Womanizing Mage

Chapter 427: Xi Tiandi and the night explore the female sword holy room

"I think it's quite good here. It's a good place, the stars and the moon are accompanied, and it's the wilderness. Only two of us..." The dragon's hoarse humming sounds like a hypnotic whisper, and a pair of claws are not resting. If the water moves up and down sensitive places, the deepest part of her heart will be set aside. \\\\www.qВ5.c0m

Shui Ruoyan was fascinated with his eyes and looked up at the vast expanse of the starry sky. He felt the breeze blowing slowly, and there was an impulse in his heart. Perhaps it was a really good place.

"Will... will anyone come over?" Shui Ruo Yan Jiao Yan Xia, breathing like a blazing, holding the dragon's big hand mosquitoes in her legs.

"Don't worry, it's fine to lay an enchantment, but this time you won't run again." Long Yi's big hand found a red bean in the jungle, gently pressed to the next smile, this girl was at the beginning The Magic Forest can make him not light, and he retreats at critical moments, making him hate his teeth, and this time he will give her a hand.

If the water is squeaky, the white-eyed dragon looks at each other, and he has become the meat on the cutting board. Are there other options? Moreover, even if there are other choices, she will turn a blind eye. This body has long been given to him, but it has been missed.

"Shui Ruoyan teacher, you tell me, will you run again this time?" Long Yi blew his breath on the face of Shui Ruoyan, and his hands still kept moving, while Shui Ruoyan was already moving. The tide, Jiao Jiao slightly squatting close to the waist of the dragon.

"Run...who wants to run...you don't want to run right, bad students." Shui Ruoyan's chest is sharply ups and downs, biting his lower lip is as silky as he is, and he doesn't know where to come. He even holds the dragon to the grass. Pressed on the past. The red lips were secretly kissing in the neck of Long Yi, and the faint fragrance of the **** was filled in an instant.

Unspeakable and inexhaustible, the two white flowers are entangled under the starry sky. In the collisions of the times, the body and the heart of the pair of men and women slowly fit together and can no longer be separated from each other.

The leak* is gradually dissipated, and instead it is thick and tender. If the water is ruthless, the skin of the white jade is covered with a layer of fascinating pink, and a few crystal sweat beads are dotted on it, adding a little feminine.

The dragon squatted on the water, and the big hand still held her full of crispy milk, but my heart was thinking about the beautiful woman. How to ask? According to his intuition. At that moment, the beautiful woman is looking for water if she is absolutely uneasy, what does she want to do?

"Dragon one, do you know? I saw my mother." Suddenly. If the water is slightly propped up, she said happily in Long Yi, now that her beloved man is around, and she can see her mother who is from the end, how can she be unhappy?

"Yes? Your mother-in-law... Ok? I will go see her about it someday." Long Yi said with a smile.

"I have a chance to talk about it. She left today, um, Long Yi. I told you..." Shui Ruoyan was in the arms of Longyi, telling him the fact that her mother and father were in the dark church. She wouldn’t say anything to anyone, but she didn’t want to have any reservations about Long Yi, she wanted to share everything with him, but she’s absolutely not a matter of her mother’s affair to her. Will say it.

"It turns out that it may be because your mother is a dark church, and your grandmother is firmly opposed." Long listened and listened, but never heard what he wanted to hear. What exactly is the beauty woman confessing? What does she want to do with water?

"Long Yi, I still have a younger sister. I really hope that I can see her soon. I will definitely hurt her when I get there." Shui Ruoyan did not notice the dragon's contemplative expression, excitedly said.

"Yes? Your sister must be as beautiful as you, as cute and kind." Long replied absently.

"No, she is definitely more beautiful than me, more lovely than me, better than me... Long Yi, what are you thinking?" Shui Ruomei finally found out that the dragon was not quite right, and could not help but ask.

When the dragon turned over and pressed the water to the body, the black scorpion stared straight at her beauty and asked: "Have your mother come to see you this time?"

If the water is stunned, her eyes are a little dodging, and Nene said: "The mother also taught me the dark magic of the dark church for nine days."

"Other than that? For example, did she tell you what to do?" Long asked.

Shui Ruoyan’s expression was somewhat struggling, and he continued to shake his head and said: “No.”

When the dragon looked at the water for a long time, his face showed a disappointing expression, and he nodded to the side.

If Ruoyan bites his lower teeth, he knows that Longyi must have seen something, but...

"Dragon, I am sorry, my mother told me something, but I promised that she would not tell anyone, you should not do this." Shui Ruoyan sat up, spoiled the dragon's chest. And a pair of beautiful jade rabbits on her own chest swayed with her movements, which was tempting.

When the dragon sighed softly, he knew that the things that the beautiful woman told him were not good, but Shui Ruoyan certainly did not think so, or they would not agree.

"I know, don't force you to say it." Long Yi took a deep breath and turned to other thoughts in his mind.

Shui Ruoyan looked at Long Yi's look carefully and found that there was no reluctance, and he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Right, your grandmother is not as good as the Mia Shengmo Academy." Long Yi stretched out his hand and grabbed the water in front of him. He pinched the pink cockroach and made two jokes. The crowds of people are tender.

Shui Ruoyan grabbed the dragon's uneasy hands and said: "Grandma is retreating, I don't know when it will come out, yes, the war of the Aurora Empire is not over yet, you plan to stay here for a few days."


"It may be gone soon." Long said the truth, but his heart was secretly stunned. It seems that the beautiful woman is grasping the opportunity to see the water, or else the old man who is not refined by the water is not May not be noticeable.

"Oh." Shui Ruoyan’s sloppiness should be heard, and the feeling of reluctance is beyond words. She certainly wants Long Yi to stay in the Principality of Mia for some time. If she does not have her mother’s jealousy, she will say something this time. Follow the dragon.

The two of them were silent for a moment, and they all stared at the starry sky.

Suddenly, Shui Ruyan turned over and pressed on the body of Long Yi, and looked at him with a beautiful hook. The pretty face was covered with a layer of blush.

"You...what do you want to do?" asked the dragon, and then deliberately pretended to be very frightened.

"What do I want to do? You don't know? Today, in the wilderness, we are lonely and widowed, what do you want to do?" Shui Ruoyan is a jade, and the dragon's chin is learned. Laughing, at this moment, the style of the water from the body, let the dragon have a moment of loss.

When she sees the dragon, she loses her heart and her heart is proud. The little hand resists shyness and grabs it between the legs of the dragon. The lover is about to leave. She must of course take a lot of time to linger, forgetting her new melon. Affected by the strong and powerful whip of Long Yi.

Longgen was suddenly attacked, and the dragon shook. The black cockroach ignited a dark flame at the moment. This **** didn’t know how to tease him. It was really... it was too exciting.

The two breathed quickly, and the ** ignited. In the next second, the heavens and the earth echoed the intoxicating shackles for a long time.


When the dragon was holding the soft water, Ruoyan came to her residence, and the leaking point seemed to burn out all the energy of the water. At this time, she was tired and fell asleep in the arms of Long Yi. The strength to move a finger together is gone.

Long Yi put Shui Ruoyan on the bed, sighed and sighed her pretty face, and said that he had no prejudice against the dark church, but if the woman really uses her biological daughter to achieve her purpose, he is very ugly, no matter what. He couldn't let the water be hurt, but he was about to leave, and Shui Ruoyan couldn't walk with him, which made him feel relieved.

Perhaps... Long Yi suddenly thought of a person. He looked at the sleeping water and looked up, and then he stood up and disappeared into the water in the boudoir.

The darkness was still washed away by the dawn. A black shadow suddenly appeared under a big tree outside a senior female dormitory of the Mia Shengmo Academy. His eyes looked up and then moved to the guard room at the entrance of the dormitory.

The black shadow is not someone else, it is Long Yi, the person he just thought of is naturally the mysterious European aunt, and now he can't guess her identity.

The dragon concealed the breath, and floated to the guard room like a ghost. Without any enchantment, the dragon did not know how to open the door and did not make a sound.

With the strength of Long Yi, it is not a problem to deal with a Juggernaut, but the problem is that Long Yi has long forgotten that the strength of Ou Aunt has surpassed Juggernaut to reach the realm of Sword God. This time he wants to try himself. The surprise attack can have an effect.

"Hey, man?" The dragon pushed the door of the bedroom, but found that there was no one on the bed, and there was some horror.

At this moment, a bit of chilling chills spread out on the side of the dragon. The muscles of the dragon suddenly tightened, and a series of afterimages appeared on the bedside, and a fist-sized space appeared in the position where he just stood. Vortex, if he does not dodge, I am afraid his neck has been twisted into a meat.

"Ximen's kid, are you looking for me?" An exquisite figure slowly emerged, and the familiar sound of the strange charm sounded in the ear of Long Yi.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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