Chen Xue hesitated and stared at the back of Xi Zhengnan. She stared for more than ten seconds and said, "eight million."

"It's only five million. If you want it, I'll give it to you. If you don't want it, don't talk." Xi Zhengnan didn't return. She said coldly and went up the stairs, as if she didn't care whether she agreed or not.

That kind of reaction and expression made Chen Xue's heart bristle. I'm afraid he won't even have five million in the end.

Moreover, the longer she keeps Gu Yaner to wash Zhengnan in this small building, the worse it will be for her.

This is the time for Ke Hezhe to come here.

If her men hadn't reported to her tonight, Ke Hezhe might have been drunk and called a substitute driver. She didn't dare to come here to negotiate with Xi Zhengnan herself.

She doesn't want to be found here by Ke Hezhe and make a fuss in the end.

Moreover, his subordinates just reported that Xi Zhengnan really didn't have financial power in mi'an Yakang. It was Jiang yubai's fault that she didn't investigate these in advance. She was badly hurt by Jiang yubai.

"Wait." Chen Xue thought of this and whispered to wash Zhengnan.

"Did you agree?" Xi Zhengnan stood on the stairs, looked back slowly and looked down at Chen Xue.

Although he is a prisoner in this small building and Chen Xue is the master, his eyes looking at Chen Xue are all despised, which seems that Chen Xue has lost his share.

Chen Xue can't hang on to her face. She has always been the princess of the Chen family. If she hadn't been forced too hard by Ke Hezhen and lost emotionally, and the company that was also fooled by Ke Hezhen in the business field was about to close down, she wouldn't have been forced to be like this.

"Well, I agreed. When you give me $5 million, I'll let you and Gu Yaner leave. However, I'll take you directly to the airport and go abroad."

"Oh, how can it be so easy to go abroad?"

"Travel abroad first, go out first, and then go to the country with landing visa. It's better to go to Thailand?" Chen Xue temporarily asked for Xi Zhengnan's opinions. It's easier to go to this country, and let the tour group go abroad for endorsement. In this way, it's safer for people who don't need her to come forward in person.

"OK, you're sure. I'll call you for five million and we'll go out." Xi Zhengnan happily agreed. Anyway, it's a cover up. He will let Chen Xue lose nothing at that time, both human and financial.

"That's OK tomorrow. That's good. You can live and fly with Gu Yaner tomorrow. Mr. Xi, congratulations." Chen Xue smiled and could get Gu Yaner out of the territory of state Z, so Ke Hezhe would die for Gu Yaner sooner or later. Moreover, she could get five million by the way. Although she still had to give Jiang yubai two million, it was good, but it was better than nothing.

"Yes." Xi Zhengnan nodded. Without stopping, he returned to the room upstairs where Gu Yan'er and him were imprisoned.

He doesn't trust Gu Yaner. First, he has just decided to leave with Gu Yaner tonight.

While he promised Chen Xue that Chen Xue and her men would relax their vigilance, when would they stay?

Tomorrow, he won't take Gu Yaner abroad.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that Gu Yaner will never agree.

In her heart, there was only one Ke Hezhe from beginning to end.

This, he always knew, always knew.

He was satisfied that he had been alone with her.

Love, it is said that whoever falls in love first loses.

So, from the beginning of him and her, he was doomed to be a loser.

But he was unable to turn around.

Just because he loves Gu Yaner deeply, he wants her happiness and happiness, not to wash her face with tears.

It's no use staying with a woman who doesn't love herself.

She is unhappy. For a long time, even if he gets a moment, he won't get a lifetime.

What he wants has always been a woman whose body and mind are one with him, not a woman with another man in her heart.

The mistake is that he loves the wrong person.

He walked back to his cell automatically and consciously. Naturally, the people guarding the door didn't stop him from entering.

Gently push the door, wash Zhengnan and go into the cell.

When he left, the light was still on. Gu Yaner was sitting there in a daze. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she turned her head subconsciously. When she saw him, a little smile came on her little face, "are you back? Did Chen Xue embarrass you?"

"No." Xi Zhengnan strode over. The door behind him was half open. People outside didn't have to push the door. Standing there, they could see Gu Yaner's direction. He was walking towards Gu Yaner, stretched out his hand and hugged Gu Yaner in his arms. His mouth was aimed at her, "kiss me, only once." he whispered, this was the first time he kissed her in his life, Kiss her for the last time.

After thinking about it, one of my little wishes is true. I want people outside the door and Chen Xue to believe that he and Gu Yan'er are playing for real.

After all, they had only heard the voice before, so they saw it with their own eyes, so they couldn't doubt it any more.

But in fact, things in this world can often be seen not necessarily true, and ears not necessarily true.

Gu Yaner's body trembled slightly. Except Ke Hezhe, she didn't really kiss any man.

But the man in his eyes was eager in a handsome face, with a warning. His eyes flashed through his shoulder through the open door behind him, and the figure of the killer outside the door. Gu Yaner knew it clearly.

Small mouth light open, in the end or kiss wash Zhengnan.

Only lips, no tongue.

Her tongue kiss will not be given to anyone except Ke Hezhe.

But Xiao is so. Xizhengnan is already very satisfied.

After a few kisses, the gentleman released her, "go to bed. Tomorrow, Miss Chen will send us away."

"Where are you going?"

"Do you want to go abroad?" Xi Zhengnan's voice was low, deep and soft. It was like saying love words to Gu Yaner. The tone was all affectionate. Moreover, even if his voice was low, in this quiet night, it was enough to make his words float to the ears of people outside the door. This was his real purpose.

Gu Yan'er's eyes were cold. Is Xi Zhengnan going to take her away?

But then I saw him wink at her.

His expression was invisible to the outside people, but she could see it clearly, "think." Gu Yaner answered him knowingly and softly, and even her tone showed a sense of joy, "I also want to leave here. His mother killed my mother, and his mother's family is always asking me for trouble. I've had enough with him, so I don't want to remarry with him at all, so I want to leave here. Zhengnan, since you promised me, you can't bear me, otherwise, I hate you all my life."

True or false, false or true.

Sentence by sentence, even she felt that what she said was true.

"That's good." Xi Zhengnan casually held Gu Yaner in his arms. "Don't worry, I will treat you well. Yan'er, if you come with me, I won't treat you badly or let you go to work. You follow me. Just enjoy being a rich wife. Wherever you go, I'll find a decent job to support you."

"HMM." Gu Yaner Zhen leaned against Xi Zhengnan's chest and listened to him seriously word by word. Suddenly, she felt that every word he said to her was clearly what he was talking to her with his heart, without any adulteration.

The bottom of her heart was sour. She still let him sink deeper and deeper. "Zhengnan, I'm sorry." these words, she said at a low volume that only two of them could hear.

"Sleep, I'll close the door." as if she found the door open at this time, Xi Zhengnan gently let go of Gu Yaner, got up and closed the door, then turned off the light and lay down with Gu Yaner in clothes.

The four weeks were quiet, quiet as every night here in the past. It gave people a feeling of suffocation before it was quiet, which would be even worse.

"There are five people in the small building, one at the door, one at the stairs, and three in the downstairs living room. They are blocked in front of the door and two windows. I'll go out and kill the people outside the door later, then go out from the outer window to the yard, and then try to escape." He had just observed the inside of the small building and had no idea of the outside situation. Therefore, he could only plan the inside first. As for the outside, he could only play it at that time.

"When to act?" Gu Yaner listened to his voice in her ear and knew that he had observed the terrain. It seemed that Chen Xue had actually created an opportunity for them.

"An hour later, when they thought we were asleep, we tied ropes."

"Tie a rope?"

"Yes, just use my clothes. It's only two floors. I think it's enough, but I can't make a sound. Just sit still and I'll tie it." Xi Zhengnan patted Gu Yaner's arm and began to take off his coat.

"How? You'll make a noise when you pull your clothes?" Gu Yan'er was worried.

"You snore."

"I call?"

"Yes, just a slight one."

"Xi Zhengnan, when I'm with you these days, I snore every night?" otherwise, he won't ask.

However, she doesn't know her bad habit at all. It's a shame.

Xi Zhengnan looked up and patted her on the shoulder. "It sounds lovely."

Snoring is also cute. Washing Zhengnan is a hobby

Gu Yaner is getting drunk.

But that's good. It's just enough to cover him.

So, more than ten minutes later, the two people cooperated with each other. One shouted and the other pulled the clothes and tied a rope. A coat was washed and a strong rope was tied to Zhengnan.

When the rope was ready, Xi Zhengnan lay down. The man was on Gu Yaner's side, "are you afraid?"

"Not afraid." Gu Yaner turned her head and looked at the man in the dark. She was used to the darkness. She could clearly see the outline of Xi Zhengnan. In fact, he was also a beautiful man, but he was definitely not the same as Ke Hezhe. He had more gentle factors and elegant factors than Ke Hezhe, and Ke Hezhe had a taste of evil charm from top to bottom.

Very rich.

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