The tan glass can not only be bulletproof, but also block the inside and outside of the car into two worlds.

Gu Yaner can see the scenery outside the car, but the people outside the car can never see the situation inside the car.

Perhaps after the last tunnel incident, Gu Yaner was much calmer this time.

She understood that if something really happened, it could only be life and death and wealth in heaven.

It is useless to tangle and worry at this time.

No one knows what will happen next second.

Simply face it calmly and let it go.

Unexpectedly, the rush hour of getting off work was very smooth. I didn't say that there were no accidents.

Lamborghini stopped in the parking lot of Mingfa Hotel ten minutes to six o'clock.

All the bodyguards in the six cars got out of the car and protected Gu Yaner. They walked to the hotel lobby together.

Gu Yaner, dressed in a light blue evening dress, showed her graceful posture at a glance. Her exquisite little face was like a well carved work of art, which people couldn't see enough. When she appeared in front of people holding Ke Hezhe's arm, she immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The first to welcome out were the five helmsman of the Green Gang.

After she came back, she was going to promote a new helmsman to replace Yang helmsman. However, she is still in the assessment, so she can't hurry.

Take your time.

Otherwise, the mud can't hold onto the wall.

Help is to help the capable.

As the people went to their seats and sat down, there were many people on the scene. After all, country y said that although it was not very big, it was not small. There were quite a lot of gangs in country y.

But even many people couldn't stop everyone's eyes from sweeping at Gu Yaner.

I have to say that she and Ke Hezhe are really eye-catching.

Ke he's handsome definitely attracts women's attention.

Gu Yaner is beautiful and definitely attracts men's attention.

The opposite sex attracts each other. The existence of the two people almost attracts the eyes that can see them.

Gu Yaner calmly picked up the tea cup and took a sip. She turned a blind eye to all those eyes.

She only sweeps around occasionally. She wants to know where Hao Dalei is.

The dinner party began.

The emcee took the stage and first talked about the development of gangs in country y in the past year.

The first one to mention is the Green Gang. After all, the Green Gang can be regarded as one of the largest gangs in country y. when it was mentioned that the new leader of the Green Gang was a woman, the whole audience looked at Gu Yaner.

She got up, slowly swept around, drank a glass of red wine slowly, and then sat down. It was a scene corresponding to the master of ceremonies.

At this time, Gu Yaner finally found Hao Dalei. Sheng men is also a big gang, but not as big as the Green Gang. Therefore, his position is not far away from her, only three tables apart, but behind her right, so she just looked straight ahead and didn't see it.

The emcee was still talking, but Gu Yaner picked up a glass of wine, then turned and looked at Hao Dalei. At this time, he also looked at it. His face looked much older than the fake she had seen in the manor, but the fake was the same as him at that time, which showed that Hao Dalei didn't live well these days.

Hao Dalei nodded knowingly when the wine glass was raised towards him, and then the wine glass was raised in her direction. Then, a glass of wine was lifted up.

It was as if they were good friends.

Gu Yan'er smiled low and drank up all the wine.

"Yan'er, drink less." Ke Hezhe couldn't help persuading.

"Well, just this one, the only drink tonight. I'm measured. Why do I think he hasn't been doing well lately?" she thought that Ke Hezhe was so busy recently and went out early and returned late. At this time, she thought that Hao Dalei's bad life should be related to Ke Hezhe.

"He dares to touch me and you. Do you think he will be able to live better in the future?" he first gives a deep blow to his spirit. Hao Dalei doesn't feel much about one disturbance, nor does he feel much about two disturbances. Then he goes to smash one of his venues every day for three times, four times, five times and six times, and his days will be painful, won't he?

Ke Hezhe hasn't done much these days.

And he doesn't have to do it himself.

When did Xi Zhengnan want to destroy Hao Dalei at once.

He just needs to open his mouth and someone will do it for him when.

So it has nothing to do with the people of the Green Gang.

Gu Yaner nodded. It was Ke Hezhe who did this. She really didn't pay attention to it recently. She was worried about practicing shooting, so she handed everything to Huo Fei.

He took a coke and pretended to be red wine, "husband, let's do it together."

Ke he zhe also did not tear down her, and the cup touched her, a glass of Baijiu was dry and clean, anyway, he had quantity, he was not afraid.

While eating and listening, many guild leaders spoke on the stage.

However, there is no gu Yaner.

This is what she specially told Chen Yuyang in advance. Today, she wants to keep a low profile. She can keep a low profile as much as she can. However, she didn't expect to attract a lot of people's attention just when she appeared.

There's no way.

Fraternity is just an annual form.

Have a meal together, comment on some advanced gangs, and then make a charitable donation. It's mostly this routine.

When we had almost eaten, the emcee was already announcing this year's advanced gang.

Sure enough, both the Green Gang and Shengmen are listed.

Everything is going as expected.

When she was read to the Green Gang, Gu Yaner got up and walked to the long passage. Her half heel high heels lined her special taste of a little woman. Compared with other guild leaders who came on stage to receive the award, she was the only woman. The others were all over 40 years old. She was the only one who was young. She looked young and beautiful less than 30, which attracted people's attention.

Carry a small bag of the same color as the gift wherever you go.

On such occasions, men carry bags suddenly, while women carry bags elegantly.

Eight guild leaders came to the stage.

The chairman of the gang Council personally presented the award.

Standing on the side of the stage, the old man in his eighties is an old Jianghu man who has retired with honor.

Gu Yaner went to one of the eight people and immediately killed all the other guild leaders, which also caused whispers.

No way, even standing among a group of young women, her beauty is among the best, not to mention standing among men who are either beer belly, bald or wrinkled.

Fortunately, she had the experience of appearing on the stage. When she first joined the Coriolis, she was on the stage at the Coriolis regular meeting. Sitting under the stage, Ke Hezhe recalled Gu Yaner in an orange evening dress. Time seemed to go back to that day. She was so beautiful that his eyes could no longer accommodate others. Fortunately, despite the ups and downs between the two people, After all, he became a husband and wife.

This is the best.

Suddenly, his eyes sank.

After answering a phone call, Hao Dalei walked to Gu Yaner and stood still.

Well, the two are next to each other.

Hao Dalei clearly did it on purpose.

Ke Hezhe moved his wrist slightly and glanced slightly. People would never think he was looking at his mobile phone. Therefore, he was looking at his watch.

When you look at your cell phone at this time, everyone will think there is something going on here.

I think he's telling people to do something.

So, not only can't people think he's watching his cell phone, but also can't call his cell phone.

For example, as soon as Hao Dalei answered his cell phone and hung up, he walked to Gu Yaner. He felt that something had happened.

Sure enough, he sent a message to his watch in a low voice. Huo Fei quickly replied, "the person arranged by Chen Yuyang was exposed."

Therefore, while Hao Dalei tells him to deal with Chen Yuyang's exposed people, he approaches Gu Yaner. If the Green Gang shoots at him or takes any other action, Gu Yaner nearest to him will also be unlucky.

If he wants to die, he will take Gu Yan'er with him.

Ke Hezhe's eyes were a little dark, and he also looked at Gu Yaner. He agreed with her in the car. As long as he looked at her for more than three seconds, it would mean that something had happened to the action.

Yes, according to Chen Yuyang's plan, at this time, the lights in the whole lobby will suddenly go out, and then his people shot Hao Dalei, while Ke Hezhe took a mat to protect the people who started to retreat safely.

But now it seems that people sent by Ke Hezhe are not needed at all.

The action plan failed this time.

Gu Yaner received Ke Hezhe's eyes and smiled. She was neither flustered nor busy. She didn't intend that Chen Yuyang could succeed.

It's not ordinary people who want to be killed, but the sect leader of Sheng clan. It's so easy to kill. Hao Dalei can't be the sect leader for so long.

It's normal not to kill.

What's more, Chen Yuyang has some connections with Shengmen.

His people have something to do with the people of Shengmen. It's easy to reveal the news.

Otherwise, Mo Xiangsheng's goods were robbed by Sheng men. How did he know?

The reason why she agreed to Chen Yuyang's action was just to put a smoke bomb, so that Hao Dalei could focus all his energy on Chen Yuyang's people. In this way, she would relax her vigilance and Ke Hezhe's people a little.

Of course, it is impossible to be completely without vigilance.

So at this moment, knowing that Chen Yuyang's action failed, she was not surprised. She turned around and handed her little hand to Hao Dalei, "Mr. Hao, are you all right?"

Hao Dalei was slightly shocked. He didn't expect Gu Yaner to be so "friendly" with him on the stage. If he ignored Gu Yaner, he would only let the people under the stage see his jokes and say that he relied on his old age and didn't know how to be polite. He frowned gently and shook his hand until the end. "It's good for leader togu."

"Oh, it's OK to continue. If you win tonight, let's let you live a few more days. Don't thank our guild leader." Gu Yaner smiled at the corners of her eyes and eyebrows, as if she were a good friend with Hao Dalei. It looked very harmonious.

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