Womanizing Mage

Chapter 269: Prophecy beads

The days are so fascinating, the days of the extreme yin are no longer mentioned in the ordinary people, the trouble is the bright Pope Rafael. \\\\www.qВ5, c0m\\ The bright and glamorous church is facing the dark church, but it is weak, and there is nothing more depressing than this.

Long Yi has ss-level super-Warcraft madness and beasts and the fire-fighting sacred fire unicorn has not been promoted, because Long Yi asked the beard old man to keep secrets. As for the dragons who have absorbed countless dark energy, they are all wrapped in the dark energy. The dragons call them and they don't respond. They want to evolve.

The life of Longyi has become regular. During the day, he trained in the barracks. In the evening, he accompanied Xiaoyi and Nangong Xiang. Occasionally, Beitangyu will come and join in the fun. Something has nothing to do with the role of electric light bulb, and there is more and more The more frequent the trend. Now the North Hall Feather no longer stretches his face every day, especially when facing the Dragon One, the sparks in his eyes can also see what it means.

To say that the dragon pair of Beitang Yu is so charming, and the girl with a stubborn personality has no idea, it must be unbelievable. It’s just that the Beitang family is now an enemy and is still unclear. Long Yi can’t dare to start, so in the face of Bei Tang’s resentment, he is more stupid.

In the middle of the night, the dragon squatted on the roof and sunned the moon, while the bull and Li Qing were stunned underneath. Under the guidance of Long Yi, the two men’s martial arts are leaps and bounds, especially Li Qing. Since the very yin day, he seems to be practicing like crazy, and it is also a deadly posture for training. The madness excites it. In this case, the two broke through their own cellars again and again.

"Oh, weird, why didn't the tangled gimmick come today?" Long Yi refers to the Nangong fragrant scorpion, and she used to be tired of the Ximen House in the evening. Today, I have not seen the trace, but I have been somewhat unaccustomed to Long Yi.

"Young Master, you really don't know or don't know. In two days, you will be married to Miss Nangong. According to the customs of the mainland, men and women can't meet each other for two days before the marriage." Xiaoyi chuckled, one end The white hair flutters in the moonlight, it is like a squat.

"Is it?" The dragon shrugged and shoved Xiaoyi into his arms, now he was. I can’t sleep without a woman sleeping every day.

Xiaoyi was cleverly in the arms of the lover, and his face suddenly struggled, and the hand that caught the dragon’s clothes was tight.

"What's wrong with Xiaoyi. Where are you uncomfortable?" Long Yi sensitively noticed that Xiaoyi was not right, so he asked with concern.

Xiaoyi shook his head, and his head was buried in the arms of Long Yi and refused to get up.

When the dragon was in a hurry, he forced the small one to pull it up and asked: "Tell me. What is the matter? Not to say spanking."

Xiaoyi licked her mouth, and she grabbed the hand of Long Yi and silenced for a long while. When Long Yi was about to run away, he suddenly opened his mouth and said: "Young Master, I don't want to leave you."

The dragon smashed, his eyes half squatted, with some anger: "You want to leave?"

"No, no, just...! Xiaoyi seems to be difficult to talk about.

"No, if you dare to leave, see that I don't interrupt your legs." The dragon groaned.

Xiaoyi grievances like a little wife, she faintly said: "Young master. Xiaoyi knows everything, the holy water can only maintain my life for a year, I will disappear in this world after one year, just like Master was the same."

The dragon was sour in his heart, gently ringing Xiaoyi, gentle and firm: "No, the young master will not let you die."

Xiaoyi nodded with tears and said: "I know, in fact, what I want to say is that Master left a thing, maybe I can use it to restore my vitality."

"What? Why don't you say that, since that thing can restore your vitality, what are you waiting for?" Long ecstasy, although he said that he would not let Xiaoyi die, but in fact his heart is not at all. It is not known whether he can find a solution in a year.

"Because Xiaoyi is not sure, if it is not successful then..." Xiaoyi contains tears.

"So you are thinking about staying with me for a year or with your master's things to gamble on fate?" Long Yi took the small Yidi dialect, in this case, his heart is also struggling .

Xiaoyi nodded and said: "The young master decides for Xiaoyi, no matter what the young master chooses, he does not regret it."

The dragon frowned, and he realized the struggle of Xiaoyi. After pondering for a long time, he said: "Can you wait first? If you haven't found a way until one year, then it is not too late to use it."

Xiaoyi shook his head: "No, because it takes at least six months or more to restore vitality, and it will be too late."

When the dragon pressed the temple, he remembered the affirmation of the old man. He said that this situation of Xiaoyi could not be restored unless the light **** came.

Although this choice is very difficult, but Long Yi is a man, a man of Xiaoyi, he must make a choice. After careful consideration for a long time, Long Yi made a decision in his heart. He looked up and looked at the transparent scorpion of Xiaoyi. He said: "Use what your master left, I believe that my woman will not be like this. Easy to disappear, I believe in you."

Xiaoyi smiled and smiled very beautifully, but her eyes looked at Longyi. She was afraid that once she failed, she would never be able to meet him again.

“When is the best time?” asked Long Yi.

"The sooner the better." Xiaoyi replied softly, his eyes still staring at Longyi's well-defined face.

Long Yi’s heart trembled a little. It doesn’t mean that the moment is the best time. He bit his teeth and said: “Now, let me tell you what I need to pay attention to.”

Xiaoyi’s petite body trembled involuntarily. She pulled the dragon back to the room and waved an enchantment.

Xiaoyi slowly opened his mouth, and a milky white pearl suddenly flew out of her mouth, floating in the air and emitting a soft light.

This is the prophecy of pearls. It is the crystallization of the power of the innumerable generations of prophecies. It has been passed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, the power inside is too solid and it is very difficult to absorb. In fact, at the level of Xiaoyi, it is impossible to carry out the celestial celestial mantra in the case where the target is not in front of the eyes. However, she uses the secret method to force the power of the prophecy with the essence of the dragon, and uses the vitality to pass. At the cost of this spell, she knew that the chance of returning vitality was only 50%, but she still had no return. At that time, the attack of the mysterious military division was encountered, which made the chance of returning vitality even more embarrassing.

"This is what your master left behind? Good pure energy." Long Yi exclaimed, he could not feel the energy properties in this bead, only know that this energy is exceptionally pure and makes people feel very comfortable.

"Young Master, I will use the secret method to seal myself into the space of this prophecy. I will predict that the young master of the beads will always wear it on his body. If it is lost, Xiaoyi will never come back." Xiaoyi will predict Zhu Zhu into the hands, softly said to Long Yi.

"What? Put yourself in this prophecy?" Long Yi shocked, can't you see Xiaoyi?

"Yes, the young master has a **** relationship with me. I can feel my existence in the beads. If one day I can't feel it, then Xiaoyi must have disappeared." Xiaoyi slowed down.

Long Yi’s heart is a little chaotic. Will there be anything in this bead?

"Young Master." Xiaoyi suddenly rushed into the arms of Long Yi and hugged him tightly. He trembled in his chest: "Love Xiaoyi again."

Long Yi holding Xiaoyi, smelling the unique fragrance of her body, couldn't help but kiss her again. At this moment of death, Xiaoyi asked him to refuse and refused.

The two men used to leak at the end of the game. They rushed to each other and tore each other's clothes. When the two men were entangled in a white flower, when the little brother of Longyi filled the emptiness of Xiaoyi, Longyi discovered it. He shed tears, and he only knows that he is not strong. He can't take any harm in the softest part of his heart.

After a few days of infatuation, the sky was fascinated, and the dragon suddenly felt the white mang, and he suddenly got up and found that the little one around him disappeared, and there was only a spinning in the air. Milky white beads.

Long Yi’s heart suddenly disappeared. He reached out and the beads in the air seemed to fall into his palms automatically.

"Winter, you must come back." The dragon muttered, holding the beads in his hand tightly. He knew that Xiaoyi was inside because he felt her breath.

Stayed in the room for a long time, and missed the little bit with Xiaoyi. When the rising sun sprinkled through the window, the dragon always got up and slowly spit out a sigh of gas. He believed that one day Xiaoyi would come out of this bead, absolutely.

Stretched a lazy waist, the sorrow of the dragon's face was gone, and he recovered a little bit of a bad smile. He kissed the milky white prophecy beads and hung it around his neck with the wishful ice silk. I can feel his body temperature and heartbeat from time to time.

"Ximen Yu, it is time to get up and go to the barracks." Beitang Yu yelled outside.

"The soul is called early in the morning." Long Yi opened the door and went out. He saw a costumed Beitang feather. After a period of training in the unparalleled camp, her temperament changed significantly.

Beitang Yu squinted into the room and suddenly surprised: "Is Xiaoyi not sleeping with you last night?"

"Of course." Long smiled.

"What about her?" asked Bei Tangyu.

"Here." Long Yi pointed at the chest and laughed and plundered the barracks.

Beitang Yu’s misty squatting for a long while, seeing the dragon go far, began to shout: “Ximenyu, wait for me.”

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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