Womanizing Mage

Chapter 228: Cousin

Nangong Xiangyu saw the dragon and did not return to go back. He smashed his foot and chased him up, and pulled his sleeves and said: "Ximenyu, you stand. /www.qВ5, com\\"

When the dragon turned around, he waved away from Nangong’s hand and faintly said: “I don’t think there is anything to say about this. I can’t agree with your conditions.”

"How are you doing this, I don't like you, do you know?" Nangong Xiang screamed.

"I don't like you either." The dragon sneered and smiled, and she thought she was a geek.

Nangong’s expression was a stagnation, and the feeling of shame came to her mind. After a while, she hated: “Isn’t that just right? We don’t like each other, but we just want to come together, why do you agree? ?"

"Why do I agree? You also know that I am a man. Since it is a man, there is a need in that area, hehe..." Long smiled weirdly.

Nangong Xiang smashed, and the pretty face suddenly flew two blushes. She bit her lower lip: "Can't you go find someone else?"

Long Yixiao laughed and said: "I also want to find someone else, my wife's body, I want."

"You bastard." Nangong Xiangxi kicked to the dragon one.

The dragon lifted a big hand and easily grasped the little feet of Nangong Xiangxi, and suddenly slammed back. He said: "Don’t bother me any more, this matter has not been discussed." In fact, Long Yi knows this marriage even if the emperor does not speak. It is absolutely impossible to push, the Ximen family and the Nangong family must truly have a legal code tied together, and the marriage is undoubtedly the best and easiest way. The two become family members. The benefits are tied to each other, so that they truly achieve a glory and a loss.

Long Yi led Xiaoyi, and the bull and Li Qing came out of Ximen. Going to the home of the grandfather's enlightened East. In fact, the Oriental family is not far from the Ximen family, but the Oriental Qiming does not live in the Oriental Palace, but lives in a holiday resort on the outskirts of Tenglongcheng. You must know that Tenglong City is very large. If you walk as usual, you must not go for a day.

It was two hours after I came to the resort in the East Qiming. This mountain village does not exist in the memory of Longyi, because it was built a year ago. This holiday resort is surrounded by mountains and waters. The scenery is very beautiful. There is no such thing as the mighty and luxurious of the oriental house, but there is a kind of leisure and leisure that everyone wakes up.

The guards at the gates all knew Long Yi and saw him come over. Immediately salute and let him in, there is no need to inform.

Walking into the villa, Long Yi really sighed. It’s a worldly peach circle, full of lush greenery, small streams flowing, reflecting the colorful cobblestones at the bottom of the stream, which is very quiet. Several chic pavilions are hidden in the trees. Quite a bit like the feeling of Xianju Fudong.

Long Yi wandered inside, breathing this fresh air, feeling very comfortable. It seems as if I have returned to the fairy forest to live like a fairy.

On the road, several maids were going to give the dragon a few people to lead the way, but Long Yi smiled and refused. He didn't need mental stimulation to know where Dong Qiu Ming lived. The mad dragon empire has always been headed by the east, and the Eastern Qiming must live in the courtyard of the East.

Long Yiyi Road to the east, after a long walk, finally saw a row of exquisite wooden houses composed of courtyards, the courtyard door "Qi Mingju" three vigorous and powerful characters.

When Long Yi just stepped into the yard, the vision appeared suddenly and became white, and the fog floating in front of him was full of fog. The extremely visible range is only five steps away. To make matters worse, the three men behind him didn't seem to be around him. The dragon tried to make a few sounds, and there was no movement.

The dragon's sole is lightly rising from the sky, but no matter how high he is flying, his eyes are still white.

"The technique of Qimen armor, strange things, how some people know this kind of high-level array in the outside world." Long Yixin said in a strange way, he also knows a little about the law, but he is not proficient, knowing that the real array is not only capable. The eyes of the people can also kill people invisible.

The array method is nothing more than a combination of the nine palaces and the gossip. The general array method will leave a living gate, as long as you walk according to certain rules.

Long Yi tempted a little and found that this method is just an ordinary blind eye method, but it seems to be somewhat different from the previous generation of Qimen armor.

According to some of the furs he had learned, the dragon was in front of the three left and five steps, so that nine hundred and forty-one times, Long Yi’s eyes suddenly turned bright, and he was turned out.

At this time, the dragon looked around and found that there was a strange magical array at the gate. There were a few piles of magic spar to supply the magical position. At this time, the bulls, Li Qing and Xiao Yi were different. The place is turning around. As for why the former Jiugong gossip can break this magical array, the dragon is not very clear in his heart. Perhaps everything in the world is in harmony with each other. Whether it is Qimen armor or magic array, the principle is probably not far behind. However, in contrast, the technique of Qimen armor is even more ever-changing. With a few stones, people can be trapped and even killed.

Long Yigang wanted to remove these magic spar to let the bulls and other people come out. There was a sudden smile in the woods not far away. The dragon was in the same place as the thunder. The voice is so familiar, he can't forget it forever.

"Sai Bi, Si Bi." The dragon muttered and ran forward insanely.

Passing through a small grove, Long Yi discovered that there was a hot spring that was braving the steam. There was a figure in it that was rubbing his body and it looked very similar to Sibi. At this moment, the figure went into the hot spring and disappeared.

"Sai Bi." The dragon screamed and plunged into the hot springs and swam quickly toward the place where the figure sank.

With a bang, the dragon sneaked into the water and saw the invisible figure under the water. Long Yi was very excited, and when he said nothing, he rushed under the water and hugged the figure.

The figure seemed to be taken aback and began to struggle fiercely.

When the dragon climbed out of the water with his figure, he listened to a terrified drink: "Let me go, let me go."

The dragon stayed in the woods. The hands unconsciously loosened the tender body in the arms, why did the voice suddenly change a person, just heard the sound of Sibi.

As soon as the person in the arms got out of the way, he turned and slaped the dragon. But the slap in the air suddenly stopped.

The dragon returned to God and looked at the opposite side, who only showed one head on the surface of the water. Her black hair floated in the water, and the face became pink and tender due to the steam. It was very attractive. The big eyes are looking at him angrily.

"It's you, how are you here?" Long Yi surprised, this girl was originally wrong in the Principality of Mia, he thought it was a sacred sacrifice! I did not expect to recognize it again today.

The girl glared at Long Yi and said, "I still ask you? Why are you peeking at me to take a shower? Also jump in and hug me."

The dragon smiled and smiled, but his heart was full of doubts. He had just heard the sound of Sibi. Is it because of the illusion that I missed her too much?

At this moment, a maid suddenly came over and shouted in the distance: "Miss, Miss, someone broke in."

Seeing the maid approached. The girl suddenly shook up and held the head of the dragon one and pressed it underwater.

Long Yi stayed completely, and his entire face was buried in a soft and slippery place, with his rich experience. He can be sure that this place is the girl's chest, and definitely belongs to the best category, the touch is elastic and smooth and abnormal.

"I know, you go back first, I will deal with this matter." The girl directed at the maid who had already walked to the hot spring.

The maid turned and left.

At this time, the girl seemed to notice what she had done, and she screamed and shook the dragon, and she cried with both hands.

The dragon ran out of the water and saw the girl's appearance. She just wanted to say something and was interrupted by the girl. She was ashamed: "What are you doing here, not going up."

Long Yixiao laughed and broke out of the water. The body gracefully turned a few laps in the air and landed in the air. The body was so lucky that the wet clothes quickly dried up.

"You turned your head." The voice of the girl came again.

When the dragon turned around, his brow wrinkled, and when he thought a little, he decided that this girl was his cousin, Oriental. However, why did she mistake her for Dongkang Xin twice, the first time because of the same dress and the same body shape, but this time because of the illusion of sound, really so smart?

Long Yi was thinking in confusion, and he heard the sound of dressing in the back.

"Well, you can turn around." Oriental can be crisp and sound.

The dragon turned around and looked at the beautiful woman who had just bathed out. She felt that her reaction was also a bit strange. The body was touched by him. It seemed that there was not much reaction except for some shame.

“Can you?” asked Long Yi, raising his eyebrows.

The East can be white and the dragon is one-on-one, and Jiao said: "The cousin is a big bad guy, and the second time they will recognize others as other women."

"You knew it was me at the beginning? Why didn't you say it last time?" Long Yi stared at Dong Kexin.

"Don't say, who told you that you can't recognize me." Dongfang Kexin was a little angry.

Long Yi smiled reluctantly and said: "Women’s 18th change, you are not a yellow-haired girl when you were a child. How can I recognize it?"

"Hey, you clearly forgot me, but I recognized you at a glance." Dongfang can sing.

As soon as the dragon shrugged, he became somewhat depressed after a big ups and downs.

Dongfang Kexin looked at Longyi intricately and asked: "Cousin, do you like Si Bijie so much?"

The dragon nodded a little and sighed: "Yes, Sibi always occupies an extremely important position in my heart, and no one can replace it."

Dongfang Kexin clenched her fists secretly, and her heart was blocked. She liked this cousin for 13 years. The biggest wish in this life is to be his wife, the only wife.

"I just worry, I don't know if it is you, I thought it was.... Hey." Long said apologetically to Dongfang Kexin.

Oriental can be sideways, tears can not help but slip down the corner of her eyes, she said in my heart, don't say sorry to me, you are not sorry for me, my body belongs to you in thirteen years, but she said nothing Export,

"Cousin, do you remember your promise to me when you were young?" Dongfang Kexin whispered.


"You said that you,,, nothing, since the cousin can't remember it, then forget it." Oriental can be biting his lips and waving his hand.

Long Yi looked as if the heart was broken in the ordinary oriental scent, I don’t feel a little strange, can’t tell whether it’s sympathy or embarrassment. But why is he jealous? It’s not a dragon that has promised to the East, but can you do a few things when you were young?

When the dragon stretched out his hand, he gently tried to tear the tears in the eyes of the oriental eyes. He smiled lightly: "What are you crying? Are you forgetting the promise? Or do you tell me if I can do it? ?"

Dongfang Kexin suddenly burst into tears and smiled. She looked up: "Cousin, I am stupid? Why do you want to be serious when you are young? What do you know at that time?"

The dragon looked at the bitter smile of the oriental Xinxin strong, and his heart was slightly tightened. He was somewhat suspicious, but at this time the expression of the oriental can not be fake.

"Oh, in fact, my cousin didn't promise me anything when I was a child. I just said that I will be my bodyguard when I grow up. I won't be bullied by others. I just saw that you forgot some sadness. My cousin can be thousands. Don't have a psychological burden." The East can be dressed up with a smile.

"It turned out to be this. If someone bullies you in the future, just come to me, I will be out for you." Long smiled and patted the oriental shoulder.

"This is what you said, no repentance." Dongxin can smile, the hands clasped more and more tightly, always felt that there seemed to be something in the eyes to flow out. There is always only one wish in her heart, that is, she hopes that Ximen Yu belongs to her alone, even after his notoriety, this feeling has never changed.

"Right, grandfather?" Long Yi asked, he did not want the topic to always stay on the promise of childhood. Dongfang Kexin loves the former Ximenyu, not the current Dragon One.

"Grandpa doesn't live here. This yard is where I live. His old man lives in the courtyard in the west." Dongfang Xinxin said.

The dragon stunned, no, is it that his memory has deviated again.

"My grandfather used to live in it, but after I came back, I really liked this yard, and I was wrapped around my grandfather and I changed." Dongfang Kexin smiled, his expression was like a normal girl, those shocking complexities. The emotions have been completely hidden.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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