Womanizing Mage

Chapter 172: I like you

The four lips touched each other tightly, and the dragon took the breath and passed it over, so as not to let Ling Feng die because of suffocation. Www, qΒ5. C0m/

It’s so soft, how the lips of this kid are like girls. Long Yixin thought, feeling like kissing a girl, but soon, he was scared by his own thoughts, and thought that he had been with Lingfeng for a long time, and he had any problems with his thoughts, so he Quickly take your mind and take your thoughts out of your mind.

Ling Feng’s feeling is much stronger than that of Long Yi. She was a favorite dragon. At this time, she was kissed by her sweetheart. She only felt that her body was crisp and numb, and her heartbeat Peng Peng jumped cheerfully. She seemed to jump out of her throat. general. Unconsciously, she clung to the dragon and closed her eyes to enjoy her first kiss. Gradually, Ling Feng moved, she could not meet the simple four lips, but she is an inexperienced rookie, do not know how to kiss, emotionally confused, she can only instinctively **** the dragon Lips.

When the dragon saw Lingfeng suddenly sucking his lips, he thought that it was not enough to pass the past, and then he gave up a real breath and sent it to the past, but suddenly felt a slippery little tongue got into his mouth. Inside, entangled with his tongue. When the dragon suddenly stunned, he felt that he was going crazy. How could the two men feel sick when they kissed each other so much, but he found that he did not resist this kind of contact, but had an unspeakable pleasure.

I have to say that kissing this kind of thing doesn't need to be learned. Ling Feng is obviously catching a little bit. He just accidentally put his tongue out and suddenly found that the feeling is so beautiful, only the body becomes light and fluttering. It seems to fly to the clouds. That feels really wonderful.

Just as both of them were going to sink, the huge whirlpool suddenly dissipated, and the extra force threw the two out of the water. When the dragon suddenly woke up, he quickly removed his lips. Holding the wind in the air, I discovered that it is a huge underground cave. The center of the cave is a slowly flowing underground river, and the two sides are rugged rocky ground.

The dragon floated down and cast a few magic **** for lighting. He looked at the wind in the arms and found his head on one side, but he was not awake.

I remembered the burning kiss with Ling Feng in the water just now, and the dragon couldn’t help but feel a strange feeling. It’s unclear and unclear. He placed Ling Feng on a flat, flat surface and began to look around. The air here is damp and cold, and there is no sense of airflow. It should be unventilated. But the strange thing is that he doesn't feel the slightest feeling.

At this point, Ling Feng's eyes opened a gap, staring at the dragon's back, she was comatose, she really did not know how to face him. She wants to rely on the strength of the dragon to know that she is loaded. But he did not expose her, perhaps he did not know how to face it. Ling Feng felt a bitter smile, she knew that Long Yi’s heart was more chaotic than her. At the very least, I know that I am a girl, but he does not know, she is hesitating to tell the dragon a truth.

Just as Ling Feng hesitated, Long Yi suddenly turned back to her face, kneeling down and gently touched her forehead, murmured: "Weird, how can we not wake up, is it wearing wet clothes? For the sake of it, would you like to help him change it?"

Ling Feng’s heart jumped. If Long Yi helps her change her clothes, she will definitely find that she is actually a daughter. In the middle of the battle, Ling Feng made a decision and continued to stun. In this case, let him know that it might be a good idea. Although the body is going to be seen by him, look at it, her body does not show him. Who can I see?

Long Yidi’s big hand reached the Lingfeng’s clothes, and he hesitated a little and then shrank back. The palm of his hand grabbed Ling Feng’s wrist, and the internal force was shipped. The wind was covered with Ling Feng’s body, and the water vapor on the clothes rose. In two minutes, the wet clothes became dry.

Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the dragon with an anger. This dead wood, rotten wood, really mad at her.

"Hey, you woke up, did you feel better?" The dragon groaned and asked a little embarrassedly.

Ling Feng sat up and pushed open the dragon one, annoyed: "I want you to control, you wood."

The dragon looked at the tempest of the wind, watching her feminine tone and expression, and secretly sighed in her heart. Seeing her look seemed to have something to him. How is this going? He is absolutely unacceptable when the two big men get together. It seems that some things still have to be explained to her.

"Ling Feng, I have something to tell you." Long Yi slowly, my heart is thinking about how to say it will not hurt her heart.

"What?" Ling Feng asked without a good gas.

"Well, you know that I am a man, you are also a man, we are good brothers, you know that I have many women, so I can't do it with you... Do you understand what I am talking about?" Long Yi said, scruples Ling Feng’s psychology, he did not make it very clear, but he was too clever to be incomprehensible.

Ling Feng looked at the dragon one, and looked straight at the dragon and felt a hair. Suddenly, she screamed and laughed, laughing and swaying, and could not stand the waist.

Is it so funny? Is it not stimulated? The dragon looked at Ling Feng’s heart.

For a long while, Ling Feng stopped the smile, looked at the dragon one, and couldn't help but laugh, it seems that there is an endless trend.

"You laughed enough." Long Yi frowned at Ling Fengdao, always felt that she had some abnormalities.

Ling Feng closed his mouth, and the bright eyes looked at Long Yi. Suddenly, he said seriously: "I like you."

The dragon is one by one, isn’t he very clear? Why did she say it now?

Ling Feng came to Long Yi in front of the two steps, suddenly kissed his neck and kissed him, and the dexterous tongue plunged into the mouth of Long Yi.

For a long while, Long Yi reacted from the shock and pushed Ling Feng away.

"You don't hate my kiss. On the contrary, you have a feeling for my kiss. Don't lie to yourself. You like me too." Ling Feng smiled and couldn't help but want to play tricks.

The dragon wiped his mouth and felt a little bun. Yes, he did have a feeling. Is he also a legendary broken sleeve? Impossible, it must have been an illusion, he clearly only has a feeling for women.

Ling Feng saw a pale face, and my heart was a little distressed, and I couldn’t bear to lie to him. She walked to the waist of the front ring, and the whole body broke into his arms. When Long Yi tried to push her away, she murmured: "If I said that I am a woman, do you believe it?"

When the dragon is in a stiff body, he loses his voice: "What do you say? Are you a woman?" There are some surprises in the heart of the ring. Yes, this is the only way to explain why he feels about the kiss of Ling Feng. Why is Ling Feng always occasionally? Shows some feminine movements and expressions.

"You don't believe it in the end." This time Ling Feng restored the original crisp female voice, it sounds very sweet.

Long Yi pushed Ling Feng a little, carefully looked at Ling Feng, pinched her face for a while, rubbed her ears for a while, and even touched her hand on her chest, only to touch a flat airport.

"Are you not a born Taiping princess?" Long asked with a big eyes and a blind eye. Is Ling Feng even a woman's figure so unsuccessful?

"Princess Taiping? Ah... you are going to die." Ling Feng carefully read it twice, and suddenly understood what the dragon was referring to.

"Isn't it? Let me check it out." The dragon smiled and pulled the wind over his hands, and the big hand went to her clothes.

"Ah, big wolf, indecent." Ling Feng shouted, but the struggle under his hand seemed to be half-pushing.

Under the inconspicuous cooperation of Ling Feng, her chest quickly opened wide, revealing a thick layer of white enamel wrapped around her chest.

Long Yi looked at the crystal clear skin of Ling Feng, the smooth and smooth belly and the faint daughter fragrance. Even if he didn't need to solve the white 绫, he knew that Ling Feng was definitely a real girl. He finally understood why Ling Feng There is always a faint fragrance on his body. He is also slow enough. He should have found something wrong early on, but because of the preconceived reason, she always thought that she was only a feminine tendency.

Although it has been determined that Ling Feng is the daughter's body, but there is no cheaper to occupy the non-gentleman, he has a big hand, the white wind on the chest of Ling Feng floats to the ground, a pair of strong as a peak, snow white as jade smashed out, shaking The milk waves can make Longyi's eyes stick to it. The pink beads are like plums dotted with snow peaks, proud and holy. According to Longyi's visual inspection, this pair of ** is not something he can master.

Ling Feng shyly shouted, and wanted to reach out and grab his chest, but he was held down by the dragon. One of his big hands fascinated and stroking the holy double peak. The silky touch made him No, he smacked the pink beads and felt that they stood proudly under the spurt.

At this point, Ling Feng was uncomfortable to pick up, her brown hair and pupils began to slowly become blue, and the delicate face began to distort like a water ripple. In a short while, a pretty face of a beautiful country appeared in In front of the dragon one.

The dragon looked at the blushing blush of the blush. She was half-closed in the autumn, and the hot fire was shot in her eyes. The white teeth biting on the pink and pink lips, the brakes were tempting.

"Little goblin." The dragon whispered and whispered, and the ** came like a rush of water. He slammed his head down to hold the lips of Ling Feng, and the big hand kneaded on her pair of cocks. The elastic and full-feeling feel made him want to rise.

Just as Long Yi was desperate to put Ling Feng Zheng Fa, his left hand palm suddenly came with a burning sensation, and the nerves immediately pulled him back from the abyss of the **.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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