Womanizing Mage

Chapter 439: Skynet emergency news

When the dragon looked at the east and the heart was boring, the oriental can feel like a smile, and a pair of beautiful eyes were sharp. All \\ this / small \\ said / net when she saw the dragon floating in the air, the eyes showed a trace of surprise, followed by an extremely disgusting look, snoring over the head.

The dragon is awkward, it doesn't make sense. How can Dongchuang Xin have this disgusting look to see him? If she uses the look of resentment, he will not be surprised.

The sacred law enforcement team of the Bright Church did not stay in the church for a long time. Only then, they went to the Nalan Imperial Palace to investigate the death of Nalan and the rebellion of the second emperor Nalanwu, and Long Yi followed the past. Since Napoleon’s Promise, his body was suppressed in the palace by the bright bishop of Cangyue City, and no one was allowed to enter until the end of the sacred law enforcement team.

When the five red dresses of the sacred law enforcement team flew to the palace, the two brothers, Nalanwen and Nalanwu, greeted them and tried their best to greet them.

"No need to talk nonsense, take us to Nalan's Promise Palace." A red dress that was headed was interrupted impatiently, but the sound was very beautiful. It was another female feast other than Oriental Kexin. It looked like It should be the leader of the sacred law enforcement team.

"Yes, yes, please respect the sacred sacred ritual here." Naranwen and Nalanwu rushed to open the way for them.

A team of guards surrounded several people and went to Nalan's Promise Palace. The dragon floated down and began to think about the abnormal Oriental scent. Then he thought about the red-haired female sacred head, shaking his head and following it. .

"French." At this time, Nalan, who had lost a lot of money, appeared in front of Longyi with Nalan as a dream.

"Do you know?" Long Yi looked at Nalan as softly, and touched the hand on Nalan’s dreamy head.

Nalan nodded like a month, and the perseverance in her eyes meant that she had come out of sorrow. She said: "French, I have to go and see, my father died, and I have not been worshipped by his daughter. Really unfilial."

Long Yi would not object, he followed Nalan's two sisters, and soon he came to Nalan's Promise Palace.

This palace has been sealed by light magic, and it radiates a soft, creamy glow. The headed female priest stepped forward and muttered the spell, and the staff in his hand gave a white light. This magic seal disappeared in the moment, and the faint black mist emerged from the endless palace of Nalan.

"A heavy dark breath." The female sacred voice said, the staff waved again, and she and a pair of other four red sacred sacred bodies appeared a circle of protection.

Five red rituals entered the Nalan's Promise, while the rest remained outside, and no one dared to step.

"Sister, how come you?" Naranwen greeted the dragon as soon as he appeared, from the attitude of the fairy. He thinks that the dragon is very important to him.

"We are a family, I have to look at the things of my father-in-law." Long Yi smiled, and the two sisters behind Nalan did not look at Nalanwen. Focus only on the palaces of their fathers.

"Yes, yes, family, we are close family." Naranwen smiled proudly.

Long Yi perfunctory two sentences, looking at the face of a cold face Nalanwu, he saw the dragon looked at him, coldly turned his head, thinking that Long Yi is already a Nalanwen side, that is his The enemy is gone.

"Like the moon. Like a dream, don't you want to see your father? Come in with me." Long Yi cast an enchantment on the two women, pulling the hands of two women and walking in.

"Sister, you can't go in, angering the sacred sacred sacred people, that is not a joke." Naranwen hurriedly called.

Long Yi waved his hand and walked in without looking back. He asked him what to sacrifice, and went to hell.

The dragon and the three entered the palace. Then she saw that the female priest who was headed was lying on the ground with a scent of darkness, and several red rituals stood behind her.

"Who asked you to come in?" Dongfang Kexin saw that the dragon and the three came in and took the lead to turn around and asked.

Nalan’s face was a stiff face, and she muttered a few spells. A magical pattern with white milk appeared on the robes. This is the magical symbol of her bright church, and she said: “I am the church of the light. The Virgin, your sacred law enforcement team is independent of the church's hierarchy, but it has no right to tell me."

The dragon was slightly surprised and immediately showed a happy smile. What he has been worried about is that if he and the Guangming Church clashed in the future, then Nalan, who has been brainwashed by the bright church, will choose to stand in the moon.

On this side, now he is not so worried, because Nalan is like a long month, both ideas and acting styles are faintly assimilated by themselves. If she put it before, she could not say this at all.

The oriental can be stunned for a moment, and he stopped talking. Her eyes never looked at Long Yi from beginning to end, and seemed to directly regard him as the air.

At this time, the head of the female sacrifice stood up, turned and looked at Nalan as a month and looked at Long Yi, suddenly removed the hood of the face.

The dragon shines brightly, and is also a superb mature woman. She has a fight with the elf queen. The dagger's eyebrows are like ice and snow. The facial features may not be as refined as Nalan's moon, but they are put together to form a The unspeakable taste of the stock, especially the mature charm of the eyebrows is extremely lethal.

"Kelly's Holy Sacrifice!" Nalan was shocked by the moon, and then followed a courtesy of a bright church. In the Church of Light, the two sacred offerings Judy and Karin were second only to the Pope.

Karin gently squeezed her head and said: "This is the father of the Virgin. You have the right to look at it. After my examination, Nalan Promise really died because of the power of cultivation of darkness. The saints can personally check."

Karin said that she let her body open, revealing the ruthless body of Nalan lying on the ground.

"Ah..." Nalan screamed as she dreamed, turned and slammed into the arms of Dragon One, and the petite body shivered. Nalan is also wearing the sleeves of the dragon one, and her face is pale.

When Long Yi glanced at the body of Nalan's Promise, he couldn't help but frown slightly. His death was terrible. I only saw that his skin was black and cracked in many places. When the muscles were ruptured in the crack, you can see that the blood vessels of the bones are black, and his head is even more miserable, like a sore. Hundreds of holes to break the shoes.

"Father of the Emperor..." Nalan’s tears flowed like a month, and her body was a little soft.

The dragon stunned the two sisters with soft sighs. It seems that Nalan’s probation of this betrayal is to be settled. This kind of horror is a typical phenomenon of the power of darkness, and the re-examination does not help.

Karin looked at Nalan for a month, and some of them couldn't bear to sigh and said: "The saint, if you don't have to check it, then I will purify it."

Nalan trembled like a month and wanted to argue, but was dragged by Long Yi. It is no longer necessary to reach this point.

A soft beam of light illuminates the body of Nalan's Promise, and in a few seconds it turns into a white light that dissipates, and the darkness of the entire palace dissipates.

Karin looked at the dragon with a meaningful look, and re-covered her face with a hood, leading the other four out of Nalan's promise.

Nalan Promise is also called a hero, but unfortunately it was finally destroyed in the hands of his two sons. It is really sad.

Long Yi gave Nalan a month and Nalan’s two sisters to cast a sedative, bringing them back to settle down, and the mood was a bit heavy.

At this time, the sky slowly dimmed. When the dragon remembered the agreement with the few magicians who blocked himself into the city, he left the palace to the branch of Cangyue City.

The restaurant didn't close, but it seemed very deserted. In the past, it was very lively and there was no place at all. Now, except for a few people sitting on the table, the rest are empty.

When the treasurer saw the dragon, his eyes lit up and he smiled and greeted him.

"I have made an appointment with a few magician friends here, they have come." Long asked casually, his hand secretly gestured.

"It turned out to be a friend of the magician adults, please come with me." The treasurer of the shopkeeper bent the back and led the dragon to the stairs.

On the second floor, the shopkeeper still kept on, and led the dragon to the third floor.

The dragon frowned. He clearly felt that the magicians were on the second floor. The third floor was not alive. There was no faint feeling.

Sure enough, from the first floor to the third floor, the treasurer of the shopkeeper took the dragon to a room, set up the enchantment, and took a ritual: "Tianwang 352, see the lesser, the urgent news from Tenglongcheng, please ask the lesser." Said, he took out a seal of embroidery and handed it to Long Yi, which was engraved with a fiery red s.

Long Yi brows, untied the seal and pour out the inside of the note, suddenly changed his look.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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