After only half of the taxi, Gu Yaner was picked up by the car sent by Ke Hezhe.

How worried is Ke Hezhe about her?

When she got into her car, Gu Yaner shook her head helplessly. His worry made her very stressed, as if someone was thinking about her life all the time.

It's tiring to go anywhere like that.

When she got to the hospital, she walked in front, followed by two plainclothes, protecting her all the time.

When she reached the gate of the inpatient department, Gu Yaner saw the nanny asked by Wu Yanran, "third wife, please follow me."

"How about Yan Ran?" Gu Yan'er walked forward quickly with the nanny, and her heart was even more worried. "Has the child been saved?"

"The child is fine."

Gu Yaner's heart suddenly "clattered" and grabbed the nanny's hand, "what are you talking about?" the child is fine, but Wu Yanran has to be hospitalized, that is, Wu Yanran has something to do? Otherwise Wu Yanran won't have to be hospitalized, will she? This cognition made Gu Yaner feel nervous and the whole person was nervous.

"The fetus is all right," the nanny repeated again, but still didn't mention the point.

"But what's the matter?" Gu Yaner's voice trembled. She knew that Wu Yanran wanted a child. It was the same as looking forward to the stars and the moon. If the fetus she was pregnant with because of her own physical problems, let alone Wu Yanran, even she would be very lost.

"My wife's thigh was hurt, but she didn't hurt the bone. The doctor said it was a trauma. Just keep it."

"Hurt? What? Was it a knife wound or..." Gu Yan'er wanted to ask if it was a gunshot wound, but she was afraid to scare the nanny when she said it, so Gu Yan'er stopped.

"I don't know. Anyway, it's a trauma. My wife is really lucky. It's said that she was ambushed when she came to the hospital for physical examination."

"Many people on the other side?" if the word ambush can be used, there must be many people on the other side.

"It's said that there are seven or eight. Our car is just a driver and a bodyguard. Plus the wife, there are only three people. It's said that the bodyguard has..." the nanny said here and looked around. At noon, there are not as many people in the hospital as in the morning. All the people passing by are in a hurry carrying food boxes and come to deliver food and vegetables.

"Is the bodyguard dead?" Gu Yaner was more worried and approached the nanny and asked in a small voice.

"It seems that the driver has also been seriously injured and is being rescued, so our wife is really lucky." the nanny said with emotion.

Gu Yaner's head was buzzing. As a result of one death and two injuries, although Wu Yanran's life was saved, the price was also quite heavy.

Suddenly, she remembered that she went to the square dance when she was pregnant with a child. That time, she was also attacked. Those people regarded her as Wu Yanran. Later, Xi Zhengnan traded his own injury for the safety of her and her child. At that time, she asked Ke hechen to check the main messenger behind the man who wanted to kill her, Later, Ke Hezhe and Ke hechen found out what the results were. She didn't ask.

She thinks it's a man's business, as long as men deal with it.

Unexpectedly, it was not long before someone attacked Wu Yanran again.

It seems that the main messengers must find out. Otherwise, as long as they can't find out the results one day, Wu Yanran will be unsafe one day.

You can't hide in your residence every day. It will affect the mood of pregnant women. It's unrealistic.

here we are.

The door as like as two peas and two plainclothes, and she saw no need to introduce her, the face that was almost identical with Wu Yan Ran was the sign. When it appeared, others knew who she was. "Three wives please come in."

Plain clothes opened the door for her. Gu Yaner walked in as lightly as possible. What came to her face in the ward was not the smell of disinfectant, but the smell of roses. It was fresh and pleasant.

This is Yanran's favorite flower fragrance, and Yanran hates the smell of disinfectant in the hospital.

But there was no such annoying smell in this ward.

Gu Yaner is more or less relieved. It seems that Ke hechen has taken good care of Wu Yanran.

"Here you are." Ke hechen nodded at Gu Yan'er.

Because she is a sweet sister, but married his brother, these two close relatives often don't know what to call each other, so often, they don't call anything to avoid embarrassment.

Gu Yaner also nodded and walked quickly to the hospital bed. Wu Yanran was still asleep with a plaster cast on one leg. Even when she was sleeping, her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Gu Yaner waved to the nanny to go out. For a moment, there were only three people left in the ward, she, Ke Hezhe and Wu Yanran. "What's the matter, he Chen? Is it a gunshot wound?" she had such a thick plaster cast, It seems that the injury is not light.

"Well, I was ambushed by two cars and came to Yan Ran." Ke hechen knew that he couldn't hide it, so he didn't hide it and told the truth.

"Did you find out who it was?"

"I found it last time. This time, it's still being determined."

"Who was it last time?" she always thought that Ke Hezhe and Ke hechen had been disposed of. Until now, she found that they should not be disposed of. Otherwise, Yanran would not be attacked again.

Ke hechen tapped on the armrest of the sofa with his long finger. Gu Yaner understood the taste of wanting to talk and stop. Or, Ke Hezhe and Ke hechen both knew what was going on, but deliberately kept it from her and didn't want her to know.

If that's the case, she can't even ask.

Gu Yaner sat in front of the hospital bed and held Wu Yanran's hand. There was some ice. The ice hurt her, "Ran Ran Ran." she called gently. She just wanted Wu Yanran to wake up, even if she opened her eyes and listened to her.

That way, she can rest assured.

"I'll give her to you. I'll go out for a while." maybe it's because she's here. Ke hechen is relieved to stand up and give Wu Yanran to Gu Yaner.

"But I can't represent you, Ke hechen. You can't go." Gu Yaner's face was black. She was angry when she just came in. It's reasonable to say that Ke hechen should sit in front of the hospital bed to take care of or guard Wu Yanran. After all, he and Wu Yanran are husband and wife, but he actually sits comfortably on the sofa, as if he were a guest here rather than a patient.

Ke hechen just got up and gave a slight meal, but just for a moment, he continued to walk away and never stopped.

"Ke hechen, stop." Gu Yaner gnashed her teeth and growled. She didn't dare to be too loud for fear that she would wake Wu Yanran up. But she let Ke hechen go. She's not worth it for Wu Yanran.

Two people are looking forward to Yan Ran pregnant with a child. Is this really pregnant? Doesn't he want to take care of Yan Ran?

Is there something wrong with the relationship between two people?

Just give them the illusion that there is no problem every time they appear together?

Then, now there is no need to pretend, so does Ke hechen want to leave so coldly?

"I have something else to do." she only repeated this sentence. Ke hechen went out of the ward after all. Gu Yaner just wanted to stand up and chase Ke hechen so as to persuade him to stay and take care of Wu Yanran. She felt that if Wu Yanran woke up later, the person she most wanted to see must be Ke hechen.

However, Gu Yaner just stood up. Before she took a step, she felt her clothes sink. When she turned her head, Wu Yanran didn't know when she woke up. At this time, she was pulling her clothes and motioned her not to chase out.

"Ran Ran, are you awake?" Gu Yaner was overjoyed. Wu Yanran woke up and her heart was at ease.

"Well, I'm fine. It's just a flesh wound. Let him go." Wu Yanran whispered in a hoarse tone.

"You're in the cold war?" Gu Yaner felt something wrong. As a sister, she didn't gossip, but had to care about it. After all, Wu Yanran had a conflict when she was just pregnant, which greatly affected her mood, but pregnant women had to ensure a good mood.

That won't work.

"Elder sister, don't blame him, it's me. Don't ask, OK?" Wu Yanran continued to pull her clothes and begged in a low voice.

Such a low-profile Wu Yanran made Gu Yaner feel distressed. "What's the matter?" she asked. It's like a cancer. If you cut it off, maybe this person will have the hope of rebirth. Otherwise, if the cancer continues to rot, this person will be completely finished.

Although there was some pain when cutting, the pain was temporary.

"Sister, I'm not good. I made him worry. Obviously, I have to come out when I'm pregnant..."

"However, didn't you come to the hospital to check whether you were pregnant?" but she liked Wu Yanran's words as if she knew she was pregnant long ago.

"I knew two days ago. He Chen quietly took me to a private hospital for examination before my menstruation came."

Gu Yaner knew it. Yan Ran said that two days ago was the day after Ke Hezhe saved her. That day, she was taken to the apartment and imprisoned by Ke Hezhe. She didn't know anything outside. "Did you call me?"

"He Chen said that you two went to the apartment, so I didn't call you."

Gu Yaner frowned. It was because of Ke Hezhe's imprisonment that she knew about such a big happy event two days late.

When she goes back, she will investigate Ke Hezhe and punish Ke Hezhe.

"Then why do you have to come to the hospital today after you have checked?"

This sentence is her focus at the moment.

"I got the news this morning that someone wanted to kill he Chen..."

"So, you drove hechen's car out to lure out the killers?" at this moment, Gu Yaner completely understood, "it's stupid. However, it's your fault, and you must apologize to hechen." if she was Ke hechen, she would be angry with Wu Yanran. You know that Wu Yanran has two lives. It's not cost-effective to have an accident.

Of course, human life cannot be determined by whether it is cost-effective or not.

"Elder sister, I know I'm wrong." Wu Yanran glanced at her leg. Now she's hurt and it's difficult to walk. It's not good to lie and sit when she's pregnant. Alas, she can't live because of her own sin. Wu Yanran finally understood it completely.

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