe to disappear into her vision.

She hasn't remarried with him yet, but they are too tired to be together.

In case she finds that she can't marry him after she recovers her memory, at that time, it will hurt not only herself, but also Ke Hezhe, and even their children.

One by one, she can't let go.

Therefore, we can keep a distance from Ke Hezhe now. In this way, if we really can't remarry, we can also minimize the harm to each other.

Ke Hezhe hesitated a little, "OK, I'll let the driver send you."

Then, Ke Hezhe was on the phone, one after another. First, he explained to the driver, then to the doctor who had made an appointment, and finally to Wu Ma.

With a "puff", Gu Yaner didn't hold back and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" the originator didn't know at all.

"Ke Hezhe, why do I think you're a better mother than an old mother." everything seems to be about her. He arranges it seriously.

This made Gu Yaner feel unbearable.

Ke Hezhe's eyes flashed over her big belly. "You're still pregnant. Isn't it normal for me to care about you? Do you still think I don't care about you?"

Gu Yan'er smiled low. "I'm not a fool. Of course I'd like someone to care about me, but you don't have to take care of which pair of shoes I wear when I go out?" it's afraid that she wears shoes with heels. Ke Hezhe really specified shoes for her. It's really wide. She's pregnant with a child. Can she not pay attention to wearing shoes.

Ke Hezhe's face is not red and his heart doesn't jump. "Many women want me to care about me. I don't want to care about you. You have to be happy if you don't want to."

Look, it's bullying again.

Gu Yaner knew he couldn't make sense, "OK, let's go together. You go to the company and I go to the hospital without delay."

Ke Hezhe nodded and personally put her in the car. Then he followed out of the door with his own Lamborghini. Every step was full of uneasy smell, which made Gu Yaner speechless when she looked through the rearview mirror.

It's not that she won't come back. As for such reluctance?

"Drive." Gu Yaner urged the driver. The speed at which the driver was driving just now was not called driving at all.

Too slow, turtle speed.

"Oh, good." the driver picked up the speed and quickly turned the corner in front. Gu Yaner looked through the rearview mirror. Ke Hezhe's car finally disappeared from view.

He goes to the company and she goes to the hospital. It's completely two different directions.

Gu Yaner turned to look at Wu Ma, who was teasing Xiaoyu. "Wu Ma, I want to buy something and go to the hospital."

"But Sir has made an appointment with the doctor."

"It doesn't matter. Just let the doctor wait. Anyway, I must cooperate with the examination today." she has been tired of the examination for a long time. She has checked on the Internet for a long time. In the past, women never went to the hospital for examination from knowing they were pregnant to giving birth to children. They have been born well, but now people are too delicate.

Obviously, it's not good to do too much B-ultrasound, but the doctor prescribes it, so keep doing it all the time.

Science is good, but it's not good to rely too much on it.

Anyway, she opposed it, but it was useless to oppose it. Before, Xi Zhengnan asked her to check it according to the doctor's instructions. When she came to Ke Hezhe, it was even more important.

"What does your wife want to buy? Is it important?"

"Important, very important. Besides, it'll take more than an hour at most." Gu Yaner pushed Wu Ma, "let's go. Let's go shopping and then go to the hospital."

"Well, as long as it doesn't affect the inspection, where to?"

"Go to XXX city square." Gu Yaner chose this place at will.

"OK, let's go." Wu Ma agreed after all.

So the driver turned around and went to XXX city square.

It was a large shopping mall operated by mikang Yaan, which was just in the middle of the hospital she was going to and KEGU group.

More than ten minutes later, the car stopped. Gu Yaner asked Wu Ma to put Xiaoyu on the ground. She led the villain's little hand forward, holding it soft and comfortable.

The feeling of flesh seemed to soften people's heart, which made her heart full of Ke Xiaoyu.

"Mom, ball." Xiaoyu was excited when he saw the flying balloon, and his little hand pointed to the bouncing.

Gu Yan'er stopped, bought five at one go, and stuffed them all into Xiaoyu's small hands. When she took a step, the balloon swung with her small body. Xiaoyu smiled, "Mom, kiss."

She's thanking her.

Gu Yaner was not polite at all. As soon as she tilted her body and half of her face approached Xiaoyu, the little guy thought about her little feet and kissed Gu Yaner on her face.

The three people entered the mall, but Gu Yaner was not in a hurry to go shopping. "Mom Wu, I want to go to the bathroom. Can you wait for me with Xiaoyu in the morning tea shop first?"

"Yes." normal people have to go to the bathroom, otherwise they will suffocate.

What's more, Gu Yaner has such a big belly. She will be born in more than a month. Therefore, Wu Ma has always promised Gu Yaner what she is comfortable with.

Gu Yaner got up and walked towards the bathroom. However, she turned around after a turn.

That direction is not the direction of the bathroom at all, but farther and farther away from the bathroom.

Gu Yaner walked out of the mall through another door. At this time, she had only one destination. She wanted to go to KEGU. She wanted to check the post to see if kehezhe really went to KEGU. Anyway, she always felt abnormal about the bowl that kehezhe fell. She always thought something must have happened.

Otherwise, Ke Hezhe would not have reacted so abnormally and strongly.

But I didn't expect that just before they went into the shopping mall, it was only cloudy outside. At this time, there were sporadic raindrops.

It's not big, but it's not comfortable to pour it on people.

Gu Yaner didn't want to waste time, so she wanted to take a car to catch Ke Gu quickly. Anyway, she wanted to catch Ke Hezhe's appearance. If Ke Hezhe wasn't in Ke Gu, she immediately called him, and he had to tell her what happened.

Anyway, she just wants to know now.

The rain is not very heavy, but it is slightly larger than the previous raindrops. The light rain has become a rain curtain. Looking at the past, it is very romantic, but the feeling of pouring on the body is not good at all.

On such a rainy day, even the taxi was against her. She waited for several minutes and only two manned taxis passed. Gu Yaner was a little worried. If she couldn't wait for her at the hospital, she called Ke Hezhe and asked him. When Ke Hezhe found that she didn't go to the hospital, she might not catch Ke Hezhe's appearance.

A black Volvo came slowly. Gu Yan'er thought about the taxi near and far away, but she didn't expect that the Volvo she didn't pay attention to stopped in front of her, "Mrs. Ke, where are you going? I'll give you a ride." the man in the car smiled lightly and looked at her with only concern and nothing else.

It's Zhengnan.

Gu Yaner only felt her brain blow. She didn't pay attention to Xi Zhengnan because she didn't like it recently. Unexpectedly, he was completely well.

However, his expression was no longer like when he was with her. At this time, he saw her as the wife of a business partner.

Sure enough, he completely forgot her.

Although somewhat sad, Gu Yan'er would rather wash Zhengnan and never remember her again if he could stop suffering.

Remember, just her identity as Mrs. Ke.

"No, I'll just take a taxi myself, thank you." Gu Yaner politely refused. As when she said, since she has no fate with Xi Zhengnan, don't come again, so as not to hurt Xi Zhengnan again.

In fact, it's not just when you don't want to hurt Xi Zhengnan.

She can't bear it.

Once, for the man she could not die, he has always been her gratitude and regret.

If it hadn't been for xizhengnan, the three babies in her stomach might have been lost.

"It's raining and getting wet by the rain. You have a cold. It's bad to infect the fetus in your stomach."

Hearing what he said, Gu Yaner felt a "click" in her heart. He was right. After hesitating for a while, Gu Yaner bent into the door he had opened for her, "then please wash Mr. Xi." the moment she got on the bus, it seemed that time went back to the day when she first knew Xi Zhengnan. It was also such a rainy day. It was also this car and this man, The same narrow carriage, but it also brings her warmth.

"No trouble, where are you going?"

Gu Yaner looked straight in front of the car, "KEGU group."

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