More and more excited.

Soon, on the big bed of the hotel, Rong Qingya ended her precious man's flying. In fact, she is comfortable now. The unsolved medicine in her body makes her miserable in enjoyment.

Everything is going on beautifully.

Everything is also going on in her plan.

That night, she gave herself to a man she didn't love.

Ke Hexi slept.

But Rong Qingya didn't feel sleepy at all.

Under the body, it hurts.

Biting her teeth, she endured the pain in her lower ~ body and felt lonely in the dark.

Just think, when Ke Hexi sleeps deeply, the deeper the better.

When she finally heard Ke Hexi's even breathing, she quietly got up. Ignoring the pain in her body, she put on her pajamas and walked out of the room.

The door is still open. She wants to get Gu Yaner over.

Well, it's really a little troublesome.

She was afraid that she would wake up Gu Yaner by accident.

Moreover, it doesn't seem so simple to drag a living person from one room to another.

Suddenly, when she just walked out of Ke Hexi's room, she thought of Ke Hexi's wheelchair.

Women sometimes have extraordinary wisdom and courage in order to get everything.

Rong Qingya turns back to Ke Hexi's room again, and then pushes the wheelchair to the next room quietly.

On the bed, there are still those two white bodies.

Seeing Gu Yaner's figure, she bit her teeth with hatred.

I just hope she doesn't wake up. Don't wake up.

"Ah..." Gu Yan'er suddenly screamed when she bent over to start acting. She seemed to be having a nightmare.

The sound frightened Rong Qingya. She quickly stopped her action.

Just when her face suddenly changed and she wanted to leave the room, Ke Hezhe's voice suddenly rang.

"Good, don't be afraid." a very gentle male voice made Rong Qingya's heart jump suddenly.

Then, in his sleep, Ke Hezhe's arm gently surrounded Gu Yaner.

Gu Yaner didn't hide. She actually let Ke Hezhe hold her in her arms.

This scene made Rong Qing's face white with elegance.

But she didn't dare to move. She was afraid to wake up the two people in bed.

If two people wake up together and find that they were together last night, Rong Qingya will really lose and lose completely.


Time is passing slowly.

Her eyes never left Gu Yaner.

Although she can't see her face, the face in her memory in the daytime has been deeply rooted in her heart. Aunt Qing doesn't seem to like this woman. Therefore, she has a reserve army. She is not afraid of this woman.

Gu Yaner and Ke Hezhe soon fell asleep.

For a long time, when Rong Qingya was getting numb in her legs, Gu Yaner turned over and broke free from Ke Hezhe's arms.

Here comes the chance.

She must be fast.

The quick one didn't know where the strength came from. As soon as she reached out, she picked up Gu Yaner.

On weekdays, the eldest lady who did nothing actually carried Gu Yaner to the wheelchair.

Gu Yan'er thought it was a dream in her sleep. She trembled with fright. When she wanted to scream, Rong Qingya covered her mouth in time, and then whispered, "it's not dawn yet, sleep." her voice was very soft, but when she spoke, the sweat on her forehead was dripping.

Because she was afraid that Gu Yaner would wake up and Ke Hezhe would wake up.

Then her application for loss tonight will be in vain.

Gu Yaner gradually calmed down. She was still sleeping with her eyes closed on the chair. She thought she was dreaming. She was in a dream.

Seeing that Ke Hezhe on the bed and Gu Yaner in the wheelchair had no change, Rong Qingya reached out and wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Rong Qingya calmed her mind and pushed Gu Yaner to Ke Hexi's room next door soon.

Put Gu Yaner next to Ke Hexi. When Ke Hexi's hand hugged Gu Yaner, Rong Qingya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, she finally understood why the success rate of thieves at night was so high.

That's because the person in her sleep doesn't know what's going on around her.

It is because of this that residents are often patronized by thieves at night, but it is dawn after the thieves run away.

She succeeded.

She took advantage of the fact that three people were sleeping soundly and did all this unconsciously.

Return the wheelchair, lock Ke Hexi's door, and Rong Qingya goes to Gu Yaner's room with a triumphant smile. Then she lies next to Ke Hezhe and bites her finger. When she drops blood drop by drop, her eyes are full of smiles. Ke Hezhe, look where you're going?

Sleep, sleep beside him, just wait. When she wakes up in the morning, she will appreciate the amazement on the faces of the other three people. Of course, she will also have an expression of amazement, but that will be her performance.

A theatrical performance.

She won.


When the morning light slanted into the room through the curtain, Gu Yaner moved gently, and her whole body was as painful as a broken frame.

What's the matter with her?

Still on the plane?

The feeling of airsickness is still there.

My head still hurts.

Rub your eyes and gently open them. Everything in the room is clear and dazzling.

Everything seems to be the same as before she went to bed last night.

But when her eyes continued to sweep past her, she was frightened, "Ke Hexi, you......" why would there be a Ke Hexi lying on her bed?

Her voice was loud enough for Ke Hexi to wake up soon.

Gu Yaner in her eyes is pulling the bed sheet desperately to cover her naked body.

"Yan'er, are you awake?" Ke Hexi was secretly surprised by her reaction. He vaguely remembered that she was the first to take the initiative at the beginning of last night. Otherwise, he would have done everything with her if he hurt his leg.

"You... You go out." Gu Yaner panicked. She thought this was her room.

"Yan'er, what's the matter with you?" Ke Hexi would hug her as soon as he stretched out his hand. Her appearance was like a startled bow bird, which made him feel distressed.

"You... Why?" the frightened Gu Yaner was a little incoherent. She really didn't think she would have such an act with Ke Hexi.

Yes, it must have happened.

On the bed, it's so messy.

And her body ~ hurts, too.

Last night's dream came to my mind in an instant. Isn't that a dream?

"Yan'er, this is my room. I won't go out." her reaction made Ke Hexi a little disgusted. Obviously she wanted to come, but now she looks like a big gray wolf. Does she want money? "I'll give you whatever you want." all her good impressions of her disappeared at once. It turned out that her desire to welcome or refuse was for money.

Then she is no different from other women.

"What did you say? You said this was your room?" Gu Yaner became more and more confused.

"Yes, you called me last night and said you had a nightmare. You were scared. Then you ran to my room. You see, my phone is there, and your phone is there. Just look at the call records to see if you have called me." pointing to the two mobile phones on the bedside table, Ke Hexi said impatiently. It's really unnecessary for him to say these, Because this is what Gu Yaner did by herself, but she didn't know anything.

Dressed in bed sheets, Gu Yaner rushed to the bedside table like flying. First, she picked up her phone and quickly pressed the key. Sure enough, the first one who had broadcast the phone was Ke Hexi's. looking at that time, it was 2:00 a.m.

God, she really took the initiative.

Frowning, Gu Yaner tried to think hard, but what she remembered was just a picture like a dream.

It seems that she really did something with a man.

But why is it Ke Hexi? She really doesn't want to have any relationship with him.

At that moment, she was stupid.

Staring at the broadcast phone number in her mobile phone, she didn't know how to clean up what happened in front of her.

Slowly sitting on the carpet in front of the bed, holding her knees, she didn't say a word. She just looked at her toes without blinking. The eyes without focus confused Ke Hexi. It seems that he wronged her. It seems that she really doesn't remember everything last night.

Her expression really doesn't seem to be pretending.

Recalling everything last night again, Ke Hexi suddenly thought of the block he encountered when he got her. If she was Chu ~ Zi, what could he be dissatisfied with.

Mou Guang glanced at the bed sheet where Gu Yan'er had just sat, and a sharp red mark was still on it. However, it had dried up, but the woman's eyes in front of this face were streaming tears like a stream.

Gu Yaner is crying, silent crying.

Provoke him, heartache and pity.

Never so helpless, so want to cry.

Tears, drop by drop, wet cheeks and sheets.

Ke Hexi saw it. He thought she must be so sad because she lost her precious first time.

But in fact, men and women have the same place ~ son complex.

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