Womanizing Mage

Chapter 421: Teasing and marrying her

"How come the illusion again, really, the next time I saw that guy had to lick his feet. \\\\www.qΒ5.c0m//" Linna shook her head and muttered, turned the underwear away and turned Going to the room, the small bath towel hem can cover her plump hips, and the **** curves are visible in the movement.

Long Yi was a little worried, and after listening to Linna’s self-talk, she laughed and shouted. He shouted in his throat: “Lena, are you sleepwalking? Seeing the host does not say hello.”

Linna was shocked, and the two pieces of cloth in her hand trembled toward the ground, but she quickly reacted to catch them.

"Impossible, impossible..." Linna muttered and turned her head, rubbing her eyes and discovering that the dragon's sly eyes were moving through the glory of her spring.

"Ah..." Lina finally reacted with her sensation, and screamed into the room with a scream, and the door slammed the door.

"He is back, he is really back, what should I do?" Linna walked around the house, muttering her heart. I just heard that Long Yi claimed to be the owner. Is this stinky guy still wanting to turn over the old account, but at the beginning he did not take the initiative to be a maid, blame who, this time he did not admit that he was her maid.

"However, why should I panic, why should I be afraid of him? It’s stupid." Linna suddenly set up, strangely asking herself, and she showed a smile, with a little arrogance and a little pride.

Turning around, Linna saw herself in the magic mirror, the chest was half exposed, the slender thigh was completely exposed to the air, and then I thought that I had just let the dragon see it, and I couldn’t help but see it. .

"No wonder so looking at me like this, this big satyr. But, will he think that my figure is very good?" Linna went to the bath towel, put on **** underwear, and looked at the magic mirror with a proud figure. Land yourself.

"Lena. What are you grinding inside? Do you want me to come in and help you wear it?" Long Yi’s voice came from outside, causing Lina to panic, hurriedly put on her outerwear and then opened the door.

The dragon walked in with a big thorn, and looked around. He looked at the piles of clothes on the bed and smiled. "You look like a girl's room, it's not much better than a pig's nest."

Linna was a little embarrassed, and the room was really a little messy. She wanted to clean up after the shower. Who would have thought that Long Yi would suddenly come in.

"You go out. Don't want you to live. This is the girl's room. Why don't you come in with my consent?" Linna resisted Long Yi's arm and tried to push him out.

"Do I need your consent to enter the maid's room?" Long smiled and sat down on the bed. Appreciate the underwear that is mostly translucent in the bed, all embroidered with the logo of the Lirenfang. It seems that the woman who has smoke in the wood is going to have it. It is not easy for the women's goods store to operate to this extent.

"Who is your maid, it has expired two years ago." Linna gasped.

The dragon smiled and shrugged. I am no longer entangled in this topic. It was indeed two years ago that he proposed to give up. He looked at Linna after the bath. In the past two years, she seems to be a lot of gorgeous, wet red hair and some messy draping, it is incredible to feel a little charming from her body.

"Look at what, look at the colored eyes of your face." Linna was uncomfortable by the dragon, and could not help but shout loudly.

When the dragon returned to God, he smiled and touched his nose. It must have been his illusion, and his flattering charm. This temper is even worse than the maternal dragon catkins.

"What about your grandfather?" Long Yi is too lazy to care about this gimmick. In the past two years, the magical power has not grown much. This is a very hot and violent character.

"Why do you want to tell you that I am not familiar with you." Lina snorted and twisted her head to the side, with a smile on her lips.

"Isn't it familiar? I think we are very familiar." Long eyebrows picked one up and smirked.

"Who is familiar with you, less and close to me." Linna glared at the dragon with a scornful look.

"This way, I think I need to use some special methods to ripen our relationship. If you say it, you have to be familiar with it to be familiar. If you are familiar with it, you will still be familiar with it." Glittering with radiance.

"Of course it's cooked... ah, what do you want to do?" When Linna's words were spoken, she saw Long Yi's sneer, and the dangerous smell that came out of him.

"What do you do, just let our relationship become what you said." Long smiled.

Linna jumped two times and said, "You... if you dare to mess, I will burn you into coke."

"I'm so scared, you have come, it's been two years. You still stay in the realm of the sorcerer. You were not my opponent two years ago. Can you still turn the sky after two years?" Long stroking the chin Looking straight, looking at Linna's gaze is like watching a chick that is going to be slaughtered.

Linna was said to have lost her confidence by the dragon one by one. She was a genius in her realm of cultivation to the level of the sorcerer, but she felt nothing in front of Long Yi.

"Hey over." Long Yi hooked his finger at Linna.

"Come here, come over." Lina suddenly smiled and took two steps forward. She suddenly turned back and flew toward the door. Only when her feet were just off the ground, she was pulled back by hard work.

"You want to run in front of me, buttocks are itchy." Long did not know when he stood up to Linna's body, and the big hand was pulling her belt.

"I admit defeat, telling you where my grandfather is still not?" Linna simply gave up the resistance, although she has many defensive moves yet, but she subconsciously feels that those things are not of much use in front of Long Yi.


"It’s late, let’s get familiar with it now.” Long smiled and pulled a big hand, and Linna couldn’t help but rush into his arms.

Looking at Linna's red-faced face with a panic look, the dragon stretched out another free hand, and the index finger slammed her chin.

Linna recovered in an instant and began to struggle fiercely. She wanted to cast a seal against the flames in her ring. However, she was horrified to find that she could not do it at all. The mental power was taken away, and the magical elements were not felt at all.

"Field! You have reached the realm of the Great Devils?" Linna reacted immediately, looking at the Dragon Factory with horror.

"It’s so smart, since you know, don’t bother, let the young master teach you how to be a lovable girl.” Long Yi’s index finger rubbed two times on Linna’s chin, and then she followed her. The neck slid down and soon came to her delicate collarbone.

Linna stunned her body, biting her teeth and over her head, wrinkling her face and closing her eyes.

"Your heartbeat is very fast." Long smiled and felt the acceleration of Linna's breathing.

Linna didn't talk, but her eyes were faint and moist.

Long Yi didn't want to play too much. He smiled and took two slaps on Linna's plump ass. He just wanted to remove the field, and he felt a bang, his whole field trembled, a huge fire magic. The elements quickly melted in.

The red shadow flashed, and there was an old man with a red hair in the house. Isn’t it the fire system?

"I don't die, I haven't seen you for a long time." Long Yi smiled and said to Puxius, the beard that had been cut off by himself was a lot longer.

Puxius looked at Longyi in surprise and sighed: "You stinky boy, this is the legendary field of Raytheon. It’s only two years. You have actually cultivated this magical magic that has been cultivated at the end. In the realm, your kid will not appear in front of me anymore, it really makes people fill it up."

"Oh, old and not dead, you might as well say that you have not grown up, and you have still stayed in place for two years. I think that the first day of your mainland fire system is just a fictional name." The dragon shrugged disdainfully.

When Puxiuston was so angry that he couldn't refute his eyes, but he couldn't refute it. He could only admit that he had a bad luck when he met Long Yi. This is a horrible upgrade of his strength. It reached the height that he had spent all his life to achieve. No, he is stronger than himself in terms of comprehensive strength.

The two men also removed the field at the same time, and Pussus looked at the small hand of Linna still holding the dragon, and suddenly sneered and laughed: "Bad boy, you just bullied my granddaughter."

"Yeah, ah, Grandpa, if you come later, he will be indecent." Linna pulled back her little hand and succumbed to Puxius, but her eyes smugly swept to Longyi.

Puxius did not understand Long Yi. Two years ago, he could refuse Lina as his maid. He knew that the maid had to listen to the master, including the waiter, and how could he treat his granddaughter two years later? What? Besides, this stinky boy is surrounded by the beautiful beauty of the national color, they are either understanding or lively and lovely, and their granddaughter looks comparable, but the character can be too far away.

"This way, stinky boy, you have to marry my granddaughter." Pussus calmed his face, but his heart was straight and laughed. Perhaps he could take the opportunity to launch this granddaughter, lest he should find trouble every day.

"Ah... Grandpa, you..." Lina was stunned and didn't know what to say for a while.

The dragon picked up his eyebrows and smiled thoughtfully at Purus.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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