Gu Yaner glanced at the snake cage. It was a little small, but it was OK to put Chen Xue in, but the people who put it in couldn't stretch their limbs. "Put her in."

"Yes, madam."

Two male men immediately went to Chen Xue. One man put up one arm of Chen Xue and was about to throw Chen Xue into the snake cage.

Seeing that her feet had gone in, Chen Xue stared at several snakes inside with round eyes. People were paralyzed with fear, "no, Gu Yan'er, I beg you, don't let me go."

"Call aunt."

"Aunt, please let me go. Don't let me in. I'm afraid of snakes. I'm afraid of snakes."

"Put her down. Well, kowtow to me first."

According to the words of the two men, Chen Xue was thrown on the floor again. Before her body was stable, she hurriedly fell down and really kowtowed to Gu Yan'er, "aunt, spare your life."

"Knock more, or it's too insincere." Gu Yan'er took a sip of tea.

"Aunt forgive me, Mrs. Ke forgive me, aunt forgive me, Mrs. Ke forgive me..." Chen Xue didn't even dare to aim at the cage on her side. She just listened to the wheezing sound of the snake in the cage. She was soft and kowtowed desperately for mercy. Obviously, she was frightened.

Gu Yaner was unmoved.

When Chen Xue detained her, didn't she think that one day the situation would reverse and become that she detained her?

In this world, Feng Shui has always taken turns. People who do bad things, no matter how easy they are, don't be complacent too early, otherwise, God will take care of them.

"Mrs. Ke, I'm wrong. I'm damned. I calculated you before. I loved he zhe too much and lost my mind blinded by love. I'm sorry for you. Please forgive me. Please forgive me."

Chen Xue said it over and over again. Gu Yan'er gradually lost interest and got tired of it. Then she smiled: "It's not enough to know it's wrong. Some people without taste have to teach her some lessons. Let her know what people are outside of heaven and there are days outside of people. Let her know how to write the word" human "in life. It's always right to have a long memory. Therefore, let you taste the feeling that snakes love you. Come on, throw her in." Gu Yaner pointed to the cage dressed in snakes and ordered Ke Hezhe's men.

Kehezhe's people are her people.

They all listened to her.

"Gu Yan'er, you asked me to beg for mercy just to let me go? No, no, don't throw me into the snake cage." Chen Xue cried with fear, and her whole body was shaking. She was frightened.

"Oh, I just asked you to beg me. What can I say to let you go? My aunt is not happy enough and will never let you go. However, if you beg me more, I can shorten the time to put you in the cage. It's true."

"Please, please forgive me." Chen Xue, who was put up, trembled like chaff, and the whole person was even more embarrassed. His nose and tears were sad. If he didn't know it was her, he really couldn't recognize her.

"Throw it in."

"Ah... Ah..." after the "plop", there was Chen Xue's scream. Across the cage, Gu Yaner saw Chen Xue falling into the cage and was immediately wet.

Scared to pee.

"If you record it for me, you can't lose half a shot. She can sell videos like this for a lot of money. Let people enjoy the performance of the eldest lady of the Chen family, which is different from ordinary people. How beautiful it is."

"Aunt, please, please let me go. I dare not, dare not, really dare not again." snakes climbed onto Chen Xue. She dared to push this one away, and that one climbed onto her again.

Besides, she couldn't swing away so many snakes.

"Ah ah... Ah ah..." the screams of constant fear resounded through the whole building.

Gu Yaner disapproved and tasted the newly inverted coffee. Her little face was full of a smile. "Chen Xue, you deserve it."

"Mrs. Ke, please let me go." thinking of what Gu Yaner said, as long as she begged Gu Yaner, it might shorten the time she was left in the cage. Chen Xue screamed and begged Gu Yaner for mercy.

"Pour those caterpillars on her head. Well, pay attention to put more on her face." Gu Yaner was unmoved. As long as she remembered the injuries suffered by Xi Zhengnan and Ke Hezhe, she wanted to peel Chen Xue's skin.

But she's not in a hurry.

She will torture Chen Xue slowly. When she is tired of torture, she will give Chen Xue to when. When Chen Xue reaches her hand, she is afraid it will be worse than her hand.

When that man can do anything.

As for her, now she just wants to completely destroy all Chen Xue's dignity and humiliate her.

Chen Xue's cries were all in her ears. Chen Xue was really frightened. She cried and shouted, and her voice became hoarse.

When the door of the room opened, a man came in, bowed down and said in Gu Yan'er's ear, "Mr. He has come. Ke Shao said that if you agree, let him in. If you don't agree, don't let him in."

Gu Yaner drank all the coffee in her cup. She glanced at Chen Xue, who was embarrassed at this time, and then said with a smile, "let him in." it's normal when she can find here.

If he were a very weak man, Ke Hezhe would not have spent so much effort to subdue him.

If you don't let him in when, it will be another struggle. It's not a big deal for him to come in. She doesn't want Ke Hezhe's people to be hurt.

In order to stop when to torture Chen Xue, it's not worth it.

"OK." the men straightened up and asked when.

Gu Yaner continued to sit firmly on the single sofa.

Chen Xue's body was crawling with snakes, and there were long hairy caterpillars on her hair, face and neck. At first, her hands were waving wildly to tease the snakes and caterpillars on her body, but she knew it was useless to poke, and she had only screamed.

There was a big paralysis under the body. I don't know how many times I peed.

There was a low footsteps outside the door. Gu Yan'er knew when to arrive.

A figure stopped at her side and looked straight at Chen Xue in the snake cage. It was just a moment. When he smiled and said, "you can play."

"It's OK. It's normal. Mr. He, you said that you don't know what it feels like to put a live snake into people's mouth? Will Miss Chen bite off the snake meat and eat it raw?"

"No, Gu Yaner, I beg you, don't let go, don't let go, I don't want snakes, don't..."

"I can't help you. Mr. He is here. Why do you want to have a better performance to broaden our horizons and enjoy ourselves?" Gu Yaner smiled and pointed to the sofa just brought over. Please sit down when.

When he sat down impolitely, Gu Yan'er met him for the first time.

His torture is much bloodier than this.

For example, cutting fingers is cutting off section by section until the fingers of the whole hand are cut off.

Then cut your toes.

To be more cruel is to gouge out the meat, one by one, and feed the dog.

Finally, hang up, sprinkle salt and whip.

This is the first time I've seen a woman playing in a snake cage.

However, the effect seems to be good. Chen Xue is going crazy.

Sure enough, women's play is different from men's.

To torture a person mentally without blood is actually no worse than physical torture.

"OK?" Gu Yan'er turned to look at him when she came in without saying a word.

When he nodded, "how many days are you going to play?"

"It seems that Mr. He is impatient. I play for three days. There will be the last day tomorrow, and then it will be yours. You can play with her as you like. I'll decide where he Zhe is."

"He... Who is he?" Chen Xue has found a new uninvited guest. She doesn't know when. It seems that Mr. He can speak well in front of Gu Yan'er. At this time, she is dreaming of seducing the man and letting the man let her go.

This is the best way she can think of at this moment.

Otherwise, her life is worse than death.

"Really want to know?" Gu Yan'er smiled carelessly.

"Is he he Zhe's man?" Chen Xue asked in a low voice. It seems that Mr. He should be Ke Hezhe's powerful hand.

"It seems that you are going to be disappointed. He is not he Zhe's man. He is good at killing people and setting fire to sell drugs. His best skill is to be a snake head and sell women to places like the golden triangle for men to play. I came to him to let him see where you are more suitable." Gu Yan'er smiled low and told Chen Xue slowly.

The hope on Chen Xue's face became weaker and weaker after Gu Yaner said every word, "don't give me to him, don't." as soon as she heard that it was a snake head, Chen Xue didn't want to look like a talent. She knew what would happen if she was sold to such a place.

"That's up to you, Mr. He. Are you satisfied?"

"Don't you mean to feed her live snakes? I'll see her performance and decide whether to sell her to low soldiers or my brothers."

"No, I don't want to eat live snakes." Chen Xue was so frightened that she grabbed the snake on her body. The picture was as miserable as it could be.

Gu Yaner also felt that this scene was disgusting at the beginning, but as long as she remembered what Chen Xue had done to Ke Hezhe and Xi Zhengnan, she endured everything. When she faced it calmly, the disgusting feeling disappeared quietly.

"Why don't Mr. He feed her himself?"

"This can be." when she stood up, she walked to the snake cage in two steps, grabbed a live snake with her big hand, and then clasped Chen Xue's jaw with her other hand. Gu Yaner even doubted whether he had tortured people many times.

Without half a minute's stay or any omen, the head of the live snake still spitting snake Xinzi was stuffed into Chen Xue's forced open mouth.

Chen Xue wanted to shout, but she couldn't shout out.

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