Looking at his back, the burning feeling at the bottom of my heart became heavier and heavier, and soon drowned the little joy he had brought to her before.

He came to save her, but he didn't want Ke Hexi to worry.

Walking quietly behind him, the two people are so close, but the distance is so far.

Outside the humble house was his car. A new white Lamborghini was placed in front of her. It seemed to be his favorite car.

From home to abroad, as long as it is his car, without exception, it is this one, and it is all white.

She chose to sit in the front passenger seat, just want to remember the scenery outside the window and remember this lesson.

The car was quiet, as if he knew her mood was very complicated at the moment.

For a long time, Gu Yaner quietly broke the heavy silence brought to each other, "he Zhe, how did you find me?"

"Through a friend," he said lightly.

"It's nice of you to have so many friends." it's definitely not an ordinary person to rob her from those ferocious people.

"It's OK, but it's just a small effort. Fortunately, it arrived in time, otherwise..."

Otherwise, her moon Hun has changed shape and no longer has a sense of reality. I still remember the moment she was dragged into the operating room. She was really frightened. In retrospect, everything was like a nightmare. Fortunately, she woke up and she got rid of all that.

"He Zhe, thank you." she knew that such a life-saving thing should not be thanked, because Da en didn't thank, but she still wanted to say. Only when she said it, she would be more comfortable.

"Don't thank me. I didn't come back to you to say thank you."

"What do you want me to do?" she asked in surprise. She was lazy and didn't want to do anything now.

"First, you have to appease my second brother. He's scared of you. Second, from tomorrow, you have to accompany me to see my second brother's customers and take notes. I promise that everything will be done within five days. At that time, we can play freely and freely."

Bad luck, it was said that she was coming for free, but in fact she still had to work. She knew that Ke Hezhe was for Ke Hezhi and for Ke Shi. She nodded gently, "OK."

"You're happy, but I have a request." turning the steering wheel, he said calmly.

"You say."

"Please don't always put on a bitter gourd face when you are with me, which makes me think that the things that day were done by me rather than my second brother." he said it casually. Since that woman, he has always regarded men's and women's affairs as the most common thing, and he doesn't think it's wrong to talk about it with her.

"He Zhe, please don't always pull me and your second brother together. It's impossible for me and him."

"Why can't it? I see that my second brother seems to be interested in you. This time, I'm afraid he'll fall into your hands."

Their brothers are the same flower ~ heart. Ke Hexi can't end his career as the fifth diamond king because of her. "He Zhe, I don't want to say anything about me and He Xi. Please don't interfere in my private life."

Ke Hezhe glanced at her obliquely. If it wasn't for her short hair and her name, sometimes he felt that she was the one in his memory, "why? Can't I care about you?"

"No need." light cold rebuffed. It's enough for him to have Qingya. Why bother her.

Her heart can no longer withstand any blow.

Halfway through the car, he met a gas station. Ke Hezhe stopped the car and filled it. He closed the door and said to Gu Yan'er, "let's go and have dinner together."

"I don't want to go. Go eat by yourself. I'll wait for you here." she really doesn't want to eat. She has no appetite.

"Do you want to run away and make trouble for me?" Ke Hezhe was angry. He stretched out his hand and pulled Gu Yaner to the restaurant of the gas station.

"Why?" he grabbed her hand so tight that it hurt.

"Let's go and have something to eat."

"I don't want to eat." the food here is western food, which she can't get used to.

"I promise you want to eat." he still held her hand, regardless of whether she might be his second sister-in-law now.

"Aren't you afraid that your second brother will see you pull my hand now?" she asked him deliberately. The provocative tone was so clear. She really didn't like to have a relationship with Ke Hezhi, but Ke Hezhe wanted to put her with Ke Hezhi.

"I just want to take you to dinner." he shook her hand angrily. "Fool, I don't know a good heart."

Seeing the uncomfortable look in his eyes as if hurt, she smiled calmly. Maybe she was the first woman to refuse him like this, "he Zhe, I really can't eat it."

"Then watch me eat. In short, you don't want to leave my sight. I'm hungry. I want to eat now." he roared. He was frightened by her unprovoked disappearance. He didn't want to have that experience again.

"Well, I'll go with you."

He ate and she watched. Is it finished?

Think about it, it's really a little miserable, but she volunteered.

When she approached the restaurant, she thought he would have a plate of steak and a large piece of bread, but she didn't. I don't know what he said to the woman at the counter. The woman bent down and took out two bags of things from under the counter.

Gu Yaner was silly when she saw those two bags of things. Such a foreign restaurant actually had instant noodles from country Z.

That's junk food abroad.

Ke Hezhe paid the money, picked up the two packets of instant noodles and waved them to Gu Yaner.

Looking at the instant noodles, Gu Yaner finally felt hungry in her stomach.

Ke Hezhe walked up to her again. "I won't give you food, but you can watch me eat."

He really did so. He made two packets of instant noodles and stirred the seasoning evenly. He didn't know where to change a pair of convenient chopsticks. He picked up one noodle after another and ate more than half of the bowl in one breath. It seems that he is really hungry.

He didn't look at her, but let her look at him.

His eating looks are really ugly, but he still attracts her eyes and doesn't want to move away.

A bowl of noodles was quickly eaten up. He finally raised his head, then drew a wet towel and carefully wiped the corners of his lips. He didn't hurry to go at all.

Gu Yaner watched him finish eating all the food in the bowl. It was only two packets of instant noodles, but watching him eat it was like eating shark's fin and bird's nest, which made her unconsciously secrete saliva.

Put down the wet towel, he leaned back gracefully, "what, I didn't expect this kind of food here."

She nodded. She really didn't think of it. "I asked someone to send it. It's still time for you to eat now. Otherwise, there won't be this store after passing through the village, except this gas station."

What a temptation. She's really hungry.

But looking at his expression that she was sure she would eat, she immediately changed her mind, "no, let's go."

She may have no ambition, but sometimes she must have backbone.

You can't lose to him every time. How embarrassing she is.

But when she stood up, her stomach actually called 'Goo Goo'.

Ke Hezhe held back his smile, looked at Gu Yaner's back, shook his head and then shook his head. Then, he said loudly behind her, "otherwise, it's what I beg you to eat. It's always OK." because of her unprovoked disappearance, he has been severely scolded by Ke Hezi. In fact, he has some responsibilities. Fortunately, she's all right. Otherwise, it's too late for him to regret, Another half day's journey will be to Paris. When he arrived in Paris, he would have no chance to get along with her alone. I don't know why. When he thought of this, he was a little lost.

When did this little woman strike a chord in his heart?

Moreover, it also stretched his heart string tightly, as if it would make a loud noise at first.

No, no, her face always makes him feel uncomfortable.

Gu Yan'er is really hungry. In addition, it is the food of country Z. she decided to compromise for her stomach. Besides, she doesn't make any principled mistakes in eating this. Eat it. What's the difference.

Turning around, she sat opposite Ke Hezhe again. "I want a bowl, too." as she said this, her mouth continued to secrete saliva.

Ke Hezhe snapped his fingers, and the waiter quickly brought a bowl of instant noodles, as if he had already prepared it.

It turned out that he had already determined that she would eat it, too.

Just now, he spoke French with the woman at the counter. She didn't understand. She didn't know what tricks he was going to play.

Now she understood that he wanted her to eat.

Eat. Looking at the noodles in the bowl, she suddenly thought of a word: warm card.

Can she still ask him to give her warmth?

For a moment, there was an impulse to cry again.

Bad guy, he always let her inadvertently fall in her heart, but he couldn't be honest with him.

This is her most difficult pain, only boundless.

Obviously, it was just the most common and simple food, but at this moment, her heart was filled with him because of this simple food.

He lowered his head and ate noodles, but his mind was full of him.

If you can, I really want time to stop at this moment. She likes the feeling when she is with him.

But he always regarded her as his second brother.

That night, she and Ke Hexi

Recalling everything that happened that day, her heart was heavy and could not relax.

It's impossible. It's really impossible.

She could not turn back, and he would not accept a woman who had slept with his second brother.

At this thought, the fragrant noodles are no longer fragrant.

After eating hastily, she said, "he Zhe, let's go."

The more together, the more nostalgia, but the result?

The result is that there will be no result with him.

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