Womanizing Mage

Chapter 281: See you like each other

Originally, Nangong Xiangxi wanted to go to see the three women of Sibi immediately with Longyi. She was really curious about the women mentioned by Long Yi. Of course, there was also the idea of ​​climbing in the heart to see if they really had the same dragon. it is good. \\\\www.qВ5.c0m

However, Long Yi considered the time to postpone the time, not that he did not want to see the three women, but he wanted to go to the barracks first to see it. He only talked about half of the last tactic, thinking about the first one. . The unparalleled battalion is like his child. He has spent a lot of thoughts on it. He hopes to see that the elite squad he created by him has grown up day by day, and he hopes that one day the name of the unparalleled battalion will resound throughout the vast continent.

When Long Yi came to the barracks, the unparalleled battalion was training in the heat. He summoned the grassroots officers of the unparalleled battalion and then told other soldiers to train themselves and began the tactical explanation.

Beitang Yu looked at the stage dancing on the stage, and the sound of the dragon, can not help but some distracted, beautiful big eyes also seem to be covered with a layer of water fog.

Long Yizheng explained, suddenly found that Beitang Yu was obsessively looking at him, he coughed twice, but saw that she did not have a slight reaction, he used mental power to form an invisible big hand and took a picture on her head. The North Hall feathers that were out of the gods were slammed on the table by the dragon, and they provoked the attention of all the officers. She raised her head slyly and received the warning eyes of Long Yi, and stood up to all After a military apologize, the people no longer dared to make a small difference.

After finishing this lesson, Bei Tangyu had a bit of resentment and white eyes. She didn’t know that he was the ghost he had just made, but the resentment was resentful. She also knew that Long Yi was completely two people in the barracks and outside. He didn't care if he went out of the barracks and laughed at the fire. But in the barracks, he didn't talk about feelings. The military discipline is the top priority of the unparalleled battalion. Anyone who violates the military discipline will be punished. And without discount, even the previous days, Xiongba stole a bit of wine during the training. After being discovered by Longyi, he also smoked the ten army whip. Since then, no one has dared to challenge the military of the unparalleled battalion, even the bear. The second hand of the tyrant must be smashed, not to mention these small soldiers.

"General, please stay." Xiong Ba chased after the dragon one, and the bear's general physique with a **** sigh of breath, the military temperament is already undoubted.

"Biss deputy, what's the matter?" Long asked.

Xiongba grabbed his head. He said: "General, I haven't seen the little girl for a while. I didn't find her when I became a relative yesterday. I don't know if she is okay now?"

The dragon stunned, and he did not tell anyone about Xiaoyi, but Xiongba is the big brother of Xiaoyi. He has the power to know the situation of Xiaoyi.

Seeing the expression of Longyi does not seem to be very good, Xiongba feels a little uneasy. Can not help but rush: "General, where is my little girl? Is she an accident?"

Long Yi sighed and took the bear to sit in a remote wood in the unparalleled camp. I will tell you about what happened on the day of the extreme yin.

Xiongba looked at the milky white beads on the chest and didn't dare to set the channel: "General, you said that my little girl is now in this bead, this is too free....,

"Is it incredible? This is what I saw with my own eyes. It should be correct. I can feel the atmosphere of Xiaoyi in it." Long Yi said, his fingers gently rubbed his chest to predict the beads.

Xiongba made a fuss for a while, and his look was a bit stunned. He and Xiaoyi lived together for so many years. Suddenly she has such a big thing, my heart is very sad.

"General, if you want to kill the **** in the future, you must call me. I will give him the pain of being added to the little girl." The bear swears.

The dragon nodded a little, remembering the strange black shadow, and his eyes did not flash a burst of anger.

When he came back from the barracks, Long Yi took Nangong Xiang to the courtyard where the cold and secluded people were standing. The bulls and Li Qing were also behind them.

The bulls heard that they could see the cold and secluded, and they were very happy. They were born and died together. They have never seen each other since the Hengduan Mountains were separated. Now they can be reunited. Of course, they are very excited. People who have had troubles will not understand.

All the way to rush, and soon came to the courtyard where the cold and secluded three women were.

"The ladies, I am coming, I am not coming out to meet." When the dragon opened the door, he shouted and screamed.

Cold and secluded, the first one rushed out. When I saw the dragon, I rushed over and hugged the dragon as a little girl. At this time, she only had a dragon in her eyes. As for the bulls, she automatically skipped it.

"French, how come you come, the sky is getting dark." Cold and secluded with a dragon and a spoiled road.

"Just came back from the barracks, jingle and Sibi?" Long patted the cold and secluded hips and asked, but did not find the body behind his body, and his face became pale.

"When they saw that you didn't come, they took time to meditate. I have to wait for you to come." Cold and quiet smile.

At this time, Nangong Xiangxi snorted with dissatisfaction and woke up one or two people who were huddled together. Cold and secluded from the dragon's arms, the first two steps to seize the Nanmen Xiangxi's handcuffs: "This is the sister-in-law, it looks much more beautiful than me." The fascination, compared with the previous bad words, her changes in the past two years are very large.

Nangong Xiang was awkward, but it was a little embarrassing. She blushes: "Where, my sister is beautiful, you can really envy me."

The two women immediately eliminated the barriers and became friendly. After all, they all knew that they would be sisters in the future. If they get along badly, I am afraid that they will be disgusted.

"Hey, pretty cow, what are you coming, I haven't seen you yet?" Cold and quiet, I saw the bull, and asked me happy.

"You only have the boss in your eyes, and you can see the old cows." The bulls snorted and sighed, making the face faint and hot.

"I heard that you married the little princess of your family, congratulations to you." Cold and quietly laughed softly.

The bulls scratched the horns, smirked, and the two bulls began to have a red heart, apparently thinking of a happy day with their wives.

Long Yi wanted to introduce Li Qing to the cold and quiet, but suddenly found that Li Qing's face was extremely ugly, and seemed to be trying to endure anything.

"Li Qing, what's wrong with you?" Long Yi asked in advance.

The muscles of Li Qing’s cheeks twitched, just want to ask if this silk is not the time of Bi Sibi. Suddenly the doors of the other two rooms opened, and the silky veil with a veil and a blue-bellied wind chime came out from the middle.

Li Qing’s mind was blank. He only heard a crash, and a certain line in his heart broke down. His forehead was cold and sweaty. He could not believe this was true. The woman who has been so sad for so many years turned out to be a woman of Long Yi. He was unacceptable for a while, and he only felt that his mind was tangled and seemed to explode.

Sibi saw Li Qing around Long Yi, and she was also embarrassed. She forgot that Li Qing is now a person around Long Yi. What happened last night is like a dream. Which one remembers telling Long Yi these things.

The atmosphere was strange at once, and Li Qing looked at Sibi with pain in his face, and Sibi looked at Li Su, and all the eyes were cast on the strange two.

Seeing the look of the two men at this time, the dragon screamed in the heart, remembering the love of Li Qing, it seems that there are ten ** Li Qing loved people is Sibi. Li Qing is a dead-minded person. He knows that he is so painful. Once he falls in love with a person, he is fully committed. This is really troublesome.

"Why? Why?" Li Qing suddenly screamed in pain and screamed with a spurt of blood, rushing out to the outside.

"I will go and see, you will stay here first." Long Yi chased after he finished, he was really afraid of what would happen to Li Qing.

A few women face each other, and they turned their eyes to Sibi. At this time, Sibi’s complicated eyes flashed, and she sighed and walked into the house. The cold and quiet people followed.

Li Jingfa ran wildly toward the outskirts, and Long Yi followed in the air without hesitation, and his mind turned to various thoughts. He believes that Li Qing suddenly knows this when he is unprepared, so it is difficult to turn around in the brain. As long as he gives him time, he will figure it out.

At that time, Long Yi talked with Li Qingchang. He knew that Li Qing’s love was not selfish. At that time, he said that he would be happy if he was happy.

Li Qing ran into a small forest, suddenly screaming and screaming like a wounded beast. Suddenly, there was a nearly transparent sword in his hand, and the sword trembled. The dragon was tight in his heart, his hands were secretly condensed, and he was really afraid that he would make stupid things.

But Li Qing suddenly plucked up and began to dance the swords in a frantic manner. The cold mist of a white flower floated out of the sword, and the big trees were destroyed by his fierce ice. Within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, it was gradually covered with ice and fog. The ground was full of ice holes that were hit by potholes.

I don't know how long it took, the sky has already darkened, and Li Qing screamed and shouted out, only listening to a blast, and dozens of big trees in front turned into a thick layer of ice powder. Li Qing was soft and soft. Long Yi was a little surprised, this kid actually broke through under sorrow, but it seems that some hurt his guilt.

Long Yi floated down to Li Qing's side, kneeling down and lifting him up, infuriating in his body, suppressing his guilty injury.

"Young Master, let me alone and quietly." Li Qing calmed down a lot after venting a pass, said softly to Long Yi.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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