Womanizing Mage

Chapter 237: Super snowman

Long Yi and Yan Feng wore their clothes in the tangled entanglement. Long Yi is still a crescent-colored silk shirt, and Qi Feng is still the iconic fire red tight leather armor. \\www.qΒ5.com\\

"French, you don't think that Feng Er is getting beautiful today." Yan Feng looked at the magical mirror in the glamorous, eye-catching self, surprised to ask, she should have no such style.

The dragon smiled and grabbed the phoenix road from the back: "Of course it has become beautiful, and it will become more and more beautiful in the future. Afterwards, I will moisturize and irrigate every day. Fenger will become a unique beauty in the world."

"Hate, don't you say that you want to summon the fire system to the sacred fire?" Feng Feng shyly whitened the dragon and looked at it, but his heart was faintly expecting.

The dragon nodded a little and looked at the three **** cards still hanging in the air. He silently recited the spell in his mouth. He saw the blood of his left hand palm flashing red light, the fire unicorn, the maddening beast, the little tiger, the small three, and the eighteen super 骷髅And five seven-story filled the bedroom.

When the fire unicorn and the little tiger came out, they felt the scent of the gods. They were all together, and the three gods hanging in the air were separated, and the ray flashed. The jade of the flame flew to the fire unicorn, and the dark magic jade and Guangming Shengyu flew to Xiaosan. The radiance of the three gods shrouded the top of the two beasts. A repressed power spread around the two beasts. The things in the room began to vibrate and crack, and the maddening beasts couldn’t help but retreat. The super enchantment under the dragon's cloth began to fluctuate, and this way, it is enough that this power is enough to break the enchantment of Long Yi.

"Rely, the **** card is out. It is really a fairy fart, extraordinary." Long murmurs, a big hand wave, three cards fell into his hands. The two beasts finally turned back into a pocket-like appearance, and screamed with the same pocket version of the wild beast to the dragon's feet.

Long Yi and his three super-horrible little guys have been intimate, and they have found that Qi Feng is still in a state of disappointment. It seems that these pets are too shocking.

For a long while, Yan Feng slowly returned to God. Xiaosan and the maddening beast, she knew the place, but she was scared by the thirteen black lacquered bones behind the dragon.

"French, have you also learned the undead magic? Are these scary encounters also summoned by you?" Yan Feng pointed at the eighteen super martyrdoms.

"Yeah, do you think it is not powerful enough? I will summon the corpse king, will you look at it?" Long smiled. The eighteen super cockroaches haven't seen it for a while, and the boned armor seems to be thicker. I don't know if it is his illusion.

"No. No, these are scary enough. You are at the forefront. It still has a **** death sickle." Yan Feng is not used to looking at these bones, especially the dark and **** murderousness on them. . Let her feel that the heart is cold and cold.

As soon as he looked back at the dragon in front of him, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He subconsciously called: "Dragon II."

Two red lights flashed into the pupil of the Dragon Cave. Then disappeared. However, in the heart of the dragon, there was a sudden shock. He had a ridiculous feeling that Long Er was responding to his call.

"Dragon II." Long Yi tried to call again, but after waiting for a long time, Long Er did not react any more.

"French, are you calling this dragon two? It can't understand." Feng Feng couldn't help but say.

The dragon shook his head and thought, "Feng Er, have you seen the red light in the eyes of the dragon?"

"No, it doesn't react at all." Yan Feng looked at the dragon one strangely.

"No response. Could it be that my illusion did not happen?" Long Yi sank for a long while, and gave up thinking. Is it illusory to know later? The world is nothing strange. Who can say that you can not produce consciousness?

The dragon swung a large hand and waved five seven-seven and eighteen super scorpions into the dark dimension space, but the small three, the mad beast, the fire unicorn did not want to go in, they were suffocating inside, it was hard Catch an opportunity to come out, don’t play enough to do this?

"If I am in the snow, I will love this snowy weather." Yan Feng looked at the three mischievous beasts in the bed and suddenly said.

"Right, you don't say that I still forgot, how did the wind and snow gods come over with you," Long asked.

"A few days ago, it didn't know what happened. It started to become violent and often tempered. Then I found that bringing it to the hail would make it safe, so I threw it inside and later went to see it. When I found out that it was freezing itself in the ice, the mother said that it might have evolved." Yan Feng said without worry.

"Don't worry, the wind and snow gods are super-Warcraft, where is so easy to accident, according to what you said, it should be practicing." Long Yi squatting and phoenix comforting.

Yan Feng nodded on Long Yi, and suddenly she saw that the window was bright, and she was swept away. She pulled the dragon together: "Fu Jun, let's go out and make a snowman."

When Yan Feng took the dragon out of the room, the shopkeeper and the waiter’s eyes fell down a few times. Their young lady was intimately holding the Simon, the first color of the sky, from the hotel’s room. Come out, that’s not to say that last night...

"No, I have to send a letter to my wife as soon as possible, but I can't let the lady be bullied by this thief." The shopkeeper murmured, and immediately ordered his men to start writing.

At this time, the sky outside is still a little cloudy, and there are still some velvety little snowflakes. However, due to the heavy snow in the middle of the night, the snow on the street has fallen into the ankle. Many half-children piled up snowmen on the street and played snow accounts. They enjoyed themselves.

Long Yi and Yan Feng found an empty place, where many young ladies are playing snow. The dragons and the phoenixes and the three very cute little things that followed are immediately attracted to everyone’s attention. The face of Simon’s two faces is naturally known to everyone. They are retreating from the house. Some ran on the spot, and some looked far more curiously. After all, Long Yi looked graceful and temperamental. Under the handsome face, there is a hint of no smile, but for the ladies, they are extremely lethal.

In fact, they don't look at their own appearances. Although some of them are still pretty, but whoever has the dragons around them?

"Fr., do we have a big snowman like this?" Yan Fengxing was very tall, laughing and laughing with his big arm.

"Well, look at the husband to build a super snowman for you who has never come before." Long Yixiao laughed.

Yan Feng desperately pointed his head and smiled at the lover in the snow.

Long Yi walked to the center of the open space, posing a too-level posture, and then began to dance slowly. All the people were curiously watching the dragon one slowly moving. I don't know what he is doing.

The number of onlookers began to increase, and some small traders saw much more. They actually stalked a bar and sold it here. The business turned out to be pretty good.

"Hey, go see, I heard that Ximen Erye is playing girls there." Passerby A to passers-by.

"Hey, go see it. I heard that Ximen Erye is taking off the clothes of Miss Li's family over there. This is what my cousin saw with his own eyes." Passerby C said to passerby Ding.

I have to admit that the creativity of the masses is amazing. When there are more and more open space onlookers there, the rumors are getting more and more outrageous. Later, some people said that Simon II was in the snow and was a strong girl. The identity of this girl is not low, it is the daughter of a certain prince.

Ever since, the Dragon City has become a scene of thousands of people. Look at the excitement, the angry people have it, and the ran to drink and cheer people also have it.

The dragon looked at the crowds surrounded by layers, and the heart was in awe, wasn't it a snowman? How are so many people interested? Although he was surprised in his heart, his movements were still not in a hurry, for him... The more things that go out of the limelight, the better, that is, the limelight meets the small vanity of Feng Feng, why not do it.

Suddenly, the wind rises and the snow on the ground rises. As the dragon's hands crossed out one circle after another, the snow began to roll up, and the onlookers covered their eyes with their hands, and they didn't understand how to make such a big wind.

At this time, there was a spectacle in this open space of Tenglong City. A strong snow-blown tornado was formed with the dragon as the center, and the figure of Long Yi was almost invisible.

The tornado rolled up the snow on the ground and began to compress in the middle, and the onlookers had to open their eyes. When they saw such a strange scene, the surprised mouth and the open mouth could almost be stuffed into an egg. This scene is really spectacular. It is.

"Wow, strong **** can also be made like this, admire, Ximen two less is really a model for me." In the distance, listening to a rumor, a young master saw the wind and snow tornado that went straight to the sky, and said with infinite admiration, the heart set Determined to become a super sinister like Ximen Erye in the future.

The wind and snow tornado is getting more and more fine, but its height is getting higher and higher. It is just a hundred thousand miles, so that people can't see it at first glance.

Suddenly, the high-speed rotating tornado suddenly stood still, and the feeling of changing from extreme to static made people hanging out suddenly emptied, especially uncomfortable.

The people were amazed by the tornadoes, and the tornadoes stopped, but the snowflakes that were brought to the sky by the tornado were still stationary. At first glance, they looked like a very high-formed snow-white chimney.

But how long this situation lasted, after a few seconds, the snowy chimney began to collapse from the bottom up, the visual sense can not be described in words.

The snow flutters at the end, but piles up in the center of a 20-meter snow pile. At this time, all the people found that all the snow on the open space was empty, revealing the bare ground.

With a bang, Long Yi rushed from the snow piles and floated to the ground, and the posture could not tell the elegance.

Hey, hey, hey, I don’t know who is taking the lead and screaming, and the palm of the hand rang through the ground, and even the dragon battle in the palace was clear.

"Your Majesty, the subordinates have already found out that the tornado was made by Ximen Yu. It is said that he is a super snowman who has no ancients before, and no one who has come." A guard rushed to report.

"What? Snowman? The snowman will make such a big move, there will be so many people who don't even live to watch? Are you sure that the tornado is from Ximen?" So much.

"Under the subordinates do not know, but the subordinates use the life guarantee, the tornado is definitely made out of Ximen Yu." The guard replied in a cold sweat.

In the hurricane, the dragon wars his fists and squeaks. He naturally knows how powerful the tornado will be if it is used for attack. Does the guy actually have the legendary wind magic, which is too shocking, if not Control him, this kid will be his confidant.

The dragon in the car did not know that he was a snowman and he was shocked by the waves. He was waving at the moment and swaying at the people. He thought that with this snowman, he might change the hearts of the people. Bad impression.

"French, you are so good." Yan Feng was excited and pretty red.

The dragon smiled and suddenly stood up. The figure was like a ghost, and it turned around the 20-meter-high snow pile. After a while, it was dazzling. As the snow powder splashes, the entire snow pile is slowly changing shape.

As time passed slowly, the people looked around and saw the taste. Although they couldn't see what the dragon was doing, it was a pleasure to see the dragon in the air and the fast and incomparable body. At this time, they suddenly realized that the former grass bag had become so powerful.

The people on the mainland of the Canggu are respectful of the strong. The previous Ximen Yu did not have the skills, but they could not be powerless by the power of the family. Although people dare not speak up, they are a waste of no skill in their hearts. But now that Long Yi has become so powerful, and there is no evil after it comes back, people's psychology has also changed.

Finally, after an hour, Long Yi stopped turning and continued to shape, floating in the air to look at his masterpiece.

At this time, the onlookers saw what the snowman was from the dragon. It was a pair of men and women who were hugs, but it was not so much piled up as it was carved. The man is the second son of Ximen, the woman is the girl wearing a red leather armor. Snowman Ximen Yu held his hand on the waist of the girl and stared down at her. And the girl squinted at the neck of Ximen Yu, and looked up and looked at her with tenderness and tenderness.

Everyone looked up at the huge snowman and admired it. It was really no one before, and the snowman could pile up like this.

The dragon floated down, but the phoenix phoenix immediately poured milk into the forest, and the wave sent a scent, and the crowd also shot two murderous eyes.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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