"Consulting fee? What do you mean?" salf looked at Ke Hezhe for no reason. He never paid any consulting fee.

"Even if you call me, I'll charge you. Well, I won't charge you more. It's a dollar a minute. It's the absolute market price."

"I'll give you a dollar for a minute on the phone?" salf finally understood.

"Yes, smart." Ke Hezhe nodded. "That's it."

"Then I won't call you."

"OK, you have backbone."

"I asked my men to call you."

"..." Gu Yan'er smiled low. It turned out that self could be so cute.

Gu Yaner couldn't help imagining the picture of SARF getting along with that Xili.

Does salf always sit upright and face Celie?

"He Zhe, I want Xili's picture." she was curious about the girl.

Wu Shaochen's aesthetic outlook is absolutely no problem, so Xili must be a beautiful girl.

And a special girl.

Think of Wu Shaochen, her heart will quietly spread a touch of unspeakable pain.

He said he liked her in the wind and snow and the girl who could write different words with both hands at the same time.

Unfortunately, they were brothers and sisters, and he finally had no reason to argue with Ke Hezhe.

Ke Hezhe translated it to SARF. SARF looked at Gu Yaner warily, "you can't like Xili."

"Er, I'm a woman." Gu Yaner was speechless. She was a woman, so it didn't matter whether she liked Xili or not, and it wouldn't interfere with his self.

"If you like Xili, you will stand on Wu Shaochen's side."

Gu Yaner knows that in fact, salf is not stupid at all and his IQ is very online. However, his life experience is like a piece of white paper. The royal family of s should protect him very well.

"If you really love her, I'll stand on your side." to Xiao San, no matter male or female, as long as she is Xiao San, she abandons them all.

Even if the man was her own brother, she abandoned him.

She wants Wu Shaochen back, not because she supports Wu Shaochen and Xili, but because she thinks he is a man, he should have a man's responsibility, and should take his responsibility for everything of the Green Gang.

Instead of letting the Empire built by Wu Hongda fall apart.

"Really?" SARF asked incredulously.

"Really, salf, come on." looking at salf, she thought of herself. Ke Hezhe is a person who loves to provoke peach blossoms.

Those annoying peach blossoms are even willing to be junior. They are willing to be his women as long as he accepts them.

The love that destroys the Three Outlooks often makes her powerless.

As a white man like self, Wu Shaochen robbed someone's fiancee. It's not soft at all.

It's normal that salf can't stand it.

"Here you are." SARF opened his cell phone and quickly turned to Xili's photo and handed it to Gu Yaner.

Celie, she always thought she was European or Arab. However, after only one look, she was sure that Celie was definitely of Asian descent.

The half blood Celie was so ugly that her long hair like seaweed was scattered on her shoulders, and her big smart eyes looked straight ahead, as if they were looking at her.

It was as if Celie was really looking at her. She seemed to see the depths of Celie's heart.

A taste of loneliness and rebellion.

Such a girl is wild and romantic.

It's definitely not something that a silly white sweet like self can control.

Seeing such a Celie, it can be said that it is normal for her to leave salf.

They are not people in the same world.

"She's very beautiful." Gu Yaner first gave a comment and then said, "it's also very wild. SARF, Xili is not suitable for you. In fact, you can have a better choice." she didn't say this for Wu Shaochen, but from the perspective of her own feelings. SARF and Xili are doomed that the most injured must be SARF.

Salf looked at Ke Hezhe, "Mr. Ke, take care of your wife. Xili is very suitable for me. You don't allow your wife to talk nonsense."

"Ha ha, I like to hear that. Yan'er, you have to obey me. We don't participate in other people's family affairs. We'll just live our own little days, won't we?"

"What did he say?" Gu Yaner looked at the interaction between SARF and Ke Hezhe and felt that SARF must have a problem with her.


"Then translate it to me."

Ke Hezhen shrugged. "He wants you to say that Xili is suitable for him. Ha ha, Yan'er, can you say? No, so it's boring if I translate or not."

Gu Yaner shook her head. Salf and Xili were very different from each other in terms of their appearance.

"Does she still think I don't match Xili?" from Gu Yaner shaking her head, SARF determined that Gu Yaner still didn't support him and Xili.

"No, she missed her brother."

"That Wu Shaochen, he really hates it. If she wants to, she will try her best to return Wu Shaochen to your own country and let Wu Shaochen go less to other people's countries."

"Ha ha, good." Ke Hezhe glanced at the wine bottle in front of salf. Two bottles of wine went into his stomach. Salf drank too much.

At this time, if he is serious with SARF, his IQ is not online.

Salf really drank too much. When he quarreled to check out, Ke Hezhe didn't argue with him. He told the waiter to send salf to his room and book a ticket for salf to return to country S. Ke Hezhe also returned to his bedroom with Gu Yaner.

"Hezhe, do we want to change places?" salf made a fuss. I'm afraid that their temporary peace here will soon be gone.

"If you don't change, it's the same result everywhere. Yan'er, we'll go to the Green Gang tomorrow morning. Are you afraid?" Ke Hezhe's slender fingertips gently lifted Gu Yan'er's jaw. She also drank a little wine. Her red drunk face was full of beautiful color, which made him want to bite.

But it's not urgent. Let's get down to business first.

"Not afraid." Gu Yaner shook her head. Her white fingers fell on the sheet left and right. She wrote "no" and "afraid". Many people have tried to do things that can't be done, and she can do it.

In fact, it's very simple. As long as you write with both hands, there are no distractions in your mind, only words.

Let the heart be quiet in this busy world. Although it is difficult, it is also simple.

It's just a process of calming the mind.

"Don't write." Ke Hezhe's eyes followed Gu Yaner's fingers, "do you want to hook another man?" at the beginning, it was said that Wu Shaochen fell in love with her who wrote in the snow with both hands at the same time. Ke Hezhe felt very uncomfortable when he thought of this.

"Oh, look, who am I hooking?" Gu Yaner hooked Ke Hezhe's neck with two tender arms like lotus roots, and looked at the man in front of her with drunken eyes. Her mind was already full of grace.

Ke Hezhe suddenly became perfect. With a big hand, he hooked Gu Yaner's small waist and hung her on the special big bed.

Night, once again began to be beautiful.

Tomorrow's tomorrow has nothing to do with the moment.

Cherish the present, love in the present.

He only wants women to belong to him.

Walk through the wind and rain together.

Walk through the mud together.

The posture of hand in hand will always freeze in life and can no longer be disassembled.


A good night's sleep. At the moment when she opened her eyes, her eyes moved slightly. Gu Yaner only had the man in front of her.

Looking at Ke Hezhe, she really didn't know whether she woke up first or he woke up first.

"Hungry?" he asked hoarsely. In the morning, male hormones began to wake up slowly.

"Not hungry." Gu Yaner quickly answered Ke Hezhe. According to past experience, the word "hungry" must not be said indiscriminately, otherwise an inattentive person will get into trouble Yu upper body. Isn't she waking up so early this morning? I'm afraid she will definitely get up late.

"Learn to be smart." Ke Hezhe nodded the tip of her little nose and said with a smile, "I won't touch you this morning."

Gu Yan'er was satisfied, "just know."

Otherwise, she can't stand his energy.

After washing and changing clothes, Gu Yan'er was stunned when she opened the wardrobe and saw the new clothes. "When did she arrive?"

"This morning."

So he woke up before her.

Light blue trousers, with a small suit of the same color and a silk scarf at the neck, are formal with a little playful meaning.

Such clothes are most suitable for today's occasion.

Feminine, more capable.

Ke Hezhe is a black suit. Before he wears it, there is a strong mysterious color. She pulls the light blue cloth flowers on the pocket of the suit, which is also a seamless couple's dress.

Happily, she stood in front of the mirror, with a tall figure behind her. She looked at Ke Hezhe, and Ke Hezhe looked at her.

Gu Yaner leaned back and leaned against his chest. It's nice to have a man spoil you like this.

It's just that she doesn't worry about it. She won't be enterprising in the future. "He Zhe, don't spoil me like this."

"Who do you want me to pet?"

"Be careful to spoil me. I'm used to a bad habit. At that time, you regret that you don't want me. What should you do?"

"You bite me."

"Ha ha... Ha ha..." Gu Yaner was amused by Ke Hezhe's very serious about letting her bite his expression. She didn't stop until she had a stomachache.

Rubbing his stomach, he said, "Ke Hezhe, do I really want to be the acting leader of the Green Gang?"

"Unless you're willing to let Wu Yanran with a big stomach be your boss."

Gu Yaner immediately shook her head, "no, Yan Ran is so looking forward to this child. She will definitely be born." moreover, there can be no mistakes.

It seems that she is really going to do what she is not good at. Fortunately, there is Ke Hezhe around. Looking at him, she is relieved, "Hezhe, let's go."

Set out to an unpredictable country to shoulder her responsibilities.

Flowers bloom and fall, time goes forward.

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