Womanizing Mage

Chapter 424: Separate with the queen

"Below the silver sword, see the lesser master. ///www.qΒ5.c0m//" Silver Sword respectfully bowed to the dragon.

"Exempt, this time you have personally come, is there something big happening?" Long asked with a hand.

"Return to the Lord, this is the case. It is a very important thing to hear down." The face of Silver Sword suddenly became dignified.

When a dragon brows, intuition is not a good thing. Silver Sword approached two steps, whispered a few words in the ear of the dragon, immediately let the dragon face a change, the eyes shot a fierce light.


"Where did the dead guy go? Why didn't you come yet?" Bessa sat next to the gorgeous Mia Queen, and the unparalleled women were sitting in the other seats on the table.

"Bessa, Simon Sage is because of something, not safe." Queen Mia blamed Bessa for a look, then apologetically smiled at the unparalleled four women, dignified and elegant, making people feel like a spring breeze.

At this moment, the door of the box was suddenly pushed open, and the dragon walked in with a big thorn. He smiled and said: "The little fox is saying that I am irritating, is it right? I want to **** ten crisp bones. **It’s amazing.”

Bessa wrinkled her nose and made a face to the dragon.

"Master Simon, I am really happy to see you again." At this time, Queen Mia's lotus stood up in a pretty way, and Chonglong gently bent over, with a soft smile on the pretty face. It really looks noble and charming.

The dragon jumped one heart and his eyes quickly swept through the contemporary stun of Mia Queen. Finally, she stared at her towering chest and stared at her. She then turned her eyes to the face of Queen Mia and laughed. Road: "I am also very happy to see you again, you can't talk about the old feelings."

Queen Mia chuckled. I didn't pay attention to everyone. Hiddenly flew a wink in the past.

The dragon was charged a little, and the whole body was numb. I didn't expect myself to spend a lot of time. Still can not immune the seduce of this peerless stunner. It’s hard to blame yourself...

When Long Yi sat on the seat, he began to serve the wine, and the exquisiteness of the dishes was rarely seen in the royal family. To be honest, Long Yi has not tasted such a delicious taste for a long time. Since coming out of the Nalan Empire. I rushed to run there and ran there, but it was a very remote place. How can it be so delicious? His own craftsmanship is good, but in the absence of necessary spices and other kitchen utensils. It’s hard to be a good woman. Besides, he also got the best time to cook meat in the wild. But even the best dishes are not too tired to eat every day?

The girls eat it, it is a slogan of one game, and the dragon one is sweeping the table and delicious. Drink a lot of meat and drink. It is full of mouthfuls of oil.

"Sister Simon, have you not eaten for a few days?" Queen Mia asked with a charming mouth and amazed.

"This young master has always been eating like this. Slowly, you are used to it. Do you have a look at them and not a little reaction?" Long smiled and pointed at the unparalleled women, resulting in a few pairs of eyes.

Queen Mia covered her mouth and smiled. Although Long Yi’s meal is somewhat unsightly. It looks rude but it reveals a strange charm. Very man's taste.

"Thank you for the hospitality of the Queen. If there is nothing else I have to leave." The dragon sighed and sighed and said a sip of tea.

"Where are you going?" Queen Mia has not spoken. Bertha couldn't help but ask. She has become a habit for so many days with Long.

"Of course, go to Yates Anna. Look at the weather. It won't take long for the ice and snow to melt almost everywhere. How can I get rid of it?" Long said with a smile.

"So fast." This time, more than one person can speak out, Bertha. Queen Mia. Long Linger. Simon’s no hate was almost unanimously asked.

"Why. One can't bear me, I can't think of my charm or not." Long smiled.

"Simon Master. The little girl has something to talk with you. I don't know if I can talk about it alone." Queen Mia heard that the dragon was not a joke. I hurriedly stood up and said.

"Good. No problem, I am waiting." Long Yi’s eyes smirked at the Queen of Suiye. The Queen Mia was back in a faint smile.

The two came to another luxury box. Queen Mia has activated soundproof enchantments and defensive enchantments.

"So many layers of protection. Will it be self-restraint?" Long Yi stared at the charming body of Mia Queen, and laughed badly.

"It doesn't matter, even if I am shackled, I won't regret it." Queen Mia faded away from the dignified look, and suddenly became charming and moving. Nor did he avoid the aggression of the dragon, but the wave of light ushered in.

"I really don't regret it?" The dragon twitched his mouth and hooked up the snowy white underground of Mia Queen.

"Of course, I don't regret it. What does the young master of the West want to prove to the little girl?" The Queen Mia was not afraid. She said that her hands were placed on the laces of the gorgeous clothes, and the clothes were slid toward the sides.

The dragon was shocked. He just wanted to play around with this stunner. But he didn't really want to do anything to her. He hurried back two steps, but his eyes stared at the towering pastry of Queen Mia. On the chest, but he was quickly disappointed. The inside of the gorgeous coat of Mia Queen was not a silky blouse, but a tight pink gown wrapped in a layer, which could not be seen.

Queen Mia smiled and took off her coat. She fanned out: "The little girl just feels a little hot, and the young master should not mind."

"I don't mind if you take off another one." Long said, turning his eyes.

"Since the young master of Ximen asked so, the little girl had to die." Queen Mia smiled and took off her pink gown.

With a big eye, the dragon suddenly sat on a soft sofa and smiled and asked: "I said that you are not afraid to have a scorpion when you wear so many clothes?"

"Don't be afraid, the little girl is born to be afraid of cold. Do you want the little girl to take off another piece and make sure that it is just a transparent green underwear." Queen Mia still wears a thicker gauze, and the green underwear is It is faintly visible, but when you look closely, you find that you can't see anything clearly.

"Forget it, no, talk about what you have to look for." Long Yi was too lazy to play with her again, and asked straightforwardly.

Queen Mia’s look was light, and it seemed that she was afraid that Long Yi would ask for such a request. She said: “The whole orc race is now very divided. The Mongolian royal family is now recruiting among the orc tribes, causing great dissatisfaction. At this time, it is the best time for our Fox family to revive. I hope that Master Simon can help us."

Long Yi naturally knows the situation of the Hengduan Mountains, and knows that it is the best opportunity to let the Fox people take the upper position.

"The young master of Ximen, or the promise I made at the beginning, now Besha has also become a changeable body, the body of the virgin can no longer be maintained, and the conditions that the young master of Ximen originally proposed can now be promised." Queen Mia saw the dragon Pensive bite and said, anyway, she already saw that Bessa’s heart was hanging on the man.

Long Yixiao smiled and waved his hand: "I was just joking. This is all right, I will not refuse the other."

"So, the young master of Ximen is promised?" asked Ms. Mia, a happy face.

"Accepted, the fox family can have a great advantage to me. Since it is a win-win result, why not do it?" Long said with a smile.


"I will ask people to come over and connect with you. I will help you with one of my subordinates. It can be done by his ability." The dragon is naturally a silver sword. He has established in the Hengduan Mountains. The intelligence network, and successfully entered the Bimeng royal family with male color, is definitely the best candidate.

"Well, the person chosen by the young master of Simon is definitely capable. The little girl is waiting for his drive." Queen Mia said with a smile.

The dragon nodded a little and said: "We have been full of food and we will not bother."

"Simon Master, will you leave the Principality of Mia?" asked the Queen Mia.

"It's time to leave." Long Yi remembered the intelligence brought by the silver sword, and there was a hint of Yin in his eyes.

"The little girl is not strong enough to stay in the West Gate Master, I hope that the young master of the West Gate... all the way down the wind." Queen Mia said it was right, suddenly the tone stagnation, the voice has been a little trembling in the past.

The dragon eyebrows picked and looked straight at the Queen Mia. I wonder if it was an illusion. He felt that the face of Queen Mia seemed to be paler than before.

"Are you okay?" Long asked with a puzzled question. Didn't he misunderstand it.

"Of course it's okay, what can I do? If the young master of Ximen is going to take it today, I am afraid I have to hurry up. Soon it will fall on this day." Queen Mia tightened the thick layer of her body, and her tone was normal. The body was slightly undetectable and shivered.

The dragon was a little suspicious, and the Queen of Mia seemed to be trying to hide something, and now obviously hopes that he will go quickly.

"It doesn't matter, my person likes to hurry at night. There are moon stars and beautiful women. The temperature is suitable. It's better to talk while drinking tea. I still have a lot of questions about you Fox people. We are now Partnership, of course, the more you know, the better.” Long Yi did not get up, his eyes drifted carelessly.

Queen Mia bit her teeth and stretched out to pick up the pink gown that she wanted to wear. At this time, the dragon's big hand quickly rushed to the towering chest of Mia.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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