Womanizing Mage

Chapter 398: Resurrection of the dead body and a false alarm

A few people in the dragon face each other and almost rushed out at the same time. The unparalleled but long-awaited singer, she used space magic just now, this kind of telescopic magic will be explored except for the magical fluctuations in the disappearing place. Not the route, so Long Yi and others are helpless. Www. QΒ5, com\\\\

"Fr., do you say that the unparalleled sister will go out?" Nalan asked month.

"Of course, I won’t go out. You didn’t hear the unparalleled sister calling his father and mother. It’s definitely going to her parents’ room.” Bessa raised her face and analyzed it slyly, looking at Nalan’s moon contemptuously. It seems that she does not even know this.

Nalan saw Bessa provocatively as she saw her, and looked at the dragon who had no heart and lungs laughing. She snorted and took a look at the little fox.

"Dragon one, do you say that I am right in the analysis?" Bessa looked back at Nalan as a smile, and then asked Longyi with a smile.

"Well, it makes sense." Long smiled, and his 99% confidence would definitely go to her parents' room.

"Then let's go find it, but where should we go?" Bessa asked after a cry.

"Stupid, even this does not know, in the Cangwu mainland, the residence of the four hospitals in the southeast and northwest is very particular, the general owner lives in the East Court, the lady lives in the South Court, the young master lives in the North Court, the West Court is generally reserved for the guests. Seeing the courtyard of the unparalleled sister is obviously facing south, indicating that the living habits of the city's main government are almost the same as those of the mainland. Therefore, the parents of the unparalleled sister must live in the East Court, and the husband, you said that I am right?" Nalan used this topic to counter Bertha and pull back a city.

"Yes, I think so too." Long smiled.

Nalan looked at Bessa triumphantly, and Bessa wrinkled her nose. The two of them are stunned.

"Two stinky heads, don't you yell at me, I am jealous of you, let's go find the unparalleled." Long smiled and knocked on the heads of the two women, and walked straight with the two women.

Long Yi can not manage so much. Commanding the bulls to open all the things that are in the way of the road, quite a **** to stop the gods, the magic block the magical feeling. After waiting for the dragon to find the East Court, a total of dozens of houses were demolished.

The bulls swayed the green jade ruling in their hands, screaming: "I'm not upset, I thought I could go to the ridiculous grassland to do a big job, and suffocate the old cow."

The dragon kicked the buttocks of the bull, and smiled and said: "Be cool, let's go out and let you cool enough. I remember that when I was looking for a way out, I found a sss-grade cellar in the southwest. It’s up to you to go heads-up."

The bulls listened at the corner of the horn: "Boss, the old cow will not fly, how to single-handedly with it."

"Single-handedly, of course, we must pick the strongest. Just set it, don't talk now, let's look at it." When the dragon entered the yard, he felt the unparalleled breath.

Sweeping a few large stones that blocked the road, Long Yi saw a broken door at the corner, and the unparalleled white was straight on the dusty ground. The back is so lonely and sad.

A few people of the dragon gently moved past, at this time, the heart of Long Yi unconsciously jumped two times. He only felt the adrenal gland secretly secreted, and his palms began to sweat.

The dragon's pupil suddenly shrank, and the whole man tightened his body like a leopard. This is his instinctual instinct, and he felt a strong danger.

Feeling that the dragon was tense, the bulls immediately cooperated with Long Yi to make an attack. Basha and Nalan did not know what happened, but they were also strongly guarded.

The four people slowly appeared in the doorway and found two unmanned bodies in front of them. A man and a woman, ** and the end of the **, the outline is very clear, but the muscles and blood vessels have weathered and shrinked, I want to come to this is the unparalleled father and mother.

Seeing only two dry corpses, and still unparalleled parents, Nalan and Bensa relaxed their bodies and began to sympathize with the unparalleled encounter. After waking up again in the millennium, facing the body of a loved one, the pain should be How uncomfortable.

Long Yi was quietly vigilant, but the danger in his heart was even stronger. He carefully observed the two thick, or can be called unparalleled father and mother, and found that the rest of the room was covered with a thick layer of dust, but the place where the two were lying was spotless.

"Magic Array? It's a weird feeling." The dragon looked at the dark scented spar inlaid on the two corpse's gorgeous clothes lying side by side. The spar has extremely complicated runes and lines, which looks like a Magic array, but Long Yi feels very strange.

Unparalleled like a stay, the two people who looked at her close relatives in general, had a blank mind.

A drop of tears slid down the unparalleled cheeks, and the slamming slammed on the ground. With the tears of the innocent tears, the black spar inlaid on the two corpse dresses suddenly reflected the faint black awn.

Suddenly, the two dead bodies opened their closed eyes at the same time, and the eyes were filled with strange black light.

The dragon's scorpion suddenly shrunk into a needle-like shape, and the lightning would pull back without a double. At the same time, the two inanimate corpses left a residual shadow on the ground, and they unleashed in the dragon. In a flash, the two pairs of claws grabbed the unparalleled head and heart.

"Take care of the unparalleled." Long Yi will throw the unparalleled back to Nalan like the moon and Bessa, followed by a big drink with the bulls.

Because these two corpses are the remains of the unparalleled parents, it is inevitable that the dragon will be a little bit shackled. However, the strength of these two corpses is beyond the expectations of Long Yi. The strength has definitely reached the level of the sword god, and the hands are not merciless.

With a bang, the bulls and the dragons both flew out and the mouth was covered with bloodshot eyes.

The dragon was a bitter smile, and the city owner and the lady who became the corpse were resurrected and attacked their own daughter. Is this world upside down? The undead guards who climbed out outside seem to know that they are not attacking her, but the two old ones have to be unparalleled in one blink.

The two corpses turned mechanically to the unparalleled, and the black light in the eyes was even worse. The dry claws stretched out and stood straight.

Unparalleled as a dream, she couldn't believe her face. She sighed with sorrow: "Father, mother, is a child, I am your daughter, ice."

The two corpses were turned a deaf ear, and the shape of the body was lightning-like, and the claws took the key parts of the unparalleled.

Bessa and Nalan exclaimed and pulled back unparalleled, and Long Yi and the bulls rushed up. At this time, Long Yi did not care so much. The magical spirit, the compression of magic alternated with the attack, and the crumbling courtyard collapsed completely in the brakes.

Unparalleled to break the hands of Bessa and Nalan, and rushed into the battle circle, the scene was more chaotic.

No match, no flash, no hiding, but the madness of the flashing dragon, the protection of one to the two dead bodies, the pressure of Longyi and the bulls increased. After a while, the bull was stunned by a black vindictiveness, and Long Yi had to summon three beasts to help.

"You can let go, my father and mother will kill me and let them kill." Unparalleled suddenly burst into tears and screamed, using space magic to teleport the side of the two corpses, and then cast an enchantment to the dragon. Waiting for everyone to stop outside.

"Unparalleled!" The dragon smashed, madly concentrated the internal force of the whole body to break through the unparalleled enchantment, but the unparalleled is the **** of law, and it takes a little time for her to cast the enchantment dragon, but this is even It can't be dragged for a few seconds. The desperate unparalleled will be fragrant under the claws of her parents. Is there anything more painful in this world?

Unparalleled arms, muttered: "Father, mother, do you want to condense to accompany you, condensed willing."

The two dead bodies were unparalleled, and they were still hesitant. The four sharp claws pierced the unparalleled chest in an instant, and the blood quickly fell down one after another. In the blink of an eye, the undressed white clothes were dyed. Red.

"Unparalleled..." The dragon sighed with a sigh, and the chest was sullen, and a blood spurted out. He was crazy and desperately hit the enchantment set by the unparalleled.

Unparalleled mouth twitched a bit, I don't know if it was a smile or a pain. She slowly turned her head and looked at the crazy dragon. The scorpion flashed a crystal, and there was a sea-like affection and apology. She just wanted to say to Long Yi. Two sentences, one sentence is sorry, one sentence is that I love you...

Blood red, **** red Yan ran down the arms of two corpses, the spar inlaid on their Chinese clothes was completely broken at the same time, and a breeze blew through them. The two corpses disappeared like a dream bubble, a fist-like The crystal ball of the size fell from the air and stopped moving after two rounds on the grass.

At the same time, the unparalleled softness slammed down, just above the crystal ball.

The enchantment under the unparalleled cloth was broken with the unparalleled fall. The dragon almost climbed to the unparalleled side, and lost the light healing to her, while the other side resisted her vest towards her body. Enter the infuriating.

"I want to save her, I want to save her." The dragon repeated his lips and kept repeating this sentence.

"Long Yi, Long Yi..." Bessa pulled the shoulder of Laron and called.

"You don't touch me, don't you see that I am saving no match?" The dragon yelled, and Betsa grievances.

"I just want to say... I want to say... the unparalleled sister seems to have nothing to do." Bertha gasped in a deep breath.

The dragon that is mad is not able to see the unparalleled afterwards, and will quickly turn over the unparalleled, and try to breathe with his hand, um, very stable. Looking at her chest again, the dragon breathed quickly and hurriedly, only to see a pair of sorghum ** standing out from the broken clothes, the pink beads trembled in the cold wind, but could not see one even if An inch of wounds.


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