Womanizing Mage

Chapter 450: Ambush orc

"Sister Sibi, do you want us to go to Cangyue City to find the husband?" Long Linger squatted in bed and asked Sibi. Now the Nalan empire is in trouble. They already know that Longyi is in the city of Cangyue. . Www. QΒ5, com\\\\

Sibi thought about it and shook his head. "It's still not necessary. At this time, there must be a lot of things to be dealt with in the city of Cangyue. We can't help anything. It's better to stay in the unparalleled camp and do our part."

"Yeah, let's stay, wait for the second brother to deal with the things over there. There will be so many wounded soldiers in the army who need help. There are not enough people. You can save one more." Hate is attached, her task is mainly to rescue the injured soldiers with bright magic, these days won the respect of all soldiers, let her feel the value of their existence for the first time.

Since Sibi and Ximen did not hate to agree to stay, Long Linger and Linna are no longer opposed, although they know that it is never possible to command the Qianjun Wanmaolong to fight the world like Beitangyu. But at the very least, I can do my part. Long Linger is a fierce magician and has reached the peak of the realm of the magician. She and Linna generally need only one opportunity to step into the magician. Realm. The addition of two such powerful magicians is undoubtedly making the unparalleled battalion even more powerful. The powerful attack power of fire magic is not a joke.

At this moment, Beitang Yu is concentrating on the Chinese army's big account and squatting back and forth. The situation is not optimistic now. Although he has already captured the second defensive line of Yates Anna, the Nalan Empire two. The legion has already shown a state of instability in the military. Once the last defensive line is not available in a short time, the consequences are really unimaginable.

"There are assassins, protecting the generals." At this time. There was a burst of rumors outside her account, and her Chinese army account was immediately surrounded by her guards to avoid accidents.

"What happened?" Beitang Yu Yu opened the curtain door and asked quietly.

"Returning to the general. Found an assassin sneak into the camp, touched the chain reaction magic array, but the assassin is too fast to catch, the brothers are searching." Bei Tang Yu's pro-captain replied.

This captain’s words have just finished. Suddenly a gust of wind hit, flying sand and stone, the line of sight was blurred.

"Fast, protect the general." The captain of the pro-military hurriedly shouted, but I still don't know that the assassin made the trick.

The north hall feathers flashed in the cold. In the hands of the giant sword lightning strayed behind him, the original assassin actually unknowingly plundered into the big account.

A green shadow flashed lightly. Yu Beitang Yu stood outside the ten steps, and at this time the pro-teams rushed in.

"Let them go out. I am not malicious." The assassin was covered in a large cyan cloak. The sound is soft and should be a woman.

"Why do I believe in you?" Bei Tang Yu said faintly.

"Just rely on this, don't you know?" The assassin extended a white tender hand from the cloak, holding a diamond-shaped token in his hand.

Bei Tang Yu's expression eased a bit, and made a gesture to let her pro-brothers quit. This person's hand is a secret of the Skynet, only the top of the Skynet intelligence agency.

"I don't know what is going on with you?" asked Beitang Yu.

"About 300,000 orc army is entering the northern border of the Aurora Empire from the Hengduan Mountains. It should be around to the back of you." Qingying still said in a soft voice.

Beitang Yu’s heart was shocked. Stride to the military map hanging in the military account, and the sights are swept away. I don't feel a cold sweat. If it is true that the orc army will wrap the dumplings around the rear of the two-nation coalition forces, the consequences are really not what she can afford.

"You should be prepared, the Orc army should be almost at the Aojin border. In order to avoid being discovered. I think they should march at night. I said this is the place, you can fix it yourself." For a light breeze disappeared into the big account of the Chinese army.

Beitang Yu looked at the military map and had not looked away for a long time.

The blue shadows skyrocketed and disappeared into the misty clouds. When they slammed, the blue shadows put away the big cloak on the body, and a pair of white wings appeared in the air. Slightly fanned and floated in the air.

The impressive green hair (computer novel network) short hair and the scorpion that shines like an emerald have already explained her identity. Ou Yala, the Witched Witched Sorcerer, of course, is now also the position of the winged patriarch.

Ou Yala breathed a sigh of relief. The **** **** figure stretched out a lazy waist, and then a small hand waved, a crystal clear rose ice flower appeared in the hand, the flower has a faint hazy mist, and it is beautiful.

"It's really beautiful, but it will still melt someday." Ou Yala's green voice was a little confusing, and the face of smirk was once again in her mind.


On the 13th of July, the sky was dark and dark, and there was no trace of breeze. The hot weather could really make people crazy. If you can, you would rather not get in the water.

At this time, the proud moon empire is located below a small hill outside the broad jungle of the Yates Anna defensive line. The north hall is covered with a black light helmet, and the surrounding movement is watched by the faint starlight. Then around the four children of Long Linger.

"General General Beitang, the army of the Orcs will really come from this jungle from the road that is so far away?" Linna asked softly.

Bei Tang Yu looked at Lina with a faint look and said: "There is no ten percent confidence."

Linna snorted. Without the 10% confidence, the officers will be pulled here to lurk. It is necessary to know that the woods are dense and the mosquitoes are catching a lot, and because the orc army has a strong sense of smell, the soldiers They didn't have anti-insect medicinal juice on their bodies. They didn't know what was bitten by mosquitoes, but they didn't have a snoring, even if their fingers didn't move, and they had been in this position for a few hours, she looked Very unbearable.

Beitang Yu listened very well, but I heard Linna’s dissatisfaction, but she did not explain it because it was not necessary. As a famous soldier who grew up in the war, she knows that a carelessness may cause the army to fall into a land of annihilation, but caution does not mean timidity, just take the attack of the orc race, as long as there are five If she is above the level, she should act, otherwise it will be too late.

The Orc Army’s marching army is trying to hide people’s eyes and ears. If you follow the usual route, the terrain before entering Yates Anna is an endless open plain. It is impossible for the orc family 300,000 troops to hide. It has been observed for a long time. It is the two routes that the orc family may take. One is the narrow valley in the east, which is the jungle in the west.

The narrow valleys in the east are rugged and difficult to walk on both sides. Once ambushed, it is the end of the army. The jungle is much safer and has a large area of ​​wood cover. Even if it is ambushed, it can organize effective confrontation. Once the jungle is successfully formed, it can rush to march for a hundred miles, and the United States and the United States will attack the two countries. Therefore, Beitangyu chose to set up large units here, while the eastern narrow valley stayed behind several reconnaissance teams. Even if the orc army really rushes from the east, she has a way to make up.

Unconsciously, most of the night passed, and one more sound came from the sound of the insects, indicating that nothing happened.

Bei Tang Yu looked at the sky, at this time only two or three hours away from the dawn, once dawn, a large area of ​​lurking army will be easy to find.

In the past ten minutes and a second, Beitang Yu was still as steady as ever, and did not show the slightest impatience. Although her heart was a little embarrassed, as a military lord, her performance directly affected the performance of the soldiers below. So even if the sky is about to fall, she must face it.

Only one hour left from dawn, suddenly, a few strange weird sounds sounded with a strange rhythm. The shape of Beitangyu was quite straight, and the choice was not wrong.

The sound of rustling is far and near, and that is the voice of the Orc army stepping on the branches of grass.

Beitang Yu listened carefully (the computer novel station http://) came back with the signal from the woods. Suddenly his arm swung in one fell swoop and said: "Nan Gongyi, put the signal, ordered the attack."

Several magical signal flares rushed to the sky, and the lurking soldiers pulled down the organs installed in the jungle at the same time. Bei Tang Yu knows that it is not advisable to have a hard touch with the orc family. The human body is much worse than the orc family in the congenital world. Only the long and short attack is the best policy.

When the organ moved, the arrow hanging on the branch and the trap buried on the ground began to function. The screams of the orc army were one after another, and they suddenly became a mess.

"The magician is ready." Beitang Yu saw that the orc family had stabilized their positions and began to build a copper wall with a shield or the like. It was not of much use.

The sorcerer's sorcerer's battalion was in place, and the earth magician built a thick, thick stone wall outside the jungle, while the water magician was reinforced with ice, and the fire magician began to use it. A large area of ​​fire magic casts into the jungle, igniting explosives and combustion aids that have already been buried.

"Oh, it’s a pity that there is no wind tonight, or else..." Beitang Yu stood up from the mound and looked at the jungle that had become a sea of ​​fire. He sighed. If there is wind, it will definitely cause casualties of the orcs. Half more than that.

It’s just that the North Hall’s feathers haven’t finished yet. The wind suddenly blows up the wind, the wind helps the fire, the fire spreads in an instant, the fire shines on the sky, and the jungle has become a human purgatory.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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