"Rent me a house near her place." instead of fidgeting in the villa every day, he might as well watch the woman in person. He won't scare the snake. He just needs to know the whereabouts of the woman every day.

Jing zehe has hidden Gu Yaner for a long time.

He has a lot of food in his hands, but he will run out of it one way or another.

As long as he runs out, he will re purchase.

Either he purchases by himself or invites the woman to come forward. In his understanding, if Jing zehe wants to be safe, he will still let the woman come forward.

After all, there are more people staring at him than women.

When women come forward, jingzehe is safer.

The days passed quietly day by day.

But Ke Hezhe's not quiet every day. He doesn't sleep well. When he wakes up, Gu Yaner is in his mind.

How is she now?

The police thought she was dead.

He just doesn't think so.

And let him find a clue.

Knowing that she was still alive really surprised him for a while, but he was soon beaten back to the original shape by the pain of not finding her.

I have been staring at the woman who bought things for Jing zehe for a month, but I haven't found anything.

But we must not let go.

At least, this is a point of hope.

A little hope is better than no hope at all.

On the island.

Another month has passed.

On the beach by the sea, Gu Yaner sat there quietly. This is her homework every day.

Always expect to find a ship suddenly, and then the ship can take her out of here.

Such isolated days seem to be the end of the world every day, and they are not happy at all.

Or, if the person with her becomes Ke Hezhe, everything will be different.

"Yan'er, dinner is ready." a figure hit the beach beside Gu Yan'er, and Jing zehe came.

"I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat." her tone is very calm. After so many days, she still has the same anger and resentment towards Jingze harmonic as before, and hasn't decreased at all.

If you don't like it, you don't like it.

It is said that a forced twist is not sweet.

Jing zehe is forcing her to stay here like this.

If he hadn't kept the bottom line for her, she would have killed him.

Yes, she'll kill him.

"Be obedient, you are thin again." the gentle voice is full of concern.

Gu Yan'er suddenly got up, but she didn't look at the man beside her and walked to the only house on the island.

So she was in front and Jing zehe was in the back, and the two went to the yard one by one.

On the muddy ground outside the yard was a small piece of glass, which was the product of the smashed wine bottle.

After that night, Gu Yaner searched the whole neighborhood, and all the wine bottles were smashed by her.

Without wine, Jing zehe at least won't force her after drinking.

After that night, she was really afraid.

On the table is a plate of green vegetables, a plate of braised fish and fish head soup.

She frowned at the fish. She loved fish when she didn't come to the island before, but now she has no appetite when she sees the fish on the table.

No matter how delicious the fish is, it will definitely be tired of eating it every day.

Yes, I eat fish every day.

She always thought that when she left here one day, she would stop eating fish all her life.

A piece of fish with few bones under the fish head was put into her bowl. "Eat, here's the last braised fish." Jingze harmonic said.

"Why?" Gu Yan'er's eyes lit up and thought that Jing zehe wanted to take her away from here.

"There is no soy sauce, no vegetable oil, no sugar and monosodium glutamate."

"What should we do? Jing zehe, if we go on like this, we will soon become savages." when one day we don't even have a lighter and can't eat cooked food, we can only eat raw. Think about it, it's terrible.

"What to do is my business. Eat it. I think steamed food is delicious. How fresh is it? Fish should be steamed like that so that they won't lose nutrition." Jing zehe is happy with the life on the island.

Or, everyone has different positions and feelings.

As long as he is with the people he likes, it doesn't matter where he is, and what he eats doesn't matter.

This is the opposite state of mind to Gu Yaner.

Gu Yaner bit her lip, and all her hopes were lost. It seems that Jing zehe still didn't mean to take her away.

No, she really can't wait any longer. Every day here is suffering. She misses the children.

"Then steam it. I won't eat it anyway." when the dishes and chopsticks are put down, she can't eat the braised fish, not to mention the green steamed fish that doesn't add anything. I'm so tired of it. "

As long as she doesn't eat, Jing zehe will find a way.

Will he go out to sea to get those things himself? Or will you contact someone to send it?

Gu Yaner can only think about these. Jing zehe never tells her his plans and ideas.

Her task is to accompany him on this island.

The ends of the earth together are not beautiful at all.

Gu Yaner didn't sleep all night.

She wants kehezhe.

She wants the children.

She wants all her relatives in T city.

She wants to go home.

She never felt that home was so tempting. She wanted to go back to that home every minute, and then she was tired of being with the children every minute.

Small four, small five and small six must have grown up again.

For such a young child, there will be changes in a day.

First I can turn over, then I can sit, and then I can climb.

Imagining the progress of the three little things every time, Gu Yaner's heart was eroded by Miss, leaving only a lot of holes.

Gu Yaner went on a hunger strike.

There's only one reason. She can't eat it.

This is not a question of whether to bear hardships or not. She can go back to the civilized world. Why should she be so isolated from the world?

It's his business that Jing zehe likes it.

She doesn't like it.

Even if she wants to be isolated from the world, the person accompanying her can only be Ke Hezhe.

Gu Yaner lay lazily in the shade of the tree.

In the distance, the sea and sky are the same, and the sea breeze blows gently. If you don't miss your relatives, such a time is really the best time in your life.

But she's human. She can't stop.

"Yan'er, eat."

Gu Yaner lay quietly on the soft beach cloth. She was so busy and hard in the past, but she really let her relax these days. She knew that happiness had nothing to do with hard work and leisure.

Only related to people's mood.

"Gu Yan'er, I told you to eat." Jing zehe suppressed his anger for two days, and suddenly burst out and roared out.

Gu Yaner didn't move. She just wanted to go on a hunger strike. In this way, Jing zehe would find a way out of the island to get food. In this way, she had the opportunity to contact the outside civilized world and had a little hope to leave here.

"Get up and eat." a big hand suddenly picked up her shoulder and held her up, trying to lift her up.

Gu Yaner didn't resist.

Jingze harmonic mentions him as soon as she mentions him.

The body was mentioned in the air by Jingze harmonic.

As soon as he let go, she would be thrown.

It's many times better to fall than to stay on the island like this.

Is kehezhe looking for her at this time?

Or do you think she has left the world?

It has to be said that Jingze and longtianyu are quite clever.

A dead escape is really likely to make Ke Hezhe stop looking for her.

But she believes Ke Hezhe. He's not a fool.

Her man has never been stupid.

Therefore, Jingze harmony and longtianyu can't fool Ke Hezhe.

However, Ke Hezhe never found her.

Gu Yaner is not calm when she thinks of this.

"Yan'er, he can't find you here. I tell you, even long Tianyu doesn't know that I brought you here. You say Ke Hezhe can find you without clues? No." no one knows that she is here except him.

He just wants to guard her until gold and stone are open, and she belongs to him.

At that time, he will take her back to the civilized world.

As long as a woman really commits herself to a man, she will recognize the man.

But the premise is to willingly commit to this man.

Compulsion doesn't work. Compulsion only makes women hate men.

This is one of the reasons why he never moved Gu Yaner and kept the bottom line for her.

He has given her the greatest respect. Isn't she satisfied?

Although he is not as rich as Ke Hezhe, he is only temporary. Sooner or later, he will be very rich.

He is not long Tianyu. He has his ability. He can do one of the jobs in all walks of life.

This is IQ.

Since he was a child, he has always been a learning bully and has never been a second in the exam.

There are countless firsts.

He can open up his own sky by himself.

"It's impossible. He zhe will find it. Jing zehe, just wait for him to find it. At that time, he will make your life worse than death."

"You've been thinking about him for so long?"

"Naturally, Ke Hezhe won't be as shameless to me as you are. No, he never forces me to do anything." Gu Yaner accuses Jing zehe word by word. Even if what she remembers in her mind at this time is that when she first met Ke Hezhe, Ke Hezhe was ferocious and ruthless to her. At this time, it all became beautiful.

At that time, he didn't mean it.

But the nature of Jingze harmonic is completely different. Jingze harmonic is intentional.

Nature determines character. Jingzehe looks sunny, but this person is a personal scum.

She really regretted meeting such a person.

"I forced you? Gu Yaner, when did I force you? It seems that I'm too used to you." Jing zehe tightened his hands more and more, and lifted Gu Yaner's body higher and higher. Suddenly, with a force, her body was against the trunk on one side, "since you have made this assertion for me, I'll do it." Jingze harmonic fixed Gu Yan'er's body with one hand and pulled her face with the other hand. Thin lips fell down ruthlessly, "I'll be strong once. What can I do for you?"

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