Womanizing Mage

Chapter 363: Summon female tyrannosaurus

Looking at the dragon-shaped bracelet, Long suddenly remembered the female tyrannosaurus catkins that had been encountered in the magical forest. She gave her this bracelet and sealed the transmission array inside, saying that she could summon her to help in a critical moment. /www. QΒ5.com

The catkins are the descendants of the golden dragon and the dark dragon. They have two dragons. But according to her strength at the time, she may not be the opponent of these three dragons, even if her strength is improved in recent years. Quite a lot, the three dragons on the top are also very hung, unless her strength exceeds the dragon elders, or will she summon her to die?

It’s just that at this time, I can’t afford to think about it. The three-headed dragon’s wave attack is coming, and the catkins is his last life-saving straw. Maybe she has some secrets.

The dragon whispered a spell in the mouth, and the mental power invaded the transmission matrix in the dragon-shaped bracelet to activate the seal. I saw that this dragon-shaped bracelet burst into a golden light, and a huge dragon came out from it. The three dragons also felt it. They swallowed the death dragon that was about to be smothered. Two huge long-eyed eyes stared closely. Dragon-shaped bracelet on the dragon's wrist.

A little golden light fell on the ground, forming a strange magical array, followed by violent punishment, a tall figure slowly formed in between.

"Sister, wait for me." When the unparalleled and Nalan screamed at the moon, a young voice of milky milk came out, and a round meat ball was added to the side of the tall figure.

The golden light converges and the magical array dissipates. At this time, the figure only revealed the true face, only a few inches shorter than the dragon one, a black body with a gold tight scales will highlight the girl's **** and hips, and a long hair into a hair Hey. Exquisite like a porcelain doll, the five senses are with the arrogance that is not attached to it. This is not a deliberately temperament, but a kind of arrogance with the birth, not the tyrannosaur and the catkins will be who?

"Father. Father, what's wrong with you?" The look of the big head still hasn't changed. The ball-like body is covered with a layer of dense and long tentacles. His tiny eyes turn and he sees the dead dragon lying on the ground. First, the milk rolled into the milk.

Seeing the horrible appearance of the big head, I heard the big head shouting a dragon, and Nalan was petrified on the spot.

"Big head, my son, you lightly lick, your old man and I are all falling apart." Long one can only move his mouth up and down. Was immediately screamed by the big head.

The catkins looked at the three dragons with a trace of doubt, and the three dragons stared at the catkins and showed a contemplative look. They did not launch an attack.

Half awkward. The catkins turned back to the front of Long Yi, and the right hand covered with fine scales was shot in the chest of Long Yi. A burning dragon gas returned to her body after circulating in the dragon for two weeks, and the dragon felt The pain has eased a lot, although it is still painful. But it seems to be able to move.

Long Yi sat up under the unparalleled support, his nose shrugged and he smelled the unique aroma of the catkins. His right hand stroked the big head that was still beside him, and smiled: "The catkins, not seen for a few years, the longer the more beautiful."

The catkins snorted and looked at the unparalleled and Nalan said: "The life is fast and the mouth is slippery. If you don't see it for a few years, the woman around you is increasing very fast."

Long Yixiao smiled twice, but touched the wound on his body. The mouth twitched twice and said: "Help me see my brother. The big guy behind you can give it to you."

The catkins did not speak, and the two dragons rescued the bulls, then turned their heads and whispered: "I am not his opponent, but I feel that I seem to have a relationship with him."

The dragon nodded a little and said: "Probably guessed, you haven't been there for a long time, there is no relationship."

The catkins glared at the dragon one, and the right hand nail suddenly became longer and sharper, and smashed on the dragon's thigh.

The dragon screamed and hurriedly shifted the subject: "Well, I am wrong. Since you have some relationship with these three dragons, it is better to discuss with him and see if you can let us go."

At this moment, the dragon suddenly blinked, and he saw that the three dragons had spewed a death dragon and attacked them. The catkins naturally perceive the huge pressure. She turned quickly and turned two small hands into dragon claws. Two black lights greeted them and offset the death.

At this time, the three-headed dragon's mouth began to emit a strange rhythm, and the dark magic elements in the entire space began to fluctuate.

"Dragon language magic, rely on, killing." Long Yi turned over his eyes, counting the dragon's interest is only the most common attack of the dragon, the powerful attack is more than the dragon's dragon language magic and the dragon's powerful physical attack ability, Long Yi and Man The cow is half-dead by the three dragons.

The catkins are vacant, and the black gold shines on the body. The petite drops are turned into tens of meters long dragons. The black scales have a silky golden texture, which looks beautiful.

The dragon's mouth of the catkins was also put together and set off the magic of the dragon language. For a time, the wind and the clouds surged, and the dark magical elements were madly condensed. The dragon's face is whitish and straight, what kind of chemical reaction will the two super dragon magic spells collide? This body can not afford to toss.

"Fu Jun, just... was the girl really a legendary dragon?" Nalan still couldn't believe it.

"It should be, or the tyrannosaurus." Long said with a smile.

At this time, the dragon magic of the three dragons has been formed, and the black waves are rushing toward the air. The shape of the catkins formed two light **** on the hillside, a golden one, and greeted with a ruin.

The bang of the mountain shook, the huge body of the catkins was shaken by hundreds of meters, and the black gold light slammed in all directions. The dragons and four people were naturally within range. Nalan and his unparalleled cast their own defensive magic, even if they can't resist it, they have to do their best.

But at this moment, the big head around Long Yi suddenly violently punishes and opens his **** mouth. The black gold rays that hit him are like the iron magnets that are inhaled into the body, and there is no waste at all.

"It's delicious." At the end, the big head still squatted twice, revealing a look of expression.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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