Womanizing Mage

Chapter 348: Alien undead

The whistling fingers swept through the unparalleled hair, and the waves slammed against the black rocks behind her. //www. qΒ5. Com\\\\, a black liquid spurted out like a water arrow, dripping the unmistakable face full of meditation, while at the same time, the black rock behind the unparalleled stripped a faint shadow, then Dissipate in the air.

"Boss, what is that?" The bulls rushed to the side of Long Yi, and asked with a green jade ruling.

The dragon shook his head and squatted down with his fingers to smack a black liquid. He smelled it in the nose and had a faint **** smell.

The strong energy fluctuations woke up the meditation of Nalan and the unparalleled, and when she was unconscious of the strange black liquid that covered her face, she felt sick and vomiting.

"Dragon one..." Unparalleled stood up, looking at the dragon with some anger and doubt.

"It’s none of my business. I just realized that something is attached to the rock and quietly approached you. I gave the Dongdong a finger. These are probably the blood of your body." Said the voice.

At this time, both of them have recovered a lot through meditation and magical power. She cast an opaque enchantment, and replaced the **** clothes in two or three times, and washed away the stains on the hair.

After waiting for the unparalleled replacement, Long Yi will solemnly say what happened just now, and will tell them about the situation in the narrow valley.

"I won't go out with the death of Huahai." Nalan looked at the moon and looked worried. I don't know if it is a psychological effect. I always feel that this place is very strange.

"It shouldn't be, you don't feel it. The air in this narrow valley is flowing, and there must be a way out on both sides." Unparalleled consciousness perceives a faint saying.

"Yes, we just want to go and go, there must be a way out." Long Yi said with a thumbs up and looked at the matchless.

The four people and three beasts walked toward the side of the narrow valley for more than half an hour. Suddenly, the light at the opening above the narrow valley gradually disappeared, and the air became cold and bitter, and the wind blew in the narrow valley.

"Good and deadly." Long Yi was shocked and told everyone to be alert.

The four men leaned back against their backs, and the three beasts headed and slowly moved forward.

Suddenly, the three beasts and hairs stood tall, and they made a gesture of attack and defense. The dragons and four people only felt the strange cold sounds coming from all directions, but there was no half ghost around them.

Unparalleled lifting of the ice blue staff in his hand. The lips of the cherry quickly read the long, sinister curse, and the cold rose, and a snow and ice was cast out. I saw that the black rocks on both sides of the narrow valley were quickly covered with a thick layer of ice that stretched for hundreds of meters.

A faint smoky smoke rose from the ice, and the ice melted in the blink of an eye without a trace. The cold grotesque thought more unscrupulously.

"Don't care about these things, let them call. We walked us." Long frowned.

It’s just that Long Yi just finished, and the wild cows around him suddenly involuntarily were sucked up by Black Rock, but the bulls reacted fast enough. The green jade ruling rolled back and vigorously waved away. He only heard a bang, black liquid spouted, and a faint black shadow began to dissipate, and the attraction of pulling the bulls stopped.

"Is it a dead soul?" Nalan asked as she could feel the heavy deadness, but it didn't seem to be as dead as the undead.

"Probably, maybe not, have you noticed that these things have no effect with magical attacks. Instead, they use physical attacks to strike a single effect. In this respect, it seems unlikely that the undead is a physical attack. Immune." Long smiled bitterly.

"Yes, but these things have no form. How can this be explained?" There is no doubt that she also has this feeling. It seems that her ten-level magic in the snow and ice does not have any effect at all.

As soon as the dragon shrugged, he couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, since I know the characteristics of these ancient creatures, Long Yi also changed the method of coping. The only one among the four who had physical attacks was him and the barb, and the two faced the black rock wall. Protected in the middle.

Along the way, Long Yi did not know how many such creatures were killed, but they seemed to be inexhaustible, but there were more and more trends.

The attacks of these creatures are not terrible, and they are not vulnerable to physical attacks. But what surprised the dragons is that these last-know creatures ignore the existence of enchantments, no matter how powerful the enchantment, their strange attraction. Force can also penetrate through without any effort.

"If you are a month, try to use purifying, see if there is any effect?" The dragon pair Nalan is like a moon, although these last creatures are not afraid of magic attacks, but if they belong to the dark system, then the Holy Light should have an effect. of.

Nalan nodded like a month, and the staff was lifted up. A group of soft white light rose from the sky, and a little bit of glory shone in all directions. Nalan’s face was pious, and her face was shining and holy.

The cold voice was suddenly a lot smaller, and the heavy dead air faded. It seems that these last creatures are indeed dark. Only when Nalan’s purification of the moon was over, the sound on the side of the yin side rang again, and the desperate death was revived.

At this moment, a burst of suction hit the dragon and pulled him to the side of the black rock. Long Yi just wanted to break free, but suddenly he moved, letting this suction pull him to the rock wall. When Long Yi’s big hand penetrated into the black rock like nothing, his eyebrows’ spirit suddenly sprang up along the big hand, tied the invisible creature inside, and then pulled out with force, a faint shadow was taken by the dragon. The rock pulled out and was struggling fiercely, and the eyes were struggling to end up, suddenly shrinking into a ball, suddenly bursting into the air, turning into a black shadow disappeared, but there was no trace left in the rock.

"Maybe I know what this is?" Long smiled.

"What is it?" the three asked in unison.

The dragon smiled and suddenly appeared a faint black gas in his hand. He quickly recited a spell in his mouth, his hands in the air, a black lacquered space crack appeared, and three ugly zombies dressed in silver armor stood neatly. In front of Long Yi, it is the thick silver king of the undead.

At the beginning, when the three silver corpse kings appeared, the cold voice disappeared without a trace, just like never before.

"Death calls, husband....Front...." Nalan's face was pale. In fact, when she was in the belly of Nine Demon, she saw that the dragon used five humanoid objects wearing a cloak to block five At the hole of the poisonous smoke, she felt something wrong at that time, but she refused to believe it.

Unparalleled is just a strange look at the dragon one eye, there is no expression, the bull has long known that the dragon will be a dark spell, naturally will not show a surprised look.

Long Yi looked at Nalan as a month with sincere eyes and said: "You are not mistaken, your husband and I will indeed be undead magic, but just because of this, do you think that I am not evil?"

"But...but..." Nalan was obviously unable to accept it at all, her eyes were confused and panicked. As a bright church saint, her hatred of the darkness has long been an instinct.

However, Long Yi was disappointed. When he was in the Tenglong City, Sibi and the cold and secluded two camps were opposite each other. They could live together peacefully because they loved themselves. They also accepted that they also possessed seven magical physiques. Can't accept it in the month?

"But, let's restore the relationship before. I have nothing to do with the marriage contract with you. If you can't accept it, you can clear up the relationship with me. We can never meet again." Long Yi sighs I waved my hand and turned my back to Nalan.

Nalan’s moon was suddenly shocked, her heart was like a knife, and her face was a little bit bloody. He, ... don't want to be alone, there is only this thought left in her heart.

"No... no, I don't want to." Nalan was filled with mist in the moon, and suddenly yelled at Longyi. From the back, I hung around the bear's waist.

"I will be undead magic. If you are known by the light church, you will know what the consequences will be." The dragon's frowning brows loosened, but the tone was still dull.

"I don't care, I don't care, I only know that I can't live without you." Nalan was getting tighter and tighter, and she was afraid that Longyi really didn't want her.

"Do you think about it?" Long Yi asked, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, even if I am accompanying you to the Nineth Floor, I will not regret it." Nalan muttered like a moon.

When the dragon turned around, Nalan fell into his arms like a month. At that time, he still doubted how deeply Nalan’s feelings for him were. She once thought that she was in her heart and could not attend the Church of Light, but now his heart is full of joy and affection, for a woman who can give up even his own beliefs. He swears that he will cherish with life.

The unparalleled surprise did not bother the two, the cold look softened a lot, she and the dragon have a wonderful telepathy, can appreciate his mood at this time.

For a long time, Nalan returned to the moon. Thinking of the bull and the unparalleled still beside, shy and blushing from the dragon's arms.

"Enough enough? If you have enough, let's talk about what these things are attached to the black rock?" asked the faint.

"Oh, if you want me to hold me, I won't marry me." Long smiled.

Unparalleled cold eyes gave him a look. I am too lazy to care for him.

"French, let's talk about it, what are those things?" Nalan asked, as she pulled the sleeve of the dragon.

"Do you think that this silver-clad thick king is summoned to the general undead summoning?" Long Yi pointed to three seemingly powerful silver corpse kings.

"Isn't it?" Nalan is not familiar with the undead magic.

"Of course not. The undead creatures summoned by the general Undead Summoning will not be too powerful. It only depends on the number to win, and this silver corpse is the undead in different space, and the land I use is the long-lost alien. The Undead Summoning, the Silver King is only a low-level undead creature in the alien space." Long Yi said slowly.

"Why are you doing so much, we are not the silver corpse king. But... is it that those things attached to the rock are aliens?" Musou suddenly remembered this possibility.

"Yes, these undead are indeed the undead souls, named the black rock ghosts. They are regarded as the higher undead in the undead in the outer world. They are usually attached to this black rock and merge with the rock to inhale the prey. Among the rocks, their bodies are not afraid of physical attacks and magical attacks, but they can be physically attacked by being attached to the black rock, but if they are not attached to the black rock, they will have no attack power. Its ability to absorb can be said to be a loss of income." Long Yi explained that he is not proficient in the call of the undead undead. After browsing the grass, he will be shelved. If it is not super memory, he also wants it. Can't afford these strange things turned out to be the black rock ghosts in the alien world.

"Since the black rock ghosts are relatively high-level undead creatures in the undead undead, why are they afraid of the silver kings who are lower than their ranks?" Nalan asked questioningly.

"All things in the world, one thing is one thing, the corpse kings do not have magic attacks, but their physical attacks are incomparably strong, and they are in harmony with the black rock ghosts, so when the silver king is out, they are hidden." A smile.

Without the threat of black rock ghosts, the dragons and four people temporarily breathed a sigh of relief and began to move forward quickly. The feeling of this ghost place is not very good.

After running for two or three hours in a row, suddenly a breeze blew in the face, and the dragon stopped at a moment, and smiled and said: "The front is the exit, everyone is faster."

"How do you know that the front is an exit?" Nalan asked, she could only see a darkness with her eyes.

“Is there any smell of grass in the air?” Long smiled.

Nalan took a deep breath like a month, and she smelled a faint smell of grass, and in addition to the stone or the stone in the narrow valley, where the grass is coming, it is not far from the front.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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