Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan suffered as much as she wanted to get back from Chen Xue.

No, more.

Otherwise, she will not be reconciled.

The door opened.

It was dark inside.

No lights.

Gu Yaner pressed the double control switch on the side of the door.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Chen Xue fell in her eyes.

There is no bed or table in the room.

There was nothing empty, just like the room where Chen Xue imprisoned her and washed Zhengnan.

However, Chen Xue didn't even commit himself to the concrete ground.

Chen Xue was suspended in mid air.

Four iron rings are in the four corners of the room.

Four ropes tied her wrists and ankles respectively. Chen Xue was pulled into big characters by the rope.

Almost torn.

That posture is as painful as it needs to be.

It's a miracle that normal people can hold on for a few minutes, but Chen Xue has obviously maintained this position for a long time.

With the light on, the lightly closed eyes opened.

Just couldn't stand the sudden light and narrowed slightly.

"Gu Yaner, you're here."

Chen Xue's voice is low and hoarse. She is broken and can hardly hear clearly. Her weakness should be that she hasn't eaten since she was brought here and made into this position.

This posture is really suitable for Chen Xue.

However, what is inappropriate is that Chen Xue is clean and still wearing the suit he took her and washed Zhengnan photos when he went to see her that night.

That night, Chen Xue was in formal clothes and arrogant.

Why is she so clean?

"Who gave her this pose?" she liked and appreciated the idea.

"It's grandma Da Shao. She said she wanted to teach this woman a lesson, but she thought that this woman hurt three shaos. Therefore, it's left to your wife. She can do whatever she wants."

"Has the police station filed a record?" Gu Yaner asked carelessly. She was relieved that Ke Hezhe's people did things. Before asking, she knew there must be no record. The reason why she asked was to ask Chen Xue. It brought Chen Xue a deterrent.

"There is a record, but all the killers on the record are those who shot. They have not prepared the case records of Chen Xue and Jiang yubai. The police station doesn't know that Chen Xue and Jiang yubai are involved. They only know that those killers hurt Ke Shaohe and Mr. Xi."

Gu Yaner nodded. This was the best. As expected, Ke Hezhe's people were at ease.

In this way, she can do whatever she wants to do with Chen Xue.

It's better than letting Chen Xue into the police station.

In that place, if the people of the Chen family find someone to accommodate the people of the police station, I'm afraid Chen Xue is just lonely inside. She won't suffer at all. At most, she will be sentenced to death, and then a bullet will be killed. She won't suffer at all. Isn't that suitable for her.

may not.

This arrangement is very good and she is very satisfied.

It has to be said that Ke Hezhe's men know well about Ke Hezhe and her heart, so even if Ke Hezhe didn't wake up and didn't explain, they arranged everything well.

"Gu Yaner, what do you want?" hearing the conversation just now, Chen Xue's face has turned white. She can't move at the moment. Being put in such a posture, her body has long been numb. Moving is like ten thousand little stars rolling in her blood. It's impossible for her to move.

Besides, her wrists and ankles seemed to be torn apart with every move. She couldn't stand it at all.

Gu Yan'er ignored Chen Xue at all, as if she didn't hear her. She looked at Chen Xue's position first, and then said to the humanity behind her: "go to the bathroom and scoop me a basin of water from the toilet. It's best to just take a little solution and relieve the water that hasn't been flushed."

"OK." the first man went to do it immediately.

Chen Xue's face changed again. "Gu Yan'er, what do you want?"

Gu Yaner still ignored her and said to another subordinate, "move a chair and prepare a funnel."

"OK." the second man also did it.

Gu Yan'er ordered everything, sat down on a chair just moved by her men, took a cup of coffee, drank it slowly and tasted it, "Miss Chen, your posture is really ecstatic. It's good."

"Gu Yan'er, don't be sarcastic. If you feel better, come and try and let me go. Otherwise, our Chen family are not vegetarian. If you know, my father will come to save me."

"Hehe, it's been two days. If they wanted to save you, they should have come long ago. They let your embarrassing and sad posture be tied for two days and didn't come to save you. I advise you to put down your dream. After all, dreams are not reality. It's no use how you dream. People next to you may still realize your dreams, but I'm afraid it's impossible in your life." Gu Yan'er smiled slightly and drank coffee one mouthful at a time. Her comfortable appearance made Chen Xue grind her teeth, but Feng Shui changed in turn. She should have thought of such consequences when she captured Gu Yan'er and tortured Gu Yan'er and Xi Zhengnan.

"It's impossible. My father must be dredging up the relationship. He will save me sooner or later. At that time, I will make you regret."

"You see, the police station doesn't even have a criminal record of you. What does that mean? It means that the police don't know where you are now, or even tacitly don't know. You can only be regarded as a missing person now. The police won't come to you. Based on your parents' relationship, do you think you can fight against he Zhe in my family or not When is the person? It's difficult to fight only one person, let alone two people. Chen Xue, you can have a dream as soon as possible. If you want to make the dream come true, you can't even think about it. Gu Yaner said carelessly, looking at Chen Xue's eyes are cold, and she won't show any kindness to this woman any more.

She first urged Chen Xue to destroy all her self-esteem and miss's temper.

Isn't Chen Xue sick?

Let's get rid of her Princess's disease first, let her taste the toilet water first, and then come bit by bit.

Micro narrowed her eyes and thought that Chen Xue once wanted to sell her to an unnamed place to be slaughtered and bullied. She thought she should return some Chen Xue. However, she wouldn't give Chen Xue a man. That would be too cheap for Chen Xue.

At first, Chen Xue's memory must be shocking.

Well, you can have a dog or a wolf dog or something.

She used to be so gentle that she gave Chen Xue the courage to do anything to her.

Such a thing can never happen again. She won't allow it.

It is not allowed to hurt Xi Zhengnan and Ke Hezhe like this. The loss this time is too great.

Footsteps came in front of the door.

Seeing that the first person to go out really brought a basin of liquid in, Chen Xue sucked her nose and said disgustingly, "Gu Yaner, if you dare to do anything to me, you will be punished."

"Hehe, you used to calculate me when I was too soft. If I was too soft, there will be retribution. Don't you know? Besides, what I gave you in this meeting is actually your own retribution. You robbed me. I think Miss Chen should think of the consequences of failure when she took action. Well, today is the first wave. Tomorrow is the day after tomorrow, and every day after tomorrow I'll give you some retribution you want. Well, I'll change things and give you some fresh ones to save you from getting tired. I promise you'll be happy every day. "

Another man also took the funnel and brought the chair.

Gu Yan'er stood up at this time, personally took the chair she had just sat in front of Chen Xue, and then turned back to her two men and said, "one takes a funnel to fill her water, the other presses her jaw and nose. If it drips out, another basin will come out, okay?"

"Understand." the two men nodded and went straight to Chen Xue without hesitation.

"No, you don't come here, don't." Chen Xue kicked and kicked again. She struggled desperately, but it was useless. What she brought was just red marks cut by the rope on her wrists and ankles.

The two men were standing firmly on the chair.

One left and one right, one pinches Chen Xue's jaw and nose, and the other is ready to put the funnel into her mouth.

Chen Xuedun felt very humiliated when he was young.

Before she filled the toilet with liquid, she couldn't stand it, "ah... No... no..."

Another four men rushed over and completely fixed her two arms and legs. At this time, Chen Xue seemed to be staring at the air and couldn't move any more.

"Irrigation." Gu Yaner gave an order. She wanted to completely mutilate the proud woman and let her know that the consequence of the princess's illness was not the princess, but neither life nor death.

The funnel was forcibly inserted into Chen Xue's throat. The pinched jaw and nose made her embarrassed to open her mouth. A basin of liquid began to pour into the funnel like a trickle, and stopped with Chen Xue's swallowing from time to time. Gu Yaner said that she couldn't leak a drop.

At the moment of swallowing and pausing, it was Chen Xue's sobbing voice.

Xu Shi's taste was so "special". She couldn't stand it. She cried and whispered not to drink. Suddenly, maybe she couldn't stand the taste of the liquid. A conditioned reflex action deflected the funnel in her mouth. Suddenly, there was liquid splashing out.

Gu Yaner immediately said impolitely to a man who stood in front of the door watching the excitement: "sprinkle, go and bring another basin."

Then, she smiled at Chen Xue and said, "I said, if you sprinkle a drop, you'll have another basin. It's absolutely unchanged. Miss Chen thinks the taste is too good to drink well, so she wants to have another basin. Although you struggle, believe it or not, I'll make up a basin for you once. Well, it can help you drink well."

"Ah... Ah..." Chen Xue shouted hoarsely, but then another wave of liquid rushed into his throat and had to swallow.

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