Day by day.

The weekend is coming soon.

Gu Yaner's injury is much better.

Youth is capital. After a few days of infusion, the wound scabs day by day. Now you can walk slowly.

It's more comfortable than a wheelchair.

Chen Yuyang has never harassed her since she entered her room that day, seemingly to discuss with her about voting for guild leader.

Not even a phone.

This kind of Chen Yuyang makes Gu Yaner a little unaccustomed.

I feel strange vaguely.

But I just feel it.

Ke Hezhe has been busy, busy with the goods produced by Chamo and the assassination in the tunnel.

Ke Hezhe didn't tell Gu Yaner about this, but Gu Yaner knew it all through Huo Fei.

Someone in the Green Gang colluded with Hao Dalei to kill her. Huo Fei also told her.

Unexpectedly, it is consistent with Chen Yuyang's statement. It seems that Chen Yuyang didn't deceive her. You can believe what she said.

Tomorrow is the weekend, the day to vote for the guild leader.

Although Gu Yaner didn't see Chen Yuyang, she knew that he arranged everything in order.

The voting time, place, specific arrangements and requirements are all listed on a list, posted and distributed to the gang. It is said that everyone has one copy.

The way of voting is her proposal of two out of seven.

He didn't make any changes.

Gu Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief when she knew.

Then, the one with the most votes wins the election and becomes the new guild leader.

It's the guild leader directly, not on behalf of the guild leader.

Gu Yaner read the list in her hand again and again. She really doesn't want to be the leader of the Green Gang. It's better for Wu Shaochen to do it.

However, she and Ke Hezhe can't find the irresponsible guy at all now.

She recalled that when she first met Wu Shaochen, he was originally a free and easy personality and self master.

What he wants to do, others can't stop him.

If he doesn't want to do it, you just put a gun to his temple, and he doesn't necessarily agree.

Life and death depend on fate. People like him have long been open to it.

But a woman like her with six children really can't see it.

She doesn't want to die.

I don't want to die at all.

But, do you really want to be the leader?

From acting guild leader to guild leader, Chen Yuyang made his own decision without consulting her at all.

As like as two peas came to the front, she was pinched with the same instructions as she did in her hand.

It seems that even if she has objections now, it's useless.

The instructions have long been distributed.

Forget it, she might as well explain it at the regular meeting before the vote tomorrow. Only the Deputy guild leader is selected. As for when to become a formal new guild leader, first, confirm and agree on behalf of the guild leader himself, and second, all the helmsman can become a regular leader only after they have no objection.

Well, that's it.

However, this matter still needs to be communicated with Chen Yuyang in advance.

It would be troublesome if he didn't give her a chance to announce it at the voting conference presided over by Chen Yuyang.

If she chooses.

She only acts as an agent until Wu Shaochen comes back.

She really has no interest in that position.

It's just that I reluctantly participate because of my identity.

The other helmsman sharpened her head and wanted to be the leader of the guild. She was just like a bowl of rice and soup in ordinary days. If she had any, she could be regarded as losing weight.

Gu Yaner walked slowly back to the bedroom.

It's quiet.

And don't worry about being heard.

She dialed it directly to Chen Yuyang.

After the bell rang several times, Chen Yuyang slowly picked it up, "Gu Yaner, what's up?"

"The first place after the successful vote, I suggest is to replace the guild leader. Don't directly appoint him as the guild leader."

"Gu Yaner, don't you really want to be a guild leader? Since you want to be a guild leader, you can be a guild leader. Acting as a guild leader is boring and doesn't sound cool enough."

"No, I don't really want to be the leader. I just want to be my brother Wu Shaochen. When he shows up, I'll go back to T city. Country y is not my root, my root is in T City, and my children are also in T city. I miss them very much and I miss home." Gu Yaner said all these words in one breath. She was sincere. That's what she thought in her heart. She can say whatever she thought, No fraud at all.

"It's late. The ballot manual has been distributed. When I went to you, you said I could arrange it. Now it's arranged. There's no way." Chen Yuyang said naturally.

"Before tomorrow's vote, you can explain at the conference that you are just acting as the gang leader."

"Sorry, it's settled when it's settled. It's not good to change it. It will make the guild members question the seriousness of this vote. Moreover, the power of acting guild leader and guild leader is the same, but one word more and one word less. Even if you don't want to be guild leader in the future, no one dares to say anything as long as you like to transfer it to Wu Shaochen immediately. Don't you think so?"

By Chen Yuyang's explanation, it seems that she will be hypocritical if she retorts again.

Since you want to be a guild leader, there is really no big difference between acting guild leader and guild leader.

Forget it, she's lazy, too.

I have to say that Chen Yuyang has done a good job in choosing guild leaders so far.

Everything was well arranged. She couldn't even find any other problems except the name of the leader of the gang.

"OK, let's do it." slightly narrowed her eyes. Gu Yaner's eyes fell out of the window and just saw Chen Yuyang waving in her direction.

It turned out that he was downstairs.

In front of him were several gang members. He should have put them down and called her.

Gu Yaner said two more words and hung up.

She doesn't want to disturb his work.

Chen Yuyang's serious work is much more serious and handsome than his flirting with her.

This is the real Chen Yuyang.

However, she still couldn't understand his attitude towards her.

It seemed a little ambiguous, but as he said, he was just interested in her.

Because she's beautiful?

But there are so many beautiful women. If he wants to be rich, he can have as many as he wants.

Gu Yaner doesn't understand what he is for.

At this time, thinking of Chen Yuyang's money, she couldn't help doubting Chen Yuyang's motivation to enter the Green Gang.

Many people join the Green Gang for money.

And those "many people" must be people without money.

Rich people do business and have small businesses.

Who would join such a gang.

At least, she doesn't like such gangs.

But many people like it.

This shows that there are many poor people in the world.

They have no money. They just need the shelter of such a gang, and then do some things that are legal or illegal and can be operated by the industry by default.

Like a casino.

Such as setting up a red light district.

Like smuggling.

For example

These are not businesses that good people will do.

However, Chen Yuyang should be regarded as the child of a good family.

The Chen family is not short of money.

It can be said that it is rich in country y.

Almost all the convenience stores in country y are monopolized by the Chen family.

It can be said that about 90% of the convenience stores are Chen's convenience stores.

And business is excellent.

It is said that when Chen Yuyang took over from his father, his business was very depressed and Chen was almost facing bankruptcy.

However, after being repaired by him for a short time, after only half a year, it was very prosperous.

I have to say that Chen Yuyang is a business genius.

Gu Yaner knew all this after reading Chen Yuyang's information.

This is a rare talent.

But no one thought that when he managed Chen's chain convenience stores to be the most prosperous, he joined the Green Gang.

He has plenty of money.

What is missing may be spiritual sustenance.

What on earth made his mental state problematic?

This is a question that Gu Yaner can't determine the answer after reading all kinds of materials about Chen Yuyang.

I don't want to.

I think it's just adding trouble to myself.

Gu Yaner took out her mobile phone and dialed it home.

She missed the children.

Recently, almost every noon, she will give it to the children.

Before she came to country y, Xiaodan answered every call, and then the other children scrambled to talk to her. But now, as soon as she dialed the phone at home since she came to country y, the first soft voice she heard was Xiaoyu.

The little guy has grown up again and speaks fluently.

Every time she listened to the small voice, her heart was soft in a mess.

I love listening.

"Mommy, isn't it?"

"Well, it's me, it's Mommy." sure enough, this time it's Xiaoyu. Gu Yaner can even imagine the little guy running over with two short legs as soon as he hears the phone ring.

At the same time, Xiaodan must be very helpless.

However, Xiaodan is a sister. Naturally, she won't rush to answer the phone with her sister.

"Mommy, Xiaoyu missed you, but I missed you." the soft voice, like chocolate, was about to melt Gu Yaner.

"Is Xiaoyu bad?" Gu Yan'er smiled low.

"I'm not bad, but I'm good. I brought my bowl to the kitchen after dinner today."

A series of words, but the child speaks fluently and clearly.

It's just that I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I really grew up.

Children are like this. If you don't see them for a few days, they will change a lot.

This is completely different from adults.

"Xiaoyu has grown up. It's great." Gu Yaner praised her daughter, very considerate.

"But Mommy, I dropped the bowl to the ground. Grandma Wu was cruel to me. Xiaoyu was so wronged."

Wronged with a voice of crying, Gu Yan'er laughed. "Grandma Wu is fierce. You are right. If you fall to the ground and hurt your foot, it will be bad. Don't carry the bowl next time."

"But when I grow up, my brothers and sisters say that daddy and Mommy are not at home. We should try our best to do our own things."

Er, it's a set. Gu Yan'er smiled low. "OK, you can do it yourself, but next time you must ensure safety and ensure that you don't break the bowl."

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