The gentle wind brushed his cheeks like a feather.

Gu Yaner woke up.

I don't know when the window opened. The car drives very slowly. It's only about 20 pulses slow.

This speed is almost the same as riding a bicycle.

Gu Yaner sat up holding the handrail, and her consciousness quietly returned in this moment.

She suddenly turned her head, and her eyes fell on Ke Hezhe, who was driving. "Have you heard from him?"

He, she thought Ke Hezhe understood.

It means washing Zhengnan.

"No." Ke Hezhe slowly turned the steering wheel, his eyes were pale, and there was nothing wrong in his face.

Gu Yaner took a deep breath. "I'll call him."

"OK." Ke Hezhe nodded and didn't stop Gu Yaner.

Gu Yaner took her cell phone. The first thing she did was look at the time. She seemed to have slept for half an hour. "How did I sleep?" she couldn't remember.

I only remember her worrying about the whereabouts of xizhengnan at that time.

However, at this time, she had no time to tangle with her sleep. She still had to trace the whereabouts of Xi Zhengnan.

In the tunnel, Xi Zhengnan said so many words to her. Although many of them were repeated, they were all printed in her mind.

Familiar number, she pressed redial.

The other end of the mobile phone is in a state of no answer.

Dial again, the same result.

Three or four times in a row, Gu Yan'er became agitated, "why didn't he answer?"

"I'm busy."

"No matter how busy he is, he should answer my phone."

"I heard that he has returned home and traveled with Fuyi." Ke Hezhe said faintly.

"You're talking nonsense. He didn't return home. He's in country y. he talked to me on the phone not long ago. He's clearly in country y."

"Hehe, Yan'er, which eye did you see him? Everything is just your own guess. I sent someone to check. There is no trace related to him in the tunnel. Your brother sent someone to save us."

"My brother?" sure enough, Ke Hezhen successfully diverted Gu Yaner's attention as soon as he moved out of Wu Shaochen.


"How do you know it's my brother?"

"I have his message."

Gu Yaner grabbed Ke Hezhe's mobile phone and opened the screen. Sure enough, she saw a text message from Wu Shaochen.

The familiar but strange mobile phone number is indeed Wu Shaochen's.

She used to be very familiar with Wu Shaochen, but she hasn't contacted Wu Shaochen for a long time recently. While she is familiar, she also feels strange.

"It's nice that my brother is still alive. Let's give him here. I'll call him." Gu Yaner first read the message again and again, and then dialed back directly.

However, such a callback was the same as the result of calling Xi Zhengnan, and no one answered.

"He's in the mountains. It's hard to get a signal, Yan'er."

"It's impossible that there was a signal before, but now there is no signal. I've been calling, so I don't believe he doesn't have a signal 24 hours a day."

"Yes, you can try. Maybe you'll get through." Ke Hezhe smiled and looked as indifferent as before. "By the way, are we going back to the hotel or the Green Gang?"

Gu Yan'er closed her eyes. Her eardrums were full of what Xi Zhengnan had said. She began to be confused.

Is it xizhengnan or Wu Shaochen who cleared everything for her and Ke Hezhe in advance in the tunnel?

Looking at Ke Hezhe's determined tone, it seems that it is really Wu Shaochen.

But she called Wu Shaochen and the phone was unanswered.

She was a little upset, so Gu Yaner quickly made a decision, "I want to rest." she was ready to go to the Green Gang, but she backed out and didn't want to go.

You'd better find Wu Shaochen and give Wu Shaochen the mess of the youth gang in country y, and she will be liberated.

She really doesn't know how to run the gang. Without Ke Hezhe, she would be a piece of white paper. Her opponent must defeat her as much as he wants.

Even now, with Ke Hezhe, she lost a game.

If it hadn't been for the early gun battle in the tunnel, she and Ke Hezhe wouldn't know whether they were dead or alive.

"OK, then go back to the hotel." Ke Hezhe pressed the window and the car turned in the direction of the hotel.

Salf has left country y, but he still decides to stay in the hotel with Gu Yaner.

Now in country y, he and Gu Yaner are not safe anywhere.

It seems that many forces are coveting the fat meat of the Green Gang, so they all have an eye on Gu Yan'er.

Therefore, it becomes that they are in the open and their opponents are in the dark. For them, it is impossible to prevent.

He didn't have a hunch about what had happened in the tunnel before, but thought that there would be no problem if the police opened the way.

Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't even care about the appearance of the police, so he made no mistake.

Kehezhe suddenly found that he really didn't know anything about country y.

Instead, Xi Zhengnan took advantage of the people when he touched here very thoroughly and found some news. Then, he succeeded in preventing this murder.

They thought that as long as Gu Yaner was murdered, the Green Gang was still the same without a head, and could continue to encroach.

But now, his people have found many kinds of results.

In short, there are too many gangs involved. It is difficult to determine which gang did everything.

It's like a Sheng gate, but it's not like a Sheng gate.

Gu Yaner called Wu Shaochen and Xi Zhengnan many times, but they couldn't get through.

Even, sometimes she really gave her a mechanical female voice, "the number you dialed is not in the service area, please dial again later.".

Gu Yaner was confused.


According to reason, she should believe Ke Hezhe, but the sixth sense told her that everything was not so simple.

The car stopped and got off the Lincoln. She walked into the hotel without looking back. She didn't like the Lincoln car.

Anyway, as long as kehezhe drives, she is used to Lamborghini.

Suddenly she realized this truth, and she felt that if Ke Jiazhe opened Rambo again in the future, she wouldn't want to think more.

Even she is used to it.

What's more, Ke Hezhe, who hasn't changed his brand for a long time.

That habit is deeply rooted in my heart.

Ke Hezhe stopped the car and followed Gu Yaner. "Yan'er, go and have something to eat first." he held her hand. His big hand was dry and powerful. He didn't know what was thinking in her mind at this time. However, it was Xi Zhengnan who saved him and her. He would never let her know.

Sometimes, not knowing is the best choice.

On the premise that he helped her hide it from her.

"OK." Gu Yan'er nodded. Her mind was always in a paste state. She often didn't know what she was going to do, so she just knew to move forward.

After entering the restaurant of the hotel, Ke Hezhe ordered. She sat in a chair and watched him order.

Here comes the dish.

When he let her eat, she picked up chopsticks and ate.

Thinking is still a blank, but she has been telling herself that she wants to find two people.

One is Wu Shaochen and the other is xizhengnan.

After a mechanical meal, the whole process took only a few minutes.

"Yan'er, have some more." Ke Hezhe put some vegetables in her bowl and called so much, but she only ate a few bites, which made him frown slightly.

And this is not important. The important thing is that he can't understand her state at this time.

She seemed awake and in a trance.

"I'm full, he Zhe. I want to practice my gun."

"Practice gun?" Ke Hezhe was slightly stunned. He thought she would choose to go back to the room when she was full, and then continued to ask him about the whereabouts of Wu Shaochen and Xi Zhengnan. Unexpectedly, she thought of practicing gun.

Or, that mechanical action can make her have no time to think about others.

"OK, I'll take you." he knew that there was a gun training base near the hotel. He shot 1000 yuan an hour.

But bullets and guns should be equipped by themselves.

In country y, it is legal for individuals to hold guns.

This is also one of the reasons for the chaos of law and order in country y.

Gu Yaner followed him silently, as if she didn't feel that he wasn't full at all. When she had eaten well, she thought he had eaten well, and they went out of the hotel again. Such a short distance, Rao is normal. Ke Hezhe must have chosen to take a walk with Gu Yaner.

But today, he dare not.

He doesn't have the guts.

He finally tried the chaos of country y today.

Even some regret letting Gu Yaner come over.

The Green Gang means nothing to him.

What's more, there is only a problem with the youth gang in country y, and those in other countries are still on a normal track.

As long as the Green Gang is still there, he and Gu Yaner will be sorry for Wu Hongda.

Besides, they don't owe Wu Hongda anything.

Wu Hongda, the father, owes Gu Yaner and Wu Yanran.

Looking back on the past, Ke Hezhen really lamented the magic of time.

In a whirl, everything that should and shouldn't go has gone.

Then the remaining people should live well.

Live well for all the relatives who still live in this world.

I'm in.

Ke Hezhe chose a VIP room with the smallest noise and the best conditions.

As soon as he entered the door, he sat on the single sofa, ordered two bottles of wine and tasted it slowly.

Gu Yaner had already taken the gun and stood in front of the target.

The distance is also far or near, often adjusted, and her every shot is completed very seriously.

It seemed that she didn't hit the target, but those who wanted to kill zezhengnan.

Shot after shot, calm and calm.

The two of them just looked at each other and hit each other. Gu Yan'er even played for two hours, and didn't even stop.

Kehezhe finally couldn't calm down anymore.

She got up and walked towards Gu Yaner. "Yaner, take a rest and stop fighting."

But when he took her hand and forced her to sit down and have a rest, he found that her eyes were full of tears when he took off her helmet.

It turned out that she had been crying.

But I went to shoot every shot with tears.

All are vague goals, all with the most serious attitude.

It turned out that her subconscious never believed him and everything he said.

She still thought something had happened to xizhengnan.

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