Womanizing Mage

Chapter 185: breakthrough

The scent of the barbecue quickly dissipated, and the rich fleshy scent went straight into the nose of everyone, causing the locusts in the stomach to protest, and the saliva rushed out uncontrollably. \\\\www. Qb5, com

Look at the big head monster is even more unbearable, the flood like a levee floods generally down the corner of the mouth, want to come over and fear the power of the third and the fire unicorn, had to use two small eyes to stare at the meat on the grill.

Nowadays, the fire magic of Longyi has also formed a magic core because it absorbs the fire energy of the fire unicorn. The realm has been upgraded to the strength of the magic hunter, and the meat is naturally handy.

At this time, Xiao San couldn't help it. Long Yi just sprinkled the seasoning, and it bite a fire rabbit into his mouth with lightning, chewing his mouth full of oil. Xiaosan hands-on, the fire unicorn and the mad beast are not far behind, there are not more than twenty fire rabbits on the grill in the blink of an eye.

Long Yi does not matter, smiled and looked at a few cute and eager to rush to roast the barbecue, anyway, there is a chicken in the ground, there is nothing to eat.

At this time, Long Yi felt the eager eyes of the big-headed monster. When he looked back at it, he threw the unfinished prey of life. The big-headed monster swallowed excitedly, staring at it. Something on the grill.

"Second brother, if you look at it and blame it, give it a fire rabbit." Simon didn't hate to go to the side of Long Yi.

Longyi smiled and nodded, grabbed the last fire rabbit and threw it to the big head monster who was looking forward to the neck.

The big-headed geek ate the roasting fire rabbit and suddenly squatted in the same place. After a long while, he screamed twice, which sounded a bit sad. There were tears in his small eyes.

"Second brother, it.... It shed tears." Simon was shocked by hate. He never heard that Warcraft and other animals would shed tears. The rest of the people heard the words. For a time, the girls expressed sympathy for the big-headed monsters.

"Look at it, it must be a sad thing." Shui Ruoyan said.

"It definitely wants its loved ones." Simon did not hate to pass.

Long Yi also had some troubles. The expression of this big-headed monster was so humanized, and the sadness made people think that he was a human being.

The dragon rushed toward the hand, and the big head groaned, and the general body of the ball rolled over immediately. The girls behind the dragon immediately subconsciously stepped back a few steps, because the big-headed look is not flattering. Long Yi didn't take it for granted. He hesitated to stretch out his big hand and touched the big-headed tentacles, but unexpectedly found that the tentacles were extremely gentle and soft, and the feel was very good.

The big head screamed and wowed twice. A face that enjoys the expression.

"It feels very comfortable to touch. Do you want to touch it?" Long said with a smile.

"Be strange, you must be deceiving." The girls did not believe it. No one is willing to come.

"I am too lazy to lie to you, if you don't believe it, you will pull it down." Long snorted.

"Second brother, I believe in you, but will it eat me in one bite?" Simon said without hate.

Long Yi looked at the big mouth of the big head, it looked a bit scary. So he patted the big head and said: "Gangzi, can't you be smaller?"

The big-headed monster did not seem to understand the words of Long Yi, looking at him with confused eyes.

The dragon is rushing to the beast. Call it from big to small to give a demonstration, the big monster immediately understand, excitedly wow wow two times, such as a hot air balloon, the body brakes began to slowly shrink, shrinking to the size of a normal person's head. This looks like it is so cute.

Simon didn’t hate, he ran over and touched it, screaming: “Really, it’s so comfortable to touch.”

Simon did not hate to say this, the big head blame immediately turned from irritating to fragrant. A few women rushed to stroking the big-headed tentacles.

Long Yi smiled and looked at the scene, but his heart was thinking about the origins of the big-headed monster. Although it was not very good-looking and it was a huge amount of food, it was very clever. From the perspective of its IQ, it was never an ordinary monster.

The moonlight is clear, the magical forest is dyed into a silver-white world, and the wind blows, and a big tree begins to dance in the wind.

Long Yi sat in his tent and meditated. He felt that Dan Tian’s internal force was agitated and began to jump left and right.

As soon as the dragon opened his eyes, the scorpion of Can Ruo Xing suddenly made two eclipses in the darkness. He calmed down and silently felt the instigation of the infuriating body. He knew that this was a sign that Aotian would soon break through. This kind of sign has been going on for some time, but it has never been as strong as it is today. Maybe it’s going to advance to the third floor tonight.

The dragon's temple suddenly leaps forward, and the arrogant instinct is getting more and more violent in the meridians. It begins to impact the Yin Wei and Yang Wei veins that are still blocked. These two veins are the two veins of the miracle eight veins. The five internal organs of the camp, the six gongs of the Yangying, the two veins are connected to the yin and yang, and the skill is greatly advanced.

The dragon lived for two generations, and the cultivation of the proud heavens also cultivated the two worlds. The pain that needs to endure before the breakthrough of the skill is very well known. This is like a butterfly that breaks out and does not experience painful struggles. How can it be beautiful? He opened the door with the palm of his hand, and after using the internal force to leave a few large characters on the ground, he sealed the tent with enchantment.

Infuriating in the body is getting more and more violent, and it is getting thicker and thicker. It starts to attack the two veins of Yin Weiyangwei, and the pain of the heart bursts from the distribution of the two veins until it spreads to the whole body. When he saw his forehead on the forehead, he tried to relax the whole body and felt the pain in silence. This kind of extreme pain, he enjoyed it several times. Yes, it is indeed enjoyment. It is definitely a non-benefit. The process of people.

Infuriating begins to spirally impact the meridians, and that feeling is like the feeling of someone tearing the tissue in your body. It is not a short-term process to open up the two meridians. It took several days for Longyi to suddenly arrogate the second floor in the lost city. In particular, the two veins of Yin Wei Yang Wei are distributed in the human body for a long time. From the inner and outer sides of the foot to the abdomen and then to the shoulder and neck, the spiral instinct is to be completely penetrated to achieve success.

The dragon screamed from time to time, feeling like it was not when it was painful, but it was like the refreshing sound of a woman who was galloping on a woman.

At this time, Long Yi's body slowly appeared the light of the seven elements of magic, which is the most intense in black, followed by the water system of tuberculosis, lightning and fire, the other departments are the weakest.

A black shadow suddenly emerged from the body of Long Yi, and formed a virtual shadow in front of Long Yi. He only heard a weird voice muttering: "This stinky boy is really abnormal."

The black shadow circled a few laps in the week of Longyi, and said: "The seven-sector physique, the magic elements are so strong, but the realm is so much worse, it is really strange, or it will help you to promote the dark magic elements, to I still expect you to help."

After the black shadow was finished, it was distorted, and it turned into a black smoke that entangled the left hand of Long Yi. The celestial stone embedded in the **** sputum of the palm of the hand immediately burst into a deep black awn, which was like a black hole. Inhale everything in it. The black smoke that entangled the dragon's left hand was shrinking. The black mans on the magic stone began to infiltrate the black smoke of the black shadow into the body of the dragon, directly turning into the dark magical element to infiltrate into the consciousness of the sea. in.

At this time, the sky has been bright, Ling Feng and Ximen no hate three women are destined to surround the tent of Long Yi, the first to find the dragon on the ground to retain the word is Ling Feng, was still late at night, Ling Feng is tossing and turning I didn’t worry about it. When I thought about it, I pushed my fault to the poor dragon. She really missed the warm embrace of the dragon, so she quietly climbed up and prepared to sneak into the tent of Longyi and he was gentle, who knows As soon as I walked in, I found a very strong enchantment. Through the moonlight, she also saw a few large characters on the ground: Do not worry during cultivation.

Time passed slowly, the sky was dark and black, and it was dark and bright. The eye-catching dragon stayed in the tent for three days and three nights, but it was still the last movement. Although several people knew that Longyi would not have anything, it was inevitable that worry.

"Ling Feng, you and my second brother have been so long, have he practiced such a long time before?" Simon didn't hate to catch Ling Feng's hand. She knew that Ling Feng was like her daughter, in a hurry. I also forgot to avoid it.

"That's not there, but I think Longyi should be breaking through the bottleneck, or he won't leave these words." Ling Feng smiled, but his eyes hinted that Simon had no hate to pay attention.

Simon didn't hate it, and hurriedly let go of Ling Feng's hand, but saw that the water was looking at her with a smile, and Yin Yin looked at her hostilely.

Ximen didn't hate and spit out his tongue and turned around. He squatted down and shook the miniature version of the big-headed monster. He actually talked to it. She murmured: "The second brother, he hasn't come out yet, do you know who I am talking about?" He was the one who gave you barbecue every day. You should call him the Lord... No, it should be the father, hehe."

'No hate, you do not go through it without the consent of a dragon I found him a son, be careful out he hit you. "If Yan heard the water with a smile.

"He dares, what is wrong with the big head, willing to be his son is his blessing, do you say it is? Big head." Simon did not hate and laughed.

The big-headed monsters are somewhat confused and pick up their very small eyes. Turning to reveal a seemingly incomprehensible expression, let a few people be surprised, all know, is it that it understands that Simon has no hate?

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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