Ke Hexi looked up at her and shook his head imperceptibly, "go, but come back early."

"He Zhe, I'll leave the family to you. I'll go out." everyone in the family is there, but her master wants to go out. Gu Yaner is also a little embarrassed.

"Well, I'll cook in person in the evening and wait for you to come back for dinner." Gu Yaner cooked it at noon. Ke Hezhe also wanted to show his hand in the evening. It's rare to be so relaxed. He also wanted to cook some delicious food to relax.

In the days of country y, he felt like walking on the edge of the knife and fire sea every minute. If he was careless, he would lose everything. Therefore, as soon as he returned to T City, he felt comfortable living in his base area.

Sooner or later, I'll come back.

It seems that he should hurry to find Wu Shaochen.

"OK." Gu Yan'er nodded and went out.

A bag, a person, a car, when driving out of the villa, it was already more than 1:00 p.m.

The sun is burning on the earth, and the speed is slow.

Driving, I unknowingly came to the big shopping mall in mikangya'an.

It is also open, the sun dissipates, the dark clouds press the top, it rains, the light rain patters in front of us, and the wiper slides rhythmically.

The rain, like the original rain, separated her from the roadside and couldn't even hit the car. Therefore, a low-key Volvo drove quietly. He asked her to get on the bus with a smile. From then on, he walked into such a handsome man without a couple and full of only her in his heart.

Obviously, she came for red sorrow, but in the end she became her confidant. She was sad, he was sad, she was happy and he was happy.

All he has is for her.

Gu Yaner rolled down the window and stretched her small hand out of the window. Raindrops fell, wet her hands, wet her heart and wet her people.

"Didi..." the car horn sounded behind the car, and she stood in the way of others.

But she didn't feel it at all. She just sat quietly in the car and looked at the weaving rain outside the car. It seemed that the rain was paying tribute to the man who left her forever.

"Didi didi..." there was another car horn, and then a car stopped. Then someone got out of the car and quietly evacuated the long dragon quietly blocked on the road.

Gu Yaner didn't know it at all. In her mind, she only smiled and asked her to get on the bus. It was as if it was yesterday.

But he knew her all his life, but he ruined his life.

Tears flowed gently like rain. She often felt that she was the curse of beauty. She killed Xi Zhengnan.

She sat there, recalling the scenes since she met him, her throat choked.

Until the world in front of her was blurred and no longer clear, she suddenly realized that she had sat for a long time, dried her tears, rolled down the window, and when the car sped away, she didn't even dare to think about what was going on now that mikang Yaan was gone.

In addition to her own chain flower shop, there are Ke Hezhe's company and Ke's company. She never cares about other people's companies and doesn't want to care about them. But now, she suddenly cares about everything that Xi Zhengnan once owned.

Even if he is gone, she hopes everything he left is good.

The car suddenly accelerated and finally stopped in front of the world-famous and independent villa after passing through the bustling road.

Just leave for years and come again, I only feel a feeling of loneliness that can not be ignored.

As if he knew she was coming, the gate came slowly. When she drove in, she saw the garden full of pink roses, one after another, fragrant.

This is not the rose he planted. His garden has always been clean and elegant grass and trees, green and green.

When I opened the door, a figure flashed out, "Gu Yan'er, you're coming."

Gu Yaner's eyes slowly flashed over Fuyi. The little nurse Ke Hezhe had arranged to wash Zhengnan was pure and beautiful. She was obviously more suitable for washing Zhengnan than she. But she fell in love with her, a married woman, and went on the road of no return.

She endured the sour corners of her eyes, walked to Fuyi step by step, and looked at her slightly swollen belly. "Is it due south?" it was a sudden surprise. It was so surprising. If he had it, she could be relieved.

"Yes, so this is my home, Gu Yaner. I don't like you coming again. If you don't come, I'm fine. If you come, I don't feel comfortable looking at you. Now Zhengnan has children, I don't want you to step into his world any more. Do you understand?" Fu also looked at her. There was no joy or cold in her eyes, but only a alienation, Other people never want to see her estrangement again.

If you can, Fu also wants to never see her again all her life.

But how do you know that all of them, she is just a victim. She just replaced Wu Yanran for Wu Shaochen in order to keep Wu Hongda's hard work.

Gu Yaner bit her lip, then nodded heavily, and looked into the villa through Fuyi's shoulder. Yu Zhengnan said that her appearance in his world was an ominous existence.

Yes, she should stay away from his world.

Whether he is or not, he is far away from his world.

"Fuyi, thank you." whispered, smiled, and cried. All the complex emotions were tangled at the moment of seeing Fuyi and could not be separated any more.

"You go, if you don't come, he will live more stably." Fu also urged her, hoping not to see Gu Yan'er in her life. Her little hand fell on her belly, and all her hopes were here.

Gu Yaner nodded, turned and returned to the car. Obviously, everyone came, but she could only take a look at the villa and leave quietly.

The car drove away from the familiar and strange villa. In my mind at this time, all the things that couldn't stop emerging were Fu Yi's slightly raised belly. It's good, good.

This is the best gift from T city when she came back to T city.

When the car stopped at the roadside, she turned on her mobile phone and began to search everything about xizhengnan for the first time. Mikang Yaan and Fuyi worked normally. The name of the general manager was still xizhengnan's name, as if he was still alive and nothing had happened.

As for Fuyi, there is no information about her on the browser.

But she is crazy to know, want to know the baby in Fuyi's belly, even if she hasn't been born, just in Fuyi's belly, also want to know the situation of the baby, so she must be good.

That's the blood of Zhengnan.

She sat in the car and looked at the direction of the villa from a distance. She came here again, but it was also the last time in her life.

Fu also doesn't like her. She knows that even if Fu also hates her, she doesn't blame Fu also. If a woman killed Ke Hezhe, she will also hate that woman. She even hates more than Fu, not only to drive away the woman, but also to kill the woman.

Love is selfish, which is relative to the lover, and love is selfless, which is relative to everyone in life.

Therefore, Fu has been good to her.

Fu didn't do anything to her, and even didn't open his mouth to abuse her.

But she wanted to scold herself.

The nail pinched deeply into the meat. Gu Yaner didn't know the pain at all.

Just sit in the car and stare at the direction of the villa.

Until the sunset slanted westward, until a low-key black Volvo passed in front of her, Gu Yaner looked up. A man in the driver's seat of the car sat quietly in the car and drove calmly, so familiar

Across the river of years, in this life, I only wish you peace and joy in another world, and I only wish all that you once had, all good, just good.

Lamborghini drove back home. When she stopped in the yard, the children without exception came out to meet her. They hugged this and that. When they entered the villa, they found that the old man was also coming.

Yes, everyone is here. It's time to invite the old man to come here at noon.

Ke Hezhe was very thoughtful about this.

"Grandpa, you're here."

"Yan girl is getting thinner." the old man stood up on crutches. He was only separated for a short time, but he saw a lot of old people. When people were old, they needed company. But the old man lived in such a big old house. She thought of her dead mother and Ke Qingyu who followed her mother. For a moment, her heart choked badly.

"Old man, he Zhe and I are leaving again the day after tomorrow. Why don't you stay here and take care of some children for me. There are six. Wu Ma can't do it alone." Gu Yaner helped the old man sit down. She still remembered that the old man was so energetic when she first saw him.

At that time, the old man was all about finding his son.

But the son was found and lost.

"Well, I just think maybe I didn't take care of the children, but let Wu Ma take care of me."

"Old man, I'm very free. Just stay and cook more food. You can't eat much, but you can help me take care of Xiaoyu. The little girl is fine. She's like a ghost." Wu's mother said with pity and glanced at Xiaoyu. Whether it's an old man or a child, they have feelings after a long time together. Xiaoyu is what Wu's mother looked at until now, so, The degree of closeness is no worse than Gu Yaner's mother.

"Well, you asked me to stay and help, but I'm not my old man who can't go." the old man smiled and looked at the crazy children in the living room as if they were much younger in a moment.

Gu Yaner's heart was sour, and she quietly made a decision. When she came back, the old man was not allowed to go.

That night, the moon hung on the top of the tree.

The three brothers who opened the wine and the old man drank it. Thin wine and Wu Yanran naturally didn't drink it. Gu Yaner also rubbed her hands, poured a glass of wine, sipped it, and a glass of turbid wine with a table of dishes. She didn't go to see that person anymore. She only used wine to get closer to the most beautiful thing in her dream for the rest of her life

Dear friends, happy National Day!

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