Womanizing Mage

Chapter 153: Goodbye

Long Linger was surprised at Simon’s strange reaction to hate. She jumped out of bed and walked to her side and looked down. She found that she was waiting for the dragon who was waiting underneath. She could not help but ask: “No hate, how? Already?"

"Nothing, I want to see if my second brother is still absent. He is the most impatient. \\www.qb5, c0m//" Simon said without hate.

Long Linger saw Long Yizheng Sao Bao and the female school greeted, and the daring girls simply stopped to laugh and laughed, and saw Long Linger’s heart was uncomfortable.

"No hate, you can go to the grooming, and the time agreed with Teacher Pusius is coming." Long Linger urged Ximen to throw no hate into the bathroom, but his heart was screaming at the dragon. Stinky guy.

When Long Linger and Ximen did not hate to go downstairs, the girls around Longyi have grown from two or three to more than ten, and the snoring of Yan language continues, and the eye-catching autumn waves fly. Seeing the intoxication of the dragon's color to the soul, Long Linger's heart was a big fire, and she hurriedly took Ximen without hate and quickly passed.

Long Yi looked at the face of Long Linger jealous, smiled brightly, waved his hand at the mm surrounding him, and ran and chased him up.

"Linger baby, why don't you just call me and run away? If you give up your husband, you will be thundered." Long smiled and pulled Long Linger's hand.

Long Linger opened the hand of Long Yi and said: "It is the big color wolf that you have abandoned and lost."

"How is it possible? I just lost the world, and I will never take my Linger baby." Long smiled and said that he was paralyzed, and he held the little hand of Long Linger again.

"Who knows if you are really or not." Long Linger whispered his head down, and the little hand struggled to let the dragon catch it.

"Smelly brother, you don't talk so disgustingly. I heard that my hair is erected." On the other side, Ximen shook his body and looked awkward.

Long Yixiao smiled, no way, who told the girls like to listen to this, sometimes knowing that it is false. But still feel that it is used.

"Little girl, it has been so long, I don't know which class you are in?" Long Yi said.

"I am in the class of the Magic Department of Magic, but I rarely go to class, and I usually read in the library." Simon didn't hate, she was about to break through the advanced magic to become a great magician. It was a waste of time, but not as good as it was. Going to the library to read books is real.

“Do you have a lot of books in your library?” Long Yi asked.

"You are an idiot, the library of the Holy Devils Academy is the largest library in the mainland. Even the royal library of the three empire is better than here." Long Linger whited the dragon, this stinky guy even This common sense does not know.

The most in the library? The dragon has a bright eye, and there are many books in the bookshelf in his space ring. But compared to the Museum of the Holy Devils, the library is undoubtedly the difference between the creek and the sea. He decided to soak in the library in the future. He has many problems and is ignorant.

After a short time, the three came to the yard where Purusus lived. Just knocking on the door, but seeing Psyche and Linna coming out from the outside. Both the grandson and the grandson are flaming hair with a fiery red robe, and they feel like a hot scent.

"No hate. Linger, you are coming." Linna ran over cheerfully, holding the hands of the two women intimately, but squeezing the dragon one side, never looking at him until the end, want to come Also worried about the last extortion event.

The two women and Linna greeted each other. When they saw that Prussius was approaching, he would respectfully say hello, and only the dragon looked up and down the majestic old man. He did not change when he saw it in the ridiculous town last time.

Puxius saw this in a sloppy, casual, incomprehensible juvenile. He looked at the face and seemed familiar. At this moment, he saw him unscrupulously looking at himself, and his eyes shot like a sharp knife.

The four eyes were opposite, and both of them were shocked. At this time, Puxius looked surprised. Then he suddenly remembered who this boy was. The last time he described his spiritual pressure in the ridiculous grassland, it was this kid. When I thought about it more than a year later, he actually improved a lot. It’s really awesome.

"Gangzi, we met again." Pussus suddenly laughed, making the three women look at him inexplicably.

"You old man still remembers me, it seems that he is still not confused." Long Yixiao smiled, an old man made Long Linger and Simon no hate, and Puxius is a big admiration of all magicians. Magister, ah, don’t you call him.

"It’s so unfathomable for your kid to be young and mentally tempered. It’s hard to forget. You are a student of the Holy Devils Academy. I can’t have heard of you for repairing.” I would like to mind the name of Long Yi, but ask with a smile.

"My name is Long Yi. I have just entered school for two days. It is not surprising that you have never heard of it." Long Yixiao laughed, and there was no restraint in front of the Puxius ground, as if he only regarded him as an ordinary old man.

When Linna saw Grandpa, she seemed to feel good about Dragon. She couldn’t help but sigh: "Grandpa, he is a big bad guy, the last bad guy who cheated your thousand amethyst coins."

Puxius stunned, although the cause was caused by Lina, but the thousand amethyst coins he still remembered now.

"Gangzi, you gang with the violent bear mercenary group to scam me a thousand purple crystal coins, how should this account count?" Pusius smiled and stared at the dragon and said, do not scare the boy his heart is really Unbalanced.

When Long Linger saw that Pussus seemed to be angry, he hurriedly said: "Professor Puxius, I will give you the one thousand amethyst coins."

"I still have a fart, I said the old man, you said that I swindle, there is any evidence, I can sue you without evidence." Long rudely violently broke a dirty mouth and interrupted Long Linger’s words. The eyes did not let the face look at Pusius.

Puxius slammed two screams and said: "Winter, don't think that this thing is done seamlessly. Hundreds of violent bear mercenaries are involved in this matter. I don't believe that everyone's mouth is iron. The board is generally secure."

When the dragon looked at the brow, the old man was full of traitors. Indeed, this is a big flaw. With the reputation and ability of Purus, it is not difficult to open the mouths of several mercenaries.

"Oh, then wait until you find the evidence and say it." Long smiled, he did not believe that Pusius would spend such time and energy to check this matter, and even if several mercenaries told the truth, it was not much. Use, unless he can make more than half of the mercenary of the violent bear mercenary group say that the matter is acting from start to finish.

Puxius looked at the sky, to tell the truth, relying on his strength, there are really few opponents in the mainland, and today I saw Long Yi, a boy who made him unpredictable. There was an impulse to fight with him, and from the eyes of Long Yi, he also saw the same desire.

"Grandpa. Let's go, don't talk to this bastard." Linna said, licking the dragon.

"Well, it's time to go, boy, you can't leave in these three months. This account will wait for me to come back after you come back." Pusius said to Long Yi.

"I said the old man, can you see if you can postpone it for a day or two? Then we can start counting it now." Long Yi stared at Pursius, but he was playing with Puxi. The same thoughts.

Puxius could not see what Long Yi was thinking. However, the place where he brought Linna and Long Linger to practice was only opened once in five years. After five years, he waited for five years, but he could try the two of them.

Suddenly, there was a burst of red light on the ground of Pusius, and the huge energy pushed Simon's hateless three women back, and then the magic field shrouded the dragon.

When Long Yi found that he could not feel the magical fluctuations in the air, he knew that Purus had opened his magical field.

"The blazing fire, burning!" Purcellus whispered in the air. The whole field was lit with red and purple flames, and he and the dragon were suddenly overwhelmed by fire.

The three women outside were shocked and screamed, and Qi Qi exclaimed. Long Linger and Ximen had no sweat, but they were sweating nervously. Although they knew the skills of Long Yi, he was safe under the curse and cursing, but this The second time he faced, but the magical field of the great magic seeker, this is not allowed to not worry.

"You can rest assured that Grandpa is measured, just to teach the bastard, it will not hurt his life." Linna saw Long Linger two women worried, could not help but comfort.

The blazing fire burned for a quarter of an hour, and when the fierce rushed away, the scenes of the magical field of Purusus made the three women stunned.

I saw that the dragon's body clothes were burned off most of the time, revealing the silver armor inside. His handsome face became black, and the long black hair burned the king. It looked miserable. And Puxius is quite embarrassed, the fiery red robe is a hole, the chin's beard is a lot less, until the three women look carefully, but found that Long Yi's hand is holding a fiery red beard, splitting Mouth and laugh, the white teeth are printed with black and black face, and the eyes are bright.

Puxius went to the magic field and looked at Long Yi with anger. This stinky boy cut his arrogant beard and cut off most of it. It was really mad at him. But the same, his heart is also extremely shocked, how big this kid is, actually hurt him in his field, although he used all his strength, using only a ten-level enhanced version of the group attack magic, but in the field Under the increase, it is only a little cursed.

"Old man, you are not very good at finding a magician." The dragon shook his beard and smiled.

"Gangzi, you will be proud, wait for me to come back and teach you well." Pusius anger disappeared, looking at Longyi's gaze also a little more appreciation.

When Passus entered the house, he quickly changed a suit and trimmed his chin's beard. He said, "Lena, Long Linger, let's go."

Long Linger’s body trembled and turned to look at Long Yi. Suddenly he felt very reluctant, and the eyes flashed a mist of water.

"Linger, you wait." Long suddenly yelled and strode forward, and in the eyes of the public, Long Linger was held and he bowed his head and kissed Long Linger's mouth.

Long Linger looked dull, and wanted to push the dragon one, but thought that the two were about to be separated, and the heart was sour and sorrowful that they had a warm response to the neck of the dragon, and they immediately looked at Ximen’s hateless and Linna’s face, and even the general This is also amazed by the old man who has lived a lot of age. This scene of male and female hot kisses has never been seen before. He wanted to sneak out underground activities when he fell in love with his deceased wife. This makes him feel very sad, young is so good.

Lips, Long Linger looked at the dragon with a faint look, and said in his ear: "You are not allowed to forget me, not allowed to blame."

Without waiting for Longyi to answer, Long Linger smashed his feet, and as Pussus and Lina flew up, they disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, leaving only the fragrance for the nose, which remained for a long time.

"Hey, stinky brother, Linger is gone, what do you want to stay." Simon didn't hate to see the dragon and said that he would pull his sleeve.

Well, the dragon returned to God and looked at Simon without a smile. This girl is now calling his second brother, but this has to add a stinking word in front of it, but in any case, it can be considered progress.

"I see Linger really like you, you don't want to hurt her." Simon said without hate.

"Little girl, why are you always afraid that I will hurt Linger, she likes me, I am too late to open up." Long smiled.

Simon did not hate and stopped, and sighed and didn't talk any more. Although she could see that Long Linger was really stuck, she was afraid that Long Linger would be obsessed with her own authorities and could not see her true heart.

"Little sister, go eat breakfast together." The dragon said to Ximen without hate.

Simon nodded without hate, and he and Long Yi went to the canteen under the back of the college.

Looking at Ximen without hate and elegant eating, Long Yi could not help but smile, there is such a cheap sister is not bad, looking at the eyes all day long.

"Smelly brother, you don't eat anything and watch what I do." Simon didn't hate and glared at the dragon.

Long Yixiao smiled and said: "Who told my little girl to be so beautiful, even eating is so good-looking, can't the second brother appreciate it?"

Ximen’s hateful face was reddish, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Long’s compliment still made her quite useful. When she was trying to open her mouth and the dragon, she suddenly saw a blue water-based robe at the entrance of the dining hall. The woman walked over with anger, and the goal of the cannibalized eyes was to sit on the opposite side of her.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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