It's annoying to make fun of her again, but his face and the smell that belongs to him all over him make her unable to resist him, "I cry for me, I didn't recruit you and didn't annoy you, you really hate it, and why did you sneak into my room?"

"What is sneaking in? I just came in. Let me see if your legs are all right?" he didn't know what happened. He couldn't sleep when he was lying in bed. Suddenly he wanted to run over and talk to her, but he didn't want to see her crying. "It's ugly."

"What's so ugly?" her mind was still immersed in the world of Enxi and Junxi, and she didn't react for a moment.

"You are so ugly now."

"So what, I'm not your one, as long as I'm not ugly." he glanced at him angrily. He sneaked in like this. It's really a bit of a scoundrel.

"Qingya and I are not what you think." looking into her eyes, he naturally spoke out his heart, as if he wanted to confess to her.

The burning eyes made Gu Yaner's heart beat violently, "Ke Hezhe, you... Don't you like me?" she asked herself and him. She always wanted to know the answer. When she knew it, she died.

A hand fell on her forehead, "Gu Yan'er, do you have a fever? Will I like the woman of my second brother? I haven't been short of women. Besides, your figure doesn't meet my requirements at all. It's just an airport. You accept your flower crazy heart. I just can't sleep and want to talk to you. However, fortunately I'm here. Otherwise, how can I appreciate Gu Yan'er's little beauty Sister, such a wonderful performance, even Lin Daiyu can't compare with your crying skill. "

The tone of seemingly mocking and seemingly disdaining made Gu Yaner frown, "well, I warn you, you'd better not like me, otherwise, I will make you miserable all your life like Wu Yanran." not only he can annoy her, but also she can.

But she forgot that Ke Hezhe's resistance to Wu Yanran's three words was already extremely weak. When he heard the three words, his face 'Teng' changed color, grabbed her collar with one hand, tightened it tightly and tightened it again, "if you are like her, I will let you live - no - like - die."

"Cough..." she couldn't speak. Even coughing was a subconscious involuntary reaction. Now she even had difficulty breathing.

The clear eyes quietly looked back at him. This is the real him. It also made her more interested in Wu Yanran's everything.

"Cough..." she coughed again, and her face began to turn pale, but she didn't stop him. She just let his hand hold her collar and her neck.

After a while, he was finally awakened by her cough. When his fingers loosened, he said in a deep voice: "why not struggle?"

Gu Yaner began to breathe, breathing desperately. Just now, she seemed to have passed through the gate of hell. She really thought she was going to die.

When she finally breathed normally, there was still a little blush on her little face, "because I'm not her, so I won't live better than die in your hand."

She won't do anything sorry for him. She hasn't done it before, won't do it now, and won't do it in the future.

"I'm sorry." Ke Hezhe sat beside her and leaned impolitely against the back of the bed. "You are really like her, so..." so he lost control again.

"What is as like as two peas?" "KOH and Zhe's words have stirred up curiosity of Gu Yan, and she has always wanted to know everything about Wu Yan Ran. But she never had the chance to know, because when she was in the apartment, she could not ask anything about Wu's identity, so now when the opportunity comes, she doesn't want to miss it.

"Well, as like as two peas, you two are the same."

"Do nose, eyes, eyebrows and mouth look like?" she looked at Ke Hezhe's reaction. She wanted to know the answer too much now.

"Well, it's all like, so sometimes I often think you're her."

"No, I've been called Gu Yaner since I was a child. I have an ID card to prove to you." she said, and she was about to get her passport and ID card to show him.

But before she could get out of bed, Ke Hezhen grabbed her arm, "don't go, just sit with me for a while, just a minute."

"Let me sit with you, but I have conditions. You have to promise me."

"You say." he no longer looked at her, but continued to lean on the bed, but he was so close to her.

"I want to know the story of Wu Yanran. Otherwise, you always treat me as her and make me angry with her for no reason. You say, how unfair it is to me."

"Oh, that's all over. I don't want to mention it anymore."

"You like her, don't you?" Gu Yaner hurriedly asked while Ke Hezhe was not angry at the moment.

"In the past, maybe, but now, it's not."

"Now, you hate her, don't you?"

Ke Hezhe turned his head and looked at Gu Yaner. "What? You know?"

Gu Yan'er shook her head. "I just guessed based on your reaction to me. She looks like me. Ha ha, I really want to see her."

"She's gone."

"Where have you been?" listening to his gentle voice, it was as if he were in a dream, and his thinking seemed to jump to a long time ago.

"I don't know. She hasn't lived anywhere she used to."

Originally, he looked for Wu Yanran, "Ke Hezhe, I think you like her."

"No, how? It's just because she owes me an explanation for something. Therefore, I want to find her if I don't know the answer."

"Ke Hezhe, or did she have to hurt you?" she tried to guess. I don't know why, it also made Wu Yanran, who she hated for three years, suddenly vivid in her senses at the moment. Perhaps, Wu Yanran is also like herself. What's the trouble?

"Yan'er, you said, if you love someone deeply, will you hurt him?"

She shook her head gently. "No."

"But she hurt me again and again." it was from Wu Yanran that he learned not to love and that he could no longer love any woman. However, the girl around him who was very similar to Wu Yanran unconsciously aroused his heart. He didn't know what it was, but he liked the time with Gu Yaner.

Quiet and tranquil.

"It's all over. You're fine now, aren't you?"

"No, the man who hurt me is still at large. If I can't find him, I'll never sleep well."

It turned out that he, like her, was looking for the culprit wholeheartedly.

So, did he go back to Coriolis this time just to find the man?

I don't know why. She thinks that person has always known her whereabouts with Ke Hezhe.

Therefore, she thought of those nude ~ photos that had been secretly taken. Those photos never came out, which always puzzled her, because she really didn't believe that person would keep his promise, but there was only one clue between her and that person, that mailbox.

It seems that she can only continue to stay with Ke He Xi, and then slowly find the person. In this way, she can give herself and Ke he zhe an explanation.

"Ke Hezhe, can I help you?"

As soon as he smiled, the row of good-looking teeth were publicized in front of her, "no, I just want you to be my friend, as long as you occasionally listen to my complaints like tonight." he held it for a long time, one year, two years, three years, more than three years. Only he knew what was on his mind. It repeated in his mind day by day, In fact, it is also a lot of boredom.

"Ke Hezhe, if you meet Wu Yanran again, you must remember to tell me that I really want to stand with her and see how similar I am to her."

"It's impossible. How dare she dare to appear in front of me again? Hehe, he'll be afraid that I'll tear her up. Maybe if I really see her, I'll tear her up."

His eyes long focused on a point in the room, but it was so empty and so fixed.

It was his injury, a lifetime's injury.

Just for such ruthless betrayal.

Gu Yaner listened quietly. She just wanted to know more from his whispers, but the more she knew, the more she couldn't hate him.

He still looked ahead leisurely, and then continued to whisper: "I was thinking that if you stand in front of me with the same hairstyle and the same clothes as her, if you two don't speak, I probably can't guess which is her and which is you."

"Ha ha, if there was such a moment, I would really not speak, and then let you guess." she smiled. It was a great progress between her and him to talk about Wu Yanran so easily with him.

"But if you don't speak, I can still tell which is you and which is her?"

"How to distinguish?" she subconsciously wanted to know the answer. Now she was afraid of being recognized by him.

"There's a scar in front of her moon Hun, you shouldn't have." at this time, his eyes turned to her moon Hun mouth in her pajamas, which made her heart jump wildly.

At this moment, as long as he presses down her body, as long as his hand gently pulls open the skirt, the once scar will immediately show up in front of him, and then he will wear everything.

But he didn't. after sweeping her yuexiong mouth, his eyes looked at the front without focus, "at that time, when everyone didn't believe me, only my second brother believed me. He knelt down to the old man for me..."

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