Xi Zhengnan nodded slightly, then looked down at Gu Yaner, "Yaner, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine." Gu Yaner was slightly surprised to see that it was Xi Zhengnan. She remembered that he had to send her to Ke Gu to catch Ke Hezhe last time. She couldn't understand him at all.

"I forgot you, didn't I?" I didn't want to. I was still in the elevator, or even at the time when Gu Yaner had just given birth to a child. Xi Zhengnan asked impolitely.

Gu Yaner was confused for a moment. She really didn't know how to respond. She turned to Ke Hezhe. She threw the question to Ke Hezhe.

Ke Hezhe looked at Xi Zhengnan with colder eyes. "Well, it's OK for you to go back and ask when. It has nothing to do with me and Yan'er. Moreover, Yan'er is my wife. Are you still coveting her too much?"

"Mr. Ke, you say again, is Yan'er your wife?" Xi Zhengnan was not angry, so he pressed him.

Ke Hezhe's face was slightly blue. This was the first man who dared to provoke him in front of Gu Yaner, "you can't control it."

"I checked. Mr. Ke and Yan'er have divorced, so I covet her reasonable and legal, not too much."

Just as the elevator stopped, there was only one floor. Xizhengnan stretched out his hand to push Gu Yaner's push bed. Ke Hezhe naturally separated his hand as soon as he stretched out his hand. "No matter whether Yaner is my wife or not, her children are mine now. I have to be responsible for her all the time. I just take care of Yaner and don't bother Mr. Xi."

"It depends on whether she likes it or not." Xi Zhengnan's hand fell on the push bed again.

So Gu Yaner was forced to 'enjoy' the two men pushing her hospital bed together.

Her mind suddenly became chaotic. She couldn't forget that Xi Zhengnan was good to her, and he didn't even want his life for her. If he hadn't warned her again and again, she wouldn't ignore Xi Zhengnan.


The obstetrics and Gynecology floors were overcrowded, and even the corridors were temporarily added with beds. Ke Hezhe could not be in such an occasion even if he wanted to have an attack. Therefore, he could not help but increase the thrust on his hands. Soon, the three people went to Gu Yaner's ward together. There were a lot of people. The old man Ke Hengnan came. Naturally, Ke Qingyu was also present. At the same time, there were Ke Hexi and Bo wine, Seeing Gu Yaner, Bo Jiu hugged Jing Xu and greeted her first. "Sister Yan, you look good." she used to be a full-time nanny and sister-in-law Yue. Seeing the situation, she knew that Gu Yaner was fine, and people were relieved.

"Well, I'm fine, Yan Ran?" many people waited here, but her eyes were looking for Wu Yan ran all the time.

"Didn't inform her." Ke Hezhe gave a hand, and some didn't expect Gu Yaner to want to see Wu Yanran at this time.

"Why didn't you inform Yanran? I want to see Yanran." it is said that pregnant women have a big temper. Gu Yaner is the same after her birth. Yes, women are usually upset when they are pregnant. Anyway, she wants to see Yanran. Yanran is her mother's family.

"Yan'er, I'm worried..."

"Yanran has no children yet. Seeing that you have three children in a row, she will inevitably feel sad again. Yan'er, if she doesn't come, she won't come." Ke Hezhe was interrupted by Ke Qingyu.

Ke Qingyu didn't say this wrong. It turned out that Ke Hezhe didn't inform Wu Yanran for this reason. Well, she didn't want her only sister to be sad. She nodded gently. Gu Yaner wasn't saying anything.

Push the bed into the ward. There is a senior VIP ward with two rooms and one living room. Gu Yaner has one room and the children live in one room. Because three children were born at once, the ward was crowded and very lively. The nurse commanded Gu Yaner on the push bed to be carried to the wide hospital bed. This hospital bed is special, wide and comfortable.

The infusion was hanging all the time. Ke Hezhe pulled the quilt for her and turned to the people who followed him: "there are many people in the ward, the air is bad, and you can leave when you see that Yan'er is OK." when he said this, he looked at Xi Zhengnan with meaningful eyes. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he would prefer his family to stay for a few more minutes, However, due to the existence of xizhengnan, he drove away.

"Show me the children, come on." Gu Yan'er smiled as soon as she heard the child. She didn't get up and didn't hold it. She could just lie on the hospital bed and look at it from a distance. She really wanted to see those three little things.

Ke Hezhe nodded. Three months old sister-in-law immediately picked up the one in charge and lined up to Gu Yaner. They were very cute one by one.

Gu Yan'er looked at this and then at that. Her heart was filled with happiness. Finally, she left Xiao Liu with her and kept watching. She couldn't see enough. This child would be the last one in her life.

When she was pregnant with Xiaodan and Xiaoyu, the doctor also said that the posterior position of her uterus was very serious and it was difficult to get pregnant. Unexpectedly, it was only a few years. In the blink of an eye, she was already the mother of six children.

Time is amazing.

"Mommy, I'm coming. I want to hug my sister." Xiaodan just arrived. He just squeezed through the crowd and came to Gu Yaner's bed. He looked at Xiao Liu on the bed and looked at it for several times. Then he carefully touched Xiao Liu's face, "it's so beautiful. Mommy, what's her name?"

Gu Yaner remembered that she hadn't named her three babies yet. She turned to look at Ke Hezhe, "where's my mobile phone?"

"Here it is." Gu Yaner asked him instead of Xi Zhengnan. A sense of superiority suddenly sprang up in Ke Hezhe's perception. If Xi Zhengnan doesn't go, he'll show how much Gu Yaner depends on him in front of Xi Zhengnan, so as to make Xi Zhengnan die for Gu Yaner.

I don't know who is chewing the root of his tongue. Obviously, Xi Zhengnan doesn't remember Gu Yan'er, but that man is so bad that he has to tell Xi Zhengnan. That man is really annoying.

Gu Yaner took over the mobile phone. She saved the names she had thought of earlier in her mobile phone. There were three boys and three girls. She thought it was either three boys or three girls. Unexpectedly, it was a man and two women, which was beyond her expectation. It was a surprise.

"Yan'er, why don't I get up, okay?"

No, Ke Qingyu, who hasn't left yet, opened his mouth.

Suddenly, the eyes of the people in the ward fell on Ke Qingyu.

Gu Yaner looked at the man once loved by her mother. Although she felt some emotion after hearing the story of him and his mother, he had taken pains to marry several, but he still loved his mother most, "you say." she and Ke Hezhe had divorced, so she didn't know what to call Ke Qingyu at this moment.

"Yan'er, your mother suffered inhuman torture when she gave birth to you and Yan Ran. She hasn't seen you two sisters for more than 20 years. She always regretted that she didn't give you a name. Now, one surnamed Wu and the other surnamed Gu. I don't know. I thought you weren't close sisters. At that time, in the basement, she wrote your names on the glass wall every day. It was she who did it for you and Yan However, it's a pity that you haven't used your mother's name until now. You don't even know your mother's mind. This time, you actually gave birth to two daughters. It's better to fulfill your mother's wish and take your mother's name for your child. "

"OK." Gu Yan'er didn't even hesitate. She was looking forward to hearing the name her mother expected.

Although she doesn't remember all the things between herself and murongqing, the feeling of deep mother daughter love has been lingering in her heart.

"The big one is Zihan and the small one is Ziqi. What do you think?" Ke Qingyu said, glancing at the people around him. Although Ke Hezhe had obviously chased guests just now, the big guys didn't take it seriously. They were all Ke family. Ke Hezhe said he wanted to stay for a while to see Gu Yaner and triplets, This is a recent super happy event for the Ke family. Looking at the three children, Ke Qingyu is also Lao Bo Zongheng. If murongqing is still alive, he must be very happy to see these children.

She has always regretted that she didn't give birth to a son and a half to him in her life, but now her daughter has given birth to so many children to the Ke family, which has fulfilled her wish. There is no regret.

"Hehe, these two names are good. In the future, their two sisters will love each other. Qing language is good." Ke Hengnan was the first to express his position, so everyone agreed.

"Father, you're putting more emphasis on women than men, aren't you? It's obviously snubbing my son." Ke Hezhe directly picked up Xiao Si from sister-in-law Yue's hand. The little thing seemed to know that he was snubbed by grandpa. The meeting son actually had a small mouth and burst into tears.

"Give it to me. I'll feed some water and baby milk powder." sister-in-law Yue will take it.

"Just give it to me." Ke Hezhen is holding it comfortably. He can't bear to put down the little four. Holding his son is different from holding his daughter. He likes it the same, but the feeling is really different, which he can't describe.

"Can you feed, sir?"

"Yes, you can do it. Just give it to him." Ke Hexi couldn't help laughing. Ke Hezhe took Xiaoyu. He saw it with his own eyes. He is absolutely a super daddy and is absolutely competent. Ke Hezhe doesn't care what he does, unless he doesn't want to do it, but as long as he does it, it must be very decent.

While waiting for Yue's sister-in-law to mix milk bottles with water and milk powder, they whispered about the name of the little four.

This is a big deal. A name will follow the little guy all his life. Therefore, we must be serious and give a good name. The little grandson of the Ke family will be blessed in the future.

When everyone was talking, suddenly, Xi Zhengnan, who had not opened his mouth, said, "I'll start the child's name."

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