Womanizing Mage

Chapter 370: Guild wars

The thunder guard's eyes flashed in purple, and the corner of his mouth showed a taunting smile. Obviously, this kind of attack is not in the eye. \\www.qb5, com//

Two screams, the Thunderbolt in the thunder guard’s hand swayed twice, and the **** of the dragon’s **** and the dragon’s red-eyed man’s eyebrows disappeared in an instant, and the mad beast was cast. The thundering curse that came out actually did not hurt him a bit, but instead looked like a face.

Long Yi’s mouth twitched twice, biting his teeth and smashing two words: metamorphosis.

Indeed, the dragon plus the dragon two plus the mad beast, no one dares to succumb to the cross in the vast mainland, except for a few advanced gods, almost no one can compete with them, but In the face of the thunder guards, the three of them were still far from each other.

"Receive me a trick." The dragon screamed, the whole body condensed in the fingers, and the ten instinct hit the face of the Raytheon guard with a feminine spirit.

"You don't have to work hard. In my eyes, you are no different from an ant." The thunder guard was not fooled at all. Although the dragon's ten instinct was silent when he attacked him, he was still able to detect subtleties. Fluctuation, the palm of your hand, the ten instinct of the hidden in the hands of a pinch, suddenly disappeared.

The expression of the dragon suddenly changed, and his mouth smacked a smug smile. When the Raytheon guards noticed something was wrong, suddenly his right eye hurt, and a numbness began to diverge from the head, and the whole body was soft. With a click, his huge body in heavy armor actually collapsed and looked disbelieving.

Taking advantage of the gaps in the encirclement and the sorrows of the other three Raytheon guards, the dragon's body flashed and rushed out of the encirclement as a ghost. The goal was still the thunder and jade in the hands of the statue of Thor on the altar.

In the moment when Long Yi’s big hand caught the Lei Shen jade card, a burst of violent sound came from the back, and a sharp and violent force plunged from the back. The dragon fell into a soft shape and spewed a **** mist in his mouth.

Long Yi looked back hard, only to see two Raytheon guards staring at him with a sullen look, letting his heart cool and cool, while another Raytheon guard was standing at the ground that had just begun to lie on the ground. Behind the thunder guards, both of them flashed a scary silver-violet electric light.

"Rely, not dead, life is really hard." Long Yi muttered, not even pulled a back before death, it is a failure.

Of course, in fact, the strength of Long Yi can not be compared with the Raytheon guard who just spoke, but he used the light enemy of this Raytheon to play a careful eye. At first, the **** were really trying to do it. I wanted to come to the Thunder guard. I also knew that Long Yi was just like an ant in his eyes. The attack of the ants was limited. But the ant is not as cunning as the dragon one. Long Yi hides a killing trick in the second attack, hiding a silver needle in the back of the ten fingers.

The power of femininity is to be revealed before the power is in front of it. It is silent on the way to the attack, but the thunder guards are aware of it. Of course, this is expected in Longyi. The silver needle did not stand out under the cover of the ten instinct. When the Raytheon's bodyguard reached out and took ten instinct and easily stopped, the back of the cow's hair was penetrated through his fingertips, and he plunged from his right eye and directly penetrated the brain to destroy the brain inside. .

It is reasonable to say that a person is destroyed by the brain, no matter how strong he is, he must die, but obviously this Raytheon guard can not be compared with the average person.

At this time, because of the trauma of a Raytheon guard, the other two Raytheon guards ran away. A few times, the thunderbolts of the two Raytheon guards rushed toward the dragon, the culprits, and the dragon was already weak and weak, and could only squint and die.

There were two sounds in the karaoke, and a black shadow stopped in front of the dragon one, but it was the dragon II who had just had the ability to think logically. The boned armor of his chest and abdomen was pierced by the thunder, and appeared. Two bowls of large holes, the bones near the hole are radioactive cracks. The second man who attacked the two Raytheon guards was stopped without any suspense.

With a bang, two Lei Shen guards pulled back the Thunderbolt, and Long Er was shocked and fell to the side of Long Yi.

"Dragon II, you are fine." Long Yi saw the dragon two indignantly in front of him, and his heart was filled with emotions.

"Boss, I am fine." The red mans flashed in the eye of the dragon's black hole, and he climbed up with a slashing knife. Fortunately, he didn't know the pain. Otherwise, it would not be so good to wear two holes in ordinary people. Something is going on.

Dragon II once again blocked in front of Long Yi. In his newly formed thought, Long Yi was his boss. He made himself. He could not let the boss suffer, even if he disappeared.

A bang, a burst of vomiting pressure came, and Long Er flew out again in the flash of light. His left hand was broken into several pieces, and his right leg was smashed by the thunderstorm, from skull to foot. There is not a perfect place for the bones.

In the squatting, Long Er stood up again, using only one right hand to cling to the Death Scythe, a left ankle to the front of the Dragon One, and several ribs shaking in the empty chest cavity.

"Dragon II..." The dragon opened his mouth, his whole body trembled, and his right hand clutched the Thunder God brand that was stained with his blood. His heart was extremely angry and heartbroken. He couldn't stand it, and he couldn't watch the dragon two being tortured in front of him and being indifferent.

Once again, the skeleton of the dragon's incomplete skeleton draws a perfect parabola and falls heavily. His left foot is completely shattered, but the skull has only half of it hanging on the neck bone. The red mans in the eyelids are flashing, he still wants to struggle. It was up, but it was powerless, and the spiritual connection between him and Dragon One began to weaken.

"I don't think of it, I have a day like this." Long Yi smiled and his teeth creaked. His star looked around and looked at the four women still tied to the stone pillars of the altar. It was very important in his life. Woman, three wives, a tangled cousin.

"Hey...hey..." The mad dragon beast roared. It felt the anger and indignation of the dragon. attack.

Several Thunder guards did not know why they did not hurt the mad beast, but they flew to Longyi again and again.

The thunder magic elements were fluctuating, and several consecutive curses hit several Thunder guards. The violent lightning and the power grid shrouded the entire thunder hall.

"Eat it." Long Yi suddenly said to the mad beast with his thoughts.

The mad beast hesitated for a third of a second, and his body was turned into a purple light that rushed to the altar for the eyes of Raytheon floating on the table. The big mouth swallowed the eyes of this Raytheon.

A bunch of silver-violet rays burst out from the body of the mad beast. It screamed in the sky, and the entire thunder temple shivered under its roar. Its shape was constantly punishing, like a balloon.

I don't know when the thunder guard who was the first to be injured by the dragon stood up. His eyes stared at the mad beast, and his eyes looked uncertain.

The soul of Long Yi seems to be somewhat floating, and the scene in front of him begins to shake.

"I am going to die?" Long Yi muttered in his heart, but did not find that the Raytheon jade card in his hand began to change, the blood on the surface was strangely turned into a flowing red line, and it continued to flow in the **** of thunder. Countless Thunder magic elements elves dance around him.

The dragon smiled and picked up the **** mouth and became a perfect arc.

Suddenly, the chain of Thor, which was tied to the four women of the altar of the altar, disappeared in an instant. The four women slid down the stone pillar and almost opened the same time at the same time.

They blinked in confusion, apparently a little confused, but soon the thundering magical elements of the thrilling wake up the four women.

"Fu Jun..." Wind chimes, silky, cold and secluded at the same time sighed with sorrow and rushed to the dying dragon.

"Cousin." Dongfang Kexin also refused to follow up so much.

But the four women are still not close, and they are isolated by a huge atmosphere.

The mad beast has already violently gone at this time, and the huge body rushed to the four Raytheon guards with the electric light of the slap, and the momentum and speed are not the same.

Two Raytheon guards stalked the maddening beast and fought under the altar. The mad beast that had just been struck in front of the thunder guards was stunned with the two Raytheon guards. The other two Raytheon guards step by step toward the dragon who was lying on the altar. One of them had the Raytheon guard.

Although I don't know what happened, Si Si's four women have already guessed that it is the horror of these horrors that are not like human beings.

Silky is in front of the dragon, and the weak arms are unfolding. In this thunder hall, she is basically a no-attacker, but she does not hesitate to stand in the dragon. In front of me, the beauty is stubborn, tender, and with a little sadness. If necessary, she would not hesitate to blew to protect her man.

In the next second, the wind chimes and the cold secluded and the oriental xinxin stood at the same time at the side of Sibi, and the look in the scorpion was the same as Sibi.

Long Yi’s body was slightly smashed, and the **** thunderous gods began to float in the hands. At the same time, countless Thunder magic elements began to break into the body of Dragon One. His whole person had been covered with a layer of silver and purple. The light is wrapped up.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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