Womanizing Mage

Chapter 434: Secret and insect

The dragon half squinted, and some unexpectedly looked at the fairy-like woman in front of her. /www. qВ5, com\\

"How? Master Ximen, don't you know a little girl?" The woman entered the box and danced in front of Long Yi like a butterfly. The breast augmentation was like a choppy, stunned soul.

It’s really a fairy, and the dragon’s throat is a bit dry. He smiled and said: “The boss, when did you stretch your hand so long, it’s not good to open your beauty shop, run here to sell spring.”

The woody smoke was slightly white and the dragon was one by one. The lotus walked gently to the side of Longyi. He picked up a cup and handed him a glass of wine for a dragon. He smiled and said: "The young master of Ximen can be really bad. The little girl is happy to sell here, but don’t compare the Cuiyan Pavilion with the cheesy hall next to it."

"Okay, well, it's elegant here, you can do it. I really admire the boss and your gods." The dragon moved to the position of the wooden cigarette, and the arm was attached to the arm, despite two Layer of clothes, but the taste of the ecstasy is not diminished.

The wood smoked and laughed, but at the end of the day, he avoided the dragon and licked the oil to eat the tofu, but the little hand twisted a little on the dragon's thigh.

The dragon licks his teeth and drank the wine in his hand. He gently placed the glass on the coffee table made of magic glass, and made a squeaking sound, and the atmosphere became a little dignified in the moment.

The woody smoked heart shook a little and sighed a little, saying: "I haven't seen you for so long, are you treating your lover like this?"

"Are you my lover?" Long asked, looking at the pretty face of the wood with a little bit of smoke, and his heart trembled. There is no denying that the smoke of wood is unparalleled to him, and that night is also loved. Often lingering in my mind. But this woman is too mysterious, has a seven-year-old exquisite heart, true and false, false and real is unpredictable.

"People are yours, you still ask." Woody smoke is flowing beautifully. Holding the arms of the dragon one hand with both hands, the towering crisp chest was pressed without hesitation.

"People are mys, I don't mean my heart is mine. You and I are two people in the camp. The so-called different things are different." Long said faintly, such a wonderful man in the world would ask who would not want to own. But he doesn't want to be left with bones.

Wood smoked his head and looked at the dragon in a complicated way. He suddenly leaned over his lips and kissed him. He giggled. "There is nothing wrong with the road. But everything in the world is never a dust." Unchangingly, if you try hard, you will pull me to your camp."

The ear of the dragon was blown by the smell of the woody smoke, and it was crisp and numb. The woman is clearly teasing him.

"Will you?" Long Yi picked up the chin with smoke. I remembered that the **** of darkness had spoken to him. She said that this woman has great use for herself.

"Why don't you try to know how?" Mu Han (mobile fiction network wap..cn) smoked a face like a layer of pink apricot, exhaled like blue. Feminine and beautiful.

Dragon one can bear it. The big mouth was covered, and the soft, sweet and fragrant feeling came from the tip of the tongue, letting him ecstasy.

The hot leak * the hot kiss continues untiringly, and the wonderful feeling of the tongue and tongue makes the two want to stop. Long Yi ran in the back of the woody smoked ground powder, and gradually stepped forward into her towering milk peak. Forced to smash two, provoked the beautiful woman to tremble.

Woody cigarettes are different from ordinary women. She can't care so much, the little hand grasps the little brother of Longyi and shakes up and down. Straight for a dragon and a soul to fly for nine days.

"You are a fairy..." Long Yi pushed the woody cigarette down on the sofa. The hoarse voice rudely pulled the clothes on her body.

**unstoppable. The two entangled on the sofa, and in a short time they were honest.

The impact of the ** and the screaming of the screaming sounds in this box. I have not dispersed for a long time.

** First break. The wood is full of smoke and sweat, lying in the arms of Long Yi, meekly like a cat, but the half-mirrible beauty is a complex look. It seems to be thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Long Yi caressed the woody cigarette ground. Asked softly.

Wood smoked and shook his head, sticking out the tip of his tongue and snoring on the dragon.

Long Yi did not ask again. Her complex feelings can be felt by herself. Maybe she also has a hard time.

"Ximen Yu." Woody smoke whispered in the arms of Longyi.

"Well, what?" asked Long Yi.

"I tell you a secret, do you want to know?" The woody cigarette bites the dragon one, some vaguely said.

The dragon slammed, and the big hand took a slap on the snowy buttocks of the wooden smoke, but he said: "Say, let me say, don't tease me, or you will die."

The woody cigarettes giggled, removed the lips, and propped up the body with the hand halfway. The fullness of the **** was even more thrilling.

"Actually, I am not dead, do you believe?" Wood smoked and said with a smile.

"Trust, you are a goblin, how can it be so easy to die." Long Yixiao laughed, and did not count as one thing, even if God does not necessarily die, then Raytheon does not fly to the dust in the universe. Yet?

"I told you really, even God can not kill me." Wood smoked proudly.

"So exaggerated? If you are still fighting with you, you will not be depressed." Long smiled and said, his fingers were uncomfortably bounced on the pink milky beads.

The wood contains smoke and white dragons, and mysteriously said: "I will tell you a secret, in fact, my undead body is also flawed."

"Oh? What?" asked Long Yira with interest.

The side of the wooden cigarette was over the side of the dragon, and it looked like a shy look.

The dragon had a big mouth and gently tapped on her head. He smiled and said: "You are a little **, the cover is really different."

"This secret is only known to you except me. You can't tell others." Woody cigarettes teased two laughs in the middle of the dragon.

"Well, I promise you, but now let's play some new tricks." Long smiled and put the smoke on the chest, the big hand slid over the hips, swept the wet secret, and provoked the mind. The children’s bursts trembled.

"What little girl wants to play with is accompanied." Wood smoked with a sigh of relief, and smiled softly.

Just as Long Yi was going to take action, there was a loud noise outside the box, and it seemed that someone had a conflict.

Wood smoked a glimpse of the eyebrows, climbed up from the dragon and began to dress, said: "It seems that we have to play again next time, I have to see who eats the bear heart leopard dare to make trouble in my field. ""

When the dragon saw it, he also got up and dressed. Looking thoughtfully at the wooden cigarette with his back facing him, the secret of this woman is not so much, but it makes him look forward to it.

With the wooden cigarettes out of the box, you will feel a strong wave of magical water, a few sinister chills with a milky white chill to cover this area within five meters.

The wood smoked with a sigh, and the body shape disappeared instantly. The instant gas disappeared without a trace, and her figure appeared in the center of the group.

"Yin Yin?" Long Yi looked at the end of the profile of the handsome **** of the handsome son, the brow wrinkled, this son is obviously a man dressed as a man, he will not be wrong, but looks like Yin is the leading figure in this incident.

"What's the matter?" The wooden smoke contained a faint smile, but the pressure from the body was undoubtedly huge.

A young man in a Chinese costume was covering his lower body with pain. He saw the wood containing smoke and angered: "The boss, you are doing this, and I am having fun. This stupid boy rushed in to kill me."

At this point, a girl in the crowd came out and saw that it should be one of the squadrons of Cuiyan Pavilion. She explained the wood smoke in some awkwardness.

The original Yin Yin female dressed as a man to run here to ask for service, it is this girl, this girl is mixed with the eyes of the wind and the place is toxic. At first glance, Yin Yin is the body of her daughter, but the life of the aristocrats is mostly extravagant and smashed. There are also many people who play back on the back of the lap, and pretend to play with her. I was having fun, and suddenly I heard the painful snoring of the girl and the violent snoring of the man next door. I thought it should be the sound enchantment and forgot to open it. Yin Yin changed her face on the spot and rushed out. The door of the next-door box was vigorously smashed, and I saw the scene of her anger. I saw two beautiful girls hanging out naked, with thick ropes tied to them, and a man in a Chinese costume was working. Cruelly using bamboo whip to pump the two women all over the body, leaving a scary red purple welt.

Yin Yin was on the spot, and the two men of the man were frozen into ice sculptures, and they slammed into the man’s life. At this time, the guards of the Cuiyan Pavilion rushed over, and the two sides immediately had a fierce conflict. .

When the wood was covered with smoke, he looked at Yin Yin and looked a little. The look was slightly relieved. Of course, she could see that Yin Yin was the daughter of her daughter. She wanted to be a noble lady who was greedy and fresh to see. She didn't know that the s*m that the Chinese costumer played was also one of the services of the Cuiyan Pavilion. It seems that it is really simple enough.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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