Womanizing Mage

Chapter 402: Strange ground

Unparalleled over the crystal ball turned over and looked over, surprised: "Encrypted magic crystal ball, where did you find it?"

Long Yi hesitated and said: "This is the fall of your father and mother's body before the disappearance. \\www.qΒ5.com\\"

When they mentioned them, the unparalleled look could not help but darken, looking at the crystal ball in their hands.

"Double children, you don't have to be sad, think about this whole thing seems to be strange, you think, your father's mother's hands penetrated your chest, but why don't you have anything at all?" Long Yi said This has always been a place he can't figure out.

Nodded nodded, looked around, waving a blue-blue enchantment with both hands, then scratching his fingers and dropping a drop of blood into the crystal ball.

The blood slowly infiltrates into the crystal ball, revealing a circle of red glow. Immediately after the misty gas in the air surged twice, there was a clear image. It was a tall, handsome middle-aged man with pale face and bloodshot eyes at his mouth, apparently suffering from a minor injury.

"Father, is the father." Unparalleled after seeing his father's image again for thousands of years, it is sad to come from, and crying.

"Condensed, there is no time for the Father to tell you too much. The enemy of our holy city is chasing and killing. It is already in jeopardy. If you see this crystal ball, go into the temple quickly..." At this point, the crystal ball flashed a few times and suddenly returned to calm. If you want to come to the holy city, then it is here, and there must be an accident behind.

"Father..." Unparalleledly screaming, the already calming mood fluctuated again and again.

"Double children, don't be sad. Now it is imperative to find out who your enemy is saying. And your father is not letting you enter the temple? The deceased has been paralyzed. Nothing hurts, it doesn't help, you Now need to cheer up." Long Yi gave her strength with her unparalleled shoulders.

Unparalleled awake, the cold and pretty face turned out to be somewhat distorted. She gnashed her teeth and said: "I must find out who killed my mother. Who destroyed our holy city? I must take revenge."

"Chou of course will report, I will help you." Long Yi distressed to comfort the unparalleled, this enemies can be said to be **** seas and hatred is not shared, the whole city of the people.

Unparalleled glance at the dragon one, it is good to have him around, or she is really afraid that she will not be able to withstand this blow.

"The temple, my father asked me to enter the temple, we will go in now." Musou said, she looked around and began to use magic to clean up the ruined East House. Because the entrance to the temple is in her father's bedroom.

After a few people asked about it, the dragon also began to help clean up, and the people were more powerful. The East Court was quickly cleared up.

Unparalleled search by the memory on the ground, swaying a light blue water magic, forming a strange pattern to the ground.

There were a few soft sounds on the ground, and there was no sound and no break in the square.

"It's here, let's go down." Musou said back. Take the lead to jump.

A few people of the dragon also jumped down, only to find that the following is a long passage, and the magic lights of the illumination are automatically lit on both sides of the passage. I did not expect that these devices have not been damaged yet. It is really amazing. I don’t know how many years have passed the mainland.

The passage is very long, it is obliquely leading to the ground. I can't feel the vent hole, but I don't feel bored. I don't know how to design it. After about ten minutes, it reached the end, and a bright white light was stuck in front of the road.

Unparalleled muttering of the spell, only feeling the air trembled a few times. The white light began to gather sideways from the middle, and the black hole inside seemed to be the passage to the nine-story Nether.

"This is the space door, the temple is built in another space." Musou said.

Space door? Is it a different space like a dark space? What kind of city is the holy city, how can it be so incredible? A few people in the heart were screaming at the same time, and they were sincerely admired for the city that had annihilated thousands of years of civilization. People’s things thousands of years ago, the mainland of the sky, now smell the end, it’s hard to be thousands of years ago. Are humans on the mainland still in the primitive society?

When Long Yi stepped into the door of this space, he had not had time to feel it. He found himself in a huge hall, and behind him was the door of white space.

"Wow, it’s spectacular." Nalan exclaimed as the moon said, the temple is really big and tall, all built with top white jade. There are seven strange statues in the center, but they are the statues of the seven main gods in the legendary gods. They are light and dark water and thunder. In addition to the seven main **** statues, there is nothing else in this temple.

Long Yi carefully looked at the seven statues. The light **** is similar to the statue in the bright church of the celestial continent. It is also a bird with eight wings. The face is not well carved. The **** of darkness, like the ground seen in the dark space, is covered in a black robe from head to toe, like a ghost from hell. The statues of the gods of water, vulcan and thunder have also been seen, but the statues of the gods of the gods and the gods of the earth have never been seen. Fengshen has a blue and gorgeous light armor. Seeing that the prominent chest and hips are definitely women, the appearance is also vague, and the earth **** is a khaki-colored armor, and the arms can not be seen.

"Long Yi, I don't understand, why is my father calling me to the temple?" The unparalleled turn in the temple, some confused.

"Perhaps there is a secret in the temple, but your father has not had time to say it." Long guessed, his eyes glanced in the wide hall.

"I think so too, but I have been with my father and mother many times since I was young, and I have not found any secrets here." Musou shook his head.

"Perhaps not necessarily a secret, you think about it again." Long Yi said.


"It's not a secret... Ah... I remembered, there is a room in the corner of the temple. My father used to come here to retreat. Maybe there is something left by my father to leave it for me." For a while, I was pleasantly surprised.

Unparalleled came to a corner on the right side of the temple, took two shots on the wall, a magical door slipped from both sides, and the magic lights in the room lit up at the same time.

A few people walked in. It was like a study. It was only a dozen square meters. The walls on both sides were filled with neat books, while on the other side, a small bed and a large stone table were placed. I haven’t lived in it for thousands of years, and I’m so spotless that Long Yi doesn’t know what to say.

Long Yi took out a book and looked at the exquisite cover of the most upscale books on the mainland. The title of the book is a few very strange words. The dragon once turned over and immediately gave up, and the text inside him was all I don't understand, it's not the universal text of the mainland today.

"Strange, double children, can you read these books, can you understand?" The dragon looked at more than a dozen of them and found the same text.

Unparalleled came over and looked at it and shook his head: "The father must have known, but he has not taught me, so I don't understand."

Long Yi was somewhat disappointed. He knew that these books were absolutely precious. You must know that the magical civilization of the Holy City is far ahead of the vast mainland. If these books can understand, can it not bring earth-shaking changes to the mainland?

But I couldn't understand it, but I couldn't understand it. Long Yi was all sweeping into his own space ring.

"Dragon one, look at this?" Bethsa waved a silver letterhead in a strange material.

Long Yi took the silver letterhead and took a few heads at the same time, but found that it was not a message, but painted some curved lines and dots, it looked like a map, letterhead The words "The Spirit of the Sea" are written in the sky below with the scribbled text.

"Fei Jun, how is this map so strange, and no name or other name, who can see it?" Nalan said.

"How does this look a bit like the sea." The bull suddenly pointed at the strange wavy lines.

Listening to the bulls and saying that Long Yi really feels a bit like the sea, are those dots a simple navigation mark? Looking over and over again, the dragon is a fog, the sea is so big, the ghost knows where the mark on the paper is? But Long Yi intuitively will be a very important clue.

Then there was nothing in this room, but I found a few interesting little things. It is unparalleled that it is a magic tracker, but it is similar to the previous tracking device. The average person is tracking the other person's spirit or magical volatility, and this magic tracker is a very useful thing by emitting a special magic wave and interacting with another magic receptor. This is not to let Long Yi sigh, high-end magic civilization is a high-end magic civilization, not only has a crystal ball like a camera, but also a good thing for this kind of spy, if the Skynet intelligence agency is equipped with this kind of thing If the fish gets water.

"Double children, let's study it later, we have to find out if there are other discoveries in this temple." The dragon pair is staring at the silver eyebrows and staring at the silver letter.

The dragon and his party went out of the study and dispersed to investigate in the temple.

"How is it not quite right?" When Longyi's gaze swept to the seven statues of the main **** again, he frowned and frowned.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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