Womanizing Mage

Chapter 384: Surprising

Long Yi quickly analyzed it in his heart. He felt that the five masters who came to attack must be directed at the Phoenix owner. Because I remember that as the moon said, the Phoenix owner came to find himself when it was covered with dust and clothes, which seemed to be fierce. The fight, and the person who can attract such a master to deal with, besides his own pedestrians, I am afraid that only the Phoenix owner. Full novel network

There is a small yard behind the Phoenix Hotel. It will only be available in larger cities. It is mainly for people living under the Phoenix family. I want to come to the Phoenix home to rest here.

The dragon was quietly hidden in the darkness of the small courtyard, and the mental network opened and carefully explored, feeling that the five weak breaths were rapidly approaching.

Suddenly, the dragon jumped in the eyelids and saw no figures on the wall, but he felt that two people suddenly appeared in the corner of the yard, while the other three were wrapped in the other side of the room.

"The phoenix owner is provoked someone, and sent so many masters to chase after it." Long Yi heart straight, these five people are fast, the strength is absolutely ranked in the upper layer of the mainland pyramid, but never heard There are such a group of people in the mainland, so the only possibility is that these people are invisible and do not often walk around the mainland. It is reasonable to say that such people generally do not provoke others, then the Phoenix family provokes others.

When the dragon did not move, he finally saw two people hiding in the corner of the yard rushing to the door of the bedroom of the Phoenix owner in the shadow of lightning. The speed was really ghostly.

"Hell, angel?" The dragon looked at the boss and looked at the two figures at the entrance of the Phoenix master bedroom. Although he could not see the face, he found that both of them had a pair of wings-shaped stuff behind them. Isn't it impossible to put it on?

At this point, Long Yi felt the breath of the five figures suddenly swayed, and at the same time launched an attack, the enchantment under the Phoenix home lord was broken in an instant.

Two bangs, the door of the bedroom exploded in the flash of the red mans, and the phoenix owner rushed out with lightning. The giant sword in his hand gave a flame-like temper to the two winged birds in front of the door. people.

The two birds did not retreat, and Qi Qi showed up the weapons and greeted them. It was two dark blue spears.

"Good familiar atmosphere, how a little wind is the fluctuation of magic elements, the magic of the wind system?" Long Yi looked at the two birds who waved blue vindictive, heart was not surprised.

The Phoenix family and the two hardened a fight, and they fell into the middle of the small courtyard. At this time, three bird-bearing birds rushed out of the room. One of them and the first two formed a triangle to surround the phoenix. The owner, while the other two are hovering in the air, the two giant bows have been opened to the phoenix owner underneath.

"Humans, return the sacred objects of our winged people, and spare you from death." An old voice sounded.

"What holy things? Don't filthy my phoenix family, your holy things are nothing in my eyes." The Phoenix owner said with a cold voice.

"Whoever steals our holy things, everyone has a number of hearts. If you don't return, don't blame us for being rude." Another winged man said, listening to the sound is also a certain age, no wonder the strength is so high.

The Phoenix family did not answer the question. Instead, the giant sword was the first to launch an attack. Five people were fighting together at one time. The five winged people should not want to let other people know what happened here, and even the enchantment of a wind attribute will frame all the atmosphere inside.

"It turned out that many winged people who had appeared at the end of the year had such a master, and they didn't know what the phoenix owners had stolen from them." Long Yi muttered, and the sacred object of the Phoenix owner was still unclear. I am afraid that the Phoenix owner will not look at it.

The martial arts of the Phoenix family is obviously not the original primary phoenix. It should be higher than the previous level. It is only a long time that the dragon has already seen that in the face of the winged people, the failure of the Phoenix owner has been doomed.

Two flashes of glory flashed, the Phoenix owner snorted, and the left shoulder was shot by the wind energy arrow, and a cockroach almost fell to the ground.

"Give us our holy things, or you will only have one dead road." A crisp voice sounded like a spring, sounding like a fairy sound nine days away, just a day before the old voices. One place.

Long Yi heard this girl's crisp voice coming from a winged person in the air, but these five wingers used camouflage. They couldn’t see what it looked like, but the dragon suspected that the wings were so high. Is it possible for a person to be a girl?

The flames of the Phoenix family flashed, and the bleeding wound on the left shoulder was stopped immediately. She slammed the giant sword into the ground and said, "Ximen Yu, when you watch the show, you don’t want to come out. ""

The words of the Phoenix owner made the five winged people around her tight, and the two winged people in the air immediately hovered in the yard, but the giant bow in the hand was still aligned with the Phoenix owner.

When the dragon touched his nose and smiled, he showed his figure from behind a pillar. The figure was still in the same place. There was another dragon in the Phoenix family's side.

The five winged people were shocked. The dragons were hidden under their noses. They didn’t feel anything at all, and the strength of Longyi’s performance made them quite jealous.

"Who are you? Who is her?" The winged man with a good voice asked nervously.

"I am me, her daughter is my woman, in other words, she is my last wife's mother." Long shrugged and smiled, then asked: "Who are you?"

"I am the Wing of the Winged sorcerer Oyala. She stole the sacred objects of our Wings. Can you call her back?" The winger instinctively perceives the danger of the dragon, using the language of the request.

"This ... Phoenix owner, have you borrowed the sacred objects of their winged people?" Long Yi turned to ask the Phoenix owner, he would speak, not to steal words and borrow.

The Phoenix family shook their heads and said faintly: "I just accidentally broke into the territory of their winged people. As a result, they told me that they stole their holy things. It is simply unreasonable."

When Long Yi smiled, he didn't believe that the Phoenix family owner didn't take people's things, but once the Phoenix owner was his wife's mother, who wouldn't help her, the second one was not a good man, and the winged people's holy things wanted to be good. Things, or the Phoenix owner will not be tempted.

"I think you must have made a mistake. She didn't take your things. You still have to go. If you succumb to the crime of attempting to kill people in a residential building, I will not care about you." Long Yiyi is right.

"Witches, don't talk nonsense with them, don't teach them a good meal, they won't hand over the holy things." One of the wingers said in a hoarse voice.

"You bird, don't talk, no one is when you are dumb, don't say it when the sound is so ugly, your wizard knows what to do." Long laughed and listened to the wonderful voice of the Winged Wizard. It’s really uncomfortable to listen to the bird’s broken scorpion.

"You..." This wing is not very popular. If the wizard in the air stops him with gestures, maybe he will run away.

"If we don't hand over the holy things, we can only do it." The Winged sorcerer seems to be hesitant. I don't know why. She instinctively thinks that the five of them can't be well seen in front of him, although this seems unbelievable.

"Please do it, if you can move it with your hand, that's the best." Long Yi is a lewd smile, and some can't wait to see the true face of this winged wizard, hope not to let him down.

The wizard Ou Yala bit his teeth and made an offensive gesture. The small hand was shot on the giant bow. Several windy arrows of the deep scenery formed different angles to the dragon, and several wingers on the ground. At the same time, using a spear to block the dragon's other retreat, it is really a tacit agreement.

The dragon smiled and the body shape rose from the sky. The big hand opened the bow and hardly smashed two arrows. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the wizard Ou Yala, and the big hand grabbed her neck with lightning.

The impact of a stream of air, Long Yi's big hand penetrated the neck of Ou Yala, but only the residual image left in the air. It’s just that Ou Yala’s speed is very fast, but the speed of the dragon is not slow. When the strike is not neutral, the body is turned back, and the figure is reversed to the rear with a strange angle.

"Ah..." Ou Yala exclaimed with a shy fire. The figure was flashed a few times, and the giant bow was shot with a slap in the air, panting and flying to the side of another bowman.

"Witch, you are fine." The other four wingers asked.

"No...nothing." Ou Yala said after he recovered his feelings.

Long Yi smirked and floated in the air, his right hand was intoxicated in the nose, and the evil smiled: "It’s really a tentacle, and it’s not too small, it feels first-rate.”

Ou Yala’s body trembled, and the fire in his eyes was just stunned by the shameless man on his chest, which made her (fiction network, computer station) shy. The expression of Long Yi plus what he said, the Phoenix owner knows that the stupid boy who does not change his death will not forget to play the girl, and he will not teach him well later.

"The formation, the field of Fengshen." Ou Ya gritted his teeth.

Hearing the words of the wizard Ou Yala, the three winged people on the ground flew in the blue light and formed a strange battle with Ou Yala as the center.

"The field of Fengshen seems to be a bit interesting. I don't know how it compares to my Raytheon field." The dragon muttered, waiting for the five people to jointly launch the Fengshen field.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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