Womanizing Mage

Chapter 453: Purple gold soul stone

With a bang, the death sickle draws a **** light and lightning strikes the dragon youth.

The dragon youth was originally severely injured by the dragon. It has not fully recovered. At this time, it was attacked by the strong death of the dragon. The dodge was too late. He quickly lifted his left arm and formed a small arm. The golden light wall resisted the attack of Long Er.

A muffled sound, the dragon youth was knocked out and flew out, and the golden light on the arm was disillusioned like a mirror.

"Well, the dragon scales armor stolen from the old man was broken again." The dragon youth climbed up and cried.

At this time, Long Er was obsessed with the death slashing knife and approached two steps. The dragon youth suddenly turned and ran away. A flashing body turned into a dragon shape and slammed into the sky. Not forgetting to turn around and saying: "I will come back to revenge."

The task of Long Er is to protect Long Yi. Since the danger has already gone, he will return to the side of the dragon. He will sit down and look at the sleeping dragon with the eyes of the red mans.

As the night falls, the stars of the sky flash above the night of the ink, and they shine with each other, which is extremely beautiful.

At this time, the shore of the desert island suddenly drilled three heads, one with blond hair and the other two with blue hair.

"Aunt Bifei, I feel it, the young master is on the island." The glass side turned over and said to the very mature and beautiful woman around.

"Then go up, this is a desert island, there should be no other human beings." Bifei said, the figure jumped out of the water, and the top of the fishtail stood up on the ground, only looking at the curve of the upper body. That is the ultimate thing.

The glass and the maid Xiaomi followed the shore. The three mermaids writhed their tail fins forward, and the speed was not slow.

"The young master is there. But how is this heavy darkness?" He took a long walk. The glass said doubtfully.

The three mermaids walked cautiously toward the dragon, looking out from a large stone, and saw this a bit strange. The dragon was lying on the ground, and there were colorful magic lights shining on his body. And Long Er, this seemingly scary dark creature, sat on the ground and looked at Dragon One.

"Don't the young master be hurt by this dark creature?" Maid Xiaomi nervous.

"No, I can feel that the young master has a very close relationship with this dark creature. The relationship between the two should be a contractual relationship, but there seems to be something more," said Liu Li. Because she has a blood relationship with Long Yi, so there is such a saying.

"If that's the case, then let's go," Biffy said.

The mermaid approached the dragon one, and the dragon two squirmed their necks and glanced at them, and then resumed their previous movements. Just as the glass feels his relationship with the dragon, he can also perceive the relationship between the dragon and the glass.

When the sky in the east has a white belly. The colorful magic elements of Dragon One began to converge. Consciousness returned to his mind.

Suddenly, the dragon opened his eyes and fired his eyes. The figure was lifted up like lightning, and his last memory was the arrogant gold dragon. Suddenly, I suddenly fainted because of my pride. If you want to come to the golden dragon, you won’t stop there.

"Hey. How are you here?" The dragon smelled faintly and looked at the three flowery mermaids looking at him with concern. And the dragon around him stood up because of his awakening.

"We haven't returned since I saw you for a long time. I am worried that you will find it." Liu Li smiled happily at the dragon and smiled. The blonde hair was very dazzling in the morning sun, and the dragon was a little bit stunned.

Biffy couldn't stand it anymore. She didn't have a good impression on Long Yi. At this moment, he saw him staring at the glass, and he said: "What about the dragon?"

The dragon shrugged uncomfortably, and from the Bifei dialect, he could hear that they did not save themselves. That should be the second dragon saved him.

"Thank you, Dragon II. It's a big brother." Long didn't look at Buffy when he saw it. He turned his head and took a shot of Long Er's shoulder.

"Big brother is... a good brother of Long Erdi." Long Er mechanically replied. But the red-eyed blinking eyes can feel deep envy.

"Ah...he...he can talk?" The maid Xiaomi exclaimed, and the glass and Buffy were also amazed.

"Crap, don't you talk too?" Long smiled.

"But...but... the young master bullied me." Xiaomi said with a grin.

The dragon smiled. Stick out and pinch the face of Xiaomi. Road: "Again, he is my brother, don't make mistakes in the future, glazed, you are the same."

"Yes. Young master." Glass and millet should have a voice, and Buffy snorted without speaking.

Long Yi naturally will not be compared with Buffy. After all, she is the aunt of glass, how can she be a self, although she is not quite right to herself.

Diving the dragon into the dark dimension space, and the three mermaids with the glass sneak into the sea and return to the body of the Monachna.

After more than a year, I returned to the old place again. Long Yi had a lot of emotions. If it wasn’t for this seabed tour, how can I know that there was such a wonderful world in this mysterious seabed, and the exiled mermaid princess turned out to be himself? The maid is so wonderful.

At this time, the ruined things in the body of Monachna have been restored, and the gold wall is still brilliant, such as the palace in the fairy tale.

The dragon is half lying on a recliner carved by the sea coral. The cool feeling is infiltrated from the skin, making it refreshing. It seems that this thing is not only good-looking, but also has the effect of nourishing the gods.

Xiaomi grabbed his legs from the dragon on a low stool, and the glass squinted at him behind his back. It was a god-like day.

"Glass, you talk about it, how do you call on the dragon?" Long Yi closed his eyes and took a drink of Bifei's heart, which was unwilling to hand over the juice of a green fruit. The green fruit is longer than the green fruit. A peculiar fruit on the bottom of the sea, it is said that it can be used for beauty and beauty, and the effect and the rainbow fruit that is rare in the cross-cutting mountains have a fight.

The glass should be lightly opened and the red lips began to tell that it was not the golden dragon that saw the difference, but for a very rare ore of the sea, the purple gold soul stone, which was ejected when the submarine volcano erupted. An extremely rare type of ore that has been tempered in the depths of the earth's crust for hundreds of millions of years without melting. It contains amazing magical energy. A small piece of thumb can support a large space magical array for more than a decade. It can be seen that the preciousness of this purple gold soul stone.

"Is the purple gold soul stone taken by you or the color dragon?" asked the dragon in one heart.

"In my place, it was originally discovered by me. The dragon actually came to grab my things." Liu Liu said with a small hand, a fist-sized, purple spar with pure energy appeared in her palm .

Long Yi extended his hand to take over the purple gold soul stone, and smashed the weight. According to the glass, this purple gold soul stone is worth the price.

"Right, just now you mentioned the space magic array, do you have a magical array in the city of the sea?" Long Yi asked.

"Of course, there are actually very large ocean cities. Different races have their own sites, which are divided into different urban areas. There are magical arrays connected between large urban areas," said Bifei.

The dragon nodded a little, so it seems that these maritime races are even more proficient than the magical array of humans on the mainland. It is so sad that the magic and magic arrays were originally invented by humans.

"Where did you learn from the magical array of the Ocean City?" Long asked.

"Nature is learned from your human beings, but that was a long time ago, and now our marine family is no longer in contact with the human world." Bifei replied.

When the dragon frowned, he suddenly sat up and took out a book written in strange space from the space ring and handed it to Buffy: "Look at the book, the text inside." do you know?"

Bifei took a look and sighed: "I have seen it, but I don't know it, but some people in the city of the sea know this kind of text, because the books of the magic array traded from humans are used. This kind of text is recorded."

"Is it?" The dragon looked at it with a flash of light. Could it be said that the people who used to go to the mainland tens of thousands of years ago could not use this kind of text, or did they only use the text in the Holy City?

Long Yi knows that the book he brought from the Temple of the Holy City is a huge treasure. Now I know that some people are very excited to know this kind of text, but the city of the ocean is too far away. It is not realistic to go there now. The vast mainland has become like this, and he has no time to walk away.

"Glass, go to your room, I want to listen to you playing the piano." Long Yi did not want anything, he turned over and smiled at the glass.

The glazed face is red, and the eyes are dizzying and the eyes are red and transparent.

"Princess, I haven't listened to you playing the piano for a long time, let's go together." Biffy licked the dragon and looked at the front of the glass.

When the dragon rolled his eyes, he couldn't take the glass. He tried to grasp the point and it was cheaper. How could this woman come over and stir up?

"Glass, then don't play the piano. I feel a little sleepy. It's better to go to sleep with you." Long smiled and smiled at Bifei. The meaning is obvious. If you want to sleep with me, then follow up. Let's go.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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