Womanizing Mage

Chapter 445: Dare to bet

"What do you say? I can't understand. www, qВ5, com" Long Yixiao laughed.

"Less garlic, I have a few hairs on your body. I am clear, how fast do you account for her?" The wood smoked and smiled. He walked to the front of the dragon and held his arm. Two pieces of soft meat were on it. I smashed twice.

The dragon was sweating and squinted: "This is not fair. I have a few hairs on my body. You are so clear, but I don't know how many hairs you have. I will take off and let me count."

Wood smoked the dragon's claws, and gave him a white look. "You don't even say it, the sky is bright, you should go back."

Long smiled and looked at the wall of the wooden smoke, and asked: "What is your relationship with her?"

The wooden smoky scorpion looked at Long Yi and reached out and stroked his face. He said: "Everyone has his own secret. You are no exception. I am the same. If one day I feel that I should tell you, I don't have to ask you if I ask."

Long Yi looked back at the wood with smoke, and smiled. Yes, everyone has their own secrets. Although they have had two loves with woody cigarettes, she really belongs to herself, such a fairy-like woman. Not so easy to catch.

"You can't go back in the end, I have to take a shower and sleep." Woody smoke felt the understanding of Long Yi, and smiled, his eyes slammed into the dragon twice, and he was seduce him.

"Bathing? That feelings are good, how about together?" Long Yixiao smiled, his arms wrapped around, and the wooden waist was tightly wrapped around the waist.

"Let's be together, I am afraid of you." The woody red lips are lightly opened, and the eyes are fascinating. It is the gods who are hard to make themselves in front of such a stunner.

The dragon is swaying. A bathroom that lifted the wooden smoke to the inside.

The leak* was warm and rapid, and the two kissed in the bathroom, and the magic shower on the wall drenched the two.

Long Yi's fingertips removed the wooden cigarette-containing outerwear, leaving only the soaked white underwear. Due to the reason of being soaked, coupled with the stimulation of the **, the blush on the chest of the wooden cigarette swelled out at two points, and it was tempting. The lower body is the same white panties, almost transparent, a black shadow between the legs looming, the shape of the valley is outlined.

The dragon squinted over the soaked underwear through the soaked underwear. I looked up and smiled at the wood.

"What do you laugh at, hate." On the little brother of Long Yi’s first chest, he squeezed a hand.

"I wonder if you and the fairy will be really two sisters. She looks noble and looks from the outside. But wearing black lingerie is definitely a woman who is sullen. And you look so hooked, It’s a perfect match for wearing the purest color, oh...” After the dragon’s words were finished, the little brother’s eggs were pinched by wood.

"I still said that it is not cheap. What underwear she wears is seen by you. You also said that she is noble and unspeakable. Is consciousness that I can play with anyone?" Wood smoked and looked at Longyi with anger, if he answered If you are not satisfied, you will be stuck.

The dragon bitter face. Asking for mercy: "I heard you wrong. I said that she looks noble. In fact, she is a woman who wants to be dissatisfied. And although you seem to be hooked, I know that your heart is the purest."

After the wood smoked, I let go of it and it was awkward.

"What's wrong?" Long Yi saw that the wood was somewhat different, and he couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong? It's really annoying. Just after people's feelings come to you, they stop." Woody smoke returned to God, and he grabbed Longyi's neck and kissed him.

Long Yi can't disappoint the beautiful woman, and the hot kiss will push the wooden cigarette back to the magic mirror in the bathroom.

"What do you want to do?" Woody cigarettes turned back and looked at the white dragon.

"Of course, I want to do it, pick up your little buttocks." Long Yi patted the wooden buttocks on the buttocks, and the rounded perfect curve made him obsessed.

The woody smoke is as silky as the eyes, and the expression on the partial face is shy and sly. Obediently, the buttocks are raised high, and the lower lip is smacked. "When you want to do it quickly, who is afraid of you."

The dragon breathed a stagnation, and the black scorpion was deep and deep, and he gasped and rushed up...


The sky is already bright, and after the leak, the dragon and the wooden smoke are in the bath tub full of petals, and the love is so delicious that the lingering charm will not be scattered for a long time.

Long Yi unconsciously sneaked at the slippery and sturdy smoky wood, half-closed eyes, he had many things to understand, and he knew that the answer was in the hands of the people in the arms, but she said everyone With all your secrets, all the words are stuck in the throat.

"Yu, do you want to put Nalan in the palm of your hand?" The woody cigarette suddenly said with a soft voice.

The dragon and the pair of scorpions slammed open, and a woman with a good light and a good woman was able to be guessed by her.

"Do not blame me, such a big piece of fat meat does not believe that you are not tempted, the proud moon empire is destroyed, the Nalan empire will fall into your hand indirectly, and this world will be your Ximen family." Wood said.

"There is this idea, but the Nalan empire is so deep, one you, one fairy, and the bright church and the dark church come in to confuse the water. Even if I have this idea, it will not be reached." The smoke stood upright and pinched.

The wood contained a cigarette and said: "Don't make it bad, I can help you with this matter."

Dragon one by one, wondering: "Do you help me?"

"Why use this tone, I told you before in Tenglong City, maybe I will help you." Wood is not full of smoke.

"But why?" Long Yi frowned, a fairy who supported Naran, a Rafael to support Nalanwu, but what role does wood smoke play in it?

"Afraid me to harm you? Then you dare to gamble this." Woody smoke in the tub flipped to face the dragon one, sticking out the fibrous jade finger hooked the dragon one underground.

The dragon licked his mouth and grabbed the wooden cigarette. The hand slammed his tongue and smiled. "Bet, why not gamble, but, are you sure you can say that the fairy and Rafal?"

"I said that I can do it naturally, you wait and see, but if you lose, you can't rely on me." Woody smoke smiles, fox-like taste.

"Not afraid of you, I am afraid that you will rely on me." Long smiled.

"Why, you are scared, maybe I really want to live with you forever." Wood smoked and giggled.

Long Yi looked at the bright outside, remembering that Nalan and the Nalan are waiting for him, they gently pushed the woody smoke away and got up from the tub.

Wood smoke still lazily leaned on the tub, watching Long Yi dress, who said that only to see the beauty dress is to enjoy, for the beauty to see their favorite men dress is also a kind of enjoyment.

"Go away." Long Yi gave a kiss to the wooden smoke.

The woody smoke blew the red lips and snorted. Looking at the figure of Long Yi disappeared into the bathroom, it looked like pleasure. Suddenly, she giggled and held the petals up and looked up at the petals. The crystal clear water drops, and the look becomes very weird.

Long Yi plunged into the palace of Nalan’s moon from the balcony. Before he could stand still, the two delicate bodies of the fragrant incense were put into his arms.

"French, you are all right." Nalan looked up like a month, with tears in her eyes, and groping her hand on the cheek body of the dragon, for fear that he had something.

"Sister, I was scared to death with my sister last night, but I knew you would be fine." Nalan dreamed of two dark circles, happy to say.

There is something awkward in the heart of the dragon. When I wake up, I should come back. I know that the two women will worry.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Long took a picture of the two women's heads.

Nalan dreamed of a yawn, holding the dragon's bear's waist and swearing: "Sister, I haven't slept well, you hold me and let me sleep for a while."

The dragon sat on the sofa with Nalan as a dream, and Nalan leaned on his shoulder as if it were a month.

"French, don't scare me any more, I am only like you, and if you have an accident, I will die." Nalan muttered like a moon, and now Dragon One is her only spiritual pillar.

"No, don't you know that the bad guys have been in the millennium? I am so good and bad guys will be so easy to die." Long smiled, trying to dilute the sadness of Nalan's heart.

Nalan sneered a month and said: "Which people say that they are bad guys, they are so confident."

"In addition to some heinous people, in fact, there are no obvious boundaries between good and bad people. Many people just want to survive. You should know that it is not easy to survive in this troubled world." Long said softly.

Nalan nodded like a month and suddenly asked: "Frank, what should we do next?"

Long Yi indulged in a moment, opened his thoughts to tell her, and clearly stated his intentions. If the Nalan Empire was elected by Nalan, the last ten will fall into the hands of the Ximen family.

Nalan was silent for a long time, and began to say: "As long as the husband wants it, then do it as a month."

The dragon was somewhat intolerant. After all, the Nalan empire was her father, and she was the princess of this empire. She had a strong sense of belonging to the country, so she told her directly to let her renew her position in order to control the country. It seems very ruthless.

After seeing through the idea of ​​Long Yi, Nalan smiled and sneaked at the dragon and said: "Frather, did you premeditated? At that time, our agreement was everything except me. It’s all for you. If I am a female emperor, the whole country will be owned by you according to the agreement.”

When Long Yi still wants to say something, Nalan has put **** on his lips like a month, seriously: "I don't have to worry about it, I am willing, I believe that the Nalan Empire will give you, will make the Empire The people are happier."

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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