"Yes, he Zhe, I don't think he's right." the legendary Hao Dalei is not only an old lust ghost, but also vicious and calculating.

Otherwise, he would not have monopolized the sect leader Sheng for so many years.


"Who knows." Gu Yan'er shook her head and saw that Hao Dalei looked the same as in the picture, as if it was him.

But when Ke Hezhe held a knife and fork against his neck, he was really very timid and not a man at all.

It's like a worm.

Even she despised Hao Dalei.

However, at this moment, she thought that everything was wrong. Hao Dalei's obscene and timid appearance seemed to have some way out with the real Hao Dalei.

Unfortunately, she and Ke Hezhe are both Ke Hezhe, who can always bring her countless surprises.

He took her back to country y again.

They're not leaving.

Ke Hezhe took his cell phone and this time called the police of country y.

He has many identities in China. He can be a businessman, a policeman or people from all walks of life.

Therefore, Wu Chu personally applied for his special status.

"OK, Mr. Ke, we will certainly complete this task and ask the airport to give you and your husband the information to leave. In this way, no one will find that you will continue to stay in country y. Mr. Ke, what else can we do for you?"

"Thank you, no more." next, Gu Yaner approached the Green Gang, and then he protected her around. He accompanied her to face the chaos of the Green Gang, and then slowly restored the unity of the Green Gang when Wu Hongda was alive.

She doesn't want the Green Gang to prosper immediately. She just wants to stop fighting inside.

In that case, maybe in another year and a half, the Green Gang can return to its former prosperity.

Gu Yaner's head grew big when she thought of cutting in a year and a half.

Will she stay in country y for a long time?

Let alone a year and a half, she didn't want to for a month.

She wants the children.

However, if she doesn't do it now, those who covet the Green Gang will find other ways to get the Green Gang.

She might as well watch it herself.

In this way, as long as she works hard, even if she doesn't hold it, she at least doesn't regret it.

Those who left were "Ke hechen" and "Wu Yanran".

Therefore, even if the people of Shengmen hate them now and return, it is not easy to deal with them.

After all, they are not Ke hechen and Wu Yanran, but Ke Hezhe and Gu Yaner.

These are two distinct pairs of names.

From this moment on, they can finally use their names back.

The car drove in the direction of the hotel.

Ke Hezhe changed to a hotel and stayed in a very low-key third rate hotel.

The purpose is not to attract attention.

here we are.

After getting off the bus, the two entered the hotel.

The room was booked long ago.

The luggage had already been taken from the previous hotel.

It was taken by the God quietly and unconsciously.

The purpose is not to be found by Sheng men.

It was only a day, and they changed from Ke hechen and Wu Yanran back to Ke Hezhe and Gu Yaner.

It was originally intended to return the video as soon as he left Hao Dalei's place, and then go to the Green Gang.

However, Ke Hezhe has changed his mind temporarily.

He was very suspicious about whether hedale was really dead.

This matter must be investigated immediately. Otherwise, if Hao Dalei is not dead, he still wants to eat the Green Gang.

That will be their strong enemy.

It's still a tough enemy.

Shengmen has penetrated into all walks of life in country y.

After entering the room, Gu Yaner fell on the bed.

so comfortable.

The whole person relaxed in an instant.

God knows that her nerves have been tense since she went to Hao Dalei's manor.

At this moment, I finally completely relaxed.

Whatever, just leave everything to Ke Hezhe.

He'll arrange it.

Anyway, when she went to the Green Gang, she entered as Gu Yaner.

As for whether we can subdue the members of the Green Gang, we can only use time to explain everything.

Kehezhe is on the phone.

Gu Yaner also called.

The first is to call Bo Jiu.

She is worried about the current situation of Bo Jiu.

I don't know whether what Hao Dalei said at Hao Dalei's manor is true or false.

But she wished it was false.

But it's better to confirm everything.

"Sister Yan, it's convenient to call me?" the phone was quickly picked up by Bo Jiu. Obviously, Bo Jiu also knew that Gu Yan'er was in country y with Ke Hezhe.

"Convenient, why not?" Gu Yan'er smiled softly, pretending to be relaxed. She just wanted to relax her thin wine.

"Sister Yan, I......"

"What's the matter? Tell me, I'm listening."

"Yan'er, it seems that the child can't stay. Now I can only stay in bed. I can't even get out of bed and go to the bathroom." there is a cry in Bo Jiu's voice. "Sister Yan, you say that I have been abandoned by my parents since I was a child, and no one has loved me since I was a child. Therefore, I want to give my child the best love and everything, but now..."

"Wine, do you mean that your child is still alive, but the fetal image is unstable?" Gu Yaner only focused on the key point and asked Bo wine. From the moment she knew it, she had been worried about Bo wine, but she had no chance and time to ask Bo wine. Now she has time. What she cares most about is the baby in Bo wine's belly. It would be a pity if she was really slippery after being pregnant for so long, Ke Hexi will also be very sad.

After all, the first child of him and Bo Jiu is gone. If the second child is gone, I'm afraid it will become a habitual abortion in the future, and it will be in trouble at that time.

That's what no one wants.

"Yes, but the little thing is not good at all. Sister Yan, my lower body is bleeding." thin wine's voice is full of depression.

"Is it still flowing now?" Gu Yan'er asked urgently.

"It's gone now, just when I fell down."

Gu Yaner breathed a sigh of relief. "Wine, who attacked you?" it's not impossible to find the news of T City in country y, but it's not as fast as she directly asked about thin wine. Just ask and answer, and everything will be solved. It saves her effort to check, and then she doesn't know whether what she found is true.

"Yes... Yes..." Bo Jiu hesitated and hesitated. Gu Yan'er didn't chase her. Fortunately, she finally spoke again, "it's mother Jiang."

"Jiang yubai's mother?" Gu Yaner frowned. Doesn't Jiang yubai's mother like thin wine very much?

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