Maybe I hate it too much.

When the strength in your hand increases involuntarily.

It's heavy. He doesn't even know it.

He has always been contradictory.

He knew that everything that happened was not what Gu Yaner wanted, and that Xi Zhengnan volunteered, but he couldn't help hating Gu Yaner.

When the contradiction became more and more intense, he wanted Gu Yan'er to die.

Gu Yaner stood quietly in the door of the operating room.

The door of the operating room is an electronic door. Only people who know the password can enter.

When did she come in with Fu, and when did Gu Yaner come in.

When the door is closed, people outside can only enter the operating room by entering the correct password.

The operating room is first a large operation space, and then divided into small grids. There are disinfection rooms, dressing rooms and preparation rooms, and then small operating rooms. Each small operating room can do an operation. Therefore, the whole large operating room contains many small operating rooms, which are very quiet.

Quietly, Gu Yaner bit her lip tightly. She didn't want to disturb the two ongoing operations.

If you're really strangled, die.

And ease the pain in her heart.

God knows, she would rather be injured than lie down with Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan for surgery and suffer with them.

However, she was not hurt.

God seems to have deliberately let her go, but where do you know that she is more painful.

I'm almost out of breath.

Gu Yaner turned pale and looked at her quietly.

Let him continue to pinch her neck without any will and action to struggle.

"What are you doing?" just then, a nurse came out of a small operating room and was stunned to see what happened at the door.

Family members are not allowed to enter the operation site, and these two people are obviously family members. They haven't changed their clothes.

The family members are not allowed to sneak in, but they are still doing it. Now, if you don't stop it, the man will soon strangle the woman.

But it's strange that the woman didn't fight back or resist, so she let the man pinch her hard.

Fu also heard the voice and turned her head. When she saw when she was pinching Gu Yan'er, she was stunned and ran over a few steps. "Why did you come in?"

But then she understood that they followed her in. After all, she was the only one in the meeting.

When my hand finally released.

He never does anything to a woman who has no strength to bind a chicken.

But today, he really did it, and it was completely subconscious.

Gu Yan'er took a deep breath. Her little face was already red because of poor breathing. "How are they?" she didn't ask when to pinch her. What she cares about now is the situation of the two men in the operating room. God bless them. They must wake up.

As long as you give them a chance to wake up, they will live well.

They are strong men, she always knows.

"I don't know yet. Let's ask. You two better go out first. I'll go out and tell you when to go out with Gu Yaner." Fu also coaxed when to go out with Gu Yaner. There are regulations in the hospital that the patient's family members must not enter the operating room and affect the normal operation.

"No, I'll go in and have a look, and then go out." when insisted.

"I also want to see them. Just take a look outside the operating room, OK?" Gu Yaner also begged. At this moment, she was completely on the same front with when.

I even forgot that I almost died just now.

She only cares about the life and death of Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan.

Seeing their reaction, Fu also sighed, "well, come with me."

"Fu Yi, don't be found by the hospital leaders, or you won't have your one month bonus." another nurse whispered to her.

"I know." money is now unimportant to her.

The important thing is whether xizhengnan can wake up.

She's really worried.

The whole heart of worry is like being baked in a stove. It's very uncomfortable.

Fu also agreed. Gu Yan'er thought about her toes and followed Fu Yi behind. She was afraid that her voice would affect the normal progress of the operation.

The long corridor was so long that they all changed into clothes and shoes. They walked step by step in this space full of life variables. They just felt that every step was to cherish life.

Ke Hezhe.

Wash Zhengnan.

No one is allowed to do anything.

All to bring her back to life.

Otherwise, she won't spare them.


The two operations were performed simultaneously, separated by a wall.

The sound of instruments rang in the quiet operating room. Even I didn't dare to breathe too hard for fear of disturbing the two operations.

Fu also stopped in the operating room of xizhengnan, and Gu Yaner also stopped.

Although she wanted to push Gu Yaner away, she saw that she stopped outside this room first, and the bottom of her heart was in unspeakable pain.

He knew that Gu Yaner was guilty. She was guilty that she had implicated Xi Zhengnan.

Therefore, the first thing to see is Xi Zhengnan, not Ke Hezhe.

Fu also waved and called out a little nurse who had nothing to do at this time. "How's the patient?"

"Still in rescue." the little nurse shook her head, "the situation is not..."

"I see. Go ahead." Fu Yi stopped the little nurse in time. Otherwise, she was really not sure when she would pinch Gu Yaner again. The little nurse thought that the two people behind Fu Yi were new colleagues from the hospital to visit the operating room. She almost continued to say something without covering up.

At the exit of the little nurse, Gu Yaner's face became whiter. When she still had a black face, she could not see the change of his expression. His face had always been dignified.

"Zhengnan will be fine. Sister Yan, go and see Ke Hezhe. I won't go there." Fu also hurried people. If Xi Zhengnan can have now, Gu Yan'er is the culprit.

Gu Yan'er nodded. She knew clearly that Fu was still blaming her at this time, but she didn't want such a result.

She never wanted to.

But involuntarily walked into this disaster.

In fact, isn't she a victim?

Is it not a narrow escape?

But she was lucky enough to meet Xi Zhengnan. He rescued her in time, and he himself was shot.

The bullet penetrated the skin, penetrated the flesh and bones, and entered the body one by one. He must have been very painful.

Eyes, involuntarily flow down, has not cried, she suddenly couldn't hold back crying at this moment.

Ke Hezhe's operating room is the same as that in xizhengnan's operating room. The operation is going on nervously. It's best for her to make an exception to come in and have a look.

A nurse saw her.

"Who are you? Who let you in?" she was too green. Although she changed her clothes in the operating room, she was not the doctor and nurse in the hospital. The little nurse couldn't help but come and ask her to leave.

"How's he?" Gu Yaner asked softly. Tears in her eyes came out again for her. The two men entered the operating room together. What can she do.

As soon as she asked and wept, the little nurse immediately understood, "the bullet on her body has been taken out, and the bullet in her brain has not been taken out. In the crevice of her skull, as long as it doesn't hurt his brain, it should be no problem. Now, please go out."

The little nurse told Gu Yaner with all her heart that her relatives were not worried about being injured. Besides, she "was in the back, I really wanted to strangle her, but not now." when she walked coldly to the position where he sat before, or as far away from Ke Hezhe's people, she wanted to give up everything and be friends with Ke Hezhe, but as long as she met Ke Hezhe, He must be bad.

The cell phone rang.

He picked it up, "Xi, did Tianyu wake up and make trouble again?"

Condensate Xi said with a quick smile, "no, the little thing is very good. It's not noisy at all. At least I'm her mother, too. You don't have to worry about Tianyu." although Tianyu has been making trouble since when she left home. She didn't fall asleep until this meeting. She sometimes called when to ask about the situation, but she can't tell the real situation of Tianyu, This child, she has to participate in her daily life. Otherwise, it's unscientific for her to be a mother and not a father to be close to her children.

"That's good." when he was relieved, he was very worried about his daughter.

"How's Zhengnan?" this is the purpose of condensate Xi's call. As for her daughter, she will take it with her.

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