When the car stopped, Gu Yaner got out of the car and watched the three children enter the school gate with her own eyes. Then she reluctantly returned to the car. Looking at her worried look, Ke Hezhe hugged her shoulder. "Don't worry, our children never suffer."

"Well, how do you know?"

"I haven't suffered a loss in kindergarten, and it's the same in school. Moreover, the two children's homework has always been good. I don't know what you're worried about?"

Gu Yaner touched her face. "Do I have such a worried expression?" but after that, she wanted to bite off her tongue. The reason why she saw it for so long was that she was reluctant to give up, but Ke Hezhe could not see it.

"Why not? I'm worried all over my face. You see, the glory is also in this school. What's the matter? Xiaoyu and Xiaodan have their own glory. No matter how bad it is, Xiaoyu hasn't let you worry about it. The child will take care of himself and Xiaodan."

"That's true." Gu Yaner nodded. "Drive, I want to go to the supermarket." buy some ingredients and go back to make dumplings later. She hasn't made dumplings for a long time. She likes to eat her own dumplings. The stuffing is fragrant and delicious. It's absolutely genuine and not adulterated.

"OK." Ke Hezhe is naturally willing to do everything. Just leave it to his hands. He has been raising troops for thousands of days. No matter how big things are, he will give them all to his men as long as it's not Gu Yaner and the children.

Now, he wants to be tired of Gu Yaner. It won't be long enough.

After buying the ingredients, she began to mix stuffing and noodles when she got home. Wu Ma wanted to help her and was supported away by her. She wanted to make dumplings for the children by herself. Zi Mo, Zi Han and Zi Qi couldn't eat, but the three big ones could eat. When they were wrapped up, they ate one by one. As long as she thought about it, she was in a good mood.

She has a bag. Ke Hezhe works in the living room. His long legs are on the tea table. The computer is always on his lap. He is in the command hand to deal with Wu Yanran's affairs.

Although far away from the man, you can command from a distance.

This must be done.

He was busy and didn't think much about anything, but the little woman in the kitchen thought a lot while making dumplings.

Wu Yanran's video is absolutely not allowed to be released.

Wu Yanran is pregnant and can't go, but she can go.

Because she had as like as two peas.

The Ke family can tell her from Wu Yanran, but outsiders may not be able to tell her from Wu Yanran.

Two people stand together, as long as they don't speak, even familiar ones may not be separated, let alone unfamiliar ones.

She felt crazy.

However, this was the only way she could think of at the moment.

She can go, but she must ensure her safety in advance.

She can't let kohezhe worry about her anymore.

However, this is quite difficult.

However, as long as you think about it, you can certainly think of a way.

There are so many dumplings, which is definitely enough for the children and Ke Hezhe to eat twice. She rubbed her sour waist, washed her hands, entered the living room, held Xiaoyu from Wu Ma's hand, and said, "Wu Ma, you cook some for me, and I'll take it to the hospital. Yan Ran also likes dumplings."

"OK." knowing that Gu Yaner wanted to get close to Xiaoyu, Wu Ma happily went to cook dumplings. It's her blessing to follow such a hostess. If she changed to that kind of charming wife, she would never cook a meal. No matter whether the servants are tired or not, everything is about clothes, reaching out for food, but Gu Yaner is not. She is most considerate of them, Even think of them as family members.

Gu Yaner took Xiaoyu into the toy room. Three small ones would make trouble, so the nanny took her to the toy room to avoid affecting Ke Hezhe's work. Ke Hezhe acquiesced.

Xiaoyu is a big child when she comes to the circle of her younger brothers and sisters. She teases this and that like a little adult. Her younger brothers and sisters scream with milk and milk, which is very nice.

Gu Yaner sat and looked at Xiaoyu teasing her brother and sister. She took her mobile phone in one hand and quickly found Peijun's number. She hasn't contacted Peijun for a long time. Is he doing well now?

Where does he live with Xiao Yi?

Once in her first love, she also loved Peijun deeply. However, by luck, Shengsheng pushed her to Ke Hezhe.

To sum up, the reason why she was photographed is that Peijun still has a little responsibility.

It was Peijun who gave her mailbox to Xing Ruzhen.

But he didn't blame him. He didn't have any malice towards her, but he didn't expect that a temporary unintentional move would completely change her life and end the fate between her and him.

Is it fate between people?

She felt that she and Ke Hezhe were doomed.

It seems that something has been pulling the two people together unconsciously.

"Gu Yan'er, are you looking for Pei Jun?" she was not gentle at all. At the same time, she was gnashing her teeth when calling her name.

Xiao Yi can't change her jealousy no matter how long she marries Peijun.

Gu Yan'er shook her head with a smile, "ask him something."

"Then can I know first?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes." Gu Yan'er didn't hesitate, so she thought it would be better to ask Xiao Yi about it first, so that Xiao Yi wouldn't always think about what to suspect. At that time, she and Peijun will have nothing to do. Now she doesn't want to fill in trouble for Peijun.

He has a little Yi who loves him deeply. It's really good.

Besides, they have their own children.

"Tell me, don't worry, I'll tell Peijun." as long as Gu Yaner doesn't talk to Peijun directly, Xiao Yi can discuss it.

"Oh, good." Gu Yan'er smiled slightly and was not angry. She was very satisfied that Xiaoyi could talk to her like this. The former Xiaoyi wanted to cut her as soon as she opened her mouth. She was full of hostility to her. It seems that it is Peijun's love for Xiaoyi that let her slowly remove some knots.

There may be a knot, but at least it won't be as tight as before.

"My father once gave Peijun a box, do you know?" Gu Yan'er asked in a low voice. Her eyes flashed over the children and looked at each one with pity and love.

"Know, what's the matter? You want to take it back? I tell you, that's not good. You owe Arab army." Xiaoyi's tone was immediately full of sarcasm.

Gu Yan'er stroked her forehead. When she contacted such a little Yi, she felt that she was not worthy of Ruan Peijun.

But if it weren't for Xiao Yi, Peijun didn't know how many times he had died. Xiao Yi could die for Peijun.

It is because of this that she wishes Peijun to marry Xiao Yi.

There is no perfect person in the world.

There are always such or such defects. If you appreciate her beauty, you should also fully accept her defects. In this way, you are a living person.

"I just want a small object inside. I don't know if it's still there?"

"Don't worry, everything is here. You say what small items you want. I'll find them for you."

Gu Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief. "Are all the things in the box?" she thought Peijun had changed money, but she didn't move after listening to Xiao Yi's words.

"It's all there. Ah Jun's brain is funny. He always said that this box of things is not his. He must have been fascinated before he took it back. He has been thinking about sending it back to you in recent years. He said it should be Ke Hezhe's things, but I think your Ke Hezhe doesn't lack money or these things?"

"Well, kohe doesn't lack money or those things."

"Then why don't you ask?"

"Even if there is a green trigger, it is useless and worthless. It is the relic of an old friend. Every time my sister thinks about it, she wants to take it back and keep it as a memory."

"Green trigger? You wait for me to turn it over." Xiao Yi said, listening to the phone and turning over the box.

Gu Yan'er listened to the sound of the box locked, and then the rustling sound of tossing things. Xiao Yi was turning.

She didn't rush. Xiao Yi looked at the children when she turned things. The time with the children was the most beautiful. Look at this and that. She didn't see enough.

A few months of children, but she missed the most important two months after they were born.

Fortunately, Ke Hezhe and the nanny took good care of them.

Everyone is fat, especially Zi Mo, which is obviously a circle larger than Zi Han and Zi Qi, and looks particularly strong.

"Where is it? Gu Yaner, I didn't find it. Do you remember wrong?" suddenly, Xiao Yi, who has been looking through things, opened his mouth.

Gu Yaner jumped at the bottom of her heart, didn't she?

She had never seen the box, but Wu Yanran knew.

It's not uncommon for Wu Yanran to know that she has been with Wu Hongda for so many years. Naturally, Wu Hongda knows a lot of people around her, so as long as she asks, she will know.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi said no.

"If you look for it again, just a green trigger. I'll give you 100000. Just sell it to me."

"100000? Are you serious?" Xiaoyi asked in surprise.

"Really." Gu Yaner thought about Xiao Yi's tone. It seems that Xiao Yi should have found the trigger. She just felt that she had lost money for giving her. As soon as she said to give 100000 yuan, Xiao Yi was immediately moved.

"Wait, I'll look again." little Yixiang looked again.

"OK." Gu Yaner still didn't hurry and waited patiently for Xiao Yi to "find it".

Sure enough, after a while, Xiao Yi shouted excitedly, "I found it. Gu Yaner, how can you make a payment? How can I give it to you?"

"You give me the account number, I transfer the money to you with the mobile bank, and then you send it for me. Is there a problem?"

"No problem, you give me the express address. By the way, are you sure you want to express such valuable things?"

"Hehe, it's not a valuable thing. It's priceless for people who like it, and it's not worth a lot of money for people who don't like it. Even if it's lost, it doesn't matter. It's just that my old friend should keep a souvenir, otherwise, I won't find you and train the army."

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